Enhancements play a vital role in the evolution of Infinite Campus. With each Release Pack, a number of enhancements are included to continuously improve existing functionality and provide new functionality to advance the Infinite Campus experience.
This page describes all major enhancements included per Release Pack and serves as a convenient way for users to view/reference when an enhancement was added.
For information about enhancements in Release Packs prior to .2439, see the following PDFs:
This page covers major functionality modifications and does not describe all cases considered an enhancement. For a comprehensive list of all modifications made (including bugs and state reporting modifications), please review the release notes for each Release Pack.
Import Standards Update
The Standards Import has been updated to support the CASE 1.1 specification and allow cartridges to be imported from CASE Network 2. The Import workflow has also been improved to clarify and simplify the process. In the new workflow, users select a source for the cartridge, then select which frameworks should be imported. For each framework, users then select the item types for imported items, select a default rubric, and preview the hierarchy of groups and standards before completing the import.
Product Information: Standards Setup
SSRS Reports - Enforce Use of District Parameter for Validations on State Data Set
SSRS reports written by the state and pushed down to districts will enforce a district parameter to ensure a district is only able to see data for users in their district or that they have access to view.
Product Information: SSRS Report Configuration
FRAM Verification Interface Enhancement
The FRAM Verification tool has received a new user interface.
Product Information: Verification
POS 2.26.3 Version Update
The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:
- Added the ability to set an account balance threshold for the Block a la Carte option. The POS application must be updated to version 2.26.3 before editing the new Custom Amount field in POS Account Details > Patron Preference.
Product Information: N/A
Gender Preference for FRAM Online Application
Updated the Meal Benefits application in the Portal to reflect the new gender preferences.
Product Information: Meal Benefits
Messenger 2.0 Message Images
Messenger 2.0 now supports embedding images directly in the message body. When an image is added, it is uploaded to the Campus Digital Repository and can be sent via Inbox or Email Delivery Modes. Users can insert images by dragging and dropping them into the message body, copying and pasting, or uploading from their computer using the file manager. Uploaded images are stored in an image manager for future use in other messages. The Inbox / Email - Inline Images option will need to be toggled on from the Digital Repository Preferences tool to enable this functionality.
Product Information: Messenger 2.0
Two-Factor Authentication Updated to Multi-Factor Authentication
All “Two-Factor Authentication” mentions in the product have been updated to say “Multi-Factor Authentication”.
Product Information: N/A
Authentication Type Column Added to Access Log
An Authentication Type column was added to the Access Log. This column logs the authentication type of the user account login attempt (local Authentication, LDAP, or SSO).
Product Information: Access Log
Portal Gender Identity
A new Portal Gender Identity preference tool has been added to the Portal Preferences. This tool allows districts to indicate whether the Demographics tool in Campus Student and Campus Parent should Display Gender and Display Pronoun. These settings apply to all schools in the district.
Both options are disabled by default unless the district has Self Service Options > Activate Demographics > Display Student Demographics enabled.
Note: The display of the Gender and Pronoun fields also depends on whether they are enabled in the Core Attribute/Dictionary.
Product Information: Portal Preferences
Campus Student - Hall Pass in Shortcuts
The Hall Pass tool has been added to the Shortcuts area of the Home screen in Campus Student.
Product Information: Campus Student
Academic Planning Batch Program Assignment Wizard Update
The Batch Program Assignment Wizard has been updated to include new selection items for the Select Programs drop-list. Users who select Type Academic Program or Academic Program (Automated) may select to include All Programs in the Batch Program or they may use the CTRL or Shift keys to select multiple programs.
Product Information: Batch Program Assignment Wizard
Activity Waitlist
Added an Activity Registration Waitlist feature that enables staff to mark activities as requiring a waitlist. Students can join the waitlist, and staff can grant or remove spots as needed. When inventory for a purchase option reaches zero, the "Add to Cart" button will change to "Join Waitlist" if the waitlist functionality is enabled for the activity.
Product Information: Activity Monitor
Staff Contact Preference for Schedule Messenger and Special Ed Process Alert
The Schedule Messenger and Special Ed Process Alert tools will begin to use the Staff contact preference on the Demographics page instead of General and Teacher, respectively.
