SD School Calendar Instructional Hours Report (South Dakota)

This information is current as of the Campus.2323 (June 2023) release.

Tool Search: SD School Calendar

The SD School Calendar Instructional Hours Report displays information for instructional days, minutes, and hours for all public school calendars in the selected regular school year. 

This report is only available for South Dakota State Edition users.

Screenshot of the School Calendar Instructional Hours report editor. SD School Calendar Instructional Hours Report

Report Logic

All school calendars within the reporting school year with a District Code of 10: Public Schools are included in the report. 

The following calendars are NOT included:

  • Summer School calendars (Calendar Type is S: Summer School)
  • Calendars that have a Calendar Number of 69
  • Excluded Calendars (Calendar Information > Exclude)

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Extract Format, either the State Format (CSV) or HTML.
  2. Click the Generate Extract button. The extract displays in the selected format. 

Screenshot of an example of the School Calendar Instructional Hours report in HTML format. SD School Calendar Instructional Hours - HTML Format

Screenshot of an example of the School Calendar Instructional Hours report in State format (CSV). SD School Calendar Instructional Hours - State Format (CSV)

Report Layout

Data Elements



District Number The reporting district's State District Number.

Numeric, 5 digits

District Information > State District Number


District Name

The name of the district.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

District Information > Name

School Name

The name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

School Information > Name

School Number

The reporting school's State School Number.

Numeric, 2 digits
School Information > State School Number

Calendar Name The name of the calendar reporting instructional time data.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Calendar Information > Name
Instructional Days

The number of instructional days in the reporting calendar.

Counts the number of calendar days with the Instruction checkbox marked.

Numeric, 3 digits

Day Setup > Instruction

Instructional Minutes

The number of instructional minutes in the reporting calendar, using the following logic:

  1. Instructional Minutes field on the Calendar Day Event.
  2. Student Day field on the Calendar Information editor.

Those values are summed to find a total number of instructional minutes for the calendar. 

Numeric, 5 digits

Day Setup > Day Event > Instructional Minutes

Calendar Information > Student Day (instructional minutes)


Instructional Hours

The number of instructional hours in the reporting calendar.

Reports the sum of all student day instructional minutes divided by 60 for all instructional days within the reporting calendar.

Numeric, 10 digits (XXXX.XXXXX)

Calendar Information > Student Day (instructional minutes)

Operating 4 Day Week

Indicates whether the calendar is setup for a 4 day school week.

When the 4 Day School Week checkbox is marked, a value of Yes is reported. Otherwise, a value of No is reported.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Calendar Information > 4 Day School Week
