Campus Release Pack Enhancements

Enhancements play a vital role in the evolution of Infinite Campus. With each Release Pack, a number of enhancements are included as a way of continuously improving existing functionality as well as providing new functionality to advance the Infinite Campus experience.

This page describes all major enhancements included per Release Pack and serves as a convenient way for users to view/reference when an enhancement was added.

This page covers major functionality modifications and does not describe all cases considered an enhancement. For a comprehensive list of all modifications made (including bugs and state reporting modifications), please review release notes for each Release Pack.


Enable New FERPA Program For All States

A new FERPA Program tool has been enabled that can be used by any state that wishes to provide a place to track parent/guardian decisions regarding opting out of sharing certain types of information.

This tool is available in both District and State Edition and allows for adding State and/or District Defined elements. Fields in the FERPA table are available for use in Ad Hoc queries.

Product Information: FERPA

FRAM Online Application and Household Application Interface Enhancement

The FRAM Online Applications and FRAM Household Applications tools have received a new user interface.

Product Information: Online Applications, Household Applications

Food Service Terminal List Editor Enhancement

The Terminal List Editor tool has received a new user interface.

Product Information: Terminals

Improvements to Curriculum Import

The following updates have been made to the Curriculum Import, in addition to other small fixes, usability changes, and accessibility improvements:

  • Images and files are now attached to their intended resources instead of being combined into a generic attachments folder.
  • Addressed an issue where resources were duplicated during import.

Product Information: Curriculum Import

Interdistrict Cross-Site Attendance

Cross-Site Attendance functionality has been modified to include sharing of attendance data from the Home School to the Serving School and vice versa for Interdistrict Cross-Site Enrollment.

When an attendance record is created and saved for a student by the Attendance Office (non-teacher attendance) at the Home School, that record triggers an event to share that attendance data with the Serving School. At the Serving School, the student's Attendance is updated to display that attendance event.

The same process occurs when the Serving School marks the student absent. The Home School then sees the same attendance event for that student.

Product Information: Attendance Wizard, Classroom Monitor

Cross-Site Enrollment Options Added to Advanced Student and Advanced Course/Section Searches

The Advanced Student Search now has an Enrollment option. This option allows users to filter student search results only to include cross-site enrollments, exclude all cross-site enrollments, or view data for all enrollments.

The Advanced Course/Section Search now has a Cross-Site option. This option allows users to filter data to show only cross-site-created courses, exclude cross-site-created courses, or view all courses.

Product Information: Searching in Infinite Campus

SSRS Report File Types

An Allowed File Types field has been added to the SSRS Report Configuration tool that allows a report to be downloaded as PDF, HTML, CSV, Excel, or Word files.

Product Information: SSRS Report Configuration

Messenger 2.0 Roll Forward Messenger Templates

Updated Messenger 2.0 to allow users to roll messenger templates forward from year to year. Calendars rolled forward using the Calendar Roll Forward Tool will be rolled forward. A downloadable report will note any templates or calendars that are unable to roll.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0

eTranscript API Added

The Electronic Release Setup tool now includes a 'New Incoming Connection' option that allows districts to generate the following:

  • eTranscripts URL
  • Token URL
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret

Districts can provide the information to third parties for inclusion in their API requests to obtain transcript data.

Product Information: Electronic Release Setup

Data Validation Gender Update

Updated the Data Validation Report to account for students whose Gender is invalid. An invalid gender is any value that is not in the Identity > Gender attribute list for Gender, any value not in the Identity > Legal Gender list for Legal Gender, or if the value in Gender is not in the Identity > Legal Gender list with no Legal Gender value.

Product Information: Data Validation Report

Insights Percent Tier Reports Updated

There was an overlap in the tiers on the Percent Tiers Reports that caused students to report in two groups. The tier values were updated to correct this issue:

  • Score 0%-64%: Percent < 65
  • Score 65%-70%:Percent >= 65 and < 70
  • Score 70%-80%:Percent >= 70 and < 80
  • Score 80%-90%:Percent >= 80 and < 90
  • Score over 90%:Percent >= 90

Existing templates maintain their filter settings and will update to the new logic.

Product Information:  Percent Tier by Course, Percent Tier by Student, Percent Tier by Teacher

Scheduling Reports Updated for Cross-Site Enrollment

The following reports have been updated to include the Cross-Site Enrollment icon.

  • Master Schedule Report
  • Course Projections
  • Print Enrollment History

Product Information:  Master Schedule Report, Course Projections, Print Enrollment History


NEW - Cross-Site Enrollment

Cross-Site Enrollment allows students to enroll in another school to take a course that may not offered at their home school. Tooling includes district-level configuration, school-level configuration, course mapping, secondary enrollment creation, course scheduling, attendance recording, and grade reporting.

Cross-Site Enrollment tooling is available for Intradistrict (within one district) and Interdistrict (between multiple districts).

At this time, Intradistrict Cross-Site Enrollment is available for the following states:

  • Arizona
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Mariana Islands
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Wisconsin

At this time, Interdistrict Cross-Site Enrollment is available for the following states:

  • North Carolina
  • Delaware

Cross-Site Enrollment will be made available to additional states in future releases.

