Student Special Education Program Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

Reports the Special Education data for a student.

Note: For information on utilizing the Amend functionality to end an IEP when a student exits Special Education, please refer to Appendix A below.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an IEP is created and locked.

  • IEP must overlap the enrollment.
  • Report a record based on the student's enrollment type:
    1. State Enrollment Type = P: Primary
    2. Enrollment Service Type = P: Primary
    3. Enrollment Service Type = N: Special Ed
  • If student has Service Type = S: Partial, do not report a record.
  • If Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice OR Choice + Private Opt In, do not send a record.
  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude.
    • If a higher ordered enrollment is excluded, report from the next in order of Service Type.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude or Summer School or if the calendar is in a School marked Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if the Special Ed Status = No in the IEP.
  • Post a record for each unique, locked IEP with all data fields reporting from the same IEP.
  • Do not send a record if the student is under 3 years old until their 3rd birth date has passed.
  • Do not send additional records after the SSEPA ended by a SPED Exit Date.

  • The Sped Exit Date must be within the IEP start and End dates to suppress further records driven around that IEP.

Post a new record when a new enrollment record is created based on the following:

  • When an IEP overlaps multiple school years, a new SSEPA record should be created in the 2nd year with the Begin Date being the enrollment start date.
  • When the enrollment sending the record is ended and a new enrollment is added and the same IEP is being used, the student will get a new record with the begin date being the enrollment start date.
  • When Multiple IEPs overlap school years, only 1 record is reported with a unique set of primary keys and all fields are populated from the most recent IEP by start date.

A new SSEPA record has to be submitted when an IEP is amended based on any of the following fields:

  1. beginDate
  2. endDate
  3. iepBeginDate
  4. iepEndDate
  5. specialEducationSettingDescriptor
  6. wiDpiStudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationDisabilities
  • The start date of the new record will be the start date from when the IEP was amended.
PostUpdate the wiDpiFapeResponsibleSchoolReference if FAPE Responsible field on the enrollment associated with the SSEPA is changed and saved.
Post/DeleteWhen an IEP or Enrollment start date are changed that resulted in the posting of a new record.
PutSend an end date when the student receives a SPED exit date on enrollment.
Post/PutA new SSEPA record is submitted when a new Special Education Setting record is created within the dates of the locked IEP. The existing record is updated with a new endDate.
Post/DeleteWhen an IEP is edited and re-locked with a change to any of the fields not part of the natural key.
Post/DeleteWhen a School Override is set on Enrollment.
DeleteWhen an IEP is deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen an IEP is edited and re-locked where Special Ed status is set to No.
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted that triggered a SSEPA record or the enrollment is marked State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude.
DeleteIf the IEP Start or End Dates OR the Enrollment Start or End Dates have been updated so the IEP and Enrollment no longer overlap, delete the record if one was created.

When an enrollment service type is changed to Partial (S) for an enrollment previously triggering a record.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, record changes with lower priority will not trigger a delete.
DeleteDelete future Student Special Education Program Association records if a student's enrollment is ended prior to the future record.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Post/DeleteNatural Key changes: If the IEP Start Date changes the resource will delete/repost.
DeleteCascading Deletes: N/A there are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
The record will send to any year the IEP or State Reporting record overlaps with.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Special Education Setting DescriptorsPlan Special Ed Setting

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
planPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
enrollmentPutReports ideaEligibility and specialEducationSettingDescriptor.
specialedstatePost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element
Business RequirementLogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
id The unique identifier of the resource.

beginDateThe date of implementation of special education services at a school for the school year. This can be the same as the first day of school the student 
is receiving services or the IEP/ISP beginDate or the day an IEP/ISP review/revision/change is implemented.
Report the latest of:
  1. the IEP start date from the locked IEP.
  2. the current year's enrollment start date for the enrollment that corresponds to the SSEPA record.
  3. the start date of the amended, locked IEP.
  4. the student's third (3rd) birthdate.
  5. the start date of the Special Education Setting status.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan Editor > Start Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date

Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Setting > Start Date



A  reference to the related school. 
  1. A reference to the Student School Association Resource.
  2. Report from the enrollment active on the beginDate of the SSEPA record.
  3. Report School Ed-Fi Number first from the School Override on Enrollment.
    1. If School Override is NULL, report from the Enrollment school.
  4. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource.

programReferenceA reference to the Program Resource.
  1. Report "48856" for educationOrganizationId.
  2. Report "Special Education" for type.
  3. Report "Special Education" for name.

studentReferenceA unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student.

