Release Notifications


Staff Contact Preference - 2507 New
In Campus.2507, the Schedule Messenger and Special Ed Process Alert tools will begin to use the Staff contact preference on the Demographics page instead of General and Teacher, respectively. When the message preview is generated, the Schedule Mes...
Linking Campus Student/Parent Accounts - Ongoing
Parents and Students with accounts in multiple school districts can link their accounts. Linking accounts: Makes it easy to switch between accounts without having to log out and back in. Enables ...
Enhanced Quizzes - Spring 2024
Starting with the release of Campus.2419 , options for creating and administering quizzes have been greatly expanded. This article summarizes the features available in the first release (Campus.2419) and will be up...
District Staff Tool Right for Messenger 2.0
As of 2419, the ‘Include District Staff’ option in Messenger 2.0 tools will be placed behind a tool right. Those with the tool right can message anyone under the district staff category. District staff qualify as staff who do not have a district a...
Resubmitting Assignments - Summer 2023
This article summarizes the upcoming release of reattempting submissions and reassignment assignments.
In-Progress Messages - 2323
The Scheduled Messages area of Messenger 2.0 has been renamed Upcoming Messages to make room for the new feature, In-Progress messages. All In-Progress messages in 2.0 will appear within the In Progress tab. With this addition, the Messenger 2.0 t...
Classroom Navigation - Ongoing
This article provides an ongoing summary of the enhancements released for the Classroom tool.
Printed Seating Charts - 2140
With the release of Campus.2140 (on or around September 27, 2021), Campus is releasing an option to print seating charts from the Section list. This simple report is intended to assist schools in contact tracing.  In preparation, schools may want t...
Messenger 2.0 Open Beta
With the release of Campus.2223, Messenger 2.0 is now in open beta and available for any district to use. Located in the Communication module (New Look of Campus), Messenger 2.0 consolidates many classic Messenger tools to optimize user experience a...
Numerous Tables Being Deprecated from MS SQL Change Tracking
The New Look of Infinite Campus no longer relies on the Search Framework and MS SQL Change Tracking to keep data in sync for all unified context searches. As a result, MS SQL Change Tracking will be disabled on a number of tables.   Please note th...
In Campus. 2331, Infinite Campus removed all NOLOCK (and its equivalent, READUNCOMMITTED) query hints and READ UNCOMMITTED settings from the Infinite Campus code base. To mitigate the risk of query result inconsistencies, please remove any NOLOCK...
Campus Digital Repository Off-Premise Document Storage New
As part of our ongoing efforts to better support future growth, enhanced functionality, and scalability, we are transitioning the Campus Digital Repository (CDR) service and data storage from our private cloud infrastructure to Amazon Web Servic...
New Report Rendering Service New
This summer, we are transitioning report rendering (FOP) from local servers to a centralized service hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This transition will start in April 2025 and should be completed by July 2025. NOTE: This change will n...