See the Knowledge Base for detailed information and guidance on Cross-Site Enrollment.

Product Information: Cross-Site Enrollment

Early Warning Updated for Cross-Site Enrollments

The Early Warning tool was updated to consider the new cross-site enrollment functionality, which introduces the concept of a Serving School and a Home School.

Students with an active SERVING school enrollment:

  • DO NOT generate daily, monthly, or yearly Early Warning scores in the SERVING school calendar.
  • DO generate daily, monthly, and yearly Early Warning scores in the HOME school calendar.

Product Information: Early Warning

Early Warning - Prediction Notification Added

The Early Warning tool utilizes student and District data to identify trends and predict a student's progression toward graduation. The following notification displays during a District's first year on the Infinite Campus system because there is no previous year of data for comparison to accurately assess whether the behavior/curriculum /attendance events are part of a larger pattern. This notification automatically disappears when the District enters its second year and the available data pool increases.

Notification Text
Early Warning GRAD Score generation recommends two years of observable SIS data. Shifts in a student's GRAD score will normalize as more data is available/entered into the SIS

Product Information: Early Warning

Campus Student & Parent Accessibility Updates

Extensive updates have been made to Campus Student and Campus Parent to improve accessibility, including improving behavior when using a screen reader or keyboard navigation. 

The following tools have been updated:

  • Academic Plan
  • Activity Registration
  • Assignment
  • Attendance
  • Classroom
  • Contact List
  • Curriculum
  • Custom Forms
  • Documents
  • Food Service
  • Grades
  • Home
  • Payments
  • Responsive Scheduling
  • School Store


As well as improvements to the Student details screen and general navigation.

Product Information: Campus Student, Campus Parent

Standards Alignment Wizard - Course Master-Linked Courses

The Standards Alignment Wizard has been updated to allow standards to be added to Courses that are linked to Course Masters.

Product Information: Standards Alignment Wizard

Updates to POS and Messenger Functionality Configuration, Licensing, and Enablement

Updates were made impacting how POS and Messenger Family products are licensed, enabled, and configured. This includes the following changes:

  • New stored procedure for initializing POS: initializePointOfSale
  • New DB preferences controlling how each of these products interacts with CAS
  • New ProductDefinition entries for each Messenger product
    • Campus Communicator with Voice and Remote Dial-In
    • Campus Communicator with Voice and Text
    • Email Messenger Premium Product
  • Modified POS to use district licenses

Product Information: N/A

Account/PIN Import

The Account/PIN Import is a new tool created for uploading and matching data, such as food service accounts, current balances, and PINs, for the initial import of individual student and staff accounts to Campus Food Service. This tool can only be used if there are no existing Food Service accounts in the Infinite Campus SIS and it can only be used once.

Product Information: Account/PIN Import

ACME Status Tool Added

A new Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Status tool has been created. This tool is used by Infinite Campus to manage and maintain a site’s connection to centralized services and does not require users to interact or use its functionality in any way.

This tool is entirely informational for customers; you cannot break or change anything by interacting with it. However, if your connection to a centralized service is disrupted, this tool allows Infinite Campus to quickly and easily correct this issue.

Product Information: ACME Status


Activity Registration - Removed Students List

Added the Removed Students List within Activity Registration. This allows non manual-add students to be deleted off of an Activity Roster and Activity Staff to maintain a record of students who were at one point on an activity's roster. This will provide districts with the ability to reference these students in the future and allow them to mass-export their forms for convenient storage/printing.

Product Information: Activity Roster

Pronouns in Instruction

Student pronouns have been added to the following tools in Instruction:

  • Roster and Roster Report
  • Seating Charts
  • Attendance and Positive Attendance
  • Student Demographics popup
  • Teaching Center Attendance

A preference has been added to Instruction Settings to allow teachers to Show Student Pronouns.

Product Information: Instruction Settings

Updates to Quizzes

Quizzes in Instruction have been enhanced! In addition to the existing question types of Multiple Choice and True/False, there are six new question types: Matching, Ordering, Fill in the Blank, Short Answer/Essay, Number Line, and Numerical. Additionally, questions can now be grouped into pages to provide more structure to quizzes. This release also includes the option the make some quiz questions worth more than others, instead of all question being worth the same proportion of points possible. 

See the Enhanced Quizzes notification for more information.

Product Information: Quizzes

Census - Legal Gender

The Census Wizard now requires users to enter a legal gender if they have a gender selected that does not match a legal gender, when editing household data.

Product Information: Census Wizard

District Staff Tool Right

The ‘District Staff’ option in Messenger 2.0 tools will be placed behind a tool right. Those with the tool right can message anyone under the district staff category. District staff qualify as staff who do not have a district assignment or only have district assignment(s) at schools without a calendar in the active year.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0


User Account Tool Redesigned to Incorporate All Aspects of an Account

The User Account tool has been completely redesigned to simplify setting up and managing an account by merging Tool Rights, Calendar Rights, User Groups, and the Access Log into the tool.

User Account is now a one-stop shop where users can set up and manage a user account’s credentials, authentication type, product security roles, access information, user group membership, tool rights, and calendar rights without having to leave the tool.

