BIE Sped Tab (Michigan)

Tool Search: MI SPED

The MI Sped tab allows BIE schools within Michigan to store Special Education information for geographic state reporting. Because BIE schools only have access to BIE-specific IEP and Evaluation forms, the MI Sped tab was created to facilitate BIE users in documenting and reporting MI-specific IEP or Evaluation records.

Screenshot of the MI Sped tool. 

Image 1: MI Sped Editor

Create a MI Special Education Record

MI-specific Special Education records are created using the MI Sped tab. Multiple records can be created for a student. Records created are tied to the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. 

Screenshot highlighting the Add SPED Record button and the new record that displays. Image 2: Creating a New SPED Record

To create a new MI Special Education record:

  1. Select the Add SPED Record button. The WA Sped Detail editor will appear below.
  2. Enter the Start Date. This is the first day the record will be considered active.
  3. Enter the SPED Start Date. This is the date the student began receiving special education services.
  4. Enter additional applicable data within the remaining fields. See the Field Definition tables below for more information about each field.
  5. Select the Save icon. The record is now saved with Campus and will appear within the MI Sped tab for the student. 

Delete a MI SPED Record

MI Special Education records can be deleted per student.

Screenshot highlighting the Delete button and the confirmation that displays. Image 3: Delete a SPED Record

To delete a student's MI Special Ed record:

  1. Select the record from the record tree window above the MI Sped Detail editor.
  2. Select the Delete icon. A prompt will appear, asking you to verify deletion of the record (see Image 3).
  3. Select OK to permanently delete the record. The record no longer exists within Campus.

Understand the MI Sped Tab

See the following sections for detailed information about each section and fields:

MI Sped Detail/Initial IEP  

Screenshot of the Initial IEP section. 

FieldDescriptionCampus Database Location
Start DateThe first day the Special Education record will be considered active.BIEMISped.startDate
End DateThe last day the Special Education record will be considered active.BIEMISped.endDate
Date of Parental ConsentThe date on which the entity received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form. This is the beginning of the timeline for completion of the initial IEP.BIEMISped.
Initial IEP Completion DateThe date the initial IEP was completed.BIEMISped.
Result of Initial IEPThe result of the initial IEP.BIEMISped.initialIEPResult
Timeliness of Initial IEP

Indicates the appropriate timeliness status for the evaluation of eligibility for the student.

After obtaining parent consent to evaluate, the school district has 30 school days to determine the student's eligibility for special education programs and services. The field applies to students not currently receiving special education programs/services and is referred for an evaluation for eligibility.

Part C Transition TimelinessIndicates the appropriate timeliness status for the evaluation for eligibility for the student.BIEMISped.
Days Beyond TimelineThe number of days the evaluation and completion of the initial IEP went beyond the 30 school day determination window or the agreed upon written extension timeline.BIEMISped.

Special Education  

Screenshot of the Special Education section. 

FieldDescriptionCampus Database Location
Primary DisabilityThe student's identified primary disability.BIEMISped.disability1
Secondary DisabilityAdditional characteristics relating to the student's disability(s).BIEMISped.disability2
IEP DateThe date of the student's most recent individual education plan (IEP).BIEMISped.iEPDate
Support Services 1Indicates any special education support services that are provided to the student.BIEMISped.supportService1
Support Services 2Indicates any special education support services that are provided to the student.BIEMISped.supportService2
Support Services 3Indicates any special education support services that are provided to the student.BIEMISped.supportService3
Support Services 4Indicates any special education support services that are provided to the student.BIEMISped.supportService4
Support Services 5Indicates any special education support services that are provided to the student.BIEMISped.supportService5
Program Service Code 1Indicates the special education program or service in which the student participates.BIEMISped.programService1
Program Service Code 2Indicates the special education program or service in which the student participates.BIEMISped.programService2
Program Service Code 3Indicates the special education program or service in which the student participates.BIEMISped.programService3
Special Ed Setting

Indicates the student's primary educational setting.

Use the code that most appropriately represents the student's primary education setting based on the student's age group, location/type of facility or the percentage of time spend in general education/special education settings.

SPED Exit DateThe month, day and year of the first day after the date the student last participated in special education programs and/or services.BIEMISped.
SPED Exit ReasonThe reason the student is no longer participating in special education programs and/or services.BIEMISped.
FTE Section 52The Full Time Equivalency (FTE) for which the student is eligible for special education programs or services.BIEMISped.fteSection52
FTE Section 53The Full Time Equivalency (FTE) for which the student is eligible for special education programs or services provided to students with disabilities who qualify for Section 53 membership.BIEMISped.fteSection53

EC Special Assessment Type  

Screenshot of the EC Special Assessment Type section. 

FieldDescriptionCampus Database Location
Entry Assessment DateThe month, day and year of the first day the child was assessed for entry into an early childhood special education program.BIEMISped.
Exit Assessment DateThe month, day and year of the first day the child was assessed upon his/her exit from an early childhood special education program.BIEMISped.
Assessment ToolThe method of determining the child's level of functioning within the three areas assessed at the initiation of special education service and when he/she exits from early childhood special education.BIEMISped.
Other Tool UsedDescribes the type of assessment tool used, when it is not one of the values provided in the Assessment Tool field.BIEMISped.
Outcome 1AIndicates the extent of age-appropriate functioning for positive social-emotional skills (including social relations).BIEMISped.outcome1A
Outcome 1BIndication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behavior related to positive social-emotional skills.BIEMISped.outcome1B
Outcome 2AIndicates the extent of age-appropriate functioning for acquiring and using knowledge and skills.BIEMISped.outcome2A
Outcome 2BIndication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since his/her last assessment.BIEMISped.outcome2B
Outcome 3AIndicates the extent of age-appropriate functioning for taking appropriate action to meet needs.BIEMISped.outcome3A
Outcome 3BIndication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since his/her last assessment.BIEMISped.outcome3B