Homeless Services

Last Updated 05/24

Tool Search: Homeless Services

The Homeless Services tool gives districts the ability to create Homeless Services records that are not tied to a student's enrollment records. Access to this tool can be limited to those who should have rights to see it.

Fields vary by state. Please see your state's State Tools articles for more information on Homeless procedures in your state. 

The Document Upload tool was removed in Campus.2423. Any documents uploaded to Homeless Services have been relocated under the Homeless program.

Homeless Services

Screenshot of the homeless services tool.Homeless Services Tool

Enter/Modify Homeless Services Records

Available fields vary by state. Records cannot have overlapping dates

  1. Click the New icon. A Homeless Services Detail editor displays.
  2. For Start Date, enter the date on which the student began Homeless Services.
  3. Enter values according to your local requirements. Fields vary by state. For example, Program Status may be hidden for your state, the Homeless Services field may be titled differently, or you may see additional/different fields.
  4. Enter values for any necessary state or district defined fields.
  5. Click the Save icon when finished. The new record displays in the Homeless Services Editor.
  6. To modify a Homeless Services record, select it from the editor and enter the new information according to local requirements.
  7. When a student is no longer receiving homeless services, edit the record and enter an End Date.
  8. If a record was entered in error, users with rights to do so can click the Delete icon to completely remove it.

Print Homeless Services Summary Report

Click the Print Summary Report to display a PDF view of the student's Homeless Services records.

Screenshot of a generated Homeless Services Summary PDF.Homeless Service Summary PDF

Homeless Services Editor Fields

The homeless tool includes the following fields. Field names and available selections vary by state.

Field Description Ad hoc Fields
Start Date
Indicates the date the student was first considered to be homeless.
Dates can be entered in mm/dd/yy or use the calendar icon to select a date.
End Date Indicates the last date the student was considered to be homeless. homelessService.endDate
Program Status Indicates the status of the Homeless Services program. Default value is the name of the program. Districts can modify this droplist.
This field may be hidden for your state.
Comments Additional information can be entered in the Comments text field.
Created By Displays in the Editor. Autogenerated name of district, date and timestamp indicating who created the entry. For State Edition customers, displays the state if the state created the entry.
Modified By Displays in the Detail Editor. Indicates the person who last saved the selected record.

Custom Fields and Tabs

Districts have the option of adding district-specific elements to the Homeless tool. These will appear in the Detail Editor as District Defined Elements.

The Custom Attribute article explains how to add a field to the Homeless tool. Select Homeless as the Screen Location.

See the Custom article for instructions on adding a district-specific tool. Select Homeless as the Tabset and then use the Custom Attribute tool to add fields to the tool.

Tool Rights

Users with at least Read and Add tool rights are able to create and save new records. Only users with Write tool rights are able to edit or end existing open records.

The following tool rights can be assigned for the Homeless tool:

  • Read (R) - allows the user to view existing Homeless records
  • Write (W) - allows the user to edit existing Homeless records
  • Add (A) - allows the user to add new Homeless records
  • Delete (D) - allows the user to remove Homeless records