SMART Student Course Data Extract (New Jersey)

Tool Search: SMART Extracts

The Student Course Data Extract reports one record for each course in which a student has received a final score. Records report based on selections made on the NJ SMART Extract Editor. When a student exits and re-enters the same course, this is treated as two separate records.

Image of the SMART Student Course Data Extract editor.SMART Student Course Data Extract

When the Display Courses with no Final Grade checkbox is marked, students who are not assigned a final outcome/score for the course (based on the report logic below) are included in the report, but the following report fields do not report any data:

  • Credits Earned
  • Numeric Grade
  • Alpha Grade
  • Completion Status

Marking this checkbox allows users to see which students do not have a final score assigned to them.

Report Logic

For a record to report, the following conditions must be met:

  • Course must be active at some point within the report start and end dates.
  • Transcript record for course exists.
  • Course must have a grading task.
  • Student has been assigned a final outcome/score for the course.

A set of course records reports per student where the student was assigned a final outcome or score. A record will report for each transcript record when:

  • GPA Weight field is not blank.
  • Current Score field is not blank.
  • Actual Term falls within the date parameters selected on the extract editor.

Manually added transcript postings will not be reported.

When these records do not exist, the report considers courses with a state-reported grading task set up and value(s) selected for the grading task. Records are reported for each grading task that has a value selected and falls within the date parameters selected on the extract editor.

  • The Current Score field is not blank.
  • The Actual Term falls within the date parameters selected on the extract editor.
  • If a student enters, exits, re-enters, and exits the same course section again, the most recent entry/exit date is used.
  • The Student Section Exit Date cannot be in the future.

Courses marked as State Exclude are not included.

Mark any grading tasks you want to report as State Reported in on the Grading Task. Use the term mask feature on the Grading Tasks at the course level to hide the task for certain terms. 

Elementary School Scenario

  • Report a set of records for courses considered year-long and typically do not receive an official final grade.
  • Standards-based courses may not have transcript records. These courses report based on grading task setup.

Any course with a grading task marked as state reported and a grade is selected reports. This means that if a year long course should only report once, a value should only be selected for a grading task once (regardless of the amount of terms the course runs). Typically, these courses are referred to as before secondary.

Middle and High School Scenario

  • Report a set of transcript records.
  • Course records from the student's Transcript with a score/grade and GPA weight assigned are considered.
  • These records report credit and grading information, which is not expected when a course is before secondary.

Report Editor



Extract Type

Selection determines which extract generates.

Reporting Period Start Date

Date determines the time frame of the extract, reporting only student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen using the calendar icon.

Reporting Period End Date

Entered date determines the time frame of the extract, reporting only that student data as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen using the calendar icon. The end date field is auto-populated with the current date.

Students without state IDs

When marked, students who have not been assigned a state ID will be returned, along with those with a state ID.

Exclude Cross-Site Data
Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
  • Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.
  • Defaults to checked.
Display Courses with No Final Grade

When the Display Courses with no Final Grade checkbox is marked, students who are not assigned a final outcome/score for the course (based on the report logic below) are included in the report, but the following report fields do not report any data:

  • Credits Earned
  • Numeric Grade
  • Alpha Grade
  • Completion Status

Marking this checkbox allows users to see which students do not have a final score assigned to them.

State ExcludeDroplist options include:
  • Exclude State Exclude Enrollments (default)
  • Include State Exclude Enrollments
  • Only State Exclude Enrollments

Ad hoc Filter

When selected, only those students in the filter will be included on the selected SMART extract.


  • HTML
  • CSV format (state format)

Calendar Selection

Selection indicates from where the data is pulled.

Generate Extract

Selection displays the results of the extract immediately. 

Generate the Report

  1. Select SMART Student Course Data from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Reporting Period Start Date.
  3. Enter a Reporting Period End Date.
  4. Mark the Student w/o stateIDs if those students should not appear in the report.
  5. If applicable, mark the Display Courses with No Final Grade checkbox.
  6. Indicate the Format in which the report should be generated.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the desired format. 

