State Assessment Registration (New Jersey)

Tool Search: State Assessment Registration

The State Assessment Registration Report returns student assessment data and is used to evaluate a student's abilities post-high school graduation and for beginning a career. It reports courses and students active as of the Effective Date. 

Image of the State Assessment Registration editor.State Assessment Registration Editor

Data Setup

The State Assessment Registration Extract requires the following items to be done before generating the extract:

  1. Verify state assessment codes in the Custom Attribute Dictionary.
  2. Add the test to the Assessment Center.
  3. Record Test Accommodations for Students.
  4. Add the assessment to Course Assessments.

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Step 1. Verify state assessment codes are in the Attribute Dictionary

Verify the State Assessment Codes are listed in the Core Attribute Dictionary within the Test node. These codes cannot be modified by districts.

Image of the State Assessment Codes in the Core Attribute Dictionary.State Assessment Codes

Step 2. Add the test to the Assessment Center.

Use the Assessment Center tool to create a new State Assessment Registration test. The following fields MUST be populated in order to report:

  • Name: This field must have a reference to indicate State Assessment Registration, or be named as the name of the test.
  • Test Type: This field must be marked as State Test with the appropriate State Code field populated (see the list of codes in the Report Logic section).
  • Test Accommodations Eligible: This option must be selected in the Score Fields section.

When generating the report, if the State Code selected on the report editor matches the State Code populated on the test, information from that test is included in the report.

Other options can be marked as well, like the additional score fields and result statuses. 

The following fields on the Test Detail are included in the report:

  • Test Administration
  • State Assessment Name
  • State Code

Image of the Test Information section of the Assessment Center Test Detail.Test Information

Image of the Test Detail section highlighting State Test and Test Accommodation Eligible selections.State Test and Test Accommodation Eligible

Step 3. Record Test Accommodations for Students

Create a record on the Test Accommodations tool for students receiving test accommodations. Click the New icon to enter a record of accommodation for each test the student requires. Enter the required fields of Calendar and Assessment, and select the options for the student's accommodation as needed.

Image of the Test Accommodations Detail editor.Test Accommodations

Step 4. Add Assessment to Course

For a test to be reported, it must be assigned to a course using the Course Assessment tool.

Image of the Course Assessment Editor.Course Assessment Editor

Report Logic

The report includes students included in the selected ad hoc filter. Students must have a Test Accommodations record for the selected test.

  • Accommodation data reports from the matching Test Code on the report editor to the Test Code from the assessment selected on  Accommodations.
  • If there is no matching Test Code, no data reports for the student.

The Test Accommodations Eligible field must be selected under the Score Fields options of Test Detail in the Assessment Center for accommodations to display on the student's Assessment Selection list.

Students must be scheduled in a section of the course with the reporting Assessment assigned to the course AND have the State Code populated with one of the following Assessment Codes. The course associated with the assessment must be active as of the Effective Date on the Extract Editor, and the course's Assessment State Code must match the State Code selected on the Extract Editor.

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Assessment CodeAssessment Name
ALG01Algebra 1
ALG02Algebra 2
ELA03Grade 03 ELA
ELA04Grade 04 ELA
ELA05Grade 05 ELA
ELA06Grade 06 ELA
ELA07Grade 07 ELA
ELA08Grade 08 ELA
ELA09Grade 09 ELA
ELA10Grade 10 ELA
ELAGPELA Graduation Proficiency Test
ELANTNot taking NJSLA and taking DLM ELA Assessment
EXELAExempt from NJSLA and taking ACCESS ELLs 2.0 Assessment
EXEK2K-2 Student Exempt from NJSLA and taking ACCESS ELLs 20.
MAT03Grade 03 Math
MAT04Grade 04 Math
MAT05Grade 05 Math
MAT06  Grade 06 Math
MAT07  Grade 07 Math
MAT08  Grade 08 Math
MATGPMath Graduation Proficiency Test
MATNTNot Taking NJSLA and taking DLM Math Assessment
SC05Grade 05 Science
SC08Grade 08 Science
SC11Grade 11 Science

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female or X: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities and/or the Demographics tools. While New Jersey accepts a non-binary gender for state reporting, federal reporting standards do not. Keep this in mind for any federal reporting pulled from Infinite Campus data.

