Assessment Center - Test Detail

Tool Search: Assessment Center

The Assessment Center allows schools to create and manage assessments administered to students for district (local), state, and national tests. The Test Detail tool is used to define the necessary assessment details including:

  • Test Information
  • Test Type
  • Display Settings
  • Score Fields
  • Result / Proficiency Statuses
  • Child Tests

Select a saved assessment to navigate to the Test Detail screen, where you can copy or edit it. Alternatively, select the 'New' button at the bottom of the Assessment Center homepage to add a new assessment. 

Before adding a new test, use the Search Tests field to confirm it has not already been added. There is an option to include archived tests in the search. A test may be archived if it should no longer be available to be administered to students. Archived tests can be reactivated by deselecting the Archived checkbox and clicking Save.

Assessment Center - Homepage

Create a New Assessment


Select the 'New' button at the bottom of the Assessment Center homepage to navigate to the Test Detail page.

Enter Test Information. The 'Name' field is required. Other fields should be completed as needed.

Mark the radio button for the appropriate Test Type and select the relevant options for that type.

Determine whether information for this test should display on the portal or transcripts using Display Settings.

  • Check the 'Mark as Restricted' option if the results should not display on the Student Assessment screen.
  • Designate the User Groups with the tool rights to access the test (if 'Mark as Restricted'  is selected).

Select which Score Fields will display on the Student Assessment page. Score Fields can be added or modified (designate as required, hide, change sequence, etc.)  under the Test section of the Core Attribute / Dictionary

Indicate any Result / Proficiency Statuses that should be associated with the test. They can be defined per test to locally categorize and label test scores.

Add Child Tests within a Parent Test.

Select the appropriate save option: Save, Save & New, or Save & Next.

Test Information

The Test Information section provides basic information about the assessment. 

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Image of the Test Information section of Test Detail.Test Information

Some fields are state-specific or may be designated as hidden. Users can update the attribute under the Test section of the Core Attribute / Dictionary.

FieldDescription / InformationExisting Values Populate From
(max 50 characters)
Name of the assessment.N/A
ArchivedSelection indicates the assessment should no longer be used.N/A
ParentIndicates any existing parent test structure for this assessment. N/A
CodeState or District-specific. Used primarily to identify the assessment when using Ad hoc reporting tools, graduation criteria and state reporting extracts. A code must be entered if passing the assessment is a required graduation standard.N/A
SubjectThe district-specific subject area the assessment should be aligned to for local tracking and reporting. Core Attribute / Dictionary > Test > Subject
YearsStart year and end year of the academic period during which the assessment is completed.Hard-coded list
Test Grade LevelThe grade level of the enrollment in which the assessment is typically administered. This is populated by the state grade level when the state grade level has been mapped to a local grade.Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup > State Grade Level Code
Question LabelUser-defined field to track data from specific test questions. The display name defaults as hidden in the Attribute / Dictionary. Users can choose to display this field and /or change the field name to better reflect district-specific usage by updating the attribute under the Test section of the Core Attribute / Dictionary.Core Attribute / Dictionary > Test > Question Label
Start DateFirst date assessment is available for use (or start date of the testing window). If Teacher-Scored, indicates the first day staff can enter scores.N/A
End DateLast date assessment is available for use (or end of testing window). If Teacher-Scored, indicates the last day staff can enter scores.N/A
Number of ItemsIndicates the number of items for the specific assessment.
Assessment TypeTest type indicating whether the test is considered:
  • GEN: General Assessment
  • ALT: Alternate
  • LID: EL for Identification
  • LPF: EL for Proficiency
  • BIL: Biliteracy
  • DLI: Dual Language

This field is used in accountability calculations. Your options may vary from those listed above based on your state's requirements. The attribute is locked and not available for users to edit. 

Core Attribute / Dictionary > Test > Assessment Type
Standards TypeThe standards type to be used when scoring the assessment.
Only available when "Alternate" or "Biliteracy" is selected from the Assessment Type droplist.
Hard-coded list
Academic Achievement StandardStandard group to be aligned with test results.
Revision DateThe date the selected version of the assessment was revised.
VersionIndicates the version of the selected assessment.
Max Raw ScoreThe highest raw score possible for the assessment.
Content StandardIndicates whether the indicated assessment conforms to a standard.
Assessment Category TypeIndicates the category type of the assessment.
Scoring Model CodeMeasurement used to determine assessment outcome.
Test AdministrationThe state assessment administration period.
Consortium CodeThe assessment code assigned by a consortium.
Options only available in BIE District Edition and BIE State Edition.
Hard-coded list.
Field Test
Report Via Data Mart
Option only available in BIE State Edition.