Image of the Student Course Data Extract in the CSV State Format.Student Course Data Extract - State Format (CSV)

Image of the Student Course Data Extract in HTML Format.Student Course Data Extract - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data Element



Local Identification Number

A unique number (LID) for each student in the district that is assigned and maintained by the local school district.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > Demographics > Student Number


State Identification Number

A unique number (SID) for each student that is assigned and maintained by the New Jersey Department of Education. 

Numeric,10 characters

Census > Demographics > State ID


First Name

The student's first name

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > Demographics > First Name


Last Name

The student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > Demographics > Last Name


Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Census > Demographics > Birth Date


County Code Assigned

Indicates the New Jersey county where the student is enrolled during the course start and end date.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

System Administration > Resources > Counties > Number


District Code Assigned

Indicates the local education agency in which the student is enrolled during the course start and end date.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


School Code Assigned

Indicates the school where the student is enrolled during the course start and end date.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Section Entry Date

The date the student was assigned to the specific course section.

When a student starts in the course section AFTER the section start date, the student's Start Date reports.

If no start date is available, this field reports the term start date.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Course/Section > Section > Roster Batch Edit > Start Date


Section Exit Date

The date the student exited the specific course section.

Date field, 8 characters (YYYYMMDD)

Course/Section > Section > Roster Batch Edit > End Date


Subject Area

The general content code per the NCES SCED code listing.

Numeric, 3 characters

Course/Section > Course > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area


Course Identifier

NCES assigned course code.

Numeric, 3 characters

Course/Section > Course > NCES Data > SCED Course Identifier


Course Level

Indicates the level of rigor for the course.

See the NCES Data information for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Course/Section > Course > NCES Data > SCED Course Level


Grade Span

Identifies the intended grade span for a prior-to-secondary course. 

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Course/Section > Course > NCES Data > SCED Lowest Grade, SCED Highest Grade

Course.scedLowest Grade

Course.scedHighest Grade

Available Credit

Identifies the number of credits available toward graduation for a student who successfully meets the course objectives.

Range of values - 0.000 to 20.000

Numeric, 6 characters

Course/Section > Section > Grading Task > Grading Task Editor > Credit


Course Sequence

Indicates the course's consecutive sequence interpreted as Part N of M and is reported as NM.

Range of values - 11 to 99

Numeric, 2 characters

Course/Section > Course > NCES Data > SCED Sequence



Local Course Title

Identifies the district's local name for the course.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Course/Section > Course > Name

Local Course Code

Identifies the district's local number for the course.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Course/Section > Course > Number


Local Section Code

Identifies the district's local section number of the course. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Course/Section > Section > Section Number


Credits Earned

Indicates the total number of credits the student received towards graduation upon completing the course. 

Numeric, 6 characters

Student Information > Transcript > Course Editor > Earned


Numeric Grade Earned

Indicates the numeric grade the student received upon completion of the course section.

Optional unless both Alpha Grade Earned and Completion Status are blank.

 If the Current Score is not numeric, it reports blank.

Range of values - 0 to 100

Numeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Transcript > Course Editor > Current Score


Alpha Grade Earned

Indicates the letter grade the student received upon completion of the course section.

Optional unless both Numeric Grade Earned and Completion Status are blank.

If the Current Score is not one of the valid values listed, it reports blank.

Range of values - A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E+, E, E-, F+, F

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Transcript > Course Editor > Current Score


Completion Status

Indicates the student's completion status for the given course.

Optional unless both Alpha Grade Earned and Numeric Grade Earned are blank.

If the Current Score is not one of the valid values listed, it reports blank.

Range of values - P (Pass), F (Fail), W (Withdrawal), I (Incomplete), NG (No grade earned)

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Transcript > Course Editor > Current Score


Course Type

Indicates the type of instructional environment in which a course section occurs. Reported values are based on the teacher assigned to the section level of the course.

Options are:

  • S1: Standard Course Taught by Single Teacher
  • S2: Standard Course Taught by Co-Teachers
  • R: Remote Course Attended by Student Off-Site
  • C: College Level Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Course
  • O: Only Course Taught by Staff Not Assigned to Your District

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Type

Dual InstitutionReports the selected code that indicates the Office of Post-secondary Education Identification value of the college/university where the student is enrolled in the dual enrollment/dual credit course.

Numeric, 8 digits
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Information > OPE ID