For more information, visit the Staff Contact Preference release notification.
Product Information: Demographics
Custom Form eSignature Guardian Selection Enhancement
Users now can determine the number of parents/guardians required to sign a Custom Form electronically. This includes No eSignature Required, One Guardian eSignature Required, and All Guardian eSignatures Required options on the Custom Forms Setup tool. This update applies to all custom and core module custom forms. Premium Suite Custom Forms have a different process for determining the number of guardian signatures, and the Custom Module Setup options only determine if signatures are required or not to complete the form.
When One Guardian eSignature Required is selected, users on the Forms tool can select which parent(s)/guardian(s) will receive the Custom Form in the Review Participants side panel. Only one signature is required, but the custom form can be sent to multiple parents/guardians. When assigning Custom Forms to students using the Form Batch Setup tool, the form is automatically sent to all parents/guardians, but only one guardian signature is required to complete the form.
Product Information: Custom Forms Setup, Form Batch Setup
View Custom Form Batches Created by Others Update
Users with the appropriate tool rights can now view Form Batches created by other users. See the Form Batch Setup tool for additional information.
Product Information: Form Batch Setup
SSO Service Provider Configuration Tool Updated to Display URLs Fields Previously Hidden Behind a Checkbox Selection
The SSO Service Provider Configuration tool has been updated to display the Single Sign-On URL, Service Provider Metadata, and Single Sign-Out URL fields, regardless of whether or not the Enable SAML Single Sign-On checkbox is marked.
Product Information: SAML – SSO Service Provider Configuration
Data Extract Utility SFTP Key Exchange Manager Updates
The following updates were made to improve the Data Extract Utility SFTP Key Exchange Manager:
- The refresh option in the tool now says Refresh instead of OK.
- When a configuration is deleted, you will now receive a dynamic alert indicating you deleted the configuration.
- The Delete button is now red.
Product Information: Data Extract Utility SFTP Key Exchange Manager
Quiz Accessibility
Updates have been made to Quizzes to improve accessibility, including for screen reader users and keyboard navigation. In addition to general improvements, the following updates have been made:
- Accessibility has been improved for drag and drop-style Fill in the Blank questions: users can either click and drag answers to place them or click the response option and then click the response blank to place the response.
- Where helpful, screen reader-only text has been added to explain accessibility features to screen reader users.
Product Information: Curriculum List
Terminal Reload Request Report
Added a Terminal Reload Request Report to the Terminal Detail. This report shows when a specific terminal has had a data reload in the last 30 days.
Product Information: Terminals
Forms eSignature Fields Added to Ad hoc
A new Form Status folder was added to the Ad hoc Filter Designer. The fields added to this folder allow users to query Custom Form eSignature information. See the Forms article for additional information.
Product Information: Filter Designer
Custom Forms Parents/Guardians Fillable Field Update
When a student has multiple parents/guardians, users can now select which person displays in which field on fillable Custom Forms.
Product Information: Forms
Health Condition List Enhancement
The Health Condition List tool now has a new read-only field, Origin. This field identifies the list from which this condition was created: ICD-9, ICD-10, or district-defined. A system preference, Default Health Conditions, determines which list of conditions is displayed.
Product Information: Condition Setup
Special Ed Plan eSignature Enhancements
When sending a plan for eSignature on the Special Ed Documents tool, a dialog displays, allowing users to select which parent or guardian receives the plan on Campus Parent. This update enhances that dialog, informing users if any of the student's parents/guardians do not have an active Campus Parent account. Plans cannot be sent to a parent or guardian unless they have an active Campus Parent account. See the Special Ed eSignature Process article for additional information.
Product Information: Special Ed Documents
Special Ed Campus Default IEP Rewrite
The Campus Default IEP was rewritten in the New Look of Campus.
Product Information: Special Ed Documents
Discussion Updates
The following updates have been made to Discussions:
- Added an option for students to attach files to a discussion post. Teachers can enable this option in the Discussion settings.
- Changed color coding logic to outline a post instead of coloring the background. For example, when scoring discussions, the selected post is outlined in blue.
