EL Upload (Montana)

Location: MT Data Upload > English Learner (EL)

The English Learner (EL) Upload allows users to import EL-specific data en masse. See the Upload Wizard (Montana) article for more information about this tool. 

Screenshot of the English Learner Upload highlighting the import type field.Image 1: MT Uploads - English Learner (EL)

Importing English Learner (EL) Records

See the Uploading Files section of the MT Data Upload article for detailed information about importing records via the MT Data Upload tool. 

The Retrieve New Student State ID File option is only relevant to Student Demographic uploads. Please ignore this option when uploading EL data.

Header Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Record Type

The abbreviation for the type of file upload entered.  This will always report as LP.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most recent date a change was made on the file, or the date the file was generated.

Date field, 10 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most recent time a change was made on the file, or the date the file was generated.

Time field, 8 characters

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored


The most current version of the file interface specification and references to the application system. This field will always report as MT9.1.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters 

Not dynamically stored

Not dynamically stored

Upload Layout

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Record Type

Always reports a value of "LP".

Alphanumeric, 2 characters



District Number

Unique identifier assigned to the district by the OPI.

String, 4 digits
Number is zero padded when necessary.


District Information > State District Number

Student State ID

The reporting student's unique 9-digit statewide student ID number.

String, 9 characters
Number is zero padded when necessary.


Demographics > Student State ID

Last Name

Last name of the reporting student.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters


Demographics > Last Name

First Name

First name of the reporting student.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters


Demographics > First Name

EL Program Status

The student's EL Program Status code.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

English Learner (EL).programStatus

Programs > EL > EL > EL Program Status

EL Identified Date

The date in which the student was assessed or evaluated and determined to be EL (English Learner).

Date, 10 digits

English Learner (EL).identifiedDate

 Programs > EL > EL > EL Identified Date

ELP Exit Date

The date in which the student was determined to no longer be EL (English Learner).

Date, 10 digits

English Learner (EL)exitDate

Programs > EL > EL > Program Exit Date

Language of Impact

The language other than English which influences the student's English language development.
See the Language of Impact table.

Numeric, 2 digits


Identities > Language Of Impact

Primary Home Language

The language first learned and spoken in the student's home. The default language is English.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Identity.home PrimaryLanguage

Identities > Home Primary Language

EL Service

The student's EL Service. The only acceptable value is Title III.

Please see the Update/Validation Logic section below for a complete breakdown of validation logic.

Will report as "Title III"


Programs > EL > EL Services > Service Type

EL Service Start Date

The start date of the student's EL service. Only Service Start Dates which meet all the following requirements are imported:

    • The Service Start Date is on or after the EL Identified Date.
    • The Service Start Date is prior to the EL Exit Date.
    • The Service End Date is null or after the Service Start Date.
    • The reporting service must be Title III.

Date, 10 digits


Programs > EL > EL Services > Start Date

EL Service End Date

The end date of the student's EL service. Only Service End Dates which meet all of the following requirements are imported:

    • The EL Service End Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date and less than or equal to the EL Exit Date.
    • The Service End Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Service Start Date.
    • If Service End Date is not null, EL Program Status must equal EL or Exited EL.

Date, 10 digits


Programs > EL > EL Services > End Date

End Year

End year of the reporting calendar year. For example, for the 2011-2012 school year, the end year would be 2012.

Numeric, 4 digits


Calendar Information > School Years > End Year

Update/Validation Logic

The following update and validation logic occurs during import of an English Learner (EL) file.

Data Element


Student State ID

The record must match on the student's State ID and the student must have an enrollment record in the current calendar (end year).

EL Program Status

If the current EL Program Status = EL

  • If the EL Identified Date is a match and EL Exit Date is null on the import file, the EL Program Status will remain "EL".
  • If the EL Identified Date is a match and the EL Exit Date is provided, the EL Program Stats is updated to "Exited EL" and the EL Exit Date is updated.
  • If the EL Identified Date does not match the student's existing EL record, an error validation is displayed. 

If the student's current EL Program Status = Exited EL   

  • If the EL Identified Date is a match and EL Exit Date does not match the current EL Exit Date, a error validation is displayed.
  • If the EL Identified Date is a match and the EL Exit Date is null on the import, an error validation is displayed.
  • If the EL Identified Date is after the current EL Exit Date and EL Exit Date on the import file is null, a new EL record is created with a Program Status = EL.
  • If the EL Identified Date is after the current EL Exit Date and EL Exit Date on the import file is not null, a new EL record is created with a Program Status = Exited EL.
  • If the EL Identified Date is before or equal to the current EL Exit Date and the Exit Date is null on the import file, an error validation is displayed. 
  • If the EL Identified Date is before or equal to the current EL Exit Date and the Exit Date is not null on the import file, an error message is displayed. 

