Core SIF - RoomInfo

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object contains all of the information about a school's room. This object may contain a reference to a room type so that it may represent anything from a gym, cafeteria, to a standard classroom. The StaffList element usually contains the homeroom teacher.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirement
AddWhen a new room is added to Campus.
System Administration > Resources > Rooms
ChangeWhen an existing room's information is modified and saved.
System Administration > Resources > Rooms
DeleteWhen an existing room is deleted.
System Administration > Resources > Rooms

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to RoomInfo.
The district must belong to the same calendar and year assigned to the SIF Zone in order to populate.

Object Data Elements

Data Element Label
Business Rules
Data Source GUI Path
Database Field
M, C, or O
@RefIdGUID that identifies this room.

@SchoolInfoRefIdGUID that identifies the school that this room belongs to.

RoomNumberRoom number as presented to the user/application.Reports NameSystem Administration > Resources > Name
Optional. Does Not Report.

StaffList/StaffPersonalRefIdGUID that identifies the staff person assigned to this room (e.g. the homeroom teacher).Optional. Does Not Report.

DescriptionFriendly name that can be assigned to the room (e.g. Staff Cafeteria).Optional. Does Not Report.

BuildingExtra building information. In the future Building could become its own object in which case this element will need to be changed to a RefId. Currently it is only required as a free text field.Optional. Does Not Report.

HomeroomNumberWhen a room is designated as a homeroom it may have a different number. Usually blank when room is not a homeroom.Optional. Does Not Report.

SizeSize in square feet.Optional. Does Not Report.

CapacityNumber of persons (usually students) that this room can hold.Reports CapacitySystem Administration > Resources > Capacity
PhoneNumberPhone number for the room

PhoneNumber/ @TypeCode that specifies what type of phone number this is. Note: A subset of valid values may be specified in data objectsReport "0096".

PhoneNumber/NumberPhone number. Free-form, but typical U.S. formats include:Reports the Phone NumberSystem Administration > Resources > Rooms> Phone 
RoomTypeRefIdGUID that identifies the room type assigned to this room.Optional. Does Not Report.