Wisconsin Ed-Fi - Roster Checklist

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Ed-Fi Roster Checklist

Use this checklist of tasks to verify you have entered, selected and saved appropriate options for reporting roster data through Ed-Fi.

If your school or district uses a course catalog, changes or corrections may need to be made to the Course Master to push to individual courses.

Please note that NCES data is not turned on to push from Course Master by default. This can be set to push by checking the NCES Data box under Grading & Standards > Course Catalogs for each relevant Course Catalog.

Step 1 - Verify State Course Codes

It is highly recommended to verify that Courses expected to report to Ed-Fi have the correct State Code. Create an Ad hoc filter with fields similar to the example below to compare to the master course list, using the Data Type of Course/Section. NCES fields are optional as there is currently no logic tied to them with the exception of SCED Sequence in Step 2.

The Exclude checkbox should be marked for courses that should not be state reported.
Ad hoc FieldAd hoc Path


Course > Course Information > courseID


Course > Course Information > courseNumber


Course > Course Information > courseName


Course > Course Information > stateCode

courseInfo.NCES Code (Optional)

Course > Course Information > NCES Code

courseInfo.SCED Subject Area  (Optional)

Course > Course Information > SCED Subject Area

courseInfo.SCED Course Identifier  (Optional)

Course > Course Information > SCED Course Identifier

courseInfo.SCED Course Level (Optional)

Course > Course Information > SCED Course Level

Add other identifying fields to the Ad hoc report as needed.

Step 2 - Set SCED Sequence as Necessary

SCED Sequence is used as a part of Ed-Fi. This data is sent to Ed-Fi in the Sections Resource as the element sequenceOfCourseThe intended purpose of this field is to identify different parts of a multi-part course that would otherwise have the same course number. By default, it is set to 1 of 1.

Screenshot of SCED Sequence.SCED Sequence

Step 3 - Verify/Update Course Programs for World Language

World Language Courses are domestic courses of study in languages other than English. Verify and update the course program codes for World Language. The Section Student Detail tool can be used as an override for individual students if needed.

Screenshot of World Language field on Course editor.World Language

Step 4 - Set Language of Instruction for Course/Section

The Language of Instruction field only needs to be populated if the course is taught in a language other than English.

Screenshot of Language of Instruction field on Course editor.Language of Instruction

Step 5 - Set Cluster/Career Program Pathway for Course/Section

Complete the Cluster/Career Program Pathway field if the course is considered a CTE course. Multiple values can be added, but at least one should match the value provided by the DPI for the Roster Code (State Code) being used. 

Screenshot of Cluster/Career Program Pathway field on Course editor.Cluster/Career Program Pathway

Step 6 - Set Dual Enrollment, Certified Learning Method and Non-Certificated Learning Method for Course/Section

Populate the Dual Enrollment, Certified Learning Method and Non-Certificated Learning Method fields if applicable. These values are also available on the Section as an Override if needed. Additionally, Dual Enrollment values can be changed for individual students using the Section  Student Detail tool.

Screenshot of Dual Enrollment, Certified Learning Method, Non-Certificated Learnng Method fields.Dual Enrollment, Certified Learning Method, Non-Certificated Learning Method

Step 7 - Set Medium of Instruction for Course/Section

Medium of Instruction is a field on both Course/Course Master and Section. It collects the media through which teachers provide instruction to students and students and teachers communicate about instructional matter. The value filled in on the Course level applies to all sections unless there is a different value entered on a section. Then the Section level field acts as an override for that section.

Screenshot of Medium of Instruction field on Course editor.Medium of Instruction

Please note that DPI will assume if Medium of Instruction is left blank that it is the same as Face-to-face Instruction; however, it is recommended to set an actual value for this field to match the Infinite Campus value with the Ed-Fi value.

Step 8 - Verify Teacher Role Codes

Verify the Teacher Role codes are correct.

Teacher Role Codes



Ed-Fi Code

Ed-Fi Name


Paraprofessionals/teacher aides



Non-instructional staff



Student teachers






Volunteer/no contract



Administrative staff






Resource teacher



Primary instructor



Secondary instructor



Instructor of record









Lead Team Teacher



Course Proctor



Special Education Consultant



Not State Reported

Screenshhot of Staff History Role Selection.Staff History Role Selection

This Teacher will send with a Role Code of 09999 Other.

If this is correct for this course, no changes need to be made. If another role code more closely matches this teacher’s position for this course, a different Role Code should be selected to report the accurate value.

People added in the Section Staff History tab as a Primary Teacher or Teacher will send to Ed-Fi if they have a valid Role Code. Section Staff will NOT send to Ed-Fi.

In addition, a value for District purposes called 'Not State Reported' is available. A Primary Teacher or Teacher with this Role Code will NOT report to Ed-Fi. In the image below, the following occurs:

  • Teacher01 reports as the Primary Instructor.
  • Teacher02 does not report because their role is Not State Reported.
  • Teacher03 does not report because they are a Section Staff, not a Teacher.

Screenshot of Primary Teacher, Teacher, Section StaffStaff History Tool - Primary Teacher, Teacher, Section Staff

Step 9 - Map Scores to Ed-Fi Grade Type

Districts need to map anything considered a final grade to an Ed-Fi Grade Type.

Screenshot of Score Groups & Rubrics.Score Groups & Rubrics

Step 10 - Map Ed-Fi Resource Preferences

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources.

Please review the Set Resource Preferences article for information on mapping Ed-Fi fields.

Resources required for Roster data:

  • Grades
  • Grading Periods
  • Course Offerings
  • Sections
  • Sessions
  • Staff Section Associations
  • Student Section Associations

Step 11 - Turn on Resource Preferences

Turn on the appropriate Resource Preferences. Please review the Set Resource Preferences article for information on turning on Resource Preferences.

Once Resource Preferences have been mapped, a valid configuration is made and Ed-Fi ID's are assigned to users, data will flow properly from Campus to Ed-Fi.

Step 12 - Perform a Resync

Perform a Resync. It is recommended to let the resync finish processing before starting another resync. See the Resync article for more information on this process. A valid connection must exist in order to resync data for that year.

Campus highly recommends using the Recommended Resync Order detailed on the Wisconsin Ed-Fi Information Page. Check the Ed-Fi Error Log after each step in the resync order and resolve any errors before proceeding to the next step.

Districts with a large number of schools or students may want to run the resync for course information for a few schools at a time and/or perform the resync during off hours.

Screenshot of Resync tool.Resync