South Dakota Staff Courses Import

Tool Search: Import Wizard

This information is current as of the Campus.2427 (July 2024) release.

This information is specific to South Dakota state-level users.

The Staff Courses Import imports course section information as taught by staff members. Each line in the import file should represent one course section, therefore, a staff member may be listed multiple times. Files created by the Course Extract (South Dakota) can be used for this import.

Screenshot of the Staff Courses Import, located at Census, Wizards, Import Wizard.Import Wizard - Staff Courses

Logic and Validations

The following represents the logic and setup of the Staff Courses Import:

  • Each line should represent a course section taught by the staff person.
  • If Year, School Number and Staff State ID are reported, a new record will be created for that staff person within the matched school and year.
  • The District, School and Calendar must be chosen in the Campus toolbar when importing data.

Import Layout

The following table lists the data elements included in the layout.

Data Element




End year of the school year for which data is being imported.  An error will generate if the field is not populated, is not in the proper format or does not match an existing calendar or year.

Numeric, 4 digits (YYYY)

Calendar Information > End Date


School Number

State-assigned number associated with the school building. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid school number.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > Number


Staff State ID

Staff person's state-assigned identification number. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid Staff State ID.

Numeric, 6 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID


State Course Code

State-assigned code/number assigned to the course. An error will generate if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid State Course Code. 

Numeric, 15 digits

Course Information > State Code


Course Name

Name of the course. An error will generate if this field is not populated.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Course Information > Name

Federal Subject

Category of the teaching assignment used for HQ status determination. An error will generate for this field if the field is not populated or if the entry is not a valid Federal Subject.

  • If the FederalType is three characters, the Course.subjectType will be set to CORE, as will the Course.coreSubject be set to the value in the Federal Subject.
  • If the FederalType is ELEM, SPED or NA, only the Course.subjectType will be set.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Course Information > Subject Type


Local Course Number

Number assigned to the course by the district. An error will generate if the field is not populated.

Numeric, 10 digits

Course Information > Number


Local Section Number

Number assigned to the section of the course by the district. An error will generate if the field is not populated.

Numeric, 10 digits

Section Information > Number


Grade Level Code

Not applicable.

Not applicable. 

Course Type

Type of course. Options are E: Elective or R: Required. An error will generate if the field is not populated.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Course Information > Type