State Reporting Extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student identity information.

To properly record a gender of X:Non-Binary on the Identities tab:

  1. Assign the Gender of X:Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender field to either M: Male or F: Female.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Report Editor

Effective DateThe entered data returns only those students with active enrollments as of that date. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be chosen by selecting the calendar icon. This field auto-populates with the current date.
FormatIndicates the format in which the report is generated.
  • CSV
  • HTML
Exclude Cross-Site DataCross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
  • Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.
  • Defaults to checked.
State Test CodeSelections indicate what Assessment types are being generated. Options are based on the Assessment State Codes available entered in the Attribute/Dictionary.
Calendar SelectionTo generate the report, at least one calendar needs to be chosen. Calendars can be chosen by active year, school, or year. The calendar selected in the Campus toolbar is automatically selected.

Generate the State Assessment Registration Extract

  1. Enter the Effective Date for the report.
  2. Select the desired Format for the report.
  3. Select the desired options from the State Test Code list. 
  4. Select the desired Calendar from which to report students.
  5. Click the Generate Extract button. The extract is displayed in the selected format.

Image of the State Assessment Registration Extract in HTML Format.State Assessment Registration Extract - HTML Format

Image of the State Assessment Registration Extract in CSV Format.State Assessment Registration Extract - CSV Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

Test Administration

Reports the state assessment administration period selected in the Test Administration field on the Test Detail record. Options are:
  • FA: NJSLA Fall Block (High School ELA/L and Math Assessments Only)
  • SU: NJSLA Summer Administration (High School ELA/L and Math Assessments Only)
  • SP: NJSLA Spring Administration (All ELA/L, Math, Science, and NJGPA Proficiency)
  • NJ: ACCESS for ELLs or DLM Spring Administration
Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Assessment Center > Test Detail > Test Administration > Test Information


State Assessment Testing Site School

Reports the school responsible for administering the test for a student whose results are reported to the school.

Numeric, 3 digits
School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number


State Assessment Accountable District

Reports the district responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction of the student. (2-digit county code plus 4-digit district code)

If the county or district number is not provided, these values are reported from the Receiving County and Receiving District fields on the student's Enrollment record.

If the receiving county and receiving district is not provided, a value of 00 plus the 4-digit district code reports.

Numeric, 6 digits

School & District Settings > District > County Setup > County Editor > Number


School & District Settings > District > District Information > District Detail > State District Number


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Receiving County/District

State Assessment Accountable School

Reports a unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to the school by the school itself, the state, or another agency.

Numeric, 3 digits

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Receiving School


State Identification Number

Reports the student's state-assigned identifier.

Numeric, 10 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


Local Identification Number

Reports the student's school-assigned identifier.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Person. schoolNumber
Student Assessment IdentifierThis field reports a blank value. 

Numeric, 36 digits

Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


First Name

Reports the student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Middle Name

Reports the student's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name


Date of Birth

Reports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Reports the student's gender.

See the Non-Binary Gender Reporting section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(M, F, or X)

Demographics > Person Information > Gender

Home Language
Reports the name of the assigned primary language the student uses to communicate at home. 

Alphanumeric, 3 digits
Demographics > Person Information > Home Primary Language


Grade Level

Reports the student's grade level of enrollment as of when the assessment took place.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Level


Reports the ethnic category that most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his/her community or with which the individual identifies.

Reports a value of Y when Hispanic/Latino is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino

Race American Indian

Indicates the person is of American Indian or Alaska Native ethnicity. If no value is entered, the field reports NULL.

Reports a value of Y when American Indian or Alaska Native is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native

Race Asian

Indicates the person is of Asian ethnicity. If no value is entered, the field reports NULL.

Reports a value of Y when Asian is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > Asian

Race Black

Indicates the person is of Black or African American ethnicity. If no value is entered, field reports NULL.

Reports a value of Y when Black or African American is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > Black or African American

Race Pacific

Indicates the person is of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ethnicity. If no value is entered, the field reports NULL.

Reports a value of Y when Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Race White

Indicates the person is of Caucasian ethnicity. If no value is entered, the field reports NULL.

