MN v3.3 - Student School Association

This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new enrollment is saved for a student. A record will report for each distinct enrollment in a School and Enrollment Start Date.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar and Schedule Structure with the same start date, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:
    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority will post a new record.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send records if the School Exclude checkbox is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send a record if the No Show checkbox is checked.
  • Do not send a record if the Enrollment State Exclude check box is checked.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Grade Level "Exclude from State Reporting" checkbox is selected for the grade level that the student's enrollment is tied to.
    • If one calendar is mapped to another calendar in the Calendars Override Mapping , and any grade levels are shared between the two calendars, the "mapped-to" calendar governs the "Exclude from State Reporting" status.
  • When a new Transportation record is saved for a student, and the Transportation Start Date is after the Enrollment Start Date (but still takes place before the SSA exitWithdrawalDate), an additional SSA record will be created with a Start Date equal to the Transportation record Start Date.
  • When a Transportation record is updated so that the Transportation End Date takes place after the Enrollment Start Date (but before the SSA exitWithdrawalDate), an additional SSA record will be created with a Start Date equal to the day after the Transportation End Date. A new SSA is ONLY created from the transportation record if the transportation record end date is prior to the transportation calendar's last instructional day.

When the start date for an enrollment is changed.

  • When an enrollment with a lower priority is changed, data will not send.
  • when the State Aid Category on the enrollment = 98 and
  • when the enrollment record start date is in the scope year and is on or after 7/1/xxx and
  • when the enrollment record has an end date within the scope year

for the following data elements report default values:

  1. Attendance = '0'
  2. Membership = '0'
  3. Percent Enrolled = '100'
  4. Transporting District = Submitting District / District of Enrollment (Resident District)
  5. Transportation Category = '00: Walkers'

NOTE: This logic does not require the enrollment to overlap any instructional days.


When an enrollment is updated for a student.

  • When a student's start status is changed.
  • When a student's end status is changed.
  • When a student's grade level is changed.
  • When a student's End Action is changed.
  • When a student's School Choice checkbox is checked or unchecked.
  • When a student's Resident District or Service District fields are changed.
  • When a students Service Type is changed.
  • When the Calendar reference is changed due to a Natural Key update on the Calendars resource.
  • When a Transportation record Start Date is changed, if the Transportation record is responsible for the exitWithdrawlDate of the preceding SSA record, it will update the exitWithdrawalDate of the preceding SSA record.
  • When a Transportation record End Date is changed, if the Transportation record is responsible for the entryDate of the following SSA record, it will update the entryDate of the following SSA record.

When an enrollment is deleted.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, records with lower priority will not trigger a delete.
  • When the start date of an enrollment is changed.
  • When the No Show checkbox is checked.
  • When a transportation record's start or end date is updated so that it no longer overlaps an enrollment record, and the transportation record was responsible for a stand-alone SSA record, the associated SSA record will be deleted.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
PutIf the natural key of the Calendar Reference is changed, a put will be done to update the Calendar Reference even if the Student School Association resource is turned 'OFF'.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule


Natural Key changes:

  • If the School Number/Ed-Fi School Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the School ID Change triggers. 
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
  • If the enrollment start date changes, all dependent resources will be deleted and re-posted.   If a dependent resource is turned off, all dependent resources will be deleted and not re-posted.

Cascading Deletes:  If the Student School Association is deleted, all dependent resources will be deleted.

  • Student Parent Associations, Student Education Organization Associations, Student Section Associations, Graduation Plans, Student Program Associations, Student CTE Program Associations, Student Special Education Program Associations, Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations, Student Academic Records, Course Transcripts, Grades, Student Discipline Incident Associations, Discipline Actions, Student Cohort Associations, Student School Attendance Events, Student Section Attendance Events

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Entry Type DescriptorsEnrollment Start Status
Exit Withdraw Type DescriptorsEnrollment End Status

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action




The primary table used for sending data for this resource.

personPost/DeleteStudent ID in Student Reference
graduationPutClass of School Year Type Reference
programsPutGraduation Plan Reference
programparticipationPutGraduation Plan Reference

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Association resource.

Data Element
Business RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O



 The unique identifier of the

entryDate   The month, day, and year
on which an individual enters
and begins to receive
instructional services in a
  1. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but begins prior to the start of the enrollment record, report the enrollment Start Date.
  2. If the SSA record is based on a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment, and the transportation record begins after the enrollment start date, report the transportation Start Date.
  3. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment but ends prior to the last instructional day of the calendar or the enrollment end date, report the date following the transportation end date.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

Student Information > General > Transportation> Start Date

Student Information > General > Transportation > End Date



calendarReferenceA reference related to the
Calendar resource.

This is optional, does not report.

 The year the student is
expected to graduate. 

This is optional, does not report.

A reference to the related
GraduationPlan resource.

