Early Education Export (Minnesota)

Tool Search: Early Education Export

The Early Education Export generates a report of students who have Early Education data in Enrollment and do not have an Early Education Program. The report extract will generate in a format that can be used in the State/Federal Program Updater to mass create programs for students.

Screenshot of the Early Education Export tool.Early Education Export

Report Logic

  • This report will generate a record population for students with Early Education Data on Enrollment, that do not have an Early Education State Program.
    • If a Student has a Grade Level of EE, PA, PB, PC, RA, RB, RC or EC and does not have an Early Education State Program with dates that overlap the Active School Year.
    • If student has more than one enrollment, report population should report a row for each valid enrollment.
  • The report can be run against a district’s active year as well as any prior year.
  • The report can be run in District Editions.
  • The report will be generated in CSV format as well as a human-readable format (HTML).

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter an Effective Date.
  2. Choose a student Ad Hoc Filter to limit report results to applicable students in that filter.  
  3. Select Grades to include. 
  4. Select report Format.
  5. Selected the calendar(s) that should be included in the extract.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting an Early Education Export to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Layout

This report will generate all valid student information based on EE Enrollment data to allow the district to review and then create Early Education State Programs for the students using the State/Federal Program Updater. District staff will need to review the extract prior to submitting to the SFPU for duplicate data based on multiple enrollments, Attendance and Membership data, and IEP Status. Students who have an overlapping enrollment with and end date will generate on this extract with both start date and end date.


Description & Format

Campus Location

Student State ID

The student's state identification number.

Numeric, 13 digits

Index> Student Information> Demographics


Last Name

The student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Index> Student Information> Demographics


First Name

The student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

Index> Student Information> Demographics


Start Date

The start date of the Enrollment.

  1. The enrollment must overlap current Active Year.
  2. The enrollment must have one of the Grade Levels in DE70.


Student Information> General> Enrollments> Start Date


End Date

The end date of the Enrollment.

  1. The enrollment must overlap current Active Year.
  2. The enrollment must have one of the Grade Levels in DE70.


Student Information> General> Enrollments> End Date


Exit Reason

If Exit reason on the enrollment that overlaps the current Active Year equals

40: End of year, student was enrolled the last day of SchoolProgram ended - year end
99: Enrollment Status has changed necessitating the closing..Withdrawn, no reason specified

Populate the report with these, if blank or other than these two, populate a blank.


Student Information> General> Enrollments> Exit Reason


Program Name

If Gradelevel is one of the following, populate the report as noted below:

PAEarly Education - Voluntary PreKindergarten (VPK)
PBEarly Education - Voluntary PreKindergarten (VPK)
PC Early Education - Voluntary PreKindergarten (VPK)
RAEarly Education - School Readiness (SR+)
RBEarly Education - School Readiness (SR+)
RCEarly Education - School Readiness (SR+)
ECEarly Education - Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
EEEarly Education (EE)

If other than those Grade Levels, do not populate the report.

Student Information> General> Enrollments> Grade Level


Program Section

if Grade Level is one of the following, populate the report as noted below, else populate Blank/NULL:

PASection A
PBSection B
PCSection C

If other than those Grade Levels, report Blank/NULL

Student Information> General> Enrollments> Grade Level


IEP Status

If one of the following is selected for the Special Ed Status, populate the status of the students IEP. If Special Ed Status iis Blank/Null or = None, populate a blank/NULL

If student Special Ed Status is populated with code 4 or 6IEP/IFSP is Current
If Student Special Ed Status is blank/NULL or has a code = 1 (None)No IEP/IFSP
If code = 3, Not currently reportingDevelopmental Concerns

Student Information> General> Enrollments> Special Education> Special Ed Status


Membership Hours

If Membership Override on an Enrollment that overlaps an Active year is populated, populate the this report with that value, else,

  1. Report the value entered into (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override) (leading 0('s), 4 digits) when the following criteria are met:
    1. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override) NOT = Null
  2. Report the total number of Instructional Days available during the enrollment record Start and End Date when the following criteria are met:
    1. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override) = Null
  3. Report no higher than the value entered into (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Instructional Days Override) NOT = Null. when the following criteria are met:
    1. (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Instructional Days Override) NOT = Null.
    2. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override) = Null

Student Information> General> Enrollments> State Reporting Fields> Membership Override




Attendance Hours

If Attendance Override on an Enrollment that overlaps an Active year is populated, populate the this report with that value, else,

  1. Report the value entered into (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override) (0 pad, 5 digits) when the following criteria are met:
    1. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override) NOT = Null
  2. Report the total number of Instructional Days for which the student was present during the enrollment record Start and End Date when the following criteria are met:
    1. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override) = Null
  3. Report no higher than the value entered into (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Instructional Days Override) NOT = Null, When the following criteria are met:
    1. (Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Instructional Days Override) NOT = Null.
    2. (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override) = Null

Student Information> General> Enrollments> State Reporting Fields> Attendance Override





Generates the school of the Enrollment and enrollmentID being reported.

  1. The enrollment must overlap current Active Year
  2. The enrollment must have one of the Grade Levels in DE70
Student Information > State Programs > Early Education > Enrollment

Care Giver

Always populate Blank/NULL

Funding Source

Always populate Blank/NULL

Referral To/From

Always populate Blank/NULL