Users can also view the Access Log, Calendar Rights Summary, and Tool Rights Summary as well as trigger a password reset, reset the account settings, disable the account, and login as the user (for users with the proper Product Security Role).

For a complete breakdown of this redesigned tool, please see the User Account article.

Product Information: User Account

Use New Look Only District-Level System Preference Added

For District Edition users, the ‘User Access to the New Look of Campus (Try New Look)’ system preference has been updated to include a new option of “Use New Look Only”. When set, all users logging into Infinite Campus are forced to use the New Look of Infinite Campus and cannot toggle back to using Classic Campus.

This preference is useful for districts whose staff were trained in the New Look, exclusively use the New Look and/or only want to support one version of Infinite Campus.

Product Information: System Preferences; Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

SIS, Campus Parent, and Campus Student Login Pages Updated to New Styling and Improved Accessibility

SIS, Campus Parent, and Campus Student login pages have been updated with a new visual styling and includes numerous accessibility improvements such as alt text added to images, accessible font coloring, and properly labeled headers and screen regions. Functionality of these login pages remains unchanged.

Product Information: N/A

Campus Digital Repository Terms of Service Updated for New CDR Customers

The Digital Repository Terms of Service have been updated for all customers enabling Digital Repository functionality for the first time.

Product Information: Digital Repository Preferences

Before/After Filter Added Timestamp Column of Access Log

The Timestamp column of the Access Log has been updated to include the option to filter log data before or after a specific date.

Product Information: Access Log

Missing Assignment Report - Inactive and Dropped Students

A new checkbox has been added to the Grading & Standards Missing Assignment report to 'Exclude dropped/inactive students.' If the checkbox is marked, the report only includes assignments that fall within the student's Roster dates.

Product Information: Missing Assignments

Save and Batch Test Updated

The 'Save & Batch Test' functionality under Step 4-Test Mapping in the Assessment Center has been enhanced. Users can select the 'Save & Batch Test' button, navigate away from the tool, and later return with a seamless progression to Step 5-Import Data. This occurs only when the source file and mapping configuration have not changed, and the previous batch test has a status of 'Completed'. An information toast message displays stating:

  • "Save & Batch Test was run and completed. Review the results before moving to Step 5-Import Data".

Product Information: Test Mapping

Payment Tables for Fees

Payment tables for Fees have been updated to use the All Payments Reporter.

Product Information: N/A

Add Individual Campus Recipients to Recipient List in Messenger 2.0

A new tool right was added to allow users to add individual recipients (already created in Campus) to the Messenger 2.0 recipient lists.

Product Information: User Account

Roster Report - Preferred Name and Gender

Options to include a student's Preferred Name (nickname) and Gender have been added to the Roster Report.

Product Information: Roster Report

OneRoster 1.1 and 1.2 - Filtering by 'isPrimary'

Logic has been updated for OneRoster 1.1 and 1.2 to support filtering the getTeachersForClass endpoint based on the isPrimary property.

Product Information: N/A

OneRoster - Cache Refresh Messages

Logic has been updated to send a Process Inbox message if an Hourly or Daily automatic OneRoster cache refresh fails. Messages are not sent for successful refreshes. 

The Digital Learning Application Configuration tool has also been updated to display the date/time of the last successful full refresh, whether scheduled or manual.

Product Information: Message Center

OneRoster - Filtering Users Endpoint

An option has been added to the OneRoster API Documentation to allow users to search for a User record by State ID or by Local Staff/Student Number.

Product Information: N/A


NEW Requests & Rosters

A new Scheduling tool called Requests & Rosters is now available. This tool combines the functionality of the following tools into just one tool.

  • Manual Roster Builder
  • Section Roster Batch Edit
  • Request Wizard
  • Roster Copy
  • Section Roster Setup

Use Requests & Rosters throughout the Scheduling process to copy section rosters, add and remove students from a section, modify course requests, update roster start and end dates, and much more.

Refer to the article linked above for detailed information, and refer to the What's New in Scheduling article for additional Scheduling updates.

Product Information: Requests & Rosters

Student Records Transfer Document Types Added

Users now have the ability to send Health, Counseling, and PLP related documents using the Student Records Transfer tool.

Product Information: Student Records Transfer

Character Limit Increased for Test Score Fields

The character limit for Test Score fields has been increased from 20 characters to 50 characters. This update is reflected in the following areas:

  • Database
  • Attributes
  • Assessment Center
  • Student Assessment

Texas users are not impacted by this update.

Product Information: Assessment Center

School Store Displayed Text Options in Parent and Student Portal

Added options within School Store Settings to display general announcements about School Store Items within the Parent and Student Portals.

Product Information: School Store Settings

Fuzzy Matching Logic Updated for Data Mapping

Fuzzy Matching logic has been updated to enhance user experience:

  • Fuzzy Matching applies automatically only when Step 3 - Map Data has not been saved.
  • Text added to the About Mapping Data display:
    • Apply Fuzzy Matching Logic - Fuzzy Matching logic is applied to unmapped columns. This logic only looks at the column heading and compares it to all the score fields available in dbo.testScore. This only displays when Step 2 - Data File Detail has 'Source File Includes Header' checked.
  • 'Apply Fuzzy Matching' button added under the 'Data Columns for Import' section in Step 3- Map Data. It displays when 'Source File Includes Header' is marked in Step 2 - Data File Detail.