- Logic for deleting posts has been updated. Added an option to delete all posts in a thread and to delete all of a user's own posts. If all posts in a thread are deleted, the thread no longer displays in the discussion.
- Added a 'New' label for new posts and replies.
- Posts are now labeled based on the role of the poster: Admin, Teacher, or Student.
- Teacher posts are now displayed in the Campus Parent view even if the parent's student hasn't replied.
- Removed the Print button - users can still print Discussions using their browser's print function.
Product Information: Discussions
Cross-Site Enrollment - Designate Which Districts Can Participate with Other Districts
Administrators can now select which districts their district can accept Cross-Site offerings from when Cross-Site Enrollment tooling is turned on.
For interdistrict Cross-Site Enrollment districts, the School Connections tool now includes a toggle for Interdistrict and Intradistrict. When set to Interdistrict, districts can choose (marked to Accept Offerings) to interact with other districts. If the district is not set to Accept Offerings, courses from that district will not display for mapping in the Home district's Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool.
When Accept Offerings is turned off after courses have been mapped, existing mappings and rosters will remain unless manually removed.
Product Information: Cross-Site Enrollment
Cross-Site Enrollment Attendance Update for Home Schools
When the Serving school has provided an Attendance Status or reconciled the attendance record, regardless of whether the Home school has sent any initial attendance, the Home School is no longer able to update that attendance record. This update coincides with other Cross-Site Enrollment Attendance updates (SIS-183905) and enforces the role of the Serving School always being the School of Record.
The following areas have been updated:
- Student Attendance Tool - The Excuse field only includes excuses that have the same status as the locked attendance record. Radio buttons to change the status have been disabled.
- Attendance Entry Wizard - An attempt to change a Status on the locked attendance record alerts the user that the record cannot be changed. Radio buttons to change the status on the locked attendance record are disabled.
- Section Attendance - Radio buttons to change the status on the Attendance side panel are disabled.
- Teaching Center - Radio buttons to change the status using Take Attendance or the Seating Chart are disabled.
Product Information: Cross-Site Enrollment
Cross-Site Enrollment - Attendance Workflow Updates
Previously, attendance recorded for Cross-Site Enrollment students allowed for processing at both the Home School and the Serving School. This has been updated to have the *Serving School is the school of record.* This applies to both Interdistrict and Intradistrict participation.
- Any initial status coming from the Home School can be accounted for in the Serving School unless the Serving School has already supplied a status.
- Attendance status changes cannot be changed at the Home School.
- Additional changes from the Home School where the Serving School has already reconciled the status or added their own status is not accounted for at the Serving School.
Product Information: Cross-Site Enrollment
App Cache Reload Tool Now Available
System administrators and users with a Student Information System product security role can now access the App Cache Reload Tool. This tool is useful for reloading the cache app after events such as:
- A change to your district Campus Service Provider Entity ID
- Changes made to Portal Preference through the database.
- Changes made to dictionary items through the database.
- Troubleshooting and resolving one-off issues.
NOTE: Reloading the app cache may lead to high resource usage and temporary login outages. PLEASE USE THIS TOOL ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. If you need to use this tool often, contact Campus Support.
Product Information: App Cache Reload
Data Extract Utility SFTP Key Exchange Manager Updated to Clarify Order of Operations and Functionality
The following updates were made to the Data Extract Utility SFTP Key Exchange Manager to lessen confusion and improve usability:
- The header has been updated to include the proper workflow for using this tool, including a link to detailed instructions available in the Campus Community Knowledge Base.
- The SFTP Key Exchange Configuration section is now identified as required and buttons appear in workflow order.
- The SFTP Server Public Key Upload (.pub file) section is now labeled as optional and includes language about how this functionality works.
Product Information: Data Extract SFTP Key Exchange Manager
Custom Forms and Special Ed eSignature Terms and Conditions Update
Parents/Guardians and/or students who receive a Custom Form on the Campus Parent or Student Portals that require an eSignature now have to accept or decline a Terms and Conditions for Electronic Use before signing or declining the Custom Form. See the Forms or Custom Forms on Portal Process articles for additional information.
