Scheduling Components (Idaho)

Tool Search: Scheduling

The Course, Section, and Roster Batch Edit tabs all contain fields that are specific to the state of Idaho. These fields can be used for district-tracking purposes or these fields may directly affect state reporting. The information below further defines these state-specific fields to provide guidance in entering data.

See the core Course Information and Section Information articles for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Course/Section information.

If your district uses Course Masters, the same fields display on the Course Master editor and Course editor.

The Course and Section editors have duplicate fields, e.g., Intended Grade Level. The Course editor fields apply to all of the Sections of the course and should be populated when all of the Sections are identical. 

The Section editor fields only need to be populated if a particular section needs to report differently than the Course. Perhaps one section is for a particular group of students only and there are separate codes used for that group. In this situation, the field(s) should be populated at the Section level. 

Reports use the values on the Section editor first, if populated; if not populated, the values from the Course editor report. 

Course Information Fields

The Course Information editor contains information about courses attached to the selected calendar or school. Many of the Course fields are unique to the state of Idaho. These fields are further described below.  All other fields in Course tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. 

Screenshot of the Course Information tool. Course Information Editor

Course Name

Reports the name of the course.

This value reports as part of the Section Alias value on the reports listed below, which is a concatenated value of the Course Name and the Section Number.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.courseName

Course > Section Information >sectionInfo.sectionNumber


State Code

A coded value representing a state-level Course Group. Course Group State is defined as a state-level coding structure used to group a number of local-level course descriptions by major subject areas (e.g., English/Language Arts, Mathematics, etc.) or to indicate individual-level courses.

A course MUST have a State Code in order to report on the Student Course Enrollment Extract.

When the State Code field is not populated, the course does not report on the Student Course Enrollment extract. This might be the practice for courses where attendance is not taken (in elementary AM/PM courses, for example) or in Homeroom courses where attendance is taken but districts do not want to report those courses on the extract.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.stateCode

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.courseMasterStateCode


Instructional Setting

The typical instructional setting for this course or section. This field also displays on the Section editor.

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DADistance Learning (ALL Students)
DSDistance Learning (Some Students)
ESSheltered English Classroom
NCNight/Evening Class
RCRegular Classroom
RRResource Room
SCSelf-Contained Classroom

Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.instructionalSetting

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.instructionalSetting


Course Master Schedule (ISEE Extracts)

Intended Grade Level

Indicates the intended grade level of the for students taking the selected course. This field also displays on the Section editor. 

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Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.intendedGrade

Course > Course Information > Custom Section > customSection.intendedGrade


Course Master Schedule (ISEE Extracts)

Provider School

The institution providing instruction of a non-regular course (virtual or distance learning). This field also displays on the Section editor as Provider School Override.

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Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerSchool

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerSchoolOverride


Course Master Schedule (ISEE Extracts)

Provider School Name Host School

The institution providing instruction of a non-regular course (virtual or distance learning). This field is populated when the Provider School field selection is 9999 or 0999. This field also displays on the Section editor as Provider School Name Override.

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Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerSchoolName

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerSchoolNameOverride


Provider Instructor

Lists the state identification number of the staff person leading the online course. This staff person is NOT employed by the district. This field also displays on the Section editor as Provider Instructor ID Override.

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Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerID

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerIDOverride


Course Master Schedule (ISEE Extracts)

Provider Instructor Name

Lists the name of the staff person leading the online course. This staff person is NOT employed by the district. This field also displays on the Section editor as Provider Instructor Name Override.

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Database Location:



Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.providerDisplay

Course > Section Information > sectionInfo.providerDisplayOverride


Course Master Schedule (ISEE Extracts)

Dual Credit Indicator

Indicates the student may receive both high school and college credit for successful completion of the course. Additional Dual Credit checkboxes exist on the Roster Batch Edit tool and the Walk-In Scheduler, which are also used in report logic.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.dualCredit


Student Course Enrollment

College Credits

Indicates the number of post-secondary credits assigned to the course. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.collegeCourseCredit


Student Course Enrollment


Indicates the course is qualified for students scheduled into its course section(s) to take the Idaho State Assessment Test in Math.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.isatMath