Test Type

The Test Type section indicates whether the assessment is a District, State, or National Test. 

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Test Type - District Test

Test Type - National Test

FieldDescriptionExisting Values Populate From 
District Test Mark if considered a district test. This is a screen indicator only and does not flag the database.N/A
Teacher Scored

Selection indicates that teachers are allowed to score this assessment when it has been assigned to a course through the Course Assessments tool. Scores are added by the teacher through the Standardized Test tool. The Raw Score checkbox is automatically flagged. See the Teacher-Scored Assessment Workflow below for more information.


Hide from StudentNew York Only
Selection indicates the test is hidden from the student's Assessment tool, PLP, Test Results Report, and Records Transfer.
State TestMark if considered a state test. This is a screen indicator only and does not flag the database.N/A
State CodeRequired when State Test has been selected. The test is flagged as a state test in the database when a code is selected here,.System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Test > State Code
Prohibit Districts From Editing State Test ScoresState Edition Only
Districts cannot edit state test scores when marked.
SPED Teacher Did Not Administer AssessmentOnly available when State Test has been selected.N/A
No Supporting Evidence SubmittedOnly available when State Test has been selected.N/A
National TestMark if considered a national test. This is a screen indicator only and does not flag the database. National tests remain unlocked and editable at the State level. N/A
National CodeRequired when National Test has been selected. The test is flagged as a national test in the database when a code is selected here.System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute/Dictionary > Test > National Code
Prohibit Districts From Editing National Test ScoresState Edition Only
Districts cannot edit national test scores when marked.

Display Settings

The Display Settings section determines whether and how the information for this test should appear on the portal or in transcripts. It can also indicate the level of access allowed to certain User Groups.

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Display Settings

FieldDescriptionExisting Values Populate From
Display in PortalIndicates assessment results should display on portal accounts. This option is only available in the District Edition.
Assessment TypeInformation Displayed
All AssessmentsDate Taken and Scale Score
State and District AssessmentsDate Taken, Scale Score, and Results
('Results' does not display for National assessments.)
Display in TranscriptsIndicates test results should display on transcripts. This field and resulting options are editable for state-published National Tests in the District Edition.N/A
Scale ScoreOnly available if Display in Transcripts is selected. Scale score appears on transcript when selected.N/A
ResultsOnly available if Display in Transcripts is selected. Result value appears on transcript when selected.N/A
PESC Test (eTranscript)Only available if Display in Transcripts is selected. Maps the assessment to a PESC-defined test code. If a selection is made it reports on student eTranscripts.Hard-coded list.
PESC Sub-Test (eTranscript)Only available if both Display in Transcripts and a PESC Test (eTranscripts) are selected, and is required. Maps the assessment to a PESC-defined test code. If a selection is made it reports on student eTranscripts.Hard-coded list.
Mark as RestrictedThe results do not display on the Student Assessment screen when the test is marked as restricted.N/A

User Groups with READ-ONLY access to this Test

At least one user group must be selected to save the assessment marked as restricted. 

User Groups with the tool rights to the identified test

User Groups with READ / WRITE access to this Test

Score Fields

The Score Fields section is used to select which score fields display on the Student Assessment page. They can be added or modified (designate as required, hide, change sequence, etc.) in the Attribute Dictionary

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Image of the Score Fields section of the Test Detail.Score Fields

Below are some commonly used score fields. Others are available in the Attribute Dictionary and can be displayed as needed by unmarking the 'Hide' checkbox.