Reports the Natural Key for the Student resource.


disabilitiesAn unordered collection of student
 Special Education Program Association
 Disabilities. The disability condition(s) 
that best describes an individual’s 
impairment, as related to special education services received.
  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code Value from the Disability Descriptor page linked below under Type/Descriptors WI based on the Ed-Fi code value for each disability the student meets.
  2. See the Array section above for Disabilities for full reporting requirements.

Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Primary Disability

Secondary Disability

Third Disability

Fourth Disability

Fifth Disability

endDateMust be sent if IEP/ISP is revoked or student is no longer eligible or exited, SSEPA record endDate is set to the effective date of one of these events.
Note - Effective date - In the scenario the 
parent revoked consent or the IEP team determines the child is no longer eligible, a notice is sent to the parent indicating the date the services will end. This date should be used as the endDate.

In the scenario the student exits the district 
while servicing special education services, this will be the date he exited. 
  • Report the earliest of:
    • The Special Ed Exit date if populated on the student's enrollment that corresponds to the record dates.
      • Report only for records where the Exit Date is included in the IEP date range.
    • The end date of the student enrollment that corresponds to the record dates.
    • The IEP End Date that corresponds to the SSEPA record.
    • The End Date from the Special Education Setting status.
  • Otherwise, if the SSEPA record is active
    • as of the current date with no future locked amendments or plans,
      1. IEP End Date is after current date
      2. Special Ed Setting End Date is null or after current date
    • as of the current date with future unlocked amendments or plans
    • as of the end date of the student's enrollment
    • or on the last date of the calendar
  • Then, report blank.

Calculated from:

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Exit Date

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan Editor > End Date

Student Information > General > Enrollment > End Date

Student Information > Special Education > Special Education Setting > End Date






Indicator of the eligibility of the student to receive special education services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

  1. Report based on the Primary Disability.
  2. If Primary Disability is NULL, report BLANK.
  3. If Primary Disability = N: Not IDEA Eligible or No Disability, report FALSE.
  4. Otherwise if Primary Disability is any other value, report TRUE.
MStudent Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Primary Disability



iepBeginDateThe effective date of the most recent IEP or ISP.

Report the start date of the locked IEP.

MStudent Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan Editor > Start Dateplan.startDate

The end date of the most recent IEP 

or ISP.

Report the end date of the locked IEP.

CStudent Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan Editor > End Dateplan.endDate

The date of the last IEP review.

This is optional, does not report


The date of the last special education evaluation.
  1. Report the Evaluation Date from the students most recent locked Evaluation (Eligibility Report)
    • If the Eligibility Determination Date in the locked WI Eligibility Report is greater than the current date, report the Evaluation Date from the locked IEP
  2. If the student does not have a locked evaluation, report the Eval Date from the IEP being reported.
  3. If the Eval becomes unlocked, report the Eval Date from the IEP being reported.
  4. Else, do not report.

Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Evaluation> Evaluation Date


Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > IEP > Eval Date




Indicates whether the Student receiving 

special education and related services is: 1) in the age range of birth to 22 years, and 2) has a serious, ongoing illness or a chronic condition that has lasted or is anticipated to last at least 12 or more months or has required at least one month of hospitalization, and that requires daily, ongoing medical treatments and monitoring by appropriately trained personnel which may include parents or other family members, and 3) requires the routine use of medical device or of assistive technology to compensate for the 

loss of usefulness of a body function needed to participate in activities of daily living, and 4) lives with ongoing threat to his or her continued well-being. 

Aligns with federal requirements.

This is optional, does not report.



Indicates whether the Student receiving special education and related services has been designated as multiply disabled by the admission, review, and dismissal committee as aligned with federal requirements.

  1. This is optional, does not report.

The reason the child left the Program within aschool or district.
  1. If there is a Special Ed Exit Reason entered on the associated enrollment AND the SSEPA record endDate = the Special Ed Exit Date, report the Ed-Fi Value mapped to the Special Ed Exit Reason.
    • Otherwise if the SSEPA record endDate is before the Special Ed Exit date, continue with the calculation.
  2. If there is no Special Ed Exit Reason entered on the associated enrollment and the associated enrollment is not ended, report 'Continuing'.
    • Note: Used when the SSEPA record is ended due to end of the year, no other sped action.
  3. If there is no Special Ed Exit Reason entered on the associated enrollment and the associated enrollment has an end date,
    • Report based on the End Status:
      • If the End Status is mapped to State code of:
        1. PCC
        2. BCA
        3. TOS
        4. HSC
        5. DE
        6. MA
        7. ODO
        8. ISM
        9. INM
        10. Then report 'Exited'
      • If the End Status is mapped to State code of:
        • CCS, ETC, TC, or TNC
        • Then report 'Continuing'
  4. If there is no Special Ed Exit Reason AND no Enrollment End Status entered AND no Enrollment end Date, but there is a SSEPA end date, report 'Continuing'.
  5. Otherwise, report Blank
    • Note: only expected in scenarios where SSEPA end date is also blank.

