Tool Search: TREx Extract
TREx is a web-based application hosted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for transferring student records electronically between Texas public school districts and open enrollment charter schools, as well as transmitting high school transcripts to Texas public colleges and universities that use the UT SPEEDE server.
TREx Extract Editor
Record Types
Student Report (SR) - This report is an individual student record sent between one Texas public school district/campus and another Texas public school district/campus.
If a student drops a section and then re-enrolls, only one grade reports. A withdrawal grade is not reported for sections where the student re-enrolls at a later date within the reporting window.
- The following are excluded:
- Calendar State Exclude
- Grade Level State Exclude
- Enrollment State Exclude
- Lack of a State ID / Student State ID
- Reported enrollment records are looked at in this order:
- “P” Primary Enrollment
- “S” Partial Enrollment
- “N” Special Ed Enrollment
- If there are no active year enrollment records, the most recent “P” Primary Enrollment Record
- No Show enrollments can be selected if they meet all other reporting criteria.
Academic Achievement Record (AAR) - This is the official high school transcript or academic achievement record (AAR) for grades 9-12. This transcript is an official and permanent record of a student's academic performance during high school and, in some cases, of high school courses completed in middle school or junior high school.
- Student Withdrawal/Record Transfer Form - This form is used by students transferring from one Texas district to another Texas district. It provides preliminary enrollment information for the district to which the student is transferring. It is followed-up by the formal electronic SR which has complete transfer information for each student.
- If a student has an applicable assessment on their record the most recently taken assessment will report in the Most Recent State Standardized Test Results section on the Withdrawal form.
- The LEP field will report "yes" if the student has an active EL status at the time of reporting. If the student's first or second year monitoring status is Existed, the LEP field reports "No."
- The student will report "yes" for Special Education if they have an active and locked IEP in Student Information > Special Ed > Documents.
- If the student has a Grading Task of CG or F in any in-progress course in their current schedule that grade will report in the Current Six Weeks Grade section of the withdrawal form.
- If no CG or F grading task is available, the most recent six/nine weeks grade reports regardless of the code on the grading task. If neither is available, the course with "Incomplete" for the grade reports.
Generate the Academic Achievement Record (AAR)
- Mark the Academic Achievement Record (AAR) radio button.
- Enter the Effective Date. Student record information as of this date reports.
- Select Exclude Class Rank Data (optional). If selected, Class Rank and Class Rank Date will not report.
- Click the Generate Report button. The report appears in a separate window in XML format.
Generate the Student Record (SR)
- Mark the Student Report (SR) radio button.
- Select the Enrollment used for reporting data in the extract. Grade, Type, Calendar, Start Date, and End Date data will auto-populate based on the enrollment record selected. No Show enrollment records are available for selection if they meet report criteria.
- Enter an Effective Date. Student record information as of this date reports.
- Enter the Withdrawal Date.
- Select an End Status value. The value selected here will be reported in the Withdrawal Reason field on the report.
- Click the Generate Report button.The report appears in a separate window in XML format.
Generate the Student Withdrawal/Record Transfer Form
- Mark the Student Withdrawal/Record Transfer Form radio button.
- Select the Enrollment used for reporting data in the extract.
- Enter an Effective Date. Student record information as of this date reports.
- Select a Report Format of PDF or DOCX.
- Click the Generate Report button. The report appears in a separate window in the designated format.
Current Six Weeks Grades Logic
The following logic is used to determine report Six Weeks Grades on the Withdrawal Form:
- Determine which Term the Effective Date entered on the extract editor falls into.
- Find all Course/Sections the student is enrolled in during that Term.
- Find all Terms tied to that Course/Section.
- Only consider terms that contain the Effective Date or prior and are tied to the section.
- Do not consider courses that have been completed prior to the Effective Date (i.e., the Course End Date is prior to the Effective Date).
- For each Period, report the most recent grade.
- Report the grade from the Grading Task marked CG/F with a Pass/Fail Indicator.
- If there is no Grading Task as described in the previous bullet point, report the most recent Grading Task whose name starts with 'Six' or 'Nin' and contains a score and report this score.
- If neither of these scenarios elicits more than one applicable grading task, use the most recently entered score.
- If none of the bullet points above apply, report all Course/Sections with a grade of 'Incomplete'.