If the student's current EL Program Status = Not EL or Pending EL

  • If the EL Identified Date is provided, the EL Program Status is updated to EL and the EL Identified Date is updated.
  • If the EL Identified Date and EL Exit Date is provided, the EL Program Status is updated to Exited EL.

If the student's current EL Program Status = Null

  • If the EL Identified Date is provided, the EL Program Status is updated to EL and the EL Identified Date is updated.
  • If the EL Identified Date and EL Exit Date is provided, the EL Program Status is updated to Exited EL and both dates from the file are uploaded.

EL Identified Date

EL Identified Date is required. This date must be less than or equal to the current date.

EL Exit Date

Date must be less than or equal to the current date. The date must also be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date.

Language of Impact

Required if EL Identified Date is not null. If this does not match the student's current Language of Impact, an error message is displayed.

Primary Home Language

Required if EL Identified Date is not null. If this does not match the student's current Primary Home Language, an error message is displayed.

EL Service

EL Service validations for students with no existing EL Services records:

  • If the student does not have an existing EL Service and EL Service Type on the import file = Title III, then:
    • The EL Service Start Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date and less than or equal to the EL Exit Date.
    • The EL Service End Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date and EL Service Start Date and End Date are both less than or equal to the EL Exit Date, an error validation is displayed.
    • If the EL Exit Date is provided but the EL Identified Date is null an error validation is displayed.
    • If the EL Service is provided, the EL Service Start Date and EL Identified Date are required and must be less than or equal to the current date and less than or equal to the EL Service End Date.
    • If the EL Service End Date is provided, EL Service and EL Service Start Date are required.
    • If the EL Service End Date is provided, this date must be greater than or equal to the EL Service Start Date. 
    • If the EL Service End Date is provided, EL Program Status must equal EL or Exited EL and EL Service End Date must be less than or equal to EL Exit Date.
    • If the EL Start Date is provided, an EL Service of Title III must be provided.

EL Service validations for students with existing EL Services records:  

  • If the student has an existing EL Service record with a Service Type = Title III, then:
    • If the EL Service Type and EL Service Start Date match and EL Service End Date is null, no action occurs.
    • If the EL Service Type, EL Service Start Date and EL Service End Date are provided, the EL Service End Date is updated if the End Date is null within Campus.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date on the import is greater than the EL Service Start Date on the student's existing record, then a EL Service End Date one day less than the EL Service Start Date on the import is added and a new EL Service record is created.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date on the import is less than the EL Service Start Date on the student's existing record and no EL Service End Date exists an error validation is displayed.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date on the import is less than the EL Service Start Date on the student's existing record and the EL Service End Date is less than the EL Service Start Date on the existing record, a new record is create.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date on the import is less than the EL Service Start Date on the student's existing record and EL Service End Date on the import file is greater than the existing EL Service Start Date, an error validation is displayed.
    • If the EL Service Type, EL Service Start Date and EL Service End Date match, no action occurs.
    • If the EL Service Type and EL Service Start Date match and the EL Service End Date on the student's existing EL Services record is not null and the EL Service End Date on the import is null, an error validation is displayed.
    • If the EL Service Type and EL Service Start Date match and the EL Service End Date on the student's existing EL Services record is not null and EL Service End Date on the import is less than or greater than the EL Service End Date on the existing record, an error validation is displayed.
    • The EL Service Start Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date and less than or equal to the EL Exit Date.
    • If the EL Service End Date is provided, EL Program Status must = EL or Exited EL and the EL Service End Date must be less than or equal to the EL Exit Date.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date and End Date on the import file are after the Service End Date on the student's existing record, a new EL Service record is created with Start and End Dates from the import file.
    • If the EL Service Type matches and EL Service Start Date on the import file is less than the EL Service Start Date on the student's existing EL record and EL Service End Date is null on the import and the current record, an error validation is displayed.

EL Service Start Date

Only Service Start Dates which meet all the following requirements are imported:

    • The Service Start Date is on or after the EL Identified Date.
    • The Service Start Date is prior to the EL Exit Date.
    • The Service End Date is null or after the Service Start Date.
    • The reporting service must be Title III.

EL Service End Date

Only Service End Dates which meet all of the following requirements are imported:

    • The EL Service End Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Identified Date and less than or equal to the EL Exit Date.
    • The Service End Date must be greater than or equal to the EL Service Start Date.
    • If Service End Date is not null, EL Program Status must equal EL or Exited EL.