Reevaluation Report (Pennsylvania)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:06 am CDT
Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Evaluation in Campus is used to document the student's educational needs and determine eligibility for special education. This document describes each editor, the section(s) of the print format that includes the entered information, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor and fields.
An evaluation must be created whether or not the student is determined to have a disability. The school district gives a copy of the evaluation summary report, including the documentation of eligibility, to the student’s parents. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.
The current format of this document is the PA RR 2024. Evaluation formats are selected in Eval Types.
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Evaluation Header
The Evaluation Header editor includes general information about the evaluation, including relevant dates, the type of evaluation, and basic student information.
This editor must be saved before continuing to other parts of the evaluation.
Evaluation Header Editor
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Field | Description | Validation |
Date of Report Required | The date the Evaluation was created. | This field auto-populates with today's date, but it can be modified. |
Date report Provided to Parent/Guardian/Surrogate Required | The date the Evaluation report was given to the student's parent/guardian/surrogate. | N/A
Date IEP Team Reviews Existing Evaluation Data Required | The date the team reviewed the student's existing Evaluation data. | N/A
Local Education Agency (LEA) | A public board of education or other public authority within a state that maintains administrative control of public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a state. | N/A
Current Educational Program | The student's current educational program. | N/A
LEA Representative Name | The name of the LEA representative. | N/A
Phone Number | The phone number for the LEA representative. | N/A
Email Address | The email address for the LEA representative. | N/A
Other Information | Any other information regarding the LEA representative or the student's current education program. | The Template Bank associated with this field is named Evaluation Other Information. |
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Enrollment Information
The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.
Enrollment Information Editor
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Field | Description | Ad Hoc | Validation |
Resident District | The student's district of residence. | Learner Planning > Learning Plans > residentDistrictNumber | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record and cannot be modified. |
School Name | The name of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record. | Learner Planning > Learning Plans > servingSchoolName | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. This field is read only. |
School Phone | The phone number of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record. | N/A | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. This field is read only. |
School Year | The school year associated with the student's Enrollment record. | N/A | This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. This field is read only. |
Grade | The student's current grade. | Enrollment > Grade enrollment.grade
| This field is pulled from the Enrollment record. This field is read only. |
District Information |
District Number | The district number associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number | N/A |
District Name | The district name associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name | N/A |
District Address | The district address associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Address | N/A |
District Phone | The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > Phone | N/A |
District SPED Address | The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED Address | N/A |
District SPED Phone | The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. | System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED Phone | N/A |
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Student Information
The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor.
The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.
Student Information Editor
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Field Name | Description | Ad Hoc |
Last Name | The student's last name. | Census > People > Demographics > Last Name identity.lastName |
First Name | The student's first name. | Census > People > Demographics > First Name identity.firstName |
Middle Name | The student's middle name. | Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name identity.middleName |
Suffix | The student's suffix. | Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name identity.suffix |
Age | The age of the student. | Census > People > Demographics > Age |
Birthdate | The student's birthdate. | Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date identity.birthDate |
Gender | The student's gender. | Census > People > Demographics > Gender identity.gender |
Federal Designation | The student's federally designated race/ethnicity.
| Census > People > Demographics > Federal Designation identity.raceEthnicityFed1, raceEthnicityFed2, raceEthnicityFed3, raceEthnicityFed4, raceEthnicityFed5
Federal Race(s) | The student's federal race(s).
| Census > People > Demographics > Race(s) identity.raceEthnicity??????? |
Race, Ethnicity (state) | The student's state race/ethnicity designation.
| Census > People > Demographics > State Race/Ethnicity identity.raceEthnicity |
Home Primary Language | The student's home primary language. | Census > People > Demographics > First Language identity.homePrimaryLanguage |
Address | The student's address.
This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default. | Census > Households > Address Info address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; |
Student Number | The student's identification number. | Census > People > Demographics > Student Number |
State ID | The student's state identification number. | Census > People > Demographics > State ID |
Case Manager Information |
Name | The name of the student's Case Manager. | Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Name |
Title | The title of the staff member. | Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Caseload Role |
Phone | The staff member's phone number. | Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Other Phone |
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Parent/Guardian Information
The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.
The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the Evaluation.
The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.