Viewing a Student's TREx Upload History
You can view a student's TREx import history by clicking the View History link. When selected, a breakdown of all data within the import file displays in a separate window, identifying which pieces of data were imported.
This list is populated by TREx data imported via the TREx Import tool.
Understanding the SR and AAR Report XML
The following tables describe each object reported in TREx extracts.
Student Identification
Data Element | Description | Location |
StudentUniqueID | The unique number assigned to the student by the Texas Education Agency. Report: SR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Unique State ID |
Name | ||
Name/FirstName |
SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name |
Name/MiddleName |
SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name |
Name/LastName |
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name |
Name/Suffix | The generation suffix attached to the student's name.
Suffix code values: JR = 1, SR - 2, I = A, II = 3, III = 4, IV = 5, V = 6, VI = 7, VII = 8, VIII = 9, IX = B, X = C Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix |
PriorID | The identification number under which the student was reported in the past if that number has since changed. Not currently reported. | |
LocalID | The student's local identification number as assigned by the district and used only within that district for identification.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number |
Address | ||
Address/Address | Indicates the street address information for the student.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Address |
Address/City | Indicates the name of the city in which the student resides.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Address > City |
Address/ StateProvince | Indicates the state in which the student resides. If State is blank, a value of TX is reported. Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Address > State |
Address/PostalCode | Indicates the zip in which the student resides. Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Zip |
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
Parent Complex Type |
| |
Name/FirstName | The first name of the student's parent/guardian. If Legal First Name = NOT NULL, report Legal First Name.If Legal First Name = NULL, report First Name. Report: SR AAR | Census > Households > Parent/Guardian > First Name |
Name/MiddleName | The middle name of the student's parent/guardian.
. Report: SR AAR | Census > Households > Parent/Guardian > Middle Name |
Name/LastName | The last name of the student's parent/guardian.
Report: SR AAR | Census > Households > Parent/Guardian > Last Name |
Name/Suffix | The suffix of the student's parent/guardian. If Legal First Name = NOT NULL, report Legal SuffixIf Legal First Name = NULL, report Suffix.
Report: SR AAR | Census > Households > Parent/Guardian > Suffix |
Student Demographic
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
Gender | The gender of the reporting student.
For Female: report F For Male: report MReport: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender |
Race | The reporting student's ethnic origin.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > State Race Ethnicity |
Ethnicity | The reporting student's race ethnicity.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity |
BirthDate | The reporting student's date of birth.
Report: SR AAR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date |
Home Language | The language spoken in the student's home, as determined by the student's home language survey. The student's Home Language Code from their most current identity is reported. Otherwise, the two-digit State Code is reported. Report: SR | Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language |
Home Language Survey Date Administered | Indicates the date the original Home Language Survey was administered to a student upon initial enrollment in a Texas public school. Report: SR | Census > People > Demographics > Home Language Survey Date |
Migrant | Indicates that the student, student's parent, spouse or guardian has a Migrant Status.
SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant |
Homeless | Indicates whether the student is homeless. If the student has a Homeless record with a Homeless Nighttime Residence value of 1, 2, 3, or 4 with at least one day in the reporting window, then 1 reports. Otherwise, 0 reports. If multiple records exist, then the most recent record reports. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Nighttime Residence |
Student Language | Indicates the language spoken by the student most of the time, as determined by the student’s home language survey. Report: SR | Census > People > Demographics > Student Primary Language |
Dyslexia | Indicates whether a student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders.
Only the most recently entered record reports when multiple dyslexia records exist. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Dyslexia Indicator Code |
DyslexiaRiskCode | If student's grade level is KG or 01 AND the student has an active Dyslexia record with a Dyslexia Risk Code containing a value, then report that value. If no value, report 03. If multiple applicable Dyslexia records exist, only the most recent record reports. All others, do not report. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Program > Dyslexia |
Military Connected | Indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Military Connected Student Code |
Foster Care | Indicates whether a student is currently or previously in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). If the student has a Foster Care record with at least one day within the reporting window then the Foster Care Indicator Code reports. If multiple records meet this criteria, then the code reports from the most recent record.