Product Information: Map Data

Ability to send to non-Campus recipients in Messenger 2.0

Added the ability to enter email addresses and phone numbers of non-campus/external recipients to Messenger 2.0 messages. These email addresses and phone numbers will be contacted via the delivery mode selected between email, voice, and text. Email addresses and phone numbers will be saved to messenger templates and scheduled messages, as well as recorded in the Sent Message Log.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0

Messenger Recipient Address

The Messenger Recipient address fields in multiple tools were not pulling the correct address information when a person had been end-dated from a household and added to a new household. This has been corrected.

Product Information: N/A

FRAM Communication Default Letter Signatures

Added the ability for FRAM Administrators to attach a default signature to canned/default letters.

Product Information: FRAM Preferences

Tool Search Framework Update

Tool Search functionality has been rewritten to no longer utilize a previous search framework.

With this change, Tool Search no longer attempts to match search criteria against the following tool metadata:

  • Help Articles
  • Campus Learning Standards
  • Campus Attribute/Dictionary Elements
  • Product Tool Definitions

Additionally, the Classic View Tool Search results no longer contain tools for which the user lacks rights or associated with products that have not been licensed by the district.

Product Information: Searching in Infinite Campus

OneRoster - Include Address Data Option

An option has been added to the Connection Configuration section of OneRoster 1.2 connections allowing users to control whether the connection should Include Address Data in the demographics data made available via the OneRoster API.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications Configuration

OneRoster - Limits and Offsets

Logic has been updated so that the paging algorithms for new OneRoster URLs allow Limit and Offset combinations that are not multiples of each other.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications Configuration


New Curriculum Library and Reflections

A new Curriculum Library has been released for Campus Learning customers. Using the Library, teachers can

  • Share folders of curriculum.
  • Easily add curriculum created by other teachers to their sections using the Curriculum Copier.

Currently, curriculum is shared by folder. Teachers can add metadata Details to their curriculum prior to sharing it, such as Subject and Grade Level, to help other teachers find it. Teachers may remove curriculum they've shared to the library, and users with the Curriculum Library District Manager tool right can remove any curriculum from the library.

When searching the library, enter search terms, or filter the library by Grade Level, Subject, or Standards. Click View to look at the items within a folder and add to section. Curriculum can be added by folder, or as individual pieces. When adding curriculum, teachers can set up grading details as part of the add process or save that task for later.

This release also includes a new tab in Assignments and Resources called Reflections. Reflections allow teachers to record how a piece of curriculum performed in their class via a short survey. Over time, as teachers can build up a record of how effective curriculum is and how well it works in their classes. To add a Reflection, click the Reflections tab on an assignment or resource and answer the questions that display. The questions vary from reflection to reflection to collect a variety of data about the curriculum, but some questions are included in every reflection.

Product Information: Curriculum Library

Student Information Grades - Improvements

As a result of feedback received about the recent redesign of the Grades tool, additional updates and improvements have been made. Overall, the Grades tool has been redesigned to lessen empty space and display more data at a time. The height of headers for courses the rows for grades have been reduced and icons such as assignments and comments display next to grades instead of below them. Cells for Posted grades display as blue and cells for In-Progress grades display as yellow. A Setting has been added to hide the words "In-Progress" if the color-coding is enough of an indicator.

Additionally, the Grades tool has been updated to display with all courses in the Terms view and Categories in the course view as expanded by default; the Setting to collapse all is still available and the Settings the user selects are remembered they next time they come to the tool.

New tool rights have also been added to more closely control which users can see which types of GPAs. Rights have been added for GPA, with subrights for Term GPA, Rolling Cumulative GPA, and Cumulative/Custom GPA, with an additional subright for Class Rank. Only the R(read) level of rights apply for these new tool rights.

The following issues have also been addressed:

  • Corrected how multi-aligned assignments display.
  • Updated how grades display when a course has duplicate Grading Tasks.
  • Updated sort order and display of custom GPAs.

Product Information: Grades

Programs - Pregnant and Parenting - UI and Print Summary Updates

The user interface and print summary related to the Pregnant and Parenting Program have been updated as follows:

  • The list view for the program now indicates the District where the record was created.
  • The program details include Start Date, End Date, and Program Status at the top.
  • The program details display 'Last modified by' information.
  • The default print summary now returns both the code and descriptions for fields that have been filled out in the program record.
  • The default print summary indicates the Created By district.

Product Information: Pregnant and Parenting

Programs - Homeless Program/Services - UI and Print Summary Updates

The print summary related to the Homeless Services Program has been updated as follows:

  • The default print summary now returns both the code and descriptions for fields that have been filled out in the program record.
  • The default print summary indicates the Created By district.

The user interface and print summary related to the Homeless Program have been updated as follows:

  • The list view for the program now indicates the District where the record was created.
  • The program details include Start Date, End Date, and Program Status at the top.
  • The program details display 'Last modified by' information.
  • A comments section has been added.
  • The default print summary now returns both the code and descriptions for fields that have been filled out in the program record.
  • The default print summary indicates the Created By district.

