Alternative Learning Programs and Schools (ALPS) (North Carolina)

Tool Search: ALPS

Alternative Learning Programs Support and Schools (ALPS) are safe orderly, caring and inviting learning environments that assist students with overcoming challenges that may place them at risk of academic failure. The goal of each program and school is to provide a rigorous education while developing individual student strengths, talents, and interests.

Screenshot of the ALPS editor, located at Student Information, General, ALPSALPS Program Record

Read - Access and view the student's ALPS record.
Write - Modify the existing ALPS record.
Add - Add a new ALPS record.
Delete - Permanently remove a student's ALPS record.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Users may create as many ALPS records for a student as needed. However, record dates may NOT overlap. In order to create a new record, users must end date the current record.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import ALPS to this tool.

State Definitions of ALPS 

An alternative learning program is defined as a school or program that serves students at any level, serves suspended or expelled students, serves students whose learning styles are better served in an alternative program, or provides individualized programs outside of a standard classroom setting in a caring atmosphere in which students learn the skills necessary to redirect their lives. ALPS are limited to programs that also meet the following criteria:

  • Provide the primary instruction for selected at-risk students outside the standard classroom;
  • Enroll students for a designated period of time (not drop-in);
  • Offer course credit or grade level promotion credit in core academic areas; and/or
  • Assist the student in meeting requirements for graduation.

See the North Carolina Department of Education website for additional information. 

Add an ALPS Record

  1. Click  New. The ALPS Detail displays. 
  2. Add the Start Date for the record. 
  3. Select the Entry Reason
  4. Click Save. 

When the student has stopped receiving services for the particular program, edit the record and add an End Date. Then save. That record has now ended and a new record, when necessary, can be added. 

Click the Print Summary Report button to display a PDF report of the student's ALPS records. 

ALPS Field Descriptions

Start Date

Indicates the date on which the program began. This is a required field and must be BEFORE the entered end date (when there is one) 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > ALPSS > startDate (alpss.startDate)

End Date

Indicates the date on which the program ended. This field may be blank when the current record is active.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > ALPSS > endDate (alpss.endDate)

Entry Reason

Indicates the reason the student entered the program.

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Code Description
PLT Placed instead of long-term suspension
PLC Placed because of chronic misbehavior
PLF Placed because of a felony charge
PLD Placed after EC Hearing for discipline reasons
PLA Placed after EC Hearing for academic reasons
DIF Academic difficulty
ACC Academic acceleration or credit recovery
CHO Student and/or parent choice
EMP Employment related
PRG Pregnancy related
ATT Attendance problems
PER Personal and/or family problems
EMO Emotional and/or psychological problems
XFR Transfer from ALP or therapeutic/correctional facility
Dropout Recovery

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > ALPSS > entryReason (alpss.entryReason)