SR | Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care > Foster Care Indicator Code |
Homeless/ AsyleeRefugeeCode | Indicates whether a student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7 through 12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee. Report: SR | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Asylee Refugee |
CrisisCode | ||
CrisisCodeCode | If student has a Crisis Event record that is active at any time during the reporting period, report the code. Repeat for additional codes. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Crisis Event |
PkEligiblePreviousYear | If student is PK AND... PK Eligible Previous Year box is checked, 1 reports. PK Eligible Previous Year box is not checked, 0 reports. Otherwise, field does not report. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > PK Eligible Previous Year |
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
SchoolID | Indicates the unique campus identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency.
SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number |
SchoolName | The name of the campus registered with the Texas Education Agency. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Name |
DistrictID | Indicates the district Identification number registered with the TEA. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number |
DistrictName | Identifies the name of the school district as registered with the Texas Education Agency. NOTE: The District Name cannot be longer than 34 characters. Any characters beyond 34 characters will be truncated from the right. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name |
Address | ||
Address/Address | The address of the campus from the student's most current enrollment. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Address |
Address/City | The name of the city in which the campus/school resides.
SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > City |
Address/StateProvince | The name of the state in which the campus/school resides. If State is blank, a value of TX is reported. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State |
Address/Country | The country in which the campus/school resides. Default value reports as US. Report: AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Country |
Address/PostalCode | The zip code of the campus/school reporting data. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Zip |
PhoneNumber | The phone number of the school. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Phone Number |
Fax | The fax number of the school. Report: SR AAR | System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Fax |
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
GradeLevel | Indicates the current grade level (EE, PK - 12) of the student. Reports the students Grade Level from the enrollment and the associated State Grade Level code. AAR reports if the student has not graduated; i.e.; the Graduation Date is after the extract effective date or null. Report: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Grade OR Enrollment Information > Grade / System Administration > Resources > Grade Level Definitions > Code |
EntryDate | Indicates the first day of enrollment for the student at the campus/school that is transferring the student record. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Start Date |
ExitDate | Indicates the last day on which the student attended the campus/school that is transferring the student record or transcript. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > End Date |
Withdraw Date | Indicates the students withdrawal date from the campus/school that is transferring the student record or transcript. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Withdrawal Date |
Withdraw Reason | Indicates the reason a student in grades 7-12 withdrew from school. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > End Status |
Special Programs
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location | ||||||||||||
LEP | Indicates whether the student has been identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient (19 TAC §89.1220), according to criteria established in 19 TAC §89.1225. If the student has any EL status, as of the effective date of the extract, then the EL value reports. If there are multiple EL records as of the effective date, then a single value reports based on the following:
Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL | ||||||||||||
Alternative Language | Indicates the type of alternative language program participated in by the student.
Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > AND EL Services | ||||||||||||
Dual Language Immersion | ||||||||||||||
Immersion Year | Identifies which number in a series of school years a student is participating in a dual language immersion program.
Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dual Language Immersion > Immersion Year | ||||||||||||
Immersion Language | Indicates the language other than English that the student studied under the dual language immersion program. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dual Language Immersion > Immersion Language | ||||||||||||
Assessment Met Date | Indicates the date that a student achieved proficiency in both English and a language other than English as demonstrated by scores of proficient or higher in the reading and speaking domains on language proficiency or achievement tests in both languages. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dual Language Immersion > Assessment Met Date | ||||||||||||
Completion School Year | Indicates the school year the student successfully completed a five-year dual language immersion program offered at an elementary campus. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dual Language Immersion > Date Completed | ||||||||||||
Economic Disadvantaged | Indicates the student is identified as having being economically-disadvantaged. If the Code 99 checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment record, a value of 99 is reported. Otherwise, the student's FRAM Eligibility is identified and a value is reported as follows:
Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > Code 99 FRAM > Eligibility | ||||||||||||
AtRisk | Indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria. A value of 1 is reported if the At-risk checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment record. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > At Risk | ||||||||||||
Title1 | Indicates whether the student is participating in a program authorized under ESEA, Title I, Part A of the Improving America’s Schools Act. If Title 1 is selected in the School History tab, this element reports 6 regardless of any Title I records. If there is no school-wide program, then this element reports from Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1.
