Enrollments (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: Enrollments

The Enrollments tool displays all current and historical occurrences of a student's enrollment in a district. Fields that are unique to the state of Wisconsin are described below. Fields that are not localized to Wisconsin or do not require unique state-specific data may still require data entry. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments page. 

General Enrollment Information

The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date and reason for the creation or end of the enrollment record.

Screenshot of Wisconin Enrollment Editor.Enrollment Editor




The calendar assigned to the enrollment record.


The schedule assigned to the enrollment record. 



Grade level of enrollment.

Class Rank Exclude

If selected, the student is not included in any class rank calculations.

Start Date

Notes the start date of enrollment at the school. This must be the first day the student began receiving instruction. Dates are entered in mm/dd/yyyy format or by using the calendar icon.

No Show

Option is selected if the student never appeared to being schooling at the appropriate building. This happens if a student is enrolled during spring registration and the student's family moves and is enrolled in a different school.

End Date

Notes the end date of enrollment at the school. This must be the last day the student stopped receiving instruction. Dates are entered in mm/dd/yyyy format or by using the calendar icon.

End Action

Used in processing enrollments for the next school year. Options are:

  • Promote
  • Demote
  • Retain

Service Type

Type of service the student receives.

 Local Start Status 

Lists the local enrollment start code for the student. Start Statuses vary by state.

State Start StatusDisplays the state start status mapped to the assigned local start status. See the Enrollment (System Administration) article for more information. 

Local End Status 

Lists the local enrollment end code for the student. End Statuses vary by state.

State End StatusDisplays the state end status mapped to the assigned local end status. See the Enrollment (System Administration) article for more information.

Start Comments

Lists any comments associated with the start of enrollment.

End Comments

Lists any comments associated with the end of enrollment.

DPSA Calculated Tier
This field is populated by the Direct Post Secondary Admission tool.
DPSA Report Tier
This field is populated by the Direct Post Secondary Admission tool.
Exclude from DPSA Calculation
Marking this checkbox prevents the student from being considered in the Direct Post Secondary Admission program.

State Reporting Fields

The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting.

Screenshot of Wisconsin State Reporting Fields.Wisconsin State Reporting Fields



State Exclude

When marked, the student does not appear on any state reporting extracts.

WISE ExcludeWhen marked, student is not included in Ed-Fi reporting.

PI-1563 Exclude

When marked, student is not reported in the Head Count or Reconciliation Reports.

Grade 13 (CTEERS Only)

Grade level is specific to CTEERS students only. When checked, this value overrides the selected grade level on the General Enrollment level.

CitizenshipIndicates the student's citizenship status.
State Enrollment Type

Indicates the type of enrollment for the purpose of Ed-Fi reporting populations and data sets.

  • C: Coursework Only
  • M: Membership (Outside age req)
  • P: Primary
  • PG: Programs Only
  • PPP: Parentally Placed Private
Choice StudentIndicates the student part of the Choice or Voucher program.
Census Status Selection indicates the student's status of enrollment.
3rd Party Service Provider Selection indicates another party or service group that assists the student in education.
Resident DistrictIndicates the district in which the student resides.
Serving DistrictIndicates the district that provides services to the student.
Non-Resident Reason Indicates why the student is not a resident of the district but is attending school in the district.
Transfer DistrictIndication of where an exiting student is expected to transfer (school district). 
School Override

When this field is populated, the selected school's number reports on state reporting extracts. This field is not reported in any state report. Field can be used for tracking purposes, if desired by the district.

This field is used in schools that use Ed-Fi. Only districts that have an entered Ed-Fi ID are listed here. When populated, the selected school is sent with Ed-Fi resources.

Ed-Fi Transfer School ID
Indication of where an exiting student is expected to transfer (school).
FAPE Responsible School

Indicates which school holds the FAPE Accountability per the IEP or the ISP.

This field was added in the Campus.1709 (February 2017) Release Pack. It was previously located on the Special Education Enrollment Status Editors for IEPs and ISPs.

  • Conversion from locked IEPs and ISPs has been performed to include this field on the enrollment record:
    • If there are multiple enrollments in the district that overlap the IEPs, the FAPE Responsible field is populated on ALL enrollments that overlap the IEP.
    • If there are multiple locked IEPs or ISPs, and only one has the FAPE Responsible School field populated, that record is converted.
    • If there are multiple locked IEPs or ISPs, and multples plans have the FAPE Responsible School field populated, the value on the most recent locked plan is converted (IEPs take precedence over ISPs).
Percent EnrolledTotal percentage of the student's enrollment.
Membership Override This field can be used for tracking membership override, if desired by the district.
Attendance Override This field can be used for tracking attendance override, if desired by the district.
Attendance Override ReasonIndicates the reason for the override. If Membership Override or Attendance Override is entered, an Attendance Override Reason is required.
3rd Friday Count Date Override

Overrides any calculated data for Ed-Fi. Options are:

  • Absent
  • Not Receiving Services
  • Present
Oct 1 Count Date Override

Overrides any calculated data for Ed-Fi. Options are:

  • Absent
  • Not Receiving Services
  • Present
Completed Term Override

Overrides calculated data for Ed-Fi. This field indicates if the student completed the entire term. Options are:

  • True
  • False
3rd Fri of Sept Mem Override
This field is Read-only.

This field is Read-only.

1st Fri of May Mem Ovrd - Milwaukee

This field is Read-only.

Title 1

Indicates if this student has Title 1 Status.

Migrant Indicator

Indicates if the student is considered a migrant.


Indicates whether or not the student is marked as gifted or talented.

ImmigrantIndicates the student is considered an immigrant.
NeglectedSelection indicates student is considered neglected.
Teen Single ParentIndicates the student is a teenage parent.

Disadvantaged - Alt Mechanism

Indicates the student is considered Economically Disadvantaged for the reason of the WI Alternate Mechanism form.

Testing Status Determines the reason a student is not tested. It also affects WSAS scoring and reporting.
Coordinating Early InterventionReports students who have not been identified as students with disabilities under IDEA but who are determined to need additional academic and behavioral supports to succeed in general education. Coordinated Early Intervening Services may be used for students in kindergarten through grade 12, with particular emphasis on students in kindergarten through grade 3.
30 hr Voluntary Grad RegDocuments students who complete service learning or volunteering graduation requirements where locally required.
AdjudicatedIndicates the student is considered delinquent by court judgment.
Corrections PlacementIndicates the student was placed in a correctional facility.
Statewide Assessment Type

Indicates the type of statewide assessment a student is expected to take.

  • G: Generic (default value)
  • A: Alternate

This is used in the Ed-Fi Student Resource.