The Terms and Conditions previously existed for states with eSignature functionality for the Special Ed Plans. The Special Ed and Custom Form Terms and Conditions process was updated to be consistent between the document types with this update. See your state's specific articles for additional information:
- Delaware Special Ed Plan eSignature Process
- Nebraska Special Ed eSignature Process
- Nevada Individual Education Plan eSignature Process
- South Dakota Special Ed Plan eSignature Process
Payment Setup Accessibility Enhancements
Relocated 'Acceptable Payment Methods' from Vendor Information to Settings, added headers to the Bank Accounts and Fund Accounts tables, and labeled all mandatory fields with '(Required)' for improved clarity and usability.
Product Information: Payments Setup
POS 2.26.0 Version Update
The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:
- Brand new POS terminal installs will now be delivered with an encrypted database. Existing POS terminal installs will receive a new config file in preparation for moving to an encrypted database in the summer of 2025.
Product Information: N/A
POS Terminal Install
Added a new delivery of the installer and auto updater.
Product Information: Terminals
Health Screening Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Fields Added
Two new fields, TB Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment Completed, were added to the Health Screenings tool to track additional Tuberculosis information. The dictionaries for both fields are unlocked, except for Delaware users.
Product Information: Health Screenings
Cross-Site Enrollment Updates
The following updates have been made to Cross-Site Enrollment tools.
NEW Interdistrict Data Sync
A new Interdistrict Cross-Site Data Sync Log tool is available for districts participating in interdistrict enrollment. This log lists any changes included in the overnight data sync job. Users can review the changes made to ensure the changed data is correct.
Cross-Site Configuration
When a course is enabled for Cross-Site, use the Add Section link on the Course Sections tool to add more Cross-Site Sections. The Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox will already be selected, but the Cross-Site Max Students and Cross-Site Instructional Setting fields will need to be populated.
When the participation setting on District Information is changed from Intradistrict to Interdistrict or from Intradistrict & Interdistrict, the existing mapped courses and sections are removed.
Cross-Site Enrollment Setup
When viewing the list of courses in the Home School view, Courses and Sections now display in numeric ascending order.
When viewing the list of courses in the Serving School view, the district name, school name, and calendar names for each school marked for Cross-Site Enrollment are displayed in alphabetic order. The courses and sections are listed in numeric ascending order within each calendar.
The Max Students and the Cross-Site Max Students fields now allow up to three digits.
The list of sections for a Cross-Site Course includes only active sections. Sections that have an End Date in the past are not included.
When the Cross-Site Enrollment Participation field is set to Interdistrict, a Filter by District filter field displays on the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool when viewing the Serving School.
A new Pending Roster process has been added to the nightly resync job to remove all pending rosters from the queue. Users at the Home School receive a message and can re-enter the roster changes and try again.
An email is sent to users listed in the Notifications Settings side panel for interdistrict sites when updates are made to sections and/or rosters. It is only sent when the following occurs:
- Roster Start Date Updated
- Roster End Date Updated
- Roster Deleted
- Roster Created
- Invalidated Section
- Updated Section Data
School Connections
The School Connections tool is only available when the state is enabled to use Cross-Site Enrollment.
Cross-Site Course Master Batch Enable
The Cross-Site Course Master Batch Enable tool is only available when the state is enabled to use Cross-Site Enrollment.
Product Information: Cross-Site Enrollment
Special Ed State Reporting Flags Functionality Added
In a previous release (October 2024, Campus.2443), the Special Ed Flags sub-right was modified to obey the standard RWAD rules, and Flag rights no longer override the sub-right permissions. This allows users to decide more accurately who can assign Special Education Flags to students. See the Student Information Tool Rights article for additional tool rights information.
This enhancement lets users view and assign Special Education Flags on the Special Education State Reporting tool. Now users can enter state reporting data and assign a Special Education Flag to a student with one tool. This includes managing Special Education Flags assigned to the student via the Student Flag, Batch Program Assignment Wizard, or Task Scheduler tools.
As part of this enhancement, the student's Case Manager automatically pulls into the Flag for the student and displays it in the header when applicable.
