Student Linker

As of Release Pack .1701, this tool will no longer be available once an LDAP configuration has been configured and enabled via the LDAP Authentication tab. 

Please use the User Account Type Wizard to mass link user accounts to LDAP authentication.

Tool Search: Student Linker

The Student Linker tool allows system administrators to link all Campus student or staff accounts to LDAP accounts for a specific calendar or school year. 

For detailed information about LDAP and how Campus connects user accounts to LDAP, view the LDAP Authentication article.

screenshot of the student linker tool


In order to access and properly use the Student Link tool, you must first have the following items:

  • LDAP must be configured and enabled for your school/district.
  • Staff and students must have a username in Campus that matches their username in LDAP in order to link the Campus account to the LDAP account successfully.

You must have a Product Security Role Assignment of 'Student Information System'. You cannot assign tool rights for this tool.

Linking All Student Accounts

To link all student accounts within a calendar (or all calendars in a district) to LDAP, select a calendar in the Campus toolbar at the top of the screen and click the Link Students icon (see Image 2). 

Screenshot of Link Student Accounts editor with Link Students selected.

Once account linking has finished processing, the tool updates and indicates how many students were linked and how many could not be matched between Campus and LDAP (No Match Found) (see Image 3). 

Screenshot of Link Student Accounts confirmation message.

If you would like to look up which students were not successfully matched to LDAP, create the following filter within the Filter Designer Query Wizard tool (Image 4):

Screenshot of ad hoc fields used with query for unlinked student accounts.

Linking All Staff Accounts

To link all staff accounts within a calendar (or all calendars in a district) to LDAP, select a calendar in the Campus toolbar at the top of the screen and click the Link Staff icon (see Image 5). 

Screenshot of Link Student Accounts with Link Staff selected.

Once account linking has finished processing, the tool updates and indicates how many staff were linked and how many could not be matched between Campus and LDAP (No Match Found) (see Image 6). 

Screenshot of confirmation message

If you would like to look up which staff were not successfully matched to LDAP, create the following filter within the Filter Designer Query Wizard  tool (Image 7):

The field can be found by going to Person > Staff > Teaching Assignment > School Calendar > Name

Screenshot of ad hoc fields used to find staff with no LDAP link