Border Student (Idaho)

Tool Search: Border Student

A Border Student is defined as a student who crosses state lines in order to attend school. A student who lives in Idaho but crosses a state line for school is considered Border Out; a student who does not live in Idaho but is enrolled in Idaho school is considered Border In.

Screenshot of a Border Student program. Border Student Editor

Tool Rights for Border Student

Full rights to the Border Student tool require RWAD rights to the Student Information > State Programs > Border Student tool. 

  • Read rights allow the user to view the Border Student tool
  • Write rights allow the user to modify existing Border Student records
  • Add rights allow the user to add new Border Student records
  • Delete rights allow the user to permanently remove Border Student records

Users also need at least R rights to Student Information and Modify Rights for the selected calendar.

Screenshot of the tool rights tool in the classic look of Campus with the State Programs > Border Student tool rights highlighted. Classic Navigation Tool Rights for Border Student

Screenshot of the tool rights tool in the new look of Campus with the Border Student tool rights highlighted. 
New Navigation Tool Rights for Border Student

Manage Border Student Records

To add a new record:

  1. Click the New icon. A Border Student Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the Start Date.
  3. Enter the Border District Number.
  4. Select the appropriate Border Status option for the student.
  5. Enter any Comments related to this record.
  6. Click the Save icon when finished. 

To end a record, edit the existing Border Student entry and add an End Date

To print a summary of the student's Border Student records, click the Print Summary button.

Screenshot of an example of the Border Student printed summaryBorder Student Print Summary

Border Student Fields

Start Date

 Indicates the first date the student began crossing state lines to attend school.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Border Student > borderStudent.startDate


Student Demographics

End Date

Indicates the last date the student stopped crossing state lines to attend school. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Border Student > borderStudent.endate


Student Demographics

Border Status

Identifies a student as crossing state lines to attend school: coming in with tuition received by district or going out with tuition paid by district.

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IBorder Student InStudent comes INTO Idaho for schooling.
OBorder Student OutStudent goes OUT of Idaho for schooling.

Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Border Student > borderStudent.borderStatus


Student Demographics

Border District Number

Lists the State-assigned ID for the other district involved in the exchange of this border student.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Border Student > borderStudent.borderDistrictNumber


Student Demographics


Lists any comments regarding the student crossing state lines to attend school.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > Border Student > borderStudent.comments


Student Demographics