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Exit Reason

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Enrollment End Status


Indicate the total number of hours of 

instructional time per week for the 

school that the student attends.

  1. This is optional, does not report

Indicates whether the Student received 
services during the summer session or 
between sessions.
  1. This is optional, does not report


An unordered collection of studentSpecialEducationProgram

AssociationServiceProviders. The staff providing Special Education services to the student.

  1. This is optional, does not report

The number of hours per week for special education instruction and therapy.
  1. This is optional, does not report

An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from. 
  1. This is optional, does not report

This descriptor defines the major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student's special education program).Report the Ed Fi Short Description mapped to the campus value set for the Environmental Ed code from the Special Education Setting record active for the SSEPA record.

Note: Note: The previous school year's SSEPA record is not deleted when the Environmental Ed Setting is ended for the previous year (after the last day of school) and a new setting is added that falls within the current/active school year.

Student Information > Special Ed > Special Education Setting > Environmental Ed Setting




Extension (fapeResponsible
A reference to the related School resource. School in LEA Responsible for FAPE is a school level Agency Key. School which holds FAPE Accountability per the IEP or the ISP.
  1. If FAPE Responsible School is populated in the Enrollment corresponding to the locked IEP or ISP, report the Ed-Fi Value.
  2. Otherwise, if FAPE Responsible School is blank, report the Ed-Fi Agency key for the school tied to the enrollment that corresponds to the SSEPA record.

Information > General > Enrollment

System Administration > Resources > School > Entity ID


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Disability Type

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
disabilityDescriptor   This descriptor defines a student's impairment.
  1. Report the Ed-Fi code for the Disabilities from the locked IEP for the student being reported.
  2. If the student has more than 1 disability, report each disability up to 5 disabilities.
MStudent Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Plan > IEP> Primary Disability, Secondary Disability, Tertiary Disability, Fourth Disability, Fifth Disability
Reporting As defined by the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), primary disability is the disability condition that best describes an IDEA-eligible student's impairment; the impairment that is most disabling.
  1. Report "True" when reporting the Primary disability.
  2. Report "False" for all other disabilities.
MStudent Information > Special Education > General > Documents > Plan > IEP> Primary Disability


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Special Education Setting Descriptors

 DescriptionEd-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description

Ages 6-21: correctional facilities

SCorrectional FacilitiesStudent receives special education and related services in short-term detention facilities (community-based or residential) or correctional facilities. Students reported under this category were, prior to 2007-08, reported under environment codes A, B, or C.

Ages 6-21: hospital

IHospitalStudent is placed in and receiving special education and related services in a medical treatment facility on an in-patient basis.

Ages 6-21: homebound

JHomeboundStudent receives ALL special education and related services in a homebound program.

Ages 6-21: inside the regular classroom with nondisabled peers 80% or more of the time

ARegular Class at Least 80%Student is inside the regular classroom with nondisabled peers 80% or more of the time.

Ages 6-21: inside the regular classroom with nondisabled peers less than 40% of the time

CRegular Class Less Than 40%Student is inside the regular class room with nondisabled peers less than 40% of the time.

Ages 6-21: inside the regular classroom with nondisabled peers 40 to 79% of time

BRegular Class 40 - 79%Student is inside the regular classroom with nondisabled peers 40 to 79% of the time.

Ages 6-21: parentally placed private

TParentally Placed in Private SchoolsStudent is enrolled in a private school by their parents and their basic education (e.g., tuition) is paid for through private resources. Use this category to report students who receive special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency under an individual service plan. Include children whose parents choose to home-school them, but who receive special education and related services at public expense.

Ages 3-5: in residential facility

B3Residential FacilityStudent attends a special education early childhood program in publicly or privately operated residential schools or residential medical facilities on an inpatient basis.

Ages 6-21: public residential facility

FPublic Residential FacilityStudent receives special education and related services at public expense for greater than 50% of the school day in a public residential facility AND lives there during the school week. Do not include students who receive educational programs at the facility, but do not live there. This category may include students placed in: public residential schools for students with disabilities (3+ days/week living at WSD/WCBVI, etc) or public residential schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50 percent) and in separate day schools or regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day.

Ages 6-21:  private residential facility

GPrivate Residential FacilityStudent receives special education and related services at public expense for greater than 50% of the school day in a private residential facility AND lives there during the school week. Do not include students who received educational programs at the facility, but do not live there. This category may include students placed in: private residential schools for students with disabilities (living at Kradwell) or private residential schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50 percent) and in separate day schools or regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day.

