Student Summary Attendance Template (New Mexico)

Tool Search: Summary Attendance Template

The Student Summary Attendance Template is used to track student attendance data. This template must be submitted incrementally at each reporting period rather than cumulatively. For example, the 80D submission should only include attendance since 40D.

Screenshot of Student Summary Attendance Template Editor.Student Summary Attendance Template Editor

Report Logic

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  • One record per student will report per school.
  • If a student has an enrollment into more than one calendar in the same school during the reporting window, attendance calculations will be combined to report as one record.
  • If a student has an enrollment in more than one calendar in different schools during the reporting window, one record for each school reports. 
  • The Student Summary Attendance Template reports the total number of days from the Submission Start Date to the Submission End Date in which the student was present in the selected calendar.
  • The student must be enrolled at least one day in the submission schedule selected to report.
  • Exited student's attendance will calculate and report for the days the student was enrolled in the calendar (at any time) during the reporting range.
  • Days Enrolled totals all instructional/attendance days in the submission schedule selected per enrolled student.
  • Days in which the student was marked absent for the whole day do not count in the Days Present calculation.
  • Days in which the student was NOT marked absent for at least one period during the day count in the Days Present Calculation.  

Report Editor

Submission Schedule

The collection period for the extract.

Standardized Date

The standardized reporting date of the collection on which the student must be enrolled to report.

21-22 reporting year: attendance must be reported for all students enrolled at the school at any point during the reporting period in the 21-22 school year.
Submission Start DateThe first day in the date range from which data will report.
Submission End DateThe last day in the date range from which data will report.
Which students would you like to include in the report?

This option allows you to narrow your search results by using one of the following options.

  • Grade - Select a single grade or multiple grades. This is the mapped state grade level code. (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple). 
  • Ad Hoc Filter - Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML or Comma Separated (CSV).
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Report/
Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Example

Screenshot of Student Summary Attendance Template in HTML.Student Summary Attendance Template - HTML

Report Layout

One record per student will report per school. 

  • If a student has an enrollment into more than one calendar in the same school during the reporting window, attendance calculations will be combined to report as one record.
  • If a student has an enrollment in more than one calendar in different schools during the reporting window, one record for each school reports. 

This logic applies to: Days Present, Days Enrolled, Days Absent Without An Excuse, Number of Scheduled Periods, Number of Scheduled Periods Attended, Number of Scheduled Periods Excused

Element NameDescriptionLocation
District CodeA three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits
District Information > District Number


Location Code

The state school number.

If the student has an active NM Exceptionality State Reporting Data Entry Plan where the Location is 998; 998 reports.

If there is no plan, the plan is not active or the Location field is NOT 998, the State School Number reports.

Numeric, 5 digits

School Information > State School Number

School YearThe end year of the selected calendar(s) plus the date 06-30. For example, 2016-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD

Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.

Numeric, 9 digits
Demographics > State ID

Period Start Date

The attendance period start date. This element reports the end year plus a specific value for each reporting date.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-08-01 = 40D
  • YYYY-10-02 = 80D
  • YYYY-12-16 = 120D
  • YYYY-03-02 = EOY
  • YYYY-06-02 = Summer Session

Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD

Calendar Information > End Year
Period End Date

The attendance period end date. This element reports the end year plus a specific value for each reporting date.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01 = 40D
  • YYYY-12-15 = 80D
  • YYYY-03-01 = 120D
  • YYYY-06-01 = EOY
  • YYYY-06-29 = Summer Session

Date field, 10 characters YYYY-MM-DD

Calendar Information > End Year
Days Present

The total number of days the student was present. The report calculates the percentage of scheduled instructional time in which the student is not marked absent on each school/instructional/attendance taking day in the reporting range.

First, the report determines the percent of the day the student was present.

  • The student must not be marked Unexcused Absent or Excused Absent on any of the student's scheduled periods or they will not report as attended full day on that date.  
  • If one or more scheduled periods are marked Unexcused Absent or Excused Absent on at least one period on that date:
    • The calculation totals the maximum possible attendance minutes based on the student's scheduled periods.
    • The student must have at least one attendance taking class scheduled during an instructional period to be considered in the present day count.