Product Information: Homeless Services; Homeless

Programs - Foster Care - UI and Print Summary Updates

The user interface and print summary related to the Foster Care Program have been updated as follows:

  • The list view for the program now indicates the District where the record was created.
  • The program details include Start Date, End Date, and Program Status at the top.
  • The program details display 'Last modified by' information.
  • The default print summary now returns both the code and descriptions for fields that have been filled out in the program record.
  • The default print summary indicates the Created By district.

Product Information: Foster Care

Programs - Early Learning - UI and Print Summary Updates

The user interface and print summary related to the Early Learning Program have been updated as follows:

  • The list view for the program now indicates the District where the record was created
  • The program details include Start Date, End Date, and Program Status at the top.
  • The program details display 'Last modified by' information.
  • The default print summary now returns both the code and descriptions for fields that have been filled out in the program record.
  • The default print summary indicates the Created By district.

Product Information: Early Learning

Public Store Email Confirmation

Added an email confirmation message to be sent to users who create Public Store accounts to confirm their email address. If an email address is not confirmed, the user will be required to pass a captcha/ReCAPTCHA when checking out.

Product Information: Public Store

OLR Completion Setting

Added a setting that will allow districts to require Online Registration to be completed before a parent can access the parent portal.

Added Libre Barcode 39 as an available font for FOP Reports to support rotating barcodes for the Badge Designer tool.

Product Information: Online Registration; Badge Designer

Minimum Payment Amount

The minimum amount for purchases set up within the Payments Setup has been reduced to $0.01. Previously set minimum payments will remain in place and must be manually updated.

Product Information: Payments Setup

Activity Form Cleanup

Added the Activity Form Cleanup tool, allowing districts to mass-delete incomplete registrations, as well as an automated deletion option within Activity Builder and side panel to delete incomplete registrations individually in the Activity Roster.

Product Information: Activity Form Cleanup

OneRoster - Score Comments

A new Accept Incoming Score Comments option has been added to the Connection Configuration section of OneRoster connections that use OneRoster 1.2. If marked, score comments are included in the data received via OneRoster and comments entered in Campus are overwritten. If left unmarked, comments are not received and any comments entered in Campus are not overwritten.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications Configuration

OneRoster - Home Primary Language

An option has been added to the Connection Configuration options for OneRoster connections called 'Include Primary Home Language'. If marked, Primary Home Language is included in the metadata of the Users endpoint.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications Configuration

OneRoster - Legal Name Setting

The Omit Legal Name checkbox in OneRoster connection settings has been renamed to 'Include Legal Name' and now defaults to marked. Existing logic that Legal Name is returned by default is unchanged.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications Configuration

Messenger 2.0 Tool Rights

Messenger 2.0 tool rights were built to offer maximum flexibility to the end users. With this in mind, we have consolidated our tool right options so the tool can comfortably scale and be mindful of how many sub-tools we create in the tool rights outline.

Product Information: Tool Rights

Special Ed Template Banks Multi-Select Function Added

Users now have the ability to select multiple Template Banks when entering data into a Special Ed Document.

Product Information: Special Ed Template Bank Setup

FRAM Communication Updates

The following FRAM updates were made:

  • The yellow banner in Online Application Preferences has been updated to state FRAM Communication instead of FRAM Letter Editor.
  • The actual date now appears in the Portal Inbox preview
  • Portal Inbox - there are now two boxes separating with and without approval denial
  • The header of E-Signature now states Meal Benefits
  • Portal Letters now properly display special characters when using Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages
  • Portal Letters with the Babelstone font type now properly display special characters. 

Product Information: Online Application Preferences


Messenger - Redesign Step 1 of Messenger 2.0

Step 1 of Messenger 2.0 has been updated to improve accessibility and keyboard navigation. Some options have been migrated to side panels, but all existing filtering options are still available and have been grouped with similar items to simplify on-screen choices.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0

Attendance Logic Update

The logic for the Attendance Wizard has been updated. It now considers Lunch Setup table values for calculating a student's attendance minutes when using Check-In and Check-Out.

Product Information: Attendance Wizard

Updates Made to Custom Tool Setup

The New Custom Tool Setup editor within Custom Tool Setup has been greatly widened to take up more screen, preventing the Classic Look Menu Placement and URL fields from truncating when viewing field data.

Users with many custom tools and URLs were unable to easily locate a specific tool or URL in the Custom Tool Editor due to pagination. To improve usability, each column in the Custom Tool Editor now has a search bar and filtering options, allowing users to narrow displayed tools/URLs as they continue to type in a column’s search field or by applying filtering criteria.

Product Information: Custom Tool Setup

Feedback Button Added to Assessment Center

A Feedback button has been added to the Assessment Center homepage. The link directs users to a monitored forum thread dedicated to feedback on the new assessment setup and score data import functionality released in Campus.2351.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Roster Payment Processing

Roster Payment Processing is a brand new feature that will allow for cash, check, and credit card transactions to be taken for an Activity from within the Activity Registration roster screen.