Ages 3-5: separate school

B2Separate SchoolStudent attends a special education early childhood program in a public or private day school designed specifically for children with disabilities.

Ages 6-21:  public separate day school

DPublic Separate SchoolStudent receives special education and related services at public expense for greater than 50% of the school day in a public facility that is designed only for students with disabilities. This may include students placed in: separate school buildings for students with disabilities within a district, or public day schools for students with disabilities (day students at WSD or WCBVI, Sybl Hopp, Lakeland School, etc.), or public day schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50 percent) and in regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day, or public residential facilities for students with disabilities IF the student does NOT LIVE at the facility.

Ages 6-21: private separate day school

EPrivate Separate SchoolStudent receives special education and related services at public expense for greater than 50% of the school day in a private facility that is designed only for students with disabilities. This may include students placed in: private day schools for students with disabilities (day students at Kradwell), or private day schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50 percent) and in regular school buildings for the remainder of the school day, or Private residential facilities for students with disabilities IF the student does NOT LIVE at the facility.

Ages 6-21: homebound


Ages 3-5: home

09HomeStudent receives special education/related services in the principle residence of the child's family or caregivers (includes babysitters). Report children who receive special education both at home and in a service provider location in this category

Ages 3-5: special education classroom

B1Separate Special Education ClassroomStudent attends a special education early childhood program in a class with less than 50% nondisabled peers.

Age 3-5 in regular EC at least 10 hrs/wk & majority of hrs of SPED & related services in EC program

R1Regular Class At Least 10 Hours Majority Sp Ed in Regular ClassStudent attends a regular early childhood program at least 10 hours per week and receives the majority of hours of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program.

Age 3-5 in reg EC at least 10 hrs/wk & majority of hrs of SPED & related services in other location

R2Regular Class At Least 10 Hours Majority Sp Ed in Other LocationStudent attends a regular early childhood program at least 10 hours per week and receives the majority of hours of special education and related services in some other location.

Age 3-5 in regular EC < 10 hrs/wk & majority of hrs of SPED & related services in EC program

R3Regular Class Less Than 10 Hours Majority Sp Ed in Regular ClassStudent attends a regular early childhood program less than 10 hours per week and receives the majority of hours of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program.

Age 3-5 in regular EC < 10 hrs/wk & majority of hrs of SPED and related services in other location

R4Regular Class Less Than 10 Hours Majority Sp Ed in Other LocationStudent attends a regular early childhood program less than 10 hours per week and receives the majority of hours of special education and related services in some other location.
Ages 3-5: service provider locationB5Service ProviderStudent receives special education/related services only from a service provider or in some other location that is not in any other category. This educational environment code is only used when no other educational environment code can be used. For example, a child who receives only speech and language services in a speech pathologist's office located in a school building.

Appendix A - Utilizing the Amend Functionality to End an IEP when a student Exits Special Ed


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** For use with dismissals or revocations 

When students are exited from special ed (dismissal/revocation) and no longer have an active special education status, the active IEP should also be ended. Without ending the active plan, you will experience issues relating to state reporting, behavior, SPED flags on rosters, etc. if the student continues to have an active enrollment. 

The easiest way to do this is to follow the steps below. It is encouraged to try this in your Sandbox a couple of times to become comfortable with the process prior to going through it in the live site. 

  1. Click on the active IEP that will now be ended due to dismissal/revocation and click Amend.
     - This will open an amended IEP entry and auto-create a PDF of the original plan (if you have this preference enabled). 
  2. In the new opened amend, click on Review Amendments. 
  3. Add in an amendment start (If the last date of services was on 10/27/2020, you will want to enter 10/28/2020 - which would be the first date that the student is no longer special ed.) 
  4. Push Complete Amendment. 
  5. You will now have your amend [original] with active special ed status dates, with the auto-uploaded PDF of the original document. You will also have the amend [1] which will only encompass dates in which the student is NO LONGER a special education student.
  6. Since the student is not an active special education student at all during the dates of the new amend [1] IEP, you will click on that entry (and only on that entry) and click Delete. You will now have the active plan that is ended to align with the dismissal/revocation date, along with the PDF of the original document (if that preference is enabled). 
  7. Now, following dismissal/revocation, the student will not be displayed as a special education student for state reporting, behavior, teacher rosters, etc. 
  8. When a student is dismissed or services have been revoked, you must also complete the Special Education Exit Data within the Enrollment record. 
  9. Special Ed Reason: Select the appropriate Code/Reason for state reporting. 
  10. Special Ed Exit Date: Enter the appropriate exit date, which should also match the end date of the modified plan as the last date the student received services.