Second, the report determines the total the number of instructional minutes on the date in which the student was marked absent.

  • The absence must be Absent-Excused or Absent-Unexcused.
  • The Total Instructional minutes the student is Present is calculated by subtracting the Max Possible attendance/instructional minutes from the Total attendance/Instructional minutes the student is marked absent.
  • The Total Instructional minutes the student is Present divided by the Max Possible instructional minutes is the % of Day the student is present.
If % of Day a student is present is...Then...
=100Full Day Present (1)
<=50 & <100HALF Day present (.5)
<50Does NOT count as present (0)

Numeric, 6 digits

Calendar Information > Days > Day Detail > Instruction & Attendance


 Filler 8N/AN/A
Days Enrolled

The total number of instructional/attendance days from the Submission Start Date to the Submission End Date in which the student's enrollment is active and they have scheduled attendance

Campus only counts days in the Submission Schedule selected on which the student is actively scheduled in at least one attendance-taking class that is scheduled during an attendance-taking period on an attendance-taking calendar day.

If a student drops then re-enrolls in the same school during the reporting period, only one record reports a total of all days enrolled for that student.

Numeric, 6 digits

Calendar Information > Days > Day Detail > Instruction & Attendance

 Enrollments > Start Date & End Date

Days Absent Without an Excuse

The total number of Days on/between the reporting range (i.e., the Submission Start Date and Submission End Date) selected on the extract editor that the student is marked Absent UNEXCUSED.

To report, the following criteria must be met.

  • The Student must be scheduled into at least one attendance taking class on that date.
  • At least one class in which the student is marked as Unexcused Absent must be scheduled during at least one instructional period.
  • School, Instructional, and Attendance must be marked on the Day Editor.

If a student drops then re-enrolls in the same school during the reporting period, only one record reports.


% of Day a student is Unexcused Absent

  • Campus totals the max possible instructional attendance minutes based on the student's scheduled periods.

  • Campus totals the number of instructional minutes on this date in which the student was marked an Absent Code that maps to both ABSENT and UNEXCUSED.

    • Campus subtracts present minutes from the absent minutes total when entered on the Attendance Information editor.
  • Percentage of Day a student is UNEXCUSED Absent = (Total instructional Minutes marked Unexcused Absent) DIVIDED BY (Max Possible instructional attendance minutes)

Number of Full & Half Days UNEXCUSED Absent in the Reporting Range

  • Campus counts a Full Day UNEXCUSED Absent (1) if the percentage of day + absent is > 50%.
  • Campus counts a HALF Day UNEXCUSED Absent (.5) if the percentage of the day + absent is >0 and < =50%.
  •  If the percentage of the day + absent is 0, then it does NOT count as UNEXCUSED Absence.

 Filler 11-14N/AN/A
Number of Scheduled Periods

The total number of class periods on/between the Submission Start Date to the Submission End Date selected on the extract editor where the student of record in the school of record has a roster placement. 

To report, the following criteria must be met:

  • Courses must be marked for Attendance.
  • Courses must be scheduled into Attendance periods.
    • If a course meets 3 days one week and 2 days the next week, the class periods count for a 2 week reporting range = 5
    • IF a student rosters into the class late, or drops the class during the reporting range - only those class period/dates on which the student has a roster placement count. 
    • If student enrolled and scheduled into 3 instructional class periods on day 1 (monday), student enrolled and scheduled into 5 class periods on day 2 (tuesday), etc. a cumulative total of 8 reports.

Numeric, 9 digits

Number of Scheduled Periods Attended

The total number of class periods on/between the Submission Start Date to the Submission End Date (selected on the extract editor) where the student of record in the school of record has a roster placement AND is NOT marked with an attendance code where:

  • status = Absent AND Excuse = Excused/Unexcused/Unknown 

If status = Absent AND Excuse = Exempt the period is included in the count as present.

Numeric, 9 digits
Number of Scheduled Periods Excused

The total number of class periods on/between the Submission Start Date to the Submission End Date (selected on the extract editor) where the student of record in the school of record:  is marked with an attendance code that maps to status = Absent AND Excuse = Excused

Numeric, 9 digits

Attendance Codes > Status & Excuse