Core SIF - AssessmentSubTest

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The current version of SIF is v2.7.

A psychological construct measured by the assessment. Operationally, a subtest is a class of scores on an assessment. Some assessments may have only one subtest or type of score but most assessments measure more than one psychological construct. The subtest can be based upon items in a section or items that are empirically related. Subtests can also be composites of other subtests that are combined using a particular algorithm. Examples of subtests of an assessment are math total, reading composite, total test, and English composition.

SIF_Events are NOT reported for this object.

Object Triggering

SIF Events are NOT reported for this object.

Object Population and Business Rules


Report 1 object per child (subtest. This assessment must have a parent (can be grandchild, etc)) assessment when:

  • The assessment Year in the parent assessment (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year) is either:
    1. Matching the SIF Zone Year selected
    2. Is Null
When the parent assessment has a Year NOT = Null AND NOT matching the SIF Zone Year selected, this assessment subtest (child) must NOT report.
The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to AssessmentSubTest.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe GUID that uniquely identifies this object.

NameTest name of the subtest.
Report the subtest assessment name.
Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Name