ELC Direct Upload to UC Extract (California)

Tool Search: ELC Direct Upload

The Eligibility in the Local Context Extract allows submission of students in the top 15% of their class, as determined by the students' grade point average. Authorization for submission must be received by the student's parents/guardians to release this information.

There are five parts to the submission:

Screenshot of the ELC Direct Upload to UC, located at Reporting, CA State Reporting. ELC Direct Upload to UC

Report Logic

Students are included in this report when:

  • They are enrolled in Grade 11 in the Reporting Year.
  • They have the ELC Eligible checkbox marked on their 11th grade enrollment record.
  • They have the ELC Assessment OK checkbox marked on the 11th grade enrollment record (used only for the Student Test Records).

Additional logic is used for the individual records, defined below.

School Demographic (SD) Record

  • Information reports for the selected calendar.
  • Calendars marked as state exclude are not reported.
  • TES reports for Grades 09, 10, 11 and 12.
  • ELC reports for Grade 11 only.

Student Demographic (01) Record

  • Students must have an active or ended enrollment record in Grade 11 (state grade level) in the reporting calendar.
  • Students must have the ELC Eligible checkbox marked on the 11th grade enrollment record.
  • Students marked as State Exclude, in a grade level marked as State Exclude or in a calendar marked as State Exclude do not report.

Student Course (02) Record

  • Courses report from the student's Transcript Course Records.
  • The grade level on the course may be 07-12.
  • Course records are grouped by year, starting with the earliest year first.

See the ELC Term Code for the calculation used in the extract.

Student Test (03) Record

  • When the student has the ELC Assessment OK checkbox marked on the 11th grade enrollment record, test records report for all assessments with the following state codes:
    • 108 - CAHSEE
    • 118 - PSAT
    • 131 - ACT
    • 133 - SAT Reasoning
    • 134 - SAT Subject
    • 135 - AP
    • 136 - IB
    • 142 - PLAN
    • 144 - EAP (Early Assessment Program)
    • CAASPP
  • Records report for all assessments with a Test Type of National Test and the ACT, PSAT, SAT or SAT 2 checkbox marked.
  • When the student does not have any appropriate assessments, a Student Test Record does not report.
  • When the student does NOT have the ELC Assessment OK checkbox marked on the 11th grade enrollment, no records report.

Student Immunization (04) Record

  • Reports only for students in Grade 12.
  • All immunizations records report for the student. Each shot of a particular vaccine reports in its own row.

Student Race/Ethnicity (05) Record

  • All race/ethnicity information reports for all students, one record per student.
  • When a student has more than five races/ethnicities selected, only the first 5 report.

Report Editor

Data Element


Record Type

Indicates which record generates:

  • ELC - includes School Demographic (SD) record, one Student Demographic (01) record for each student, and multiple Student Course (02) records, as applicable, for each student, followed by a File Termination (FT) record.
  • TES - includes one School Demographic (SD) record, one Student Demographic (01) record for each student, and multiple Student Course (02), Student Test (03), Student Immunization (04) records as well as a Student Ethnicity Record (05), as applicable, for each student, followed by a File Termination (FT) record.


Indicates how the extract generates - State Format (txt), HTML or CSV.

Grading System

The grading scale used by the high school for an academic course.

Reported on the School Demographic Record

GPA Type

Selection determines which GPA type is used at the school. Options are:

  • 14: Overall (default selection) - Uses the unweighted GPA value from all courses in grades 7-12.
  • 99: Overall Weighted - Uses the weighted GPA value from all courses in grades 7-12.
  • 10: Academic 9-12 - Uses the unweighted GPA value from all courses in grades 9-12 with a check in CalGrant GPA.
  • 11: Academic 10-12 - Uses the unweighted GPA value from all courses in grades 10-12 with a check in CalGrant GPA.
  • 12: UC Approved Only - Uses the unweighted GPA value from all courses in grades 7-12 with a UC/CSU code.
  • 13: CSU 10-12 Weighted - Uses the weighted GPA value from all courses in grades 10-12 with a UC/CSU code.

Program Identifier

Identifies the high school program being submitted for processing and is reported on the School Demographic Record. Separate records are created for each program.

  • R - Regular (reports the name of the school)
  • M - Magnet (reports the Calendar Name)
  • S - Small Learning Community (Reports the Calendar Name)
  • O - Other (Reports the Calendar Name)

Authentication Key

Number assigned to the school when participating in the electronic submission process, assigned by the UC Processor. This key uniquely matches the ATP Code. Reported in the School Demographic Record.