Product Information: Activity Monitor

FRAM Letter Editor Renamed to FRAM Communication

The FRAM Letter Editor has been renamed to FRAM Communication. With this update, the user interface has been enhanced for a better experience.

Product Information: FRAM Communication

OneRoster Updates

As a result of 1EdTech no longer supporting OAuth 1.0, new connections using that API framework can no longer be created. Connections can be created using OneRoster 1.1 with OAuth 2.0, or using OneRoster 1.2.

The button to trigger a refresh of the OneRoster cache has been moved to the Settings section of the Digital Learning Application Configuration tool. The date and time of the last successful full refresh is shown above the Refresh button.

The Settings button has been renamed Settings and Management and the options have been rearranged to clarify the distinction between LTI and OneRoster settings.

Product Information: Digital Learning Applications


Assessments - Result Statuses Updated

The 'Minimum Value' field under the Results / Proficiency Statuses of Test Detail in the Assessment Center is no longer a required field when only Results are set up. This update allows districts to directly import Result values without any calculations and have the Result Code and Result Label display on a student's Assessment page.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Assessments - New Columns Added to dbo.testScore

The following columns have been added to 'dbo.testScore':

  • modifiedByID: Populates with the personID of the individual generating the import.
  • addedByVendor: Indicates if a vendor created the test record.
  • imported: Indicates if the import tool was utilized or a user manually created the assessment score record.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Assessments - Batch Queue Button Added

A 'Batch Queue' button has been added to the homepage of the Assessment Center. When the button is selected, a window opens to display reports for all the assessments the user has generated through the 'Save & Batch Test' option in Step 4-Test Mapping and the 'Save & Batch Import' option in Step 5-Import Data

Product Information: Assessment Center > Batch Queue

OneRoster Updates

  • Logic has been updated for determining the expiration time of database locks.
  • Our implementation of the OneRoster 1.1 specification has been updated to allow vendors to return assignments as already aligned to default categories, rather than requiring teachers to align assignments manually.
  • Logic has been updated to cache whether a district has a Campus Learning license. The cache is updated when the status of the district's Campus Learning license is changed.

Product Information: Digital Learning Application Configuration

School Store - Button Update in General Product

In the General Product workflow, there will now be one main "Save & Next" button and a separate "Save" button, removing the "Save & Close" option.

Product Information: School Store

Student Information Grades Tool

The Grades tool has been updated to improve usability, more closely match Campus Student and Campus Parent, and provide additional assignment and grade data. The initial view of the Grades tool shows all Terms. Click a course name or grade cell to view grades for that class, with tasks and standards listed. Users now have the option to view the assignments that contribute to a grade and click on specific assignments to view a read-only version.

Additionally, changes have also been made to which GPAs display in the Grades tool in Student Information, and in Campus Student and Campus Parent:

  • Previously, the Grades tool displayed Weighted Term GPA, Weighted Term GPA with Bonus Points, Rolling Cumulative GPA, Rolling Cumulative GPA with Bonus Points, and any Custom GPAs that were enabled in the Calendar GPA Calculation Setup tool. Now, Unweighted Term GPA, Unweighted Term GPA with Bonus Points, and all types of Cumulative GPAs can be displayed. A GPA must have a value calculated to display in the Grades tool. Custom GPAs must still be enabled in the Calendar GPA Calculation Setup tool. The student's class rank displays for each Custom and Cumulative GPA. Class Rank does not display on Campus Student and Campus Parent.
  • Previously, only the Weighted Term GPA and Weighted Cumulative GPA could be displayed in Campus Student and Campus Parent. Now, new options have been added to configure which GPAs display. New Portal Preferences were added for each GPA in the Portal Display Options. Also, a new Available in Portal checkbox for each Custom GPA has been added in the Calendar GPA Calculation Setup tool. Mark the Portal Preference for a GPA to display it in Campus Student/Parent. If the Portal Preference for Custom GPA is marked, the required custom GPA must also be marked to be Available in Portal in the Calendar GPA Calculation Setup tool.

Product Information: Portal Display Options

SSRS Report Enhancement

Updated the dynamic SSRS report options page to display a disabled drop-down list when a field has unmet dependencies.

Product Information: SSRS Report Configuration

Learner Portfolio Fields Added to Ad Hoc

A new 'Yearly GPA' object has been added under the Learner Portfolio section of Ad Hoc for State Edition users. Filter fields include:

  • personID
  • endYear
  • districtID
  • weightedGPA
  • unweightedGPA

Product Information: Ad Hoc Reporting

Title Element Updated to Meet Accessibility Requirements

The Title elements in the Parent and Student Portals were updated to meet accessibility requirements. The title contents will dynamically display the tool name followed by " | Infinite Campus".

Product Information: Student Portal; Parent Portal

Update Transcript Data Validation Rules

The update transcript Data Validation Rules have been updated to be run by the school and year.

Product Information: Validation Rules

DIS - Sync Raw Unweighted GPA

Raw Unweighted GPA has been updated to sync from District Editions to State Editions to allow for analysis at the state.