Reports a value of Y when White is marked. Otherwise, reports a value of N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity > White

Filler FieldN/AN/A
Race Multi
Indicates the person identifies with more than one race/ethnicity.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Demographics > Person Information > Race Ethnicity

English Learner

Indicates the student is an English Language Learner.

Reports a value of Y when EL Program Status is EL.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Type

Title III ELL Status

Indicates the English Learners (EL) student is served by an English language instruction educational program supported with Title III of ESEA funds.

Reports Y if the value assigned on the EL tool is 'EL'.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status

Gifted and Talented

Indicates the student is participating in and served by a Gifted/Talented program.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Gifted and Talented

Migrant StatusIndicates students who are, or whose parents/spouses are, migratory agricultural workers, including migratory dairy workers, or migratory fishers, and who, in the preceding 36 months, in order to obtain, or accompany such parents or spouses, in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agriculture or fishing work

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant

Economic Disadvantage StatusIndicates the student receives free and reduced lunches. Reports Y if FRAM Eligibility is Free or Reduced Price.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

FRAM > Eligibility

Student with Disabilities 504 Eligibility 

Indicates the student has a disability and is being served with Special Education services.

  • If Special Ed Status is Y, reports a value of  IEP
  • If Special Ed Status is Y and Section 504 is marked, reports a value of B
  • If Section 504 is marked and Special Ed Status is NULL or N, reports a value of 504
  • If Special Ed Status is N, reports a value of N

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status


State Reporting Fields > Section 504


Primary Disability TypeReports the student's assigned disability type when the Student with Disabilities field is Yes.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Primary Disability

ELL Exempt From Taking LAL

Indicates the student is a Spanish or non-Spanish-speaking EL student in his/her first year of enrollment in United States schools and is in a language assistance program. Therefore, the student is not required to participate in the Language Arts Literacy test section.

Reports a value of Y when the checkbox is marked.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Exempt Taking LAL


Homeless Status

Indicates whether the student is homeless. Homeless students lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

  1. Reports Y1 when 'Unaccompanied Youth' = No.

  2. Reports Y2 when 'Unaccompanied Youth' = Yes.

  3. Reports N when no valid Homeless record exists.
  4. Homeless record Start Date must be <= extract Effective Date and End Date must be null or >= extract Effective Date to be considered active.

  5. Reports from the Homeless record with the latest Start Date that was active as of the extract Effective Date.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Program Participation > Homeless

Exempt from Passing

Indicates the student's IEP team determines in which assessment the student participates.

  • Reports a value of E if Exempt Passing LAL is marked.
  • Reports a value of M if Exempt Passing Math is marked.
  • Reports a value of B of both Exempt Passing Math and LAL is marked.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Enrollments > Assessment Reporting Fields > Exempt
Passing Math, Exempt Passing LAL

Enrollment.exempt PassingLAL 

Enrollment.exempt PassingMath

NJ ELL Status

Indicates whether an EL student in grades 03-08 has been enrolled in schools in the United States for less than two years. The following logic is based on 2015-16 calendars; dates should be adjusted based on selected calendar years.

  • Reports a value of 1 if EL Status is EL and EL Program Identified Date is greater than or equal to July 2015.
  • Reports a value of 1 if EL Status = EL and EL Program Identified Date is between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.
  • Reports a value of 2 if EL Status = EL and EL Program Identified Date is between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
  • Reports a value of 3 if EL Status is EL and EL Program Identified Date is before July 1, 2013
  • Reports a value of F1 if EL Status is Exited and Program Exit Date is on or after July 1, 2014
  • Reports a value of F2 if EL Status is Exited and Program Exit Date is between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014
  • Reports a value of Y if EL Status is EL and EL Program Identified Date is null.
  • Reports a value of R if EL Status is EL and Parent Declined is marked.
  • Reports a value of RE if EL Status is Exited and Parent Declined is marked.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

Former IEP

If selected, this report shows the code associated with the student's Special Ed Exit Date. Otherwise, a blank value is reported. 

Reports F1 if the Special Ed Exit Date is on or after 07/01/16.

Reports F2 if the Special Ed Exit Date is between 07/01/15 and 06/30/16.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Exit Date

Special Education PlacementReports the student's Placement Group code, if selected.