The name of this tool may be different in your state:
- Colorado Setting
- Delaware Special Education Summary
- Georgia ACS
- Kansas Special Ed State Reporting
- Maine Special Ed State Reporting
- Massachusetts Special Ed State Reporting
- Montana State Reported Data
- New Jersey State Reporting
- Oklahoma Special Ed State Reporting
- Pennsylvania State Referral
- Wisconsin Setting
Product Information: N/A
Scheduling Board - Hidden Sections Behavior
A new message displays when unplaced sections are hidden from view on the Scheduling Board. Users can view them by clicking Copy to Clipboard and paste them into a text document or a spreadsheet.
Unplaced sections may affect your build results. Review the sections listed to determine if those unplaced sections should be deleted (unplaced sections will be permanently removed) or retained (unplaced sections will be kept).
Product Information: Scheduling Board
Two-Factor Authentication Code Emails Now Only Use Numbers for Verification Code
The verification code contained in the email sent when verifying your login via two-factor authentication has been updated to only contain numbers.
Product Information: Login Security Settings
State Edition Custom Forms Tool Rights Added
Publish to District tool rights were added for State Edition users to control who can publish Custom Forms from the State to Districts.
Product Information: User Account
Messenger - Display Individual Recipients As Inactive
Inactive staff members will display as inactive when searching for individual staff recipients in Messenger 2.0.
Product Information: Messenger 2.0
Windows 11 support for POS
Added Windows 11 support for POS. This includes support for the following adapter:
- P/N: 977GF010000005
See the Terminal Plug-in Support and Accessory Maintenance for detailed information and installation guidance.
Product Information: Supported Platforms
Arrange Service Tabs on Terminal
Added the ability to change the display order of the Service tabs in the POS Terminal cashier serving screen.
Product Information: Application Manager
Uploading Images in Assignments
Assignments have been updated so that when a teacher or student pastes an image into a WYSIWYG editor, the image is uploaded to the Campus Digital Repository. Users can also upload images by clicking the image icon and selecting an image file on their device. As with other CDR files, users must acknowledge the Acceptable Use Policy.
Users who do not have access to the CDR can include images by clicking the image icon, then the link icon, and pasting in the image's URL.
Product Information: Curriculum
Teaching Center - Section Tiles
The Teaching Center has been updated so that if a teacher's schedule changes and they have not customized that section in the Teaching Center, such as entering a new name or selecting an icon or color, the name for that section is updated based on the schedule change. If the teacher has customized the section, no changes are made to the Teaching Center.
Product Information: Teaching Center
Requests & Rosters Updates
Requests & Rosters has been updated for the following:
- The Auto-Post Course Fees system setting now applies to Requests & Rosters actions when students are scheduled into course sections that have Course Fees assigned. This occurs when using Batch Edit Student Rosters, Batch Edit Course Rosters, and Roster Builder.
- An additional sub-tool right named Delete Rosters has been added. This sub-tool right is necessary to delete roster records.
The following corrections have been made to Requests & Rosters:
- When in the Courses view and working in the Section Side Panel, clicking Cancel triggered an unsaved changes message to display when no changes had been made.
- The message alerting the user to an invalid date entry on the Roster Builder was displayed when the entered dates matched the section date.
- The Select All option in Batch Edit Student Rosters was not displaying for singleton courses.
- The date warning on Batch Edit Student Rosters is still displayed even after the incorrect dates have been cleared.
Product Information: Requests & Rosters
Cross-Site Enrollment - School Connections Max Students
A Max Students field has been added to the School Connections tool. This field limits seats at a Serving School for Cross-Site Enrolled students. The limit applies to every section that is offered to a Home School.
Product Information: School Connections
Student Graduation - Student Post Grad Confirmation Field
A new Student Post Grad Confirmation field has been added to the General Graduation editor. This field populates with the date the student last confirmed their post-graduation plans.
Product Information: Graduation
Accessibility - Login Screen
A message has been added to the staff, parent, and student login screens indicating that district-created content may not be accessible to screen readers and other assistive technology.
Product Information: Campus Login Screen
FRAM No Income Notification
A No Income column has been added to Household Details to indicate if No Income was selected for a household member in an online application.
Product Information: Online Applications
Academic Planning Updates
The Academic Program Detail editor now has a “Include in Automatic Assignment” checkbox. This option automatically assigns students enrolled in a qualifying course as a participant in the aligned Academic Program.