This is optional, does not report.

entryTypeDescriptorThe process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session.
  1. If State Aid Category on the enrollment record = '46', then report '0'.
  2. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment and that starts after the start of the student's enrollment but before the last instructional day in the calendar, report entryTypeDescriptor= 24.
  3. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but ends after the end of the enrollment record, report 40.
  4. f the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but ends after the end of the enrollment record, report entryTypeDescriptor = 00.
  5. Otherwise reports EdFi Code from the State Start Status value saved in the enrollment record.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollments > State Aid Category

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollments > Start Status



exitWithdrawDateThe month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a school (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school.
  1. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but ends after the end of the enrollment record, report the enrollment End Date.
  2. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but ends after the end of the associated calendar, and there is no enrollment end date, report the last instructional date of the calendar
  3. If the SSA record is based on a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment, and the transportation record ends before the enrollment end date, report the transportation End Date.
  4. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment but starts after the start of the student's enrollment, report the date prior to the transportation Start Date.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date

Student Information > General > Transportation> Start Date

Student Information > General > Transportation > End Date

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Days

exitWithdrawTypeDescriptorA unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.
  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the enrollment End Status.
  2. If value is NULL and calendar End Code Override has a value set, the override value will be reported.
  3. If the SSA record is based on a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment, and the transportation record ends before the enrollment end date, report = 99
  4. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment,and there is a transportation record that overlaps the student's enrollment but starts after the start of the student's enrollment, report = 99
  5. If the SSA record is based on the student's enrollment, and there is either no transportation record, or an overlapping transportation record does exist, but ends after the end of the enrollment record, report 40.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Status


Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > End Code Override

primarySchoolIndicates if a given enrollment record should be considered the primary record for a student. If omitted, the default is true.This is optional, does not report.O
 An indicator of whether the student is enrolling to repeat a grade level, either by failure or an agreement to hold the student back. 

This is optional, does not report.

An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.

This is optional, does not report.

 An indication of whether students transferred in or out of the school did so during the school year under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116. 

This is optional, does not report.

An indicator of the students’ need for and participation in special education programs during this enrollment period.
  1. Report Special Ed Status code.
  2. If NULL, report '1'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

State Aid Category.
  1. Report State Aid Category.
  2. If NULL, report '00'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > State Aid Category

The Homebound Service Indicator is used to validate Membership Days for students who have no Attendance Days. It is an indication of whether students were medically confined to their home and received instruction in the home during the enrollment period.
  1. If Homebound = 'Y', report 'true'.
  2. If Homebound = 'N', report 'false'.
  3. If Homebound = NULL, report 'false'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Homebound

specialPupilIndicatorAn indicator representing a Student who qualifies as a Special Pupil for Care and Treatment at some time during the school year.
  1. If Special Pupils for Care/Treatment is 'Y', report 'true'.
  2. If Special Pupils for Care/Treatment is 'N', report 'false'.
  3. If Special Pupils for Care/Treatment is NULL, report 'false'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Special Pupils for Care/Treatment



The identifier assigned to a local education agency.

  1. Look to see if the Resident District <> NULL.
    • If so, report the Resident District number.
  2. If not, report from the district.type + district.number values (ttdddd)
    • Where:
      1. tt = district type
      2. dddd = district number, left zero filled

An Error message specific to the resident district ID is generated for the SSA in the Ed-Fi Error Log if the resident district value is invalid.


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Resident District

School & District Settings > District > District Information > Type

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number





Days or Hours.Report based on Membership/Attendance Type:
  1. If '01: Days' is selected, report 'Days'.
  2. If '02: Hours' is selected, report 'Hours'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Type

attendanceThe total number of Instructional Days or Hours during which students attended school during the current school year.
  1. Report the value entered into Attendance Override when <> NULL
  2. Else, if Attendance Override is NULL, calculate attendance based on membership first and then subtract qualifying absence amounts, if they exist in order to determine the reported value for 'attendance'
    1. When SAC = 46 always report '0' (zero)
    2. When Homebound Indicator =Y, report 0, else report the value entered into Enrollment Membership Override
    3. When school site category = 41: ALC or 42: ALP, the value reported for attendance can exceed the value for (possible) membership.
    4. Else, the attendance value cannot exceed the value that reports for membership.
    5. Percent enrolled '100' reports attendance and membership as a daily value. It counts the number of instructional days between the calculated start and end date. The total calculated value for membership cannot exceed the total instructional days override for a grade level, if a value exists.
    6. Percent enrolled 999/998 reports attendance and membership as an hourly value. It converts attendance minutes into hours and uses membership/attendance type '01: Days'. It counts all period minutes from the student's roster where course attendance = 1.

In order to calculate the attendance value,

  1. Enrollment 'Percent Enrolled' cannot be NULL
  2. the student must be rostered into at least one course that:
    1. Is marked as Attendance
    2. Is scheduled in an Instructional period
  3. the absent value recorded for the day
    1. is equal to the total rostered instructional minutes OR
    2. is equal to the value in the calendar field "Whole Day Absence (minutes)" (1.0) or "Half Day Absence (minutes)" (0.5).