Not reported

ISAT Science

Indicates the course is qualified for students scheduled into its course section(s) to take the Idaho State Assessment Test in Science.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.isatScience


Not reported

ISAT Reading

Indicates the course is qualified for students scheduled into its course section(s) to take the Idaho State Assessment Test in Reading.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.isatReading


Not reported

ISAT Language

Indicates the course is qualified for students scheduled into its course section(s) to take the Idaho State Assessment Test in Language.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Custom Course > customCourse.isatLanguage


Not reported

Course Section Fields

The Course Sections tool lists all sections for the selected course and basic identifying information about that section - the assigned primary teacher, where the section meets, in what term and for what period, and how many students are in each section. Click the Edit link to display information about that section. 

Two-part screenshot highlighting the Edit button in the Course Sections list and showing the Section Information tool that displays. Course Section Editor

Section Number

Reports the number of the Course Section.

This value reports as part of the Section Alias value on the reports listed below, which is a concatenated value of the Course Name and the Section Number.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > courseInfo.courseName

Course > Section Information >sectionInfo.sectionNumber



Indicates the structure and environment of the course - how student work is expected to be completed and the student's interaction with a teacher or other certificated staff person.

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RRegular Class
IIndependent Study
VILDA/Virtual/Distance Course
CCorrespondence Course
OOff Site

Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Section Information > Custom Section > customSection.courseType


Credit Recovery

Identifies a section as credit recovery where student enroll in an attempt to receive credit for a previously failed or incomplete course credit.

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Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Course > Course Information > Section Information > sectionInfo.creditRecovery


Student Course Enrollment

Section Roster Batch Edit Fields

The Roster Batch Edit tool provides a way to mass update the existing roster for the selected course section. A school administrator or counselor can change the existing roster for the section, determining the credit the student receives for the course and whether or not the student will need to repeat the course.

Screenshot of the Section Roster Batch Edit tool. Section Roster Batch Edit

Start Date

Lists the first date the student was scheduled into the course section. This is the same date that displays on the Walk-In Scheduler. This field may be blank if the student was enrolled in the section on the first day of the term.

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Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Not available


Student Course Enrollment

End Date

Lists the last date the student was scheduled into the course section. This is the same date that displays on the Walk-In Scheduler. This field may be blank if the student was enrolled in the section for the entire term.

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Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Not available


Student Course Enrollment

Exit Reason

The reason the student exited the Course Section. Logic for each option as reported on the Student Course Enrollment Extract is included below.

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CodeDescriptionAdditional Logic
CFContent Complete - Full Credit

Reports when:

  • CF is selected in Course Exit Reason, OR
  • Course Exit Reason is null/blank and the student has a passing final grade that is either in a Grading Task marked as State Reported or is posted to the Transcript. When the grade is posted to the Transcript, Credits Offered must be less than or equal to Credits Earned.
CPContent Complete - Partial Credit

Reports when:

  • CP is selected in Course Exit Reason, OR
  • Course Exit Reason is null/blank and the student has a passing final grade posted to the Transcript where Credits Offered is greater than Credits Earned. 

Note: this option cannot report when the passing final grade is NOT posted to the Transcript.

CNContent Complete - No Credit

Reports when:

  • CN is selected in Course Exit Reason, OR
  • Course Exit Reason is null/blank and the student's grade is not indicated as passing, OR
  • The student's final grade is posted to the Transcript and is indicated as passing, but Credits Offered or Credits Earned is 0.
LSLeft School

Reports when:

  • LS is selected in Course Exit Reason OR
  • If an Exit Reason is not supported, an Exit Date reports, and the student does NOT have a final grade that is either in a Grading Task marked as State Reported or has been posted to the Transcript.

SCSchedule ChangeReports only when SC is selected in Course Exit Reason.

Reports when:

  • Exit Date reports as null/blank
  • The student completes the class but does NOT have a grade entered that is either in a Grading Task marked as State Reported or posted to the Transcript. 
  • The record is not the student's last roster entry for the section (if multiple records are reported for the student and an Exit Reason is not selected for this record).

Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Not available


Student Course Enrollment

Credit Recovery

Identifies students who have re-enrolled in the Course Section in an attempt to receive credit for a previously failed or incomplete course credit.

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Database Location: 


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Not available


Student Course Enrollment