PIMS School Calendar Template (Pennsylvania)

Tool Search: PIMS Extracts

The School Calendar Template identifies each unique calendar associated with a student or group of students. One school calendar can be submitted for multiple schools with the same days in session, the same number of approved Act 80 days, and the same total instructional time.

See the PIMS Reporting article for additional PIMS Reporting information.

Report Logic

The information collected is used to calculate the total days in session and total instructional time for each calendar. The days in session is used to calculate average daily membership (ADM) for students associated with this calendar.

Data is calculated as of the entered Effective Date on the extract editor. 

The days in session on the School Calendar must agree with the days in session to generate attendance and membership.

  • Days in Session = (Number of Scheduled School Days) - (Total Days in Session Lost Due to Strike) - (Total Days in Session Lost due to Act 80) - (Total Days in Session Lost Due to Other Reasons) + (Total Make-Up Days)
  • Total Instructional Time = (Days in Session) x (Instructional Minutes in Standard Day) - (Total Instructional Minutes Due to Planned Shortened Days) 

Generate the School Calendar Template

  1. Select School Calendar Template from the  Extract Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Effective Date of the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  3. Select the Format of the extract.
  4. If desired, mark the Student Days Minutes field.
  5. Select the appropriate Calendar(s) from which to include data on the extract.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, if available. The extract displays in the selected format.

For logic concerning the Student Day Minutes checkbox, see the Instructional Minutes in Standard Day field description below.

Screenshot of the school calendar template HTML format example.School Calendar Template, HTML Format

Report Layout

Element Name


Campus Application

District Code

State District Number

Reports the district number of the reporting school unless there is a different district located in Service District.

Numeric, 9 digits

District Information > State District Number 

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District


School Year Date

End date of the school year

Will report June 30. For 09-10 school year, end date is 2010-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters

Calendar > Terms


Calendar ID

A unique alphanumeric unit used to identify a calendar.

This field reports the value entered in the Calendar ID Override field, if populated. If the Override field is not populated, the value reports from the Calendar ID field.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters*

*Any characters beyond 12 will be removed from the report.

Calendar > Calendar ID Override, Calendar ID



Calendar Description

The combined name of the calendar and schedule structure. (e.g. if the calendar is named 123 and the schedule structure is named 4567, then reports as 123_4567_A)

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

Calendar > Description

Calendar > Schedule Structure > Name









Rotation Pattern Code

Used to identify when part-time programs meet. See Rotation Pattern Code Options table following.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Calendar > Rotation Pattern Code

Custom Calendar


Calendar Programs Code

Provides additional context for calendars created by LEAs for students in certain special situations.

Alphanumeric, 8 characters

Calendar > Program

Custom Calendar

Calendar Start Date

Start date of the calendar.

Date field, 10 characters, YYYY-MM-DD

Calendar > Start Date


Calendar End Date

End date of the calendar

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the Calendar End Date, the Effective Date is used.

Date field, 10 characters, YYYY-MM-DD

Calendar > End Date

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date


Instruction Start Date

The date of the first day of instruction.

Date field, 10 characters, YYYY-MM-DD

Terms > Start Date


Instruction End Date

The date of the last day of instruction.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last day of instruction, the Effective Date is used.

Date field, 10 characters, YYYY-MM-DD

Terms > End Date

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date


Graduation Ceremony Date

The date of seniors' graduation ceremony.

Date field, 10 characters, YYYY-MM-DD

Calendar > Graduation Ceremony Date

Custom Calendar

Number of Scheduled School Days

The number of instructional days in the original calendar.

This number counts any day that has a day even of type A plus days marked as Instructional. 

Dates have to fall within (on or between) the calendar start and end date.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Days > Instructional Days

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Instructional Minutes in Standard Day

If the Student Day Minutes checkbox is marked on the extract editor, reports the value for Instructional Minutes from Student Day (Instructional Minutes).

If the Student Day Minutes checkbox is NOT marked, reports the period schedule Instructional Minutes.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Student Day (Instructional Minutes)

Periods > PeriodSchedule Info > Instructional Minutes

Calculated, data not stored

Total Days in Session Lost Due to Strike

The number of instructional days lost due to dayEvent.type = B: workstoppage.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Days > Day Event

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Total Days in Session Lost Due to Act 80

The number of instructional days lost due to dayEvent.type = A:  PDE-approved full-day Act 80 dismissals.

The dates of the Act 80 days must fall within (on or between) the selected calendar start and end dates.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Days > Day Event

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Total Days in Session Lost Due to Other

The number of instructional days lost due to dayEvent.type = SI: Inclement Weather.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Days > Day Event Inclement Weather

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Total Makeup Days

The number of instructional days made up within or beyond the original calendar. The total days where dayEvent.type = D: Make-up day.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Days > Day Event > Make up Day

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Total Instructional Minutes Lost to Planned Shortened Days and PDE Emergency Waiver

The number of actual instructional minutes lost due to dayEvent.type = E: early dismissals or F: late starts for Act 80 and other planned shortened days.

If the entered Effective Date on the Extract Editor is BEFORE the last calendar day, the Effective Date is used.

Numeric, 3 digits

Calendar > Days > Day Event > Act 80 Early Dismissal OR Other Early Dismissal

PIMS Extracts > Effective Date

Calculated, data not stored

Act 80 Group

Numeric and/or alphabetic label used to link a specific School Calendar to a particular Act 80 approval.

This field is required if the Total Days in Session Lost Due to Act 80 field is populated.

A Calendar Day Event with ACT 80 must be set in order for this value to report.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

Calendar > Act 80 Group


Rotation Pattern Code Options




One week


Two week


Three week


Nine week


Alternate day


Half day





Previous Versions

PIMS School Calendar Template (Pennsylvania) [.2231 and previous]