Product Information: DIS



Assessment Center Updated

The Assessment Center has been enhanced to include score import functionality. The following options are available:

  • 1-Test Detail: Define the necessary assessment details including:
    • Test Type
    • Display Settings
    • Score Fields
    • Result / Proficiency Statuses
    • Child Tests
  • 2-Data File Detail: Select a data file to upload. Only Comma Delimited file types are accepted currently.
  • 3-Map Data: Map the data from the selected source file to the database fields for import.
  • 4-Test Mapping: Test data mappings for accuracy and make changes as needed.
  • 5-Import Data: Import mapped data to the Infinite Campus system.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Assessment Center Updated

A new information button has been added next to the 'Use Proficiency Statuses' checkbox under the Result / Proficiency Statuses section of Test Detail in the Assessment Center. It states:

  • When data has been set up for either Result or Proficiency Statuses to be calculated, you can set the mapping calculation for either of these fields using Raw Score or Scale Score from Step 3.

Note: The 'Step 3' functionality referenced will be available in a future release.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Positive Attendance Summary Report in CSV

The option to generate the Positive Attendance Summary Report in CSV format has been added.

Product Information: Positive Attendance Summary

Special Ed Documents Responsive List Editor Enhancement

All list editors within Special Ed Documents have been updated with a responsive design to display number of records based on the size of the user's screen. This enhancement only applies to Special Ed Documents rewritten in the New Look of Campus.

Product Information: Special Ed Documents

Printing a Seating Chart or Roster

The print button in Seating Charts and the Roster has been renamed from 'Report Options' to 'Print Options' to be more intuitive.

Product Information: Seating Chart

Flags in Student Summary Report

The Turned In flag has been added to the Student Summary report, which reports as 'TI.'

Product Information: Student Summary

Button Update in Events

In the Events workflow, there will now be one main "Save & Next" button and a separate "Save" button, removing the "Save & Close" option.

Product Information: Events

Scanning - Advanced Attendance and Appointments Enhancement

Modified the default content security policy to allow connections to printers from Advanced Attendance and Appointments.

Product Information: Content Security Policy

DIS - Sync Absenteeism Percentage

Absenteeism Percentage has been updated to sync from District Editions to State Editions to allow for analysis at the state.

Product Information: Data Interchange Administration

New Card Entry Method Column and Payment Sources

Added a Card Entry Method column to the Payments Reporter to show whether a credit/debit card payment was typed in manually, swiped, or processed through the Campus Mobile Payments app using a chip insert or tap. This will help districts with payment transaction research.

We have also added additional Payment Sources to the Payments Reporter:

  • Activity Roster
  • Fees
  • Food Service
  • POS Terminal

Product Information: Payments Reporter


Campus Instruction - Excluded Assignments in Reports

Report editors that have an assignment picker have been updated so that assignments in a category that is marked as Exclude from Calculation display with a red 'Excluded' pill icon after the assignment name, as with assignments that do not have 'Include in Grade Calculation' marked in Grading information.

Product Information: Instruction Reports

Child Test User Interface Updated

The Child Test section under Test Detail in the Assessment Center has been updated to enhance user experience:

  • Side panel defaults as the screen focus when the 'Add Existing' button is clicked.
  • When the user navigates to the child test:
    • Right Arrow / Down Arrow keyboard keys can be used to navigate between child tests putting the focus on the next available item.
    • Left Arrow / Up Arrow keyboard keys can be used to navigate between child tests putting the focus on the previously available item.
  • When the Child Test name is selected:
    • Use the Enter key to move to the child page.
    • Use the Tab key to navigate to the Remove button on the screen and then select the Enter key to remove that child test.
    • Use the ESC key to reload the page and the focus defaults to the Name field.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Campus Learning - Images and PDFs in Curriculum

Assignments and Resources have been updated so that when an image or PDF is attached, the image displays in the body of the assignment, instead of requiring a user to download it to view it.

Product Information: Grade Book

Student Assessment Proficiency Level Logic Updated

Logic for the 'Proficiency Level' field on the Student Assessment screen has been updated to display the proficiency value (if populated) related to the Result / Proficiency Statuses data on an assessment. Historical proficiency data is not impacted by this update and remains tied to a student’s assessment. The drop list is blank if proficiency levels were not set up for the assessment.

Product Information: Proficiency Level

Score Fields Section Updated

The Score Fields section under Test Detail in the Assessment Center has been updated to display in a dual list box to enhance user experience.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Public Store Security Enhancement

Google reCAPTCHA has now been added as an option to the Public Store login and checkout screens to provide greater protection against fraudulent activity.

Product Information: Login Security Settings

Lunch Start and End Times

Start Times and End Times can now be added to Lunch Setup. When a start time is entered, an end time must also be entered. These time fields can also be added to Ad hoc reports.

Product Information: Lunch Setup

OneRoster - School Scoping

A new checkbox has been added to enable school scoping when configuring a OneRoster connection. School scoping is disabled if the checkbox is not marked.

Product Information: OneRoster connection

OneRoster - Omit Legal Names

A new Connection Configuration section has been added for OneRoster 1.2 connections which includes an option to Omit Legal Names. When checked, this option prevents Legal Names from the Protected Identity Information section of an Identity record from being returned via OneRoster 1.2 connections.