An automated process has been added to the Batch Program Assignment Wizard that automatically assigns students enrolled in a qualifying course as participants in the aligned Academic Program(s).
Product Information: Academic Program Detail, Batch Program Assignment Wizard
Pass-Through SQL Query Updates
The Ad Hoc Pass-Through SQL Query functionality was updated to increase security and improve user experience:
- FROM and WHERE sections now accept and save subqueries.
- Semicolons are no longer allowed.
Product Information: Pass-Through SQL Query
Quiz Improvements
The following improvements have been made to Quizzes in Instruction:
- Teachers can allow reattempts on quizzes via the Quiz Settings screen. With reattempts, they can also indicate which score should be used in the Grade Book: the highest score among all attempts or the most recent.
- Teachers can now edit quizzes after students have viewed them, making it possible to correct typos and change answers. Be aware that changing the scoring setup of a quiz may alter student scores if they've already taken the quiz.
Product Information: Create Quizzes
Cross-Site Enrollment Updates
The Schedule tool in Campus Student and Campus Parent has been updated to improve how Cross-Site courses are displayed when the Home school and Serving school don't have the same Instructional Days. Improvements have also been made to how attendance is displayed for Cross-Site courses for Kentucky.
Performance improvements have been made to the nightly Cross-Site sync for districts with a large number of Cross-Site courses at the Serving district.
State Edition Updates
States needed to add custom tabs to the District Information and School Information modules to collect data required the Department of Education, then publish to all District Editions. Custom District and Custom School tabs are now able to be published and show in the Publish Custom Tool.
State Edition users can now publish Custom Forms with Database Tables to District Edition users. Users must save the Custom Form before the Publish to Districts checkbox displays. The database table must exist before the Custom Form can be published to districts. See the Custom Forms Setup article for additional information.
SIF Data Tools
The SIF Data and SIF Person Data tools have been enabled for the following states: Connecticut, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.
Product Information: SIF Data, SIF Person Data
POS Version 2.23.9 Update
The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:
- POS version updated to 2.23.9.
- An error occurred in Terminal Manager where selecting a School that had multiple Terminals caused Reload messages to be omitted by the terminal and the reload would not process. This has been corrected.
- An error occurred where Terminal Manager reload/reboot requests were failing for POS versions 2.22.2 and above. This has been corrected.
Requests and Rosters Updates
The following updates have been made to Requests & Rosters:
- A warning message displays when the entered Start Date or End Date falls between the dates of the terms. This applies to the Course's Section dates and Batch Edit Student Roster. This is an informational message; users can still enter and save those dates when necessary.
- An Expand/Collapse button has been added to the Course View.
- Miscellaneous issues related to error messages clearing when the user takes another action when clicking X to clear a modal and when hovering over text that was not clickable. Also corrected were text wrapping with a longer team name and other minor text updates for accuracy and consistency.
- The Max Seat Count Overload modal no longer displays when the Max Seat Count is not defined for the section and/or the course.
- Several accessibility issues related to the behavior (display, acceptance, clearing, etc.) of modals.
- Confirmation messages throughout the Requests & Rosters tool have been updated to clarify which students now have or no longer have a request for a course, and which students were added to or removed from a course roster. Updates to start/end dates or the repeat/no credit checkboxes are also included. The messages also note the total number of students or courses affected by the update.
- Strict student constraints are now validated in the student grid of the Batch Edit Course Roster side panel and the Roster Builder. When a selected student has a strict student constraint with another selected student, those student rows are highlighted in red, along with an alert symbol next to the students' names. Users who have the appropriate tool rights can override the restriction.
- Students enrolled in Cross-Site courses are now excluded from the Roster Builder. They are displayed in the Roster list for the Course Section with Cross-Site Enrollment icon next to their name.
- An error was returned when using the Batch Edit Course Rosters option that indicated no values were selected. This has been corrected.
- When the Max Students value was not populated, adding students through the Roster Builder returned an error. This has been corrected.
Product Information: Requests & Rosters
Human Resources and Staff Evaluations Deprecation
Human Resources (HR) and Staff Evaluations tools will no longer be available after June 30th, 2025.