Admin Contact First Name

First name of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Admin Contact Last Name

Last name of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Admin Contact Phone

Phone number of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Admin Contact Email

Email address of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Tech Contact same as Admin

When marked, indicates the administrative contact in the previous fields is the same as the technical contact that should be contacted for data validation assistance.

Tech Contact First Name

First name of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Tech Contact Last Name

Last name of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Tech Contact Phone

Phone number of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Tech Contact Email

Email address of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Calendar Type

The calendar type (session type) of the school for the current school year, the previous school year (Calendar Type Current Year Minus 1) and the school year before the previous school year (Calendar Type Current Year Minus 2). Reported on the School Demographic Record.

  • Q - Quarter
  • S - Semester
  • T - Trimester
  • F - Full

Block Scheduling

When marked, indicates the calendar is set up to use block scheduling.

School Year Start Month

The month of the calendar year that the current school year started. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to begin on July 1. Separate start month fields exist for the Current Year, the previous year (Current Year minus 1), and the year before the previous year (Current Year minus 2). Reported on the School Demographic Record.

School Year End Month

The month of the calendar year that the current school year ended. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to end on June 30. Separate end month fields exist for the Current Year, the previous year (Current Year minus 1), and the year before the previous year (Current Year minus 2). Reported on the School Demographic Record.

School Comment

Reports any text entered in the School Comment field. This can be used to identify issues with submitted data or pass information to UC to facilitate the handling of data. Reported on the School Demographic Record.

Ad hoc Filter

Select students to include on the extract by choosing an ad hoc filter from the dropdown list. This only includes those students in the filter, not all possible students.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Format of the extract.
  2. Enter the type of Grading System used at the school.
  3. Select the GPA Type from the dropdown list.
  4. Select the Program Identifier from the dropdown list.
  5. Enter the Authentication Key.
  6. Enter the Admin Contact information in the appropriate fields.
  7. When the Tech Contact is the same as the Admin contact, mark that checkbox.
  8. When the Tech Contact is different than the Admin contact, enter the Tech Contact information in the appropriate fields.
  9. Select the Calendar Type, Block Scheduling information, and Start and End Month for the Current Year, Current Year Minus 1 and Current Year Minus 2.
  10. Enter a School Comment, if desired.
  11. Select an Ad hoc Filter from the dropdown list, if desired.
  12. Click the Generate Report button. The extract displays in the desired format.

 Screenshot of an example of the ELC Direct Upload to UC extract in HTML format. ELC Extract, HTML Format

Report Layout

The following are appended together to create the file name:

  • The descriptor: "EL" for ELC
  • The school ATP code
  • The letter "D"
  • The numeric representation of the date and time in CCYYMMDDhhmmss format. April 28, 2012 at 2:25:45 would report as 20120428022545
  • The extension ".txt"

School Demographic Record

Data Element



Record ID

Indicates the record being generated. Reports as SD.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Layout Version

Technical specification record layout version. Reports as 2.2.

Numeric, 3 digits (X.X)

Not dynamically stored

Submission Type

Identifies the type of submission. Reports as EL.

Alphanumeric, 2 digits

Not dynamically stored

School Year

Reports the school year for the selected calendars.

Numeric, 9 digits (CCYY-CCYY)

Calendar Information > End Date


SIS Type

Name of the student information system from where the data is pulled. Reports as Infinite Campus.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters


SIS Info

Lists any additional information about the SIS, including version number, database format, etc.

This field reports blank.


Extract Vendor Name

Reports the vendor name. Reports as Infinite Campus.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Not dynamically stored

Extract Vendor Phone

Lists the vendor phone number.

This field reports blank.


Program Identifier

Identifies the high school program being submitted for processing as chosen in the Report Editor. Separate records are created for each program.

R - Regular (reports the name of the school)

M - Magnet (reports the Calendar Name)

S - Small Learning Community (Reports the Calendar Name)

O - Other (Reports the Calendar Name)

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Physical School Name

ELC Record Type

Reports the name of the school selected in the Campus toolbar.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

School Information > Name


Program Name

TES Record Type

Reports the name of the program.

  • Regular - reports the name of the school
  • Magnet - reports the Calendar Name
  • Small Learning Community - Reports the Calendar Name
  • Other - Reports the Calendar Name

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

School Information > Name


School ATP Code

Reports the American Testing Program Code (CEEB or SAT Code) that identifies the school within the United States.

Numeric, 6 digits

School Information > CEEB Number


Authentication Key

Number assigned to the school when participating in the electronic submission process, assigned by the UC Processor. 

