Graduation (Indiana)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:10 am CDT
Tool Search: Graduation
The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) report cards. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate his/her expected graduation date.
Fields on the Graduation tab that are specific to the state of Indiana are described below. See the core Graduation article for additional information.
The Graduation Detail section lists the student's general graduation information (diploma date, NGA cohort information, etc.) and any required fields necessary for state reporting.
General Graduation Information Editor
Diploma Type
Selection indicates the received measure of achievement the student received upon high school graduation.
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Code | Description |
01 | General (Passed GQE or met Graduation Pathway) |
02 | Core 40 with Academic Hones (passed GQE or met Graduation Pathway) |
03 | Core 40 only (Passed GQE or met Graduation Pathways) |
04 | General Diploma (Evidence-based waiver) |
06 | Certification of Completion (IEP program completed) |
07 | Course Completion |
09 | Core 40 with Technical Honors (Passed GQE or met Graduation Pathway) |
11 | General Diploma (Work Readiness Waiver) |
12 | International Baccalaureate Diploma |
13 | Core 40 Only (Evidence-based waiver or Post-secondary Readiness Competency Req for Grad Pathways) |
14 | Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma (Evidence-based Waiver) |
15 | Core 40 with Technical Honors (Evidence-based Waiver) |
16 | Core 40 with Academic and Technical Honors (Passed GQE or met Graduation Pathway) |
18 | Core 40 with Academic and Technical Honors (Evidence-based Waiver) |
19 | Core 40 Only (Work-Readiness Waiver) |
20 | Core 40 with Academic Honors (Work-Readiness Waiver) |
21 | Core 40 with Technical Honors (Work-Readiness Waiver) |
22 | Core 40 with Academic and Technical Honors (Work-Readiness Waiver) |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Graduation elements > graduation.diplomaType
Ed-Fi Resources:
Student Academic Records (Indiana v3.6)
NCLB Cohort Year
This field is the end year of the four year cohort used as part of NCLB legislation, auto-populated from the Date First Entered the 9th Grade field.
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State Reporting Graduation Fields
The State Reporting Graduation fields are unique to the state of Indiana. These fields allow districts to enter graduation-specific data for each student in the state of Indiana.
State Reporting Graduation Fields
ASC Credit
Indicates the student received Adult Secondary Credit.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Graduation elements > graduation.ascCredit
Ed-Fi Resources:
Employability Skills
Indicates the student gained learning experience that can applied to a job post-graduation. Employability Skills allow students to be prepared for the ever-changing needs of today’s workforce.
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Option | Name | Description |
0 | Not Applicable or Did Not Demonstrate Employability Skills | N/A |
1 | Project-Based Learning Experience | Project-Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or challenge. |
2 | Service-Based Learning Experience | Service-Based learning integrates meaningful service to enrich and apply academic knowledge, teach civic and personal responsibility (and other employability skills), and strengthen communities. |
3 | Work-Based Learning Experience | Work-Based Learning is the set of experiences provided to students in K-12 providing opportunities in career awareness, career exploration, career preparation, and career training. This type of program: - Exposes students to career opportunities
- Gives students opportunities to observe professionals in action
- Helps students network with potential employers
- Enhances student employability skills
- Provides a potential talent development pipeline for local companies
- Connects classroom learning to real-world experiences
Local Pathway
When a student is following a locally-approved pathway to graduation, a numeric value is entered in this field. The numeric value is assigned and approved by the State Board of Education.
Postsecondary-Ready Competencies
Selection indicates the student has achieved and/or demonstrated ability in at least one of the available options (see below), but may pursue or complete multiple opportunities.
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Code | Name | Description |
00 | Not Applicable or did not Demonstrate Postsecondary-Ready Competency | N/A |
01 | Honors Diploma | Requires fulfillment of all requirements of either the Academic or Technical Honors designation. Consult the Indiana Department of Education website for more information. |
02 | ACT - College Ready benchmarks | Student must meet the following score requirements in at least two of the four areas: - A score of 18 on the ACT - English OR
- A score of 22 on the ACT - Reading AND
- A score of 22 on the ACT - Math OR
- A score of 23 on the ACT - Science.
03 | SAT - College Ready benchmarks | Student must meet the following score requirements:- A score of 480 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) AND
- A score of 530 in Math.
04 | ASVAB | The student must earn a minimum AFQT score to qualify for placement into one of the branches of the US Military.
The minimum score a student must earn is 31. Individual branch scores are as follows:- Army - 31
- Marines - 31
- Navy - 35
- Air Force - 36
- Coast Guard - 45
05 | State and Industry recognized Credential or Certification | Indicates the student met the requirements set by the State Board of Education that demonstrate the competency. A list of credentials and certifications can be found on the Department of Education website. |
06 | State, Federal, or Industry recognized Apprenticeship | Indicates the student met the requirements set by the State Board of Education that demonstrate the competency. A list of apprenticeships can be found on the Department of Education website. |
07 | Career-Technical Education Concentrator | Student must earn a C average in at least two non-duplicative advanced courses (courses beyone an introductory course) within a particular program or program of student. |
08 | AP/IB/Dual Credit/Cambridge International Courses or CLEP Exam | Student must earn a C average or higher in at least three courses.
If a student is taking AP/IB/Dual Credit courses to meet the postsecondary-ready competency, either:- One of the three courses must be in a core content area. Students pursuing liberal arts tracks must have at least one course corresponding with the Core Transfer Library (CTL). OR
- All three courses must be part of a defined CTE sequence based on the Indiana College and Career Pathways, as noted in the CTE Technical Dual Credit Crosswalk.
09 | Locally Created Pathway | Student has met the requirements of an individualized program that has been adopted and approved by the SBOE, and demonstrates knowledge and skill for success after high school.
It must have three criteria for approval - Collaboration, Competency and Continuous Improvement. |
10 | Waiver from Postsecondary Readiness Competency | To qualify for a waiver, the student has not been successful in completing competency requirements by the conclusion of their senior year. This includes:- A student who was in the process of completing a competency at one school that was not offered by the school to which the student transferred.
- A student who has attempted to achieve at least three separate postsecondary-readiness competencies.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Graduation elements > graduation.postsecondaryReadyCompetencies
Ed-Fi Resources:
Student Academic Records (Indiana v3.6)