Numeric, 2 digits
Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Placement Group

State Assessment Name

Reports the state assessment name being reported. Two records report for each student - one for ELA and one for Math.

Reports a value of 1-5 value associated with the state code.

  • 1 - NJSLA or NJGPA
  • 2 - ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
  • 3 - DLM
  • 4 - ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and DLM
  • 5 - NJSLA/NJGPA and ACCESS for ELLs 2.0

Numeric, 1 digit


Assessment Center > Test Detail > Test Information > Assessment Type


Date First Enrolled in US School

Reports the month, day, and year of an ELL student's initial enrollment into a US school.

Reports the date associated with the student's Date Entered US School value if English Learner status is Y.

Reports blank if English Learner status is N or if no value is entered.

Date field, 10 characters


Demographics > Date Entered US School

ELL AccommodationIndicates the student requires accommodations for the given assessment. Reports Y when there is an active ESL Code 31321; otherwise, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

(Y or N)

Test Accommodations > EL Accommodation

Paper TierThis field reports blank.N/A
Alternate Access TesterThis field reports blank.N/A
Homeless Primary Nighttime ResidenceAn indication of the nighttime residence for homeless students.

From the Homeless record being reported in the HomelessStatus field:
  1. Reports the code selected in the Primary Night Time Residence field.
  2. Reports null when the Primary Night Time Residence field is null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Program Participation > Homeless > Primary Night Time Residence
Filler FieldThis field reports blank.N/A
Filler Field

This field reports blank.

Session NameReports the description of where an assessment is administered. Reports the course name and section number.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Name, Section > Section Number

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Section Number


Class NameReports the description of a group of course section rosters. Reports the course number and section number.

Numeric, 45 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Name, Section > Section Number

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Section Number


Test AdministratorReports the primary teacher of the course section for the student.

Numeric, 8 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID

Staff Member Assigned
A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a staff member by a school, school system, state, registry, or other agency or entity.

Numeric, 8 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID


Test Code

Reports the assessment state code.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Assessment > State Code


Test Format

Indicates how the student took the test - either Paper or Online. This value must match the participation confirmation email.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (P or O)

Test Accommodations > Test Format



Indicates if the student is retaking the test (if the student failed a prior attempt and is eligible to retake).

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Test Accommodations > Retest

First High School Math AssessmentIndicates whether this is the first mathematics assessment the student has registered for as a high school student.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test 

Accommodations record; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Test Accommodations >  1st Math Assessment

Frequent Breaks

Indicates the student is allowed to take breaks, at their request, during the testing session.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on the Test 

Accommodations record; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Frequent Breaks

Alternate Location

Indicates the student sits in a specifically assigned location during the testing session.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Separate Location


Small Testing Group

Indicates the student is tested in a separate location with a small group of students.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Test Accommodations > Small Testing Group

Specialized Equipment

Indicates the student is provided with specialized equipment or furniture.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Special Equipment

Specified Area or Setting

Indicates the student is provided with a specified area or setting.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Specified Location

Time of Day

Indicates the student is tested at a specific time of the day.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Specified Location

Answer Masking

Indicates the student is provided with masks to cover portions of the assessment questions until needed.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Masking

Read Assessment Aloud

Indicates the student reads the assessment aloud to themselves and may use an external device such as a whisper phone. The student must be tested in a separate setting.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Student Reads to Themselves

Color Contrast

Indicates the student is provided with tools that invert the foreground and background colors for readability.

Reports the value selected in the dropdown list.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Color Contrast

ASL Video

Indicates that the student is administered the assessment using computer-based testing, in which American Sign Language content is provided to the student by a human signer through a video.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > ASL Video

Screen Reader

Indicates that the student with visual impairments is provided with a screen reader for the assessment.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Asst Tech Screen Reader

Non-Screen Reader

Indicates that the student without visual impairments has a screen reader for the assessment.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Asst Tech Non-Screen Reader

Closed Captioning for ELA

Indicates the student is administered the test using Closed Captioning functionality.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Closed Captioning

Refreshable Braille Display for ELA

Indicates the student is assigned an online form for Braille in conjunction with Screen Reader.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Braille Display for ELA

Alternate Representation Paper

Indicates the student requires paper and pencil test format as an approved accommodation.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Alternate Representation Paper Test