This key uniquely matches the ATP Code. This key is entered on the Report Editor.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters


CDS Code

Reports the State District Number followed by the State School Number for the reporting calendar.

Numeric, 14 digits

District Information > Number


School Information > Number


Physical School Name

Reports the School Name of the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

School Information > Name


School Address

Reports the school address of the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 55 characters

School Information > Physical Address


School City

Reports the city location of the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

School Information > City


School State

Reports the geographical state of the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

School Information > State


School Zip

Reports the school zip code plus 4 of the reporting calendar.

Numeric, 5 or 9 digits

School Information > Zip


School Phone

Reports the school phone number for the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

School Information > Phone


School Fax

Reports the school fax number for the reporting calendar.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

School Information > Fax


Admin Contact First Name

First name of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters


Admin Contact Last Name

Last name of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters


Admin Contact Phone

Phone number of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters


Admin Contact Email

Email address of the individual administratively responsible for ensuring that the submission is completed by the deadline (counselor, principal, etc.). When UC has an academic question about the submissions, this is the individual who is contacted.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Tech Contact First Name

First name of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters


Tech Contact Last Name

Last name of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters


Tech Contact Phone

Phone number of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters


Tech Contact Email

Email address of the individual responsible for maintaining the SIS against which the extract is run, to be contacted for assistance should there be data extraction or validation errors.

When Tech Contact is Same as Admin is marked on the editor, the Admin Contact First Name reports.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Number Transcripts

Reports the number of Student Demographic (01 Record) records in the extract file.

Numeric, 4 digits

Calculated at extraction

Carnegie Unit Conversion Factor

Number of local SIS credits that equate to one full academic year of instruction. This helps UC decode the student's academic record. Reports the value in Unite per Course Year.

Numeric, 6 digits

District Information > Units per Year


Grading System

The grading scale used by the high school for an academic course.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Cal Type CY

The calendar type (session type) of the school for the current school year. Entered on the Extract Editor.

Q - Quarter

S - Semester

T - Trimester

F - Full

Alphabetic, 1 character


School Year Start Month CY

The month of the calendar year that the current school year started. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to begin on July 1.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


School Year End Month CY

The month of the calendar year that the current school year ended. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to end on June 30.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric 2 digits


Cal Type CY-1

The calendar type (session type) of the school for the current school year minus 1. Entered on the Extract Editor.

Q - Quarter

S - Semester

T - Trimester

F - Full

Alphabetic, 1 character


School Year Start Month CY-1

The month of the calendar year that the current school year minus 1 started. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to begin on July 1.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


School Year End Month CY-1

The month of the calendar year that the current school year ended minus 1. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to end on June 30.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


Cal Type CY-2

The calendar type (session type) of the school for the current school year minus 2. Entered on the Extract Editor.

Q - Quarter

S - Semester

T - Trimester

F - Full

Alphabetic 1, character


School Year Start Month CY-2

The month of the calendar year that the current school year minus 2 started. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to begin on July 1.

Entered on the Extract Editor.


School Year End Month CY-2

The month of the calendar year that the current school year ended minus 2. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to end on June 30.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


Cal Type CY-3

The calendar type (session type) of the school for the current school year minus 3. Entered on the Extract Editor.

Q - Quarter

S - Semester

T - Trimester

F - Full

Alphabetic 1, character


School Year Start Month CY-3

The month of the calendar year that the current school year minus 3 started. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to begin on July 1.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


School Year End Month CY-3

The month of the calendar year that the current school year ended minus 3. For year-round schools, the school year is presumed to end on June 30.

Entered on the Extract Editor.

Numeric, 2 digits


Program Enrollment 9

Program Enrollment 10

Program Enrollment 11

Program Enrollment 12

When TES is selected as the Record Type, the number of students enrolled in 9th-12th grade for the program type identified in the SD Record report. 

When ELC is selected as the Record Type, Students in Grade 11 for the program type identified in the SD Record report.


This field reports blank.

Numeric, 4 digits


Doorways Matching Course Name 

TLS Record Type

Denotes which of the three course names denoted in the 02 record is the field that the school uses when matching to UC's Doorways database of UC-approved courses. This is usually the course name used on a printed transcript.

Numeric, 1 digit

Course Information > Name


CMP Matching Course Name

ELC Record Type

Denotes which of the three course names denoted in the 02 record is the field that the school uses when matching to UC's Doorways database of UC-approved courses. 

This is usually the course name used on a printed transcript.