SR | System Administration > Resources > School > School History > Title 1 Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1 | ||||||||||||
SpecialEd | Indicates whether the student is participating in a special education instructional and related services program or a general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements. A value of 1 is reported if the student has an active, locked IEP as of the effective date selected on the extract editor. Report: SR | Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan Outline TXIEP / Education Plan | ||||||||||||
IEP | Indicates that the student has an Individual Education Plan on record. A value of 1 is reported if the student has an active, locked IEP as of the effective date selected on the extract editor. | Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan Outline TXIEP / Education Plan | ||||||||||||
Bilingual | Indicates if the student participates in a Bilingual EL service. If the student has an Service Type = B0, B2, B3, B4 or B5 in an EL Service record that is active as of the end date of the enrollment indicated on the extract editor, the Service Code is reported. If the student has multiple active EL service types, all of them are reported. SR | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type | ||||||||||||
ESL | Indicates if the student participates in an ESL EL service. If the student has an Service Type = E2 or E3 in an EL Service record that is active as of the end date of the enrollment indicated on the extract editor, the Service Code is reported. If the student has multiple active EL service types, all of them are reported. Report: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type | ||||||||||||
GiftedTalented | Indicates whether the student has been identified as participating in a state-approved gifted and talented program (as defined in 19 TAC §89.1), or is furloughed from the program. If student has a flag that is active as of the most recent enrollment record with a Service Type of P that is equal to GT: Gifted & Talented, a value of 1 is reported. Report: SR | Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Editor > Flag | ||||||||||||
CTE | Does not report. | N/A |
Each assessment is pulled once and only pulls assessments when they are organized under a parent record that does not contain a score.
Student Report (SR) ONLY:
Assessments for the Student Report (SR) will only report when they contain one item from each of the following:
- Test Name OR Additional Test Name
- Test Date or Comment
- If the comment field contains a date value in MMYY format, report output will display as 20YY-MM (Ex.1521 will report as 2021-15). Refer to the TestDate element for month logic.
- Comment will only report if TestDate is null.
3. Test Score or Test Code
SIF Data Element | Description | Location | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestName | The name of the assessment reporting data. If the assessment is tied to an active State Code value found in test.stateCode dictionary, report the TestName element in this complex type and do not report the AdditionalTestName. Report: SR | Assessment/Assessment Subtest > Test Detail > Test Name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AdditionalTestName | The name of the assessment reporting data. If the assessment is NOT tied to an active State Code value found in test.stateCode dictionary report the AdditionalTestName element in this complex type and do not report the TestName. Report: SR | Assessment/Assessment Subtest > Test Detail > Test Name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestLevel | The grade level associated with the Assessment taken by the student. First the Test Grade Level is identified, if null the student's active Grade Level from their enrollment is reported. Report: SR AAR | Assessment > Test Setup > assessment > Test Detail > Test Grade Level Student Information > General > Enrollment > Grade Level | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestDate | The date the assessment was taken by the student. The SR record type reports dates for all Assessment records. The AAR record type reports dates for all saved Assessment records. If the Assessment is STAAR EOC, this field reports as follows:
If the STAAR EOC assessment date does not fall into these date ranges, the assessment does not report. Assessments with the following codes are considered STAAR EOC assessments.
Report: SR AAR | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Date | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ExitRequirement MetDate | The date (month and year) the student met the graduation requirement on each of the TAKS exit exams. For each of the four TAKS exams (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies) logic find the most recent exam with a "result" value of "1: Met Standard(1.000)", and reports the date associated with that record. If one of the four TAKS exams does not have a result value of "1: Met Standard(1.000)", that particular TAKS exam is not reported. Each TAKS exam is reported only once. Logic calculates the most recent based on the End Date of the enrollment record selected in the extract editor. Report: SR AAR | Assessment > TAKS Exam > Test Score Detail > Result | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestScore | The scale score earned by the student on the assessment instrument or test. Report: SR | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Scale Score | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TestCode | An explanation or notation related to the score earned by the student for the assessment instrument or test. If assessment score code is provided, then the test name and test date are required. This may be repeated for each assessment.