Large Print Paper

Indicates the student receives a large print test booklet with the text increased 150% to an 18-point font.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Large Print

Braille with Tactile Graphics Paper

Indicates the student receives a Braille booklet with embedded tactile graphics.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Braille with Tactile Graphics

Speech to Text and Word Prediction
Indicates whether the student needs to log into a CoWriter and Read & Write software for use with TextNav.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Read & Write Software

Human Signer

Indicates the student records answers directly in the test book. A test administrator must transcribe responses verbatim in a student's answer book or answer sheet.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Human Signer Test Directions

Answers Recorded Paper

Indicates the student records answers directly in the test book. A test administrator must transcribe responses verbatim in a student's answer book or answer sheet.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Answers Recorded

Braille Response

Indicates a student who is blind or visually impaired, and their responses are captured by a Braille Writer or Notetaker.

Reports the code selected in the dropdown list.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Braille Response

Calculation Device and Mathematics Tool

Indicates the student is allowed to use a calculator as an accommodation, including for items in test sections designated as non-calculator sections.

Reports the selected code from the Test Accommodations tool; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Test Accommodation > Mathematics Tools


Constructed Response ELA

Indicates whether a student's response is captured by an external speech-to-text device, external AT device, Human Scribe, or Signer for Constructed Response item types.

Reports the code selected in the dropdown list.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > ELA/L Constructed Response

Selected Response ELA

Indicates that a student's response is captured by an external speech-to-text device, external AT device, Human Scribe, or Signer for Selected Response or Technology-Enhanced item types.

Reports the selected code.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > ELA/L Selected Response

 Response Math

Indicates that a student's response is captured by an external speech-to-text device, external AT device, Human Scribe, or Signer.

Reports the selected code.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Mathematics Response

Monitor Test Response

Indicates that the test administrator or assigned accommodator monitors the proper placement of student responses on a test book/answer sheet or within a computer-based test. The test examiner or assigned accommodator cannot assist the student with changing a response.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Monitor Test Response

Word Prediction

Indicates that the student uses a word prediction external device that provides a bank of frequently or recently used words based on the student entering the first few letters of a word.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Word Prediction

Directions Clarified in Native Language

Indicates the test administrator clarifies general administration instructions only.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Direction in Native Language

Directions Read Aloud in Native Language

Indicates that the test administrator reads aloud and repeats test directions in the student's native language, as needed.

Reports the code selected in the dropdown list on Test Accommodations.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Test Accommodations > Test Admin Read Quest Aloud

English Learner Accommodated ResponseIndicates a student's response is captured by an external Speech-to-Text device or Human Scribe.

Numeric, 2 digits
Test Accommodations > English Learner Response

Translation of Math

Indicates the student is assigned the form administered for testing based on another language other than English.

Reports SPA when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Translation of Math Assessment

Word to Word Dictionary

Indicates the student uses a published word-to-word hand-held dictionary.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Dictionary in Native Language


Indicates the student uses software to render text on the assessment into read-aloud content.

Reports the selected code.

  • 01: Text-to-Speech English for ELA/L Text and Graphics
  • 02: Text-to-Speech English for Math Text and Graphics
  • 03: Text-to-Speech English for Math Text Only
  • 04: Text-to-Speech Spanish for Math, Science Text, and Graphics
  • 05: Text-to-Speech Spanish for Math Text Only

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Text-to-Speech

Human Reader or Signer

Indicates the test is read aloud or signed to the student.

Reports the selected code.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Human Reader/Signer

Unique Accommodation

Indicates the student has an accommodation that is not listed in the State Assessment Registration Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual but is identified in the student's IEP, 504 plan or EL plan.

Reports Y when the checkbox is marked on Test Accommodations; otherwise, it reports a blank value.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y)

Test Accommodations > Unique Accommodation

Emergency Accommodation

Indicates the student has an emergency accommodation when a temporary disabling condition occurs that interferes with test performance shortly before or during the State Assessment Registration assessment window.

Reports the selected code.

Numeric, 2 digits

Test Accommodations > Emergency Accommodation

Extended Time

Indicates extended time for completion of the test is provided to the student.

Reports the value selected in the dropdown list.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Test Accommodations > Extended Time

End of RecordReports a blank value.N/A