Numeric, 1 digit

Course Information > Course Name


School Comment

Reports any text entered in the School Comment field on the extract editor. This can be used to identify issues with submitted data or pass information to UC to facilitate the handling of data.

Alphanumeric, 300 characters


Extract Date

Date the extract occurred from the local SIS.

Date field, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character


Student Demographic (01) Record

Data Element



Record ID

Indicates the record that reports. Reports as 01.

Numeric, 2 digits


Program Name

TES Record Type

Reports the School Name or the Calendar Name being uploaded.

When the student belongs to a Magnet, Small Learning Community or Other program, the unique program name (identical to the Program Name reported in the School Demographic record) is reported. Otherwise, the Physical School Name found in the School Demographic record is reported.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

School Information > Name


Physical School Name

ELC Record Type

Reports the name of the school selected in the Campus toolbar.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters
School Information > Name


School ATP Code

Reports the CEEB number from the reporting calendar.

Numeric, 6 digits

School Information > CEEB Number


Student ID

Reports the student's local identification number that was assigned by the school or district.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


CA State Student ID

Reports the state-assigned identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



Student's Social Security number. Reports blank. 

Numeric, 9 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Soc Sec Num


UC Application ID

Student's UC Application ID number. Reports blank.

Numeric, 7 digits


CSU Application ID

Student's CSU Application ID Number. Reports blank.

Numeric, 9 digits


First Name

Student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Middle Name

Student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Last Name

Student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Address 1

Student's home address. Reports the first 55 characters and spaces of the Number, Street Name, Street Type and Direction.

The most recent active Primary Address is reported.

Alphanumeric, 55 characters

Address Information > Number, Name, Tag, Direction


Address 2

Reports the remaining information of the student's Primary Address.

Alphanumeric, 55 characters

Address Information > Number, Name, Tag, Direction, Apartment Number



Reports the resident city of the student.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters

Address Information > City



Reports the state in which the household resides.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Address Information > State



Reports the zip code of the household.

Numeric, 9 digits

Address Information > Zip



Reports the student's household phone number.

Numeric, 20 digits

Household Information > Phone



Student's birth date.

Date field, 8 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Reports the student's gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Grade Level

Reports the student's grade level of enrollment. Reports '11'.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Local Ethnicity

Reports the student's race/ethnicity. Used only for UC research purposes. Reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


CBEDS Ethnicity

Reports the student's state race/ethnicity. When not populated, reports blank. Used only for UC research purposes.

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


Grad Date

Reports the year and month in the Diploma Date when populated. When not populated, reports blank.

Date field, 6 characters (CCYYMM)

Graduation > Diploma Date


GPA Type

Code for the GPA calculation type selected in the extract editor.

Numeric, 2 digits



Reports the student's Grade Point Average calculated to three decimal places according to the value selected in the editor. Courses with a GPA weight of zero are not used in the calculation.

Numeric, 5 digits (N.NNN)



Reports the student's class rank. Students must be in the 11th grade at the end of their most recent primary enrollment in the reporting calendar.

Numeric, 4 digits


Meal Status Type

Data not reported


Lote Cert Source

Data not reported


Language Code

Data not reported


Transcript Note

Data not reported



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Course Record

Data Element



Record ID

Indicates the record that reports. Reports as 02.

Numeric, 2 digits


Grade Level

Indicates the student's grade level of enrollment at the time of the course.

Numeric, 2 digits

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Grade


School Attended

Reports the name of the institution where the course was taken. When School Name is not populated on the student's transcript, value reports the name of the reporting school.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School Name


ATP Code

American Testing Program code that identifies the school where the course was taken. When the school name on the course is a school in the reporting district, the CEEB code for that school reports. Otherwise, a blank value is reported.

Numeric, 6 digits

School Information > CEEB Number


CDS Code

County-District-School ID Number of the institution where the course was taken. Reports the district number and school number from the Transcript Course Record when both are populated. Otherwise, a blank value is reported.

Numeric, 14 digits

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > District Number, School Number



School Year

Reports the school year from the transcript course record. A course taken in the 2011-12 school year reports as 2011-12.

Numeric, 7 digits (CCYY-YY)

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School Year


Course Date

Reports the Term End Date when populated. Otherwise, a blank value is reported.

Numeric, 6 digits (CCYYMM)

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Term End Date



Calculated based on the ELC-Term-Code Calculation worksheet. See the Student Course Record Report Logic for more information.

The calculation uses the actual term, calendar terms, summer school and calendar type from the Transcript Course Record.

Numeric, 2 digits


Block Schedule

Reports Yes or No based on the selection of Block Scheduling on the Extract Editor.

  • When the school year equals the reporting year and Block Scheduling Current Year is marked, reports Y.
  • When the school year equals the year before the reporting year and Block Scheduling Current Year minus 1 is marked, reports Y.
  • When the school year equals two years before the reporting year and Block Scheduling Current Year minus 2 is marked, reports Y.
  • Otherwise, reports N.

Alphabetic, 1 character (Y or N)


Work In Progress

Indicates when the current course work is in progress. Since the ELC Extract only reports final grades, value always reports as N.

Alphabetic, 1 character


Local Course ID

Reports the Course Number from the Transcript Course Record.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Number


Local Course Name 1

Reports the Course Name from the Transcript Course Record.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Name


Local Course Name 2

Reports an alternate course name. Field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Local Course Name 3

Reports an alternate course name. Field reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Academic Indicator

Indicates the level of work that is reflected in the course as determined by the school (e.g., H for Honors).

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Academic Level


Col Prep Indicator

College Preparatory indicator as determined by the school or A-G Subject Area.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > UC/CSU Code


Credits Atmpt

Number of credit hours attempted for the course.

Numeric, 5 digits (NN.NNN)

Transcript > Transcript Credit > Attempted


Credits Earned

Number of credit hours earned for the course.

Numeric, 5 digits (NN.NNN)

Transcript > Transcript Credit > Earned


Course Grade

Reports the current score awarded to the student for the final grade.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Transcript > Transcript Course > Current Score



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character


ELC Term Code Calculation


Actual Term

Calendar Terms

Calendar Type

Summer School




4 or blank

not checked




4 or blank

not checked




4 or blank

not checked




4 or blank

not checked




4 or blank





4 or blank





5 or blank

not checked




5 or blank

not checked




5 or blank

not checked




5 or blank





5 or blank





6 or blank

not checked




6 or blank

not checked




6 or blank





6 or blank





7 or blank

not checked




7 or blank





7 or blank






not checked





not checked















not checked





not checked





not checked





not checked











Student Test Record

Reports for TES Record Type Only.

Data Element



Record ID

Indicates the record that reports. Reports as 03.

Numeric, 2 digits


Test Type

Reports the name of the test.

When Test State Code is:

  • 108, reports CAHSEE
  • 118, reports PSAT
  • 131, reports ACT
  • 133, reports SAT REASONING
  • 134, reports SAT SUBJECT
  • 135, reports AP
  • 136, reports IB
  • 142, reports PLAN
  • 144, reports EAP

When Test Type is National Test:

  • ACT, reports ACT
  • PSAT, reports PSAT
  • SAT, reports SAT REASONING
  • SAT 2, reports SAT SUBJECT

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Assessment Center > Test Detail > Name


Test Date

Reports the date the test was administered.

Date field, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Assessments > Test Date


Subtest Name

Reports the name of the subtest.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Assessment Center>  Test Detail > Subject


Test Score

Reports the score awarded to the student.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Assessment > Scale Score



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character


Student Immunization Record

Reports for TES Record Type Only.

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Record IDIndicates the record that reports. Reports as 04.

Numeric, 2 digits
Immunization Type

Reports the name of the immunization, as follows:

  • Report 1 for Polio (OPV/IPV)
  • Report 2 for DTP/Dtap/DT/Td
  • Report 3 for MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella)
  • Report 4 for HIB Meningitis
  • Report 5 for Hepatitis B
  • Report 6 for Varicella
  • Report 7 for TB
  • Report 9 for Other

Numeric, 1 digit

Health > Immunizations > Name

Other Immunization TypeReports any other immunization data for the student not reported above.

Numeric, 1 digit
Health > Immunizations > Name

Immunization DateReports the date of the immunizations entered.

Date format, 8 characters (CCYYMMDD)

Health > Immunizations > Name

Immunization Status

Reports the status of the immunization, as follows:

  • Reports 1 for First Inoculation (First Entered Immunization of the kind)
  • Reports 2 for Second dose
  • Reports 3 for Third dose
  • Reports 4 for Fourth dose
  • Reports 5 for Fifth dose
  • Reports 6 for Sixth dose
  • Reports 7 for Seventh dose
  • Reports 8 for Eighth dose
  • Reports 9 for Ninth dose
  • Reports 10 when the student has a medical Exemption
  • Reports 11 when the student has a personal Exemption
  • Reports 12 when the student has a religious Exemption 
  • Reports 13 when the student had the disease
  • Reports 14 when the student has NOT had the disease (only when there are no Immunizations)

 Numeric, 2 digits

Health > Immunizations > Name


End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character


Student Ethnicity Record

Reports for TES Record Type Only

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Record ID

Indicates the record that reports. Reports as 05.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Hispanic EthnicityWhen the "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" value is Yes, reports Y; otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Student Race Code 1

Reports a three-digit race code, as follows:

  • Report 100 for American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Report 201 for Chinese
  • Report 202 for Japanese
  • Report 203 for Korean
  • Report 204 for Vietnamese
  • Report 205 for Asian Indian
  • Report 206 for Laotian
  • Report 207 for Cambodian
  • Report 208 for Hmong
  • Report 299 for Other Asian
  • Report 301 for Hawaiian
  • Report 302 for Guamanian
  • Report 303 for Samoan
  • Report 304 for Tahitian
  • Report 399 for Other Pacific Islander
  • Report 400 for Filipino
  • Report 500 for Hispanic/Latino
  • Report 600 for Black/African American
  • Report 700 for White (Not Hispanic)
  • Report 999 for Declined to State

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Student Race Code 2

Reports a three-digit race code, as follows:

  • Report 100 for American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Report 201 for Chinese
  • Report 202 for Japanese
  • Report 203 for Korean
  • Report 204 for Vietnamese
  • Report 205 for Asian Indian
  • Report 206 for Laotian
  • Report 207 for Cambodian
  • Report 208 for Hmong
  • Report 299 for Other Asian
  • Report 301 for Hawaiian
  • Report 302 for Guamanian
  • Report 303 for Samoan
  • Report 304 for Tahitian
  • Report 399 for Other Pacific Islander
  • Report 400 for Filipino
  • Report 500 for Hispanic/Latino
  • Report 600 for Black/African American
  • Report 700 for White (Not Hispanic)
  • Report 999 for Declined to State

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Student Race Code 3

Reports a three-digit race code, as follows:

  • Report 100 for American Indian or
  •  Alaska Native
  • Report 201 for Chinese
  • Report 202 for Japanese
  • Report 203 for Korean
  • Report 204 for Vietnamese
  • Report 205 for Asian Indian
  • Report 206 for Laotian
  • Report 207 for Cambodian
  • Report 208 for Hmong
  • Report 299 for Other Asian
  • Report 301 for Hawaiian
  • Report 302 for Guamanian
  • Report 303 for Samoan
  • Report 304 for Tahitian
  • Report 399 for Other Pacific Islander
  • Report 400 for Filipino
  • Report 500 for Hispanic/Latino
  • Report 600 for Black/African American
  • Report 700 for White (Not Hispanic)
  • Report 999 for Declined to State

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Student Race Code 4

Reports a three-digit race code, as follows:

  • Report 100 for American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Report 201 for Chinese
  • Report 202 for Japanese
  • Report 203 for Korean
  • Report 204 for Vietnamese
  • Report 205 for Asian Indian
  • Report 206 for Laotian
  • Report 207 for Cambodian
  • Report 208 for Hmong
  • Report 299 for Other Asian
  • Report 301 for Hawaiian
  • Report 302 for Guamanian
  • Report 303 for Samoan
  • Report 304 for Tahitian
  • Report 399 for Other Pacific Islander
  • Report 400 for Filipino
  • Report 500 for Hispanic/Latino
  • Report 600 for Black/African American
  • Report 700 for White (Not Hispanic)
  • Report 999 for Declined to State

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Student Race Code 5

Reports a three-digit race code, as follows:

  • Report 100 for American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Report 201 for Chinese
  • Report 202 for Japanese
  • Report 203 for Korean
  • Report 204 for Vietnamese
  • Report 205 for Asian Indian
  • Report 206 for Laotian
  • Report 207 for Cambodian
  • Report 208 for Hmong
  • Report 299 for Other Asian
  • Report 301 for Hawaiian
  • Report 302 for Guamanian
  • Report 303 for Samoan
  • Report 304 for Tahitian
  • Report 399 for Other Pacific Islander
  • Report 400 for Filipino
  • Report 500 for Hispanic/Latino
  • Report 600 for Black/African American
  • Report 700 for White (Not Hispanic)
  • Report 999 for Declined to State

Numeric, 3 digits

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character


File Termination Record

Data Element



Record ID

Indicates the record that reports. Reports as FT.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters



End of Record Terminator. Reports *.

Text field, 1 character