Product Information: OneRoster connection

New Look of Infinite Campus – Contact Information Section Added to Person Information Card

A Contact Information section has been added to the Person Information card. This new section will display the following information for the person’s listed contacts:

  • Last Name, First Name MI
  • Cell Phone #
  • Work Phone #
  • Other Phone #
  • Pager #
  • Email Address
  • Secondary Email Address

If the Person Information card is for a student, each of the student’s guardians will display this information with the addition of their Relationship to the student.

There are also now links to Demographics and the Student Summary. A link to Demographics will only be visible if the person has access to the Demographics tool and the Student Summary will only appear if the person selected is a student.

Product Information: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

Messenger 2.0 Recipient List Enhancement

Added the ability to filter student/messenger contact lists by bus lists.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0


Updates to Campus Parent and Campus Student

The following updates have been made to Campus Student and Campus Parent:

  • Made updates to improve the accessibility of the home screen in Campus Parent and Campus Student.
  • Students with multiple enrollments now see tabs for each enrollment in Today's Schedule.
  • Rearranged the Day Event alert in the individual student card.

The following issues were also addressed:

  • Some language translations caused Campus Student and Campus Parent to lock up when selected.
  • Students were unable to see their Academic Plans under certain Enrollment scenarios.
  • Parents with only one student encountered errors when generating the Academic Plan Progress Report.
  • Clicking an email address in Campus Student/Parent to open an email with that recipient did not work if using a Chromebook.
  • If Academic Planning was enabled only for students, the Graduation Progress field still displayed in Campus Parent. If Academic Planning was enabled only for parents, the Graduation Progress field did not display in either Campus Student or Campus Parent.

Additionally, Zomi has been added to the Translation tool in Data Utilities > Language/Translations for districts who want to add translations for that language.

Product Information: Campus Parent, Campus Student

Enhancements to Custom Tool Management

The Custom Outline Link and Custom Tab tools have been replaced by Custom Tool Setup. This new tool streamlines the custom outline link and custom tool experience by providing a singular place to create and manage these items. All existing custom links and tools are now displayed in a single view, with each item’s Classic and New Look locations listed, the type of tool they are, and indication if they are state-owned and published (for state-linked districts).

For more information about this new tool, see the Custom Tool Setup article.

Product Information: Custom Tool Setup

Proficiency Levels Added to Assessment Center

The Result Statuses section under the Test Information area of the Assessment Center has been updated to include Proficiency fields.

Attributes have been added to the Test section of the Attribute Dictionary. These are unlocked so users can modify the list or add more dictionary values:

  • Proficiency Status
  • Proficiency EL Status

New checkboxes added:

  • 'Use Proficiency Statuses': Unchecked by default.
  • 'EL': Inactive until 'Use Proficiency Status' is marked.

Section headings changed:

  • 'Result Statuses' changed to 'Result / Proficiency Statuses'.
  • 'Label' changed to 'Result Label'.

New column added:

  • 'Proficiency Status': Required when 'Use Proficiency Statuses' is marked.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Messenger 2.0 Recipient Report

Adding the ability to generate a CSV report to preview:

  • Total and Distinct recipient counts.
  • Full recipient list and the delivery modes they are eligible to be contacted at.
  • List of recipients who do not have an eligible delivery mode to be contacted at.
  • List of excluded recipients.

Product Information: Messenger 2.0

Insights Dashboard Now Customizable

The Insights Dashboard has been updated to allow users to control which four insights charts are displayed in what order on the dashboard. Templates created for each Insights report can be applied, meaning users can control not only which four charts are displayed but what and how data is displayed in each chart.

Product Information: Insights Dashboard

Improvements to Transportation Sync

Based on user feedback for the transportation sync we have written, we are going to make the following changes:

  • If the bus does not exist, create it.
  • Select the first pickup and last drop off to write to the transportation tab instead of picking at random.
  • Copy forward custom fields parking information when creating a new record.
  • Switch from the stop description to the stop address.

Product Information: Transportation Sync

Test Detail User Interface Updated

The Test Detail section of the Assessment Center has been updated to enhance user experience:

  • Users can navigate backward / forward on the screen and expand / collapse the page dividers using the 'Tab' button on their computer keyboard.
  • All labels have been updated to be read when using a screen reader application.
  • The Proficiency Status field clears when the EL checkbox is selected after the Use Proficiency Statuses box is marked and data is entered in the Minimum Value, Result Code, Result Label, and Proficiency Status fields. This allows for the selection of an EL-specific proficiency code.
  • The date fields have been updated to require the full date value to save. An error toast message displays when the complete date value is not entered.

Product Information: Assessment Center

Data Validation Rules Update

Data Validation Rules that were converted from the Data Health Check are now able to be run by school + end year.

Product Information: Validation Rules

New Look of Infinite Campus - Person Title Bar Updated to Account for Person, Student, and Staff Information

The Person title bar has been updated to allow for person, student, and/or staff information (such as Staff Number, Student Number, etc). This title is available and shown for all person, staff, and student tools which utilize this bar and will include any combination of person, staff, and student information as needed per person.

Product Information: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus