Race/Ethnicity (Minnesota)

This article provides guidance for entering Race/Ethnicity values for Demographics and Identities records. This article is specific to Minnesota.

See the core Race/Ethnicity article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding records.

Screenshot of the Protected Identity Information editor.For Minnesota, Race/Ethnicity options include both federal designations and state-specific subcategories. 

Minnesota uses the Ethnic and Racial Demographic Designation Form to record Race and Ethnicity data.

The following table provides a reference to the Designation Form and indicates where that data should be recorded in Campus. The third column indicates how the Ed-Fi 3.1 Student Education Organization Association resource reports based on the data entered in Campus. 

Before processing the student's Designation Form, make sure the appropriate federal race/ethnicity(s) is selected in the Is the individual from one or more of these races? section.

Ethnic and Racial Demographic Designation FormCorresponding Campus FieldsEd-Fi Student Education Organization Resource Logic (OPTION A)
"Is the student Hispanic/Latino as defined by the federal government?"Select Yes or No for Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?hispanicLatinoEthnicity - if Yes, reports as true; if No, reports as false
Optional Question ASelect a More Detailed Hispanic/Latino Code.AncestryEthnicOrigin - if Hispanic/Latino is Yes, reports the Ed-Fi Code associated with any selected Hispanic Subcategories.
Question 1

Is the individual from one or more of these races?: American Indian or Alaska Native, 

If Yes on the form, select either 01 or 03 in the Race Ethnicity dropdown list, depending on the answer to Question 2 as well

raceDescriptor - reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Race/Ethnicity(s) marked on the student's current Identity record.

studentCharacteristics - reports the Ed-Fi Code for 'American Indian – Alaska Native (Minnesota)' if either '01' or '03' are selected

Optional Question 1a

Select all applicable values for More Detailed Race/Ethnicity Code.

This field populates with American Indian/Alaska Native options if that race is selected.

AncestryEthnicOrigin - reports the Ed-Fi Code associated with any Race Subcategory saved in the student's record.
Question 2

If Yes on the form, select either option 02 or 03 in the Race Ethnicity dropdown list, depending on the answer to Question 1 as well

studentCharacteristics - reports the Ed-Fi Code for 'American Indian – Alaska Native (Minnesota)' if '03' is selected
Question 3Is the individual from one or more of these races?: AsianraceDescriptor - reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Race/Ethnicity(s) marked on the student's current Identity record.
Optional Question 3a

Select all applicable values for More Detailed Race/Ethnicity Code.

This field populates with Asian options if that race is selected.

AncestryEthnicOrigin - reports the Ed-Fi Code associated with any Race Subcategory saved in the student's record.
Question 4Is the individual from one or more of these races?: Black or African American
raceDescriptor - reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Race/Ethnicity(s) marked on the student's current Identity record.
Optional Question 4a

Select all applicable values for More Detailed Race/Ethnicity Code.

This field populates with Black/African American options if that race is selected.

AncestryEthnicOrigin - reports the Ed-Fi Code associated with any Race Subcategory saved in the student's record.
Question 5Is the individual from one or more of these races?: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
raceDescriptor - reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Race/Ethnicity(s) marked on the student's current Identity record.
Question 6Is the individual from one or more of these races?: WhiteraceDescriptor - reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Race/Ethnicity(s) marked on the student's current Identity record.