Outcome Measures Plan (Michigan)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The editors available on the Outcomes Measures Plan (OMP) provide all information required by the State of Michigan. OMPs function in conjunction with a plan and measure incremental progress towards plan goals. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines.

The current format of this document is the MI OMP 2010. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Screenshot of the list of editors in a Outcome Measures Plan. Child Outcome Measures Plan Editors

Outcome Measures Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Outcome Measures Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education PlanThe Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, the type of plan, and information about parental involvement.

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan.

Enrollment StatusThe Enrollment Status editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool.
Student DemographicsThe Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information.Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.
Parent/Guardian DemographicsThe Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.
Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tools.
Child Outcomes ReviewThe Child Outcomes Review editor describes the result of an assessment of student progress in the areas of social interaction, knowledge and skills, and personal development. This review can be performed upon entry or exit from special education services or annually.The Assessment Tool dropdown list is a hard-coded list defined in the Attribute Dictionary. The numerical rating system is defined at the bottom of the editor.