Parent/Guardian Information Editor
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Field Name | Description | Ad Hoc | Validation |
Relationship | The relation of the parent/guardian to the student. | Census > People > Relationships | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Last Name | The last name of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Last Name identity.lastName | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
First Name | The first name of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > First Name identity.firstName | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Middle Name | The middle name of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name identity.middleName | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Suffix | The suffix of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name identity.suffix | This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian. |
Print Sequence | The print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP. | N/A | When no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined. |
Address | The parent/guardians' address. | Census > Households > Address Info address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; | This field populates from Census.
When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down only has one option. The populated address is the one marked "Primary." |
Home Phone | The home phone number of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Household Phone | This field populates from Census. |
Work Phone | The work phone of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Work Phone | This field populates from Census. |
Cell Phone | The cell phone of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Cell Phone | This field populates from Census. |
Email | The primary email address for the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Email | This field populates from Census. |
Home Primary Language | The home primary language of the parent/guardian. | Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language identity.homePrimaryLanguage | This field populates from Census.
The dropdown options are pulled from the Home Primary Language Attribute/Dictionary list. See the Attribute/Dictionary documentation for additional information. |
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Sources of Evaluation Data
The Sources of Evaluation Data editor is used to describe the variety of data sources used to consider in determining the student's eligibility.
Sources of Evaluation Data Editor
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Field | Description |
1. Physical condition, social, or cultural background, and adaptive behavior relevant to the student's disability and need for special education: Required | A description of the student's physical condition, background, and behaviors relevant to the student's disability and need for special education. |
2. Evaluations and information provided by the parent (or documentation of LEA's attempts to obtain parental input): Required | A description of the evaluation information provided by the parent/guardian. |
3. Aptitude and achievement tests: Required | A description of any achievement and/or aptitude tests given to the student. |
4. Current classroom based assessments and local and/or state assessments: Required | A description of any classroom based or local/state assessments provided to the student. |
5. Observations by teacher(s) and related services provider(s), when appropriate: Required | A description of the teachers' observations of the student. |
6. Teacher recommendations: Required
| A description of the teachers' recommendation for the student. |
Determining factors: A student must not be found to be eligible for special education and related services if the determining factor for the student’s suspected disability is any of those listed below. Respond Yes or No to, and provide evidence for, each determining factor below.
| A description of the determining factors for special education. |
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Summary of Findings
The Summary of Findings editor documents the student's functional levels in academic achievement, functional performance, and behavioral information.
Summary of Findings Editor
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Field | Description | Additional Information |
1. The IEP team determined that additional data are not needed | Indicates the IEP team determined additional data are not needed. | N/A |
Reason(s) additional data are not needed: Displays when 1 is marked
| Describes why the IEP team determined why additional data are not needed. | The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR Additional Data Not Needed.
2. The IEP determined there is a need for additional data | Indicated the IEP team determined additional data is needed. | N/A |
Interpretation of additional data:
Displays when 2 is marked
| Describes the interpretation for additional data.
| The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR Interpretation of Data.
Conclusion: Complete section A or B or C. Required
A. The student has a disability AND continues to need specially designed instruction | The IEP team has determined the student has a disability and still needs specially designed instruction. | N/A
B. The student does not have a disability and no longer is eligible for special education. (The parent may request an assessment to determine if the student continues to be a student with a disability.) | The IEP team has determined the student does not have a disability and is no longer eligible to receive special education services. | N/A
C. The student has a disability but no longer needs specially designed instruction, and no longer is eligible for special education. (The parent/guardian/surrogate may request an assessment to determine whether the student continues to be a student with a disability.)
| The IEP team has determined the student has a disability, but no longer required specially designed instruction and is no longer eligible for special education services. | N/A
i. Disability Category |
Primary disability category
| The student's primary disability. | N/A
Secondary disability category, if any
| The student's second disability, if applicable. | N/A
Tertiary disability category, if any
| The student's third disability, if applicable.
| N/A
Disability Area 4
| The student's fourth disability, if applicable.
| N/A
Disability 5
| The student's fifth disability, if applicable.
| N/A |
ii. Summary of Findings |
Student's education strengths and needs:
| Describes the student's educational strengths and needs. | The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR 2021: Summary of Findings – Student’s education strengths and needs.