Reports: SR | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Score Code | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PerformanceLevel | Not being reported at this time. | N/A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AssessmentSubTest | The subtype of the reporting assessment type. Reports: SR | Assessment > Test Score Detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AssessmentSubTest/ SubTestName | The name of any subtest that is part of an assessment instrument. Reports: SR | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Subtest Name | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AssessmentSubTest/ SubTestScore | The scale score earned by the student on any subtest that is part of an assessment instrument. Reports: SR | Assessment > Test Score Detail > Subtest > Scale Score |
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location | ||||||||||||
DaysAttended | Indicates the total number of days the student was present during the current academic year. Days Attended = Total Membership - Total Days Absent Reports: SR | Calculated | ||||||||||||
DaysAbsent | Indicates the total number of days the student was absent during the current academic year. Reports: SR | Calculated | ||||||||||||
RSDaysAttended | If a day is counted for this field, it IS NOT counted in standard attendance (Total-Days-Present). For every day a student is present, the following count logic applies:
Reports: SR | Calculated | ||||||||||||
RADaysAttended | If a day is counted for this field, it IS NOT counted in standard attendance (Total-Days-Present). For every day a student is present, the following count logic applies:
Reports: SR | Calculated | ||||||||||||
PriorDaysAbsent | Indicates the total number of days the student was absent during the previous academic year. Reports: SR | |||||||||||||
PriorDaysAttended | Indicates the total number of days the student was present during the previous academic year. Days Attended = Total Membership - Total Days Absent Reports: | |||||||||||||
PriorRSDaysAttended | Indicates the total number of RS Days the student was present during the previous academic year. If a day is counted for this field, it IS NOT counted in standard attendance (Total-Days-Present). For every day a student is present, the following count logic applies:
If none of the above are true, the day is not counted for this field. Reports: | |||||||||||||
PriorRADaysAttended | Indicates the total number of RA Days the student was present during the previous academic year. For every day a student is present, the following count logic applies:
Reports: SR |
Report Layout
SIF Element | Description | Location |
ImmunizationCode | The code from any vaccine in a student's record that has any dose information saved. Codes are reported for each vaccine in the student's vaccine record. Reports: SR | System Administration > Health > Vaccines > Vaccine Detail > Code Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
ImmunizationDate | The date for the reporting vaccine for the student. Dates are reported for each vaccine in the student's vaccine record in ascending order. Reports: SR | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
ImmunizationDose | The dose for the reporting vaccine for the student. Doses are reported for each vaccine in the student's vaccine record. Reports: SR | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Discipline Action
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
DisciplineActionDate | Indicates the date on which the unexpired disciplinary assignment will end. This must be a valid date occurring after the record transfer (in the future). This disciplinary event must be unexpired, i.e., the event must be applicable to the time frame in which the student record is being transferred to another district/campus. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Behavior > Resolution Details > Resolution End Date |
DisciplineActionNum | Indicates the local disciplinary action number used to report an unexpired disciplinary event for a student. This disciplinary event must be unexpired, i.e., the event must be applicable to the time-frame in which the student record is being transferred to another district/campus. Reports: SR | Calculated |
DisciplineActionCode | Indicates the type of an unexpired disciplinary action taken for a student. This disciplinary event must be unexpired, i.e., the event must be applicable to the time-frame in which the student record is being transferred to another district/campus. Reports: SR | Behavior > Behavior Management/Referral > Add a Resolution > Resolution Details > Resolution Type |
DisciplineActionReason | Indicates the reason a student was subject to the unexpired disciplinary action. If the Event Code is more than 2 digits, the last two digits of the code is reported. This disciplinary event must be unexpired, i.e., the event must be applicable to the time frame in which the student record is being transferred to another district/campus. Reports: SR | Behavior > Behavior Management/Referral > Add Event/Participant > Event Details > Event Type |
Academic Status
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
GraduationDate | Indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school or is expected to graduate from high school (Grades 11-12). If Graduation Date is null, the Projected Graduation Date value is reported. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > General Graduation Information > Graduation Date Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Projected Graduation Date |
Speech Requirement Met Date | The month and year the student met the speech requirement for the Foundation High School Program. AAR Only Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures |
Graduation DiplomaType | Indicates the type of graduation program or plan under which the student graduated or will graduate. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > General Graduation Information > Graduation Type |
CertificateDate | The date on which the district awards a certificate of coursework completion to a student. Districts have the option of awarding a certificate of coursework completion to a student who successfully completes all coursework requirements but who fails to perform satisfactorily on the statewide exit-level assessment. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Coursework Completion Date |
Texas Grant | Indicates the student is on track to graduate by completing the requirements of the State Board of Education-approved Minimum/ Recommended/ Distinguished/ High School Program (RHSP). If the FSHPParticipation Code is 1, then this field does not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Texas Grant |
FHSP Participation Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in or pursuing the Foundation High School Program. This element only reports for students with a Graduation Type of 34. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation tab > Graduation Type |
FHSP Disting Code | Indicates whether a student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement program under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC 28.025 (b-15). If the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of FHSP Distinguished with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > FHSP Distinguished |