The calculation method is determined by the value entered in enrollment field 'percent enrolled' and should match MARSS B calculation for determining value for flat file field named 'Attendance Days'.


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance Override

Course > Attendance

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Period

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Grade Levels > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Maximum Membership Days and Whole Day Absence (minutes)/ Half Day Absence (minutes)

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Whole Day Absence (minutes) / Half Day Absence (minutes)


membershipThe total number of Instructional Days or Hours during which students were enrolled in the school during the current school year.
  1. Report the value entered into Enrollment Membership Override when <> NULL
  2. If Enrollment Membership Override is NULL, calculate the total number of days between entryDate and exitWithdrawDate for which the student was enrolled, where the calendar days are marked as School Day, Instructional and Attendance
    1. When SAC = 46 always report '0' (zero)
    2. When Homebound Indicator =Y, report 0, else report the value entered into Enrollment Membership Override
    3. Else, when when SAC is NOT 46 and percent enrolled = 999/998
      1. always report membershipAttendanceUnitDescriptor = 'Hours',
        1. if the Calendar Grade Level associated with the reported enrollment meets the reporting criteria and where 'Instructional Days Override' = NULL, convert the calculated value into Hours and report that value
        2. if the Calendar Grade Level associated with the reported enrollment meets the reporting criteria and where 'Instructional Days Override' = NOT NULL, use that value and convert into hours.
    4. Else, when SAC is NOT 46 and percent enrolled IS NOT = 999/998
      1. always report membershipAttendanceUnitDescriptor = 'Days',
        1. if the Calendar Grade Level associated with the reported enrollment meets the reporting criteria and where 'Instructional Days Override' = NULL, report the calculated value of membership days for the duration of the enrollment record
        2. If the Calendar Grade Level associated with the reported enrollment meets the reporting criteria and where 'Instructional Days Override' = NOT NULL, use that value in the calculation
          1. when school site category IS 41: ALC or 42: ALP, report the calculated value for the enrollment record
          2. else, do not report a value that exceeds the total number of days between entryDate and exitWithdrawDate of the enrollment.

The calculation method is determined by the value entered in enrollment field 'percent enrolled' and should match MARSS B calculation for the value reported for the flat file field named 'Membership Days'.

Round the reported value to a whole number if it contains a decimal. Apply logic when value is calculated OR when override value is reported from Enrollment.admOverride - Membership Override field on the enrollment.

  • Round down when decimal is 0.1-0.4.
  • Round up when decimal is 0.5-0.9

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Membership Override

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Days > Instruction/Attendance

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information > Grade Levels > Grade Level Editor > Grade Level Detail > Maximum Membership Days





percentEnrolledPercent Enrolled
  1. Report Percent Enrolled.
    1. calculate value as percentEnrolled/100
  2. If NULL, report '100'.
MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled

Student’s to and from Transportation Category for the regular school term.
  1. Report the EdFi Code mapped to the Transportation Category value selected from the latest transportation record that overlaps the enrollment record.
  2. If the mapping is NULL, or there is no transportation record that overlaps the enrollment record, report '00'.
MStudent Information > General > Transportation > Transportation Category



The identifier assigned to a local education agency.

  1. Report the value saved in Transporting District
  2. If Transporting District is NULL, or no Transportation record exists, report the District Number from the EdFi Configuration
  3. If District Number from the EdFi config is NULL, report the Ed-Fi District Number from the District record 
  4. If the Ed-Fi District Number is NULL, report from the district.type + district.number values (ttdddd)
    1. Where:
      1. tt = district type
      2. dddd = district number, left zero filled

Student Information > General > Transportation > Transporting District

Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > configuration record > Connection > District Number

School & District Settings > District > District Information > district record > Ed-Fi District Number

School & District Settings > District > District Information > Type

School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number








Resource Preferences Continued

The Ed-Fi Configuration tool is used to establish Ed-Fi data resources.

The following describes how to set the resource preferences for the Student School Association resource. If the Configure or Edit buttons do not display, then the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off.

 If a mapping is changed, a resync must be performed on the resource in order for the new mappings to send correctly. Any item not mapped will not report to Ed-Fi. 
  1. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes for the Entry Type Descriptors.

    Enrollment Start Status
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > State Start Status
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Start Status

  2. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes for the Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors.

    Enrollment State Exit Type
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > State ExitType
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments > End Status

  3. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes for the Special Education Evaluation Status Descriptors Descriptors.

    Enrollment Special Ed Status
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > Special Ed Status
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status

  4. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes for the State Aid Category Descriptors.

    Enrollment State Aid Category
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Enrollment > State Aid Category
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Enrollments

  5. Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes for the Transportation Category Descriptors.

    Enrollment State Aid Category
    Attribute DictionarySystem Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Transportation > Transportation Category
    UI LocationStudent Information > General > Transportation > Transportation Category

  6. Click Save.