New Mexico Ed-Fi

This article describes everything about New Mexico Ed-Fi, including setup, configuration, resource information, resource preferences, and related tooling.

Setup and Configuration

Ed-Fi Resource Information

The table below provides PDFs detailing each resource used in New Mexico Ed-Fi reporting.

Resource Ed-Fi Version Link to Document

Calendar Dates

v3.5.4 Calendar Dates


v3.5.4 Calendars

Class Periods

v3.5.4 Class Periods

Course Offerings

v3.5.4 Course Offerings
Coursesv3.5.4Pre-populated by State or Other Vendors

Discipline Actions

v3.5.4 Discipline Actions

Discipline Incidents

v3.5.4 Discipline Incidents


v3.5.4 Grades

Grading Periods

v3.5.4 Grading Periods
Local Education Agenciesv3.5.4Pre-populated by State or Other Vendors

NM Student Assessments

v3.5.4 NM Student Assessments


v3.5.4 Parents
Programsv3.5.4Pre-populated by State or Other Vendors
Schoolsv3.5.4Pre-populated by State or Other Vendors


v3.5.4 Sections


v3.5.4 Sessions

Staff Discipline Incident Associations

v3.5.4 Staff Discipline Incident Associations

Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations

v3.5.4 Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations

Staff Education Organization Employment Associations

v3.5.4 Staff Education Organization Employment Associations.pdf
Staff Education Organization Vacancies
Staff Education Organization Vacancies

Staff Section Associations

v3.5.4 Staff Section Associations


v3.5.4 Staffs

Student Academic Records

v3.5.4 Student Academic Records

Student CTE Program Association Credentials

v3.5.4 Student CTE Program Association Credentials

Student CTE Program Associations

v3.5.4 Student CTE Program Associations

Student Discipline Incident Associations

v3.5.4 Student Discipline Incident Associations

Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations

v3.5.4 Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations

Student Education Organization Associations

v3.5.4 Student Education Organization Associations

Student Education Organization Awards

v3.5.4 Student Education Organization Awards

Student Homeless Program Associations

v3.5.4 Student Homeless Program Associations

Student Language Instruction Program Associations

v3.5.4 Student Language Instruction Program Associations
Student Migrant Education Program Associations
Student Migrant Education Program Associations

Student Parent Associations

v3.5.4 Student Parent Associations

Student Program Associations

v3.5.4 Student Program Associations

Student School Associations

v3.5.4 Student School Associations

Student School Attendance Events

v3.5.4 Student School Attendance Events

Student School Food Service Program Associations

v3.5.4 Student School Food Service Program Associations

Student Section Associations

v3.5.4 Student Section Associations

Student Section Attendance Events

v3.5.4Student Section Attendance Events

Student Special Education Association Events

v3.5.4Student Special Education Association Events

Student Special Education Program Associations

v3.5.4Student Special Education Program Associations



Resource Preferences

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for New Mexico. 

Ed-Fi VersionLink to Document
v3.xResource Preferences (New Mexico v3.X)

Additional Ed-Fi Tools

Ed-Fi Configuration Ed-Fi Tools Ed-Fi Reports