Present levels of academic achievement and related developmental needs, including transition needs as appropriate:
| Describes the students present level of academic achievement and related developmental needs. | The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR 2021: Summary of Findings – Present levels of academic development…
Recommendations for consideration by the IEP team regarding an additions or modifications to the special education and related services needed to enable the student to meet the measurable annual goals in the IEP and to participate as appropriate in the general education curriculum (including special considerations the IEP team must consider before developing the IEP, measurable annual goals, specially designed instruction, supplementary aids and services):
| Describes the recommendations for consideration by the IEP team. | The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR 2021: Summary of Findings – Recommendations for considerations by the IEP team…
Additional Evaluation Information
| Described any additional evaluation information. | The Template Bank associated with this field is called PA RR Additional Evaluation information.
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Team Meetings
The Team Meeting editor is used to document meeting information.
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Team Meeting List Screen
Team Meeting List Screen
Field | Description |
Padlock Icon | The user currently working on the record.
Meeting Date | The date of the meeting. |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. |
Print in Evaluation | Indicates this meeting information prints on the Evaluation. |
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Team Meeting Detail Screen
Field | Description |
Print in Evaluation | Indicates this meeting information prints on the Evaluation. |
Meeting Date Required | The date of the evaluation meeting. |
Meeting Time | The time of the meeting. |
Meeting Location | The location of the meeting. |
Invite Date | The date the team members were invited to the meeting. |
Comments | Any comments related to the meeting. |
Attendance |
First Name Required | The first name of the team member. |
Last Name Required | The last name of the team member. |
Role Name | The role of the team member. |
Agreed | Indicated this team member agrees with the evaluation conducted for the student. |
Disagreed | Indicates this team member disagreed with the evaluation conducted for the student. |
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Determination of SLD
The Determination of SLD (Specific Learning Disability) is used to document details related to the determination for eligibility.
This editor must be completed when determining eligibility for Specific Learning Disability.
Determination of SLD Editor
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Field | Description |
1. The student does not achieve adequately for the student's age or does not meet State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the following areas when provided with learning experiences and scientifically based instruction appropriate for the student's age or State-approved grade level standards and level of English language proficiency: oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skill, reading fluency skills, reading comprehension, mathematics calculation, and mathematics problem-solving. | Describes if the student is not achieving an academic standard that complies with state-approved grade-level standards. |
2. Check below to identify the process(es) used to determine eligibility. |
Response to Scientific Research-Based Intervention (RtI). Document the criteria below.
| Indicates that a scientific research based intervention was used to determine the student's special ed eligibility. |
The student does not make sufficient progress to meet age or State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of these areas: oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression, basic reading skill, reading fluency skills, reading comprehension, mathematics calculation, and mathematics problem-solving.
| Describes the areas the student is not meeting state approved grade-level standards. |
Severe Discrepancy between Intellectual Ability and Achievement. Document the criteria below.
| Indicates that an intellectual ability and achievement process was used to determine the student's special ed eligibility. |
The student exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement or both relative to age, standards or intellectual development.
| Describes the student's pattern of behaviors related to their academic achievement for their age and development. |
3. The instructional strategies used and the student-centered data collected
| Describes the instructional strategies used. |
4. The educationally relevant medical findings, if any
| Describes relevant medical findings. |
5. The effects of the student's environment, culture, economic background
| Describes the effects of the student's environment. |
6. Data demonstrating that prior to referral or as part of the referral process for a specific learning disability, the student's regular education instruction was delivered by qualified personnel, including the English as a Second Language (ESL) program, if applicable
| Describes the data collected prior to the student's referral or as part of the referral process indicating the student was taught by a qualified personnel. |
7. Data based on documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting progress during instruction, which was provided to the parents
| Describes data provided by the parent/guardian(s) of the student. |
8. An observation in the student's learning environment (including the regular classroom setting) to document the student's academic performance and behavior in the areas of difficulty. Note the relationship of that behavior to the student's academic functioning.
| Describes the student' academic performance and behaviors in the areas of difficulty. |
9. Other data, if needed, as determined by the evaluation team
| Describes any other data pertaining to the evaluation. |
10. Include a statement for each item below to support the conclusions of the evaluation team that the findings are not primarily the result of |
Visual, hearing, motor disability | A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's visual, hearing, motor disability. |
Intellectual Disability
| A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's intellectual disability. |
Emotional Disturbance
| A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's emotional disturbance. |
Cultural factors
| A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's cultural factors. |
Environmental or economic disadvantage
| A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's environmental or economic disadvantage. |
Limited English proficiency | A statement of the student's conclusion regarding the student's limited English proficiency. |
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