STEM Endorsement Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in, pursuing, or has successfully completed a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of STEM with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation Tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > STEM |
Business Endorsement Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in, pursuing, or has successfully completed a Business and Industry Endorsement. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of Business & Industry with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation Tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Business & Industry |
Public Services Endorsement Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in, pursuing, or has successfully completed a Public Services Endorsement. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of Public Services with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation Tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Public Services |
Arts Endorsement Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in, pursuing, or has successfully completed an Arts and Humanities Endorsement. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of Arts & Humanities with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation Tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Arts & Humanities |
Multi-Studies Endorsement Code | Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of Multi Disciplinary with a Status other than 0, then reports as entered. All others, do not report. Reports: | Student Information > General > Graduation Tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Multi Disciplinary |
DualCreditType | Performance Acknowledgment Dual Credit indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance in a dual credit course. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures > Performance Acknowledgment |
BilingBilitType | Performance Acknowledgment Bilingualism Biliteracy indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance in a bilingualism and biliteracy. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures > Performance Acknowledgment Bilingualism Biliteracy |
CollegeAssessType | Performance Acknowledgment College Readiness Assessments indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance on the PSAT, the ACT-PLAN, the SAT, or the ACT. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures > Performance Acknowledgment College Readiness Assessments |
ApIbType | Performance Acknowledgment AP IP Exams indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance on a College Board AP test or IB examination. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures > Performance Acknowledgment AP IP Exams |
CertLicType | Performance Acknowledgment Certification Licensures indicates the student has earned a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures > Performance Acknowledgment Bilingualism Biliteracy |
IGCGradReview | Indicates whether an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) was established for the student. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Ind Grad Committee |
FHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator | Indicates whether a student in grades seven or eight has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, career, and a graduation plan. If the FHSP Participant Code is 1 or 2 AND the student has a Graduation Endorsement record of FHSP College Career with a Status of 1, then 1 reports. All others, do not report. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > FHSP College Career |
AssociateDegree | Indicates the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school. If the Associate Degree Earned checkbox is marked, 1 reports. Otherwise, 0 reports. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Associate Degree Earned |
OnRamps | Indicates the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course. If the student completed a course where the Onramps Dual Credit box is marked, 1 reports. Otherwise, 0 reports. The course can occur in any enrollment. Reports: SR | Course/Section > Course > Onramps Dual Credit |
Section504 | Indicates whether the student received assistance through an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year. If the student has a Section 504 record that overlaps the enrollment year selected in the extract, for any section504 status, then 1 reports. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports: SR | Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504 |
POllMetDate | The date (month and year) the student completed the instruction regarding appropriate interactions with peace officers. If the student has an Advanced Measures record of "Peace Officer Interaction Instruction" dated on or prior to the extract's Effective Date, then the date reports in the specified format. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports:SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures |
CPRMetDate | The date (month and year) the student completed CPR instruction. If the student has an Advanced Measure record of "CPR Instruction" dated on or prior to the extract's Effective Date, then the date reports in the specified format. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advanced Measures |
StarofTexas | Indicates whether the student is eligible for free public prekindergarten because they are the child of a person awarded the Star of Texas Award. If the Star of Texas checkbox is marked on the student's enrollment for the specified year, then 1 reports. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields |
IBCReimbursement | "1" Reports if student has a Certification record that contains a value in the IBC Exam Fee. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
IBCCode | If student has a Certification record that contains a value in Certification, report that value. Repeat element for every applicable record. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
PostSecondaryCertificationLicensureResult | Reports the value in the Status field of a student's Graduation Endorsement/ Certification Information. If no value exists, the element does not report. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Endorsement/ Certification Information > Status |
FinancialAidApplication | Reports the value found in the Financial Aid Met Date field. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Financial Aid Application |
FinancialAidApplicationMetDate | Reports the value from the Financial Aid Met Date field for the student. Otherwise, this element does not report. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Graduation > Financial Aid Met Date |
Distinguished Achievements
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
Advanced Measure | A code corresponding to one of the six measures described in the 2009-2010 AAR Minimum Standards 1.13(k) and in table TC29. In order to be recognized as part of the Distinguished Achievements Program – Advanced High School Program, a student must achieve any combination of four advanced measures as defined in TAC §74.13. The measures must focus on demonstrated student performance at the college or professional level. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > Academic Planning > Advance Measures > DAP Advanced Measures |
Current Coursework
- If a student has a Grading Task of CG or F in any in-progress course in their current schedule, that course and grade will report.
