FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters (Kentucky)

Tool Search: FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters

The FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters extract provides student-level detailed information about using FRYSC individual interventions in a given district. 

Screenshot of the FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters report editor. FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters Editor

Report Logic

  • Only students who participated in an FRYSC individual intervention within the FRYSC center, calendar, or Intervention Category and Date Range entered on the extract editor are included. 
  • Reported data is limited to data from FRYSC Centers in calendars for which the user has Calendar Rights to access.
  • When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display. This checkbox defaults to marked.

Generate the Extract

  1. Enter the Date Range. Only FRYSC Individual Interventions and Group Programs active within the date range entered are reported.
  2. Select a Report Option:
    • FRYSC: The report only includes students with an FRYSC individual intervention in the selected FRYSC center(s).
    • Calendar: The report only includes students with an FRYSC individual intervention in the selected calendar(s).
    • Intervention Category: The report only includes students with an FRYSC individual intervention in the selected Intervention Categories.
  3. When applicable, mark the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox. This checkbox defaults to marked. When marked, the report does not include cross-site homeroom data. Cross-site must be enabled at the district level for this checkbox to display.
  4. Select which data is included in the report:
    1. Select a FRYSC Center(s) if the FRYSC Report Option is selected
    2. Select a Calendar(s) if the Calendar Report Option is selected.
    3. Select an Intervention Category if the Intervention Category Report Option is selected.
  5. Filter data by selecting an Ad hoc Filter (optional).
  6. Select how the report will be generated: 
    • Generate Report: The report generates immediately and displays in a new window in the designated format.
    • Submit to Batch: The report can be scheduled for when it generates and is sent to the Batch Queue tool.

Understand the Report

Reported data is limited to data from FRYSC Centers in calendars for which the user has Calendar Rights to access.

See the following sections for more information about each part of the FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters report: 

Header Elements

Screenshot of an example of the extract header. Report Header Example

Data Element Description Location
County The name of the county associated with the FRYSC data being reported. District Information > County

FRYSC Center The name of the FRYSC Center associated with the data being reported. School Information >  FRYSC Center

School. FRYSCServiceCenterCode


Calendar Name The name of the calendar reporting data on the page being viewed.  N/A
Date Generated A timestamp of when the report was generated. N/A
Intervention Category Displays the name of the Intervention Category associated with the data being reported. Core Attribute/Dictionary > FRYSCStatusKY > II – (Intervention Category)
Date Range The date range of information included in the report. This date range is determined by the dates entered in the Date Range field on the report editor. FRYSC Individual Intervention Rosters > Date Range
Page Number Display the current page and total pages in the report. N/A

Report Data

Screenshot of an example of the extract.Report Data Example

Data Element


Campus Application

InterventionCategory The name of the Intervention Category associated with the data being reported. Core Attribute/Dictionary > FRYSCStatusKY > II – (Intervention Category)
Intervention Type The name of the Intervention Type associated with the data being reported.
Intervention data is reported in the following order:
  1. AT01: 0-5 Days
  2. AT02: 6-10 Days Absent
  3. AT03: 10+ Days Absent
  4. AT04: Tardies
  5. AT05: Truancy Diversion Program
  6. AT06: Other Attendance Intervention
Core Attribute/Dictionary > FRYSCStatusKY > II – (Intervention Category) > Code within the category
Student The name of the student enrolled in the specified intervention category/type. Demographics > Last Name, First Name



Gender The gender of the reporting student. Demographics > Gender


Describes the race ethnicity of the reporting student. Values are reported as follows:

  • 01 – displays as: Hispanic/Latino
  • 02 – displays as: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • 03 – displays as: Asian
  • 04 – displays as: Black or African American
  • 05 – displays as: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • 06 – displays as: White
  • 07 – displays as: Two or more races
Demographics > Race Ethnicity > State Race Ethnicity


The student's state grade level.

Logic reports the student's state grade level value from the intervention detail record.

FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Enrollment

The name of the student's homeroom teacher.

Logic reports the last name of the Primary Teacher for sections associated with courses marked as 'Homeroom.'

Course > Homeroom

Intervention is for Student Indicates if the intervention is/was for the student. If true, an X is displayed. FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Intervention is for: Student checkbox

Intervention is for Parent Indicates if the intervention is/was for the student's parent(s). If true, an X is displayed. FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Intervention is for: Parent checkbox

Intervention Reports when the individual intervention occurred. Logic reports the date as the date range between the start and end date of the intervention.  FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Start Date, End Date

Individual Intervention Aggregate Totals

Screenshot of an example of the Aggregate Totals section.Aggregate Totals Example

Data Element



Duplicated Students

Reports a count of all active individual intervention records for the specified category/type in the specified period.

The logic is as follows:

  • Individual Intervention must be active during the time period specified in the extract editor
  • Individual Intervention must be of the specified type.
  • “Intervention is for: Students” must be selected
  • Count once for each intervention record (a student may be counted more than once if they have more than one intervention record).
FRYSC > Individual Intervention

Unduplicated Students

Reports a count of all students with at least one active individual intervention in the specified category/type for the specified period.

The logic is as follows:

  • Individual Intervention must be active during the time period specified in the extract editor.
  • Individual Intervention must be of the specified type.
  • “Intervention is for: Students” must be selected
  • Students only count once regardless of how many interventions they may have.
FRYSC > Individual Intervention

Duplicated Parents

Reports a count of all active individual intervention records in the specified category/type for the specified period where Intervention was for the Parent.

The logic is as follows:

  • Individual Intervention must be active during the time period specified in the extract editor.
  • Individual Intervention must be of the specified type.
  • “Intervention is for: Parent” is selected.
  • Count once for each intervention record (a student may be counted more than once if they have more than one intervention record).
FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Intervention is for: Parent

Unduplicated Parents

Reports a count of all students with at least one active individual intervention in the specified category/type for the specified period where Intervention was for the Parent.

The logic is as follows:

  • Individual Intervention must be active during the time period specified in the extract editor.
  • Individual Intervention must be of the specified type.
  • “Intervention is for: Parent” is selected.
  • Students only count once, regardless of how many interventions they may have.
FRYSC > Individual Intervention > Intervention is for: Parent