- If a course is in the active year, the course reports under Current Coursework. All other courses report under Academic Session.
SIF Data Element | Location | Description |
Course | ||
Course/CourseTitle | Indicates the name of the course taken or being taken by the student. Reports: ARR SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Name |
Course/CourseID | Indicates the TEA-assigned number for a course or a district/campus-assigned number for a locally-developed course. Reports: ARR SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > State Code |
Course/Abbreviation | The TEA-assigned course abbreviation. If no value in Course > Name, then any value in Abbreviated Course Name is reported. OR The State Code from the course being reported. Reports: ARR SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Abbreviated Course Name OR Course/Section > Course Information > State Code |
Course/Semester | Indicates the semester or academic term in which a course was taken. For example: Semester 1 = 1, Semester 2 = 2, Trimester 1 = 1, Trimester 2 = 2, Trimester 3 = 3, Quarter 1 = 1, Quarter 2 = 2, Quarter 3 = 3, Quarter 4 = 4. Reports: ARR SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence |
Course/ClassPeriod | Indicates the class instructional period in which the course was taken by the student. Reports: SR | Calendar > Calendar > Period > Sequence |
Course/SubjectArea | The course category or subject area designated and listed on the transcript. For example, English Language Arts, Health, and Speech, etc. The subject area reports when the the grading task has a code of CG or F. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Transcript Credit > Credit Name |
Course/CourseGrade | The actual or raw grade earned by the student for an academic reporting period (e.g. six-week or nine-week grading period). This grade should not reflect any type of weighting for course type. The score assigned to a course reports when the grading task or standard has a code of CG or F AND the "State Reported" checkbox is selected. Reports: SR AAR | Grading and Standards > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Detail > 'Code' and 'State Reported' Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score |
Course/WithdrawGrade | The grade earned by the student for the course at the time of withdrawal. This is used only when the student transfers before completing a semester or grade reporting period. If more than one grading task fits the criteria, then the most recently saved value reports. Reports: SR | Course/Section > Grading By Student > Task (grading task with a code of either CG or F Grading & Standards > Grading Task Detail > Code) |
Course/GradeAverage | Identifies the final course grade that the student received for a multi-part course. (e.g. a year long course with credit and grades awarded for each of the two semesters). Reports the Percent's value if one exists. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Percent |
Course/CourseCredit | Indicates the number of units awarded to the student for completion of a course. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Record > Transcript Credit > Earned |
Course/PassFailCredit | Indicates the outcome for a course taken by a particular student. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > transcript record > Transcript Credit > TX Pass/Fail Credit |
Course/Explanation | A description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college-level. One line reports for each character selected in the Special Explanation field on the transcript.
Example For example, if codes A, C, and D were selected in the Special Explanation field the following would report: <Explanation>A</Explanation> <Explanation>C</Explanation> <Explanation>D</Explanation> Reports: AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Special Explanation |
Course/CourseTeacher | Indicates the last name of the Primary teacher who provided instruction for a course. Reports: SR | Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher > Last Name |
Course/CreditCampus | Campus-Awarding-Credit indicates the TEA- assigned Campus ID of the Texas public school confirming and awarding credit for coursework completed at a non-public school or a school outside of Texas. Reports: SR AAR | Transcript > District No AND School No AND School Name System Administration > Resources > District > Number AND School > Number |
Course/SemesterSeq | Indicates a sequence or portion of a course. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence |
Course/ FinalGradeAverage | The average of the grades earned by the student for a year long course. If local policy allows schools to average two semesters for a full-year credit, then this column must be completed. Logic only reports for a course record on a student's Transcript that have a Course Sequence value of '0' or 'A'. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence, Current Score |
SchoolYear | Indicates a school year of the course being reported. Student Record - The current academic year tied to the chosen enrollment in the extract editor is reported. AAR - The academic year tied to when the course was taken by the student is reported. Reports: SR AAR | System Administration > Calendar > Academic Year |
GradeLevel | Indicates the current grade level (EE, PK - 12) of the student, the grade level associated with an assessment test, or grade level applicable to coursework completed or in progress. Logic identifies the students Grade Level from the enrollment and reports the associated State Grade Level code. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Grade System Administration > Resources > Grade Level Definitions > Code |
SessionType | Indicates the number of academic terms within a school year (e.g., Semester, Trimester, Quarter).
SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence |
Academic Session
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
SchoolYear | The school year of the course reporting data. Reports: SR AAR | System Administration > Calendar > Academic Year |
GradeLevel | The grade level of the student at the time in which the reporting course was completed. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Grade System Administration > Resources > Grade Level Definitions > Code |
Course | ||
Course/CourseTitle | The name of the reporting course. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Name |
Course/CourseID | The TEA-assigned number for a course or a district/campus-assigned number for a locally-developed course. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > State Code |
Course/Abbreviation | The TEA-assigned course abbreviation. OR The State Code from the course being reported. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Abbreviated Course Name OR Course/Section > Course Information > State Code |
Course/Semester | Indicates the semester or academic term in which a course was taken. For example: Semester 1 = 1, Semester 2 = 2, Trimester 1 = 1, Trimester 2 = 2, Trimester 3 = 3, Quarter 1 = 1, Quarter 2 = 2, Quarter 3 = 3, Quarter 4 = 4. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence |
Course/ClassPeriod | Indicates the class instructional period in which the course was taken by the student. Reports: SR | System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Period > Sequence |
Course/SubjectArea | The course category or subject area designated and listed on the transcript. For example, English Language Arts, Health, and Speech, etc. The subject area reports when the the grading task has a code of CG or F. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Transcript Credit > Credit Name |
Course/CourseGrade | The actual or raw grade earned by the student for an academic reporting period (e.g. six-week or nine-week grading period). This grade should not reflect any type of weighting for course type. Logic reports the score assigned to a course where the grading task or standard has a code of CG or F AND the "State Reported" checkbox is selected. Reports: SR AAR | Grading and Standards > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Detail > 'Code' and 'State Reported' Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score |
Course/WithdrawGrade | Not being reported at this time. | |
Course/GradeAverage | Identifies the final course grade that the student received for a multi-part course. (e.g. a year long course with credit and grades awarded for each of the two semesters). Reports the Percent's value if one exists. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Percent |
Course/CourseCredit | Indicates the number of units awarded to the student for completion of the reporting course. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Record > Transcript Credit > Earned |
Course/PassFailCredit | Indicates the outcome for a course taken by a particular student. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > transcript record > Transcript Credit > TX Pass/Fail Credit |
Course/Explanation | A description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college-level. Reports: AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Special Explanation |
Course/CourseTeacher | Indicates the last name of the Primary teacher who provided instruction for a course. Reports: SR | Course > Section > Staff History > Primary Teacher > Last Name |
Course/CreditCampus | Not being reported at this time. | |
Course/SemesterSeq | Indicates a sequence or portion of a course. Reports: SR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence |
Course/ FinalGradeAverage | The average of the grades earned by the student for a year long course. If local policy allows schools to average two semesters for a full-year credit, then this column must be completed. Logic only reports for a course record on a student's Transcript that have a Course Sequence value of '0' or 'A'. Reports: SR AAR | Student Information > General > Transcript > Course Record > Course Sequence, Current Score |
Academic Summary
Report Layout
SIF Data Element | Description | Location |
GPA | Indicates the calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average for all coursework completed to date. Reports: AAR | Student Information > General > Credit Summary > Transcript Credit Summary > Cum GPA |
ClassTotalNumber | The total number of students within a grade level that are expected to comprise a graduating class. Reports: AAR | Calculated |
ClassRank | Not being reported at this time. Reports: AAR | |
ClassRankingDate | Not being reported at this time. Reports: AAR | |
Quartile | Not being reported at this time. Reports: AAR | |
CollegeCampusCode | The College Board Campus Code is used when students register for SAT or ACT tests to have test score reports sent to college and scholarship programs. This field reports the value from the CBCC Number field. Reports: AAR | Resources > School > School Detail > CBCC Number |