FieldDescriptionExisting Values Populate From
DateIndicates that the date the student took the test is an available field on Student Assessment when marked.N/A
InvalidIndicates that the test is invalid when marked. It is an option for scoring and display on Student Assessment.N/A
Normal Curve EquivalentIndicates that the value of the test score when compared to a standard scale is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked. Normal Curve Equivalent is a specific formula designed to calculate this value. It is recommended that this field not be used unless that formula is employed. This field only stores this type of score if it is included in test results. The calculation is not set up within Infinite Campus and is typically calculated by the test vendor before results are submitted to a district. N/A
PercentIndicates that the percent of questions answered correctly is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked.  N/A
PercentileIndicates that the percentile in which the test score falls compared to other scores is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked. N/A
Points EarnedIndicates points earned.System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Core Attribute /Dictionary > Test Score > Points Earned
Raw ScoreIndicates that the Raw Score is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked. Raw Score is calculated by the number of questions answered correctly minus a fraction of the number answered incorrectly.N/A
Reason CodeIndicates that the reason a student did not take the test is an option and displays on Student Assessment when marked. Codes available include EDEN and AYP reasons.Campus hard-coded list.
Received AccommodationIndicates that a dropdown list should be available on Student Assessment where accommodations a student received during a test can be selected when marked. Standard accommodations are those approved for a student. Non-standard accommodations are those not approved. Campus hard-coded list. 
ResultIndicates that the outcome of the test, based on the Result Code defined in the Result Statuses Editor, is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked. This checkbox is generally used for state tests.
This value can either be calculated or directly imported into the field.
Values entered in Result Statuses Editor populate codes available on Student Assessment. 
Scale ScoreIndicates that the Scale Score is an option for scoring and displays on Student Assessment when marked. The Scale Score is based on the raw score converted to a scale score by an equating statistical process. Equating insures different forms of a test or different levels of student ability do not affect the score, but allows comparisons among students taking different test editions in different administrations. This process does not take place in Infinite Campus. N/A
Test Accommodation EligibleIndicates that the test is eligible for accommodations and enables the test to appear in Test Accommodations (Student Information > General > Test Accommodations) for selection. N/A

Result / Proficiency Statuses

The Result / Proficiency Statuses section can be used to add the statuses that should be available for the assessment. 

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Result / Proficiency Statuses can be defined per test to locally categorize and label test scores. Statuses are most commonly used when a spreadsheet or flat file of the test scores needs to be imported, but does not have test score results defined in this format, as necessary.

Calculations can be established for:

  • Proficiency Statuses only
  • Results only
  • Both Proficiency Statuses and Results

Image of the Result / Proficiency Statuses section of the Test Detail.Result / Proficiency Statuses

Use Proficiency StatusesIndicates use of proficiency statuses on the assessment. Unchecked by default.
When data has been set up for either Result or Proficiency Statuses to be calculated, mapping calculation can be set for either of these fields using Raw Score or Scale Score from Step 3 - Map Data.
ELIndicates use of EL-related proficiency statuses on the assessment. Inactive until 'Use Proficiency Status' is marked. 
Minimum ValueThe lowest score of a score range that is mapped to a result code and/or labeled by the state. For example, if a score in the 50-75 range is mapped to a result of Advanced, the Value should be set to 50.
Result CodeThe code assigned by the district/state for use in mapping a test score value. Result Codes are case-sensitive. 
Result LabelThe label assigned by the district/state when mapping a test score value and/or result code.
Proficiency StatusEL-related proficiency statuses are available in the drop list when the 'EL'  checkbox is marked. Attributes have been added to the Test section of the Attribute Dictionary. These are unlocked so users can modify the list or add more dictionary values.
Passing ScoreIf marked, the value is considered a passing score within the district or state. 
DeleteOption to remove the Result / Proficiency Statuses from the assessment.
Add # of RowsOption to add additional rows of Result / Proficiency Statuses to the assessment.

Child Tests

The Child Tests section is used to nest child assessments within a test to be scored independently.

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Child Tests

Transcript Icon displays when the Display in Transcripts checkbox is marked under Display Settings.
RemoveUnlink a child test.
Add NewAdd a child test.
Add ExistingAdd a child test from an existing test.
Reset OrderReverts the list back to alphabetical order.
Save / Save & NewSave (default) the test or save the current test and create a new parent test.

Teacher-Scored Assessments

Only district-level assessments can be scored by teachers.

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Teacher Scored

Teacher-Scored Assessments Workflow

The following steps must be completed for each parent, child, and/or grandchild test that is to be scored by a teacher.


Locate the test that should be teacher-scored on the Assessment Center homepage.

Enter the Start Date and End Date, indicating the first and last day the assessment can be graded.

Verify that the District Test radio button marked has been marked on the test under Test Type.

Mark the Teacher-Scored checkbox.

Mark the following score fields: 
  • Raw Score (marked by default)
  • Result
  • Scale Score (can be selected if the teacher manually enters a scale score, a result is not calculated)

Select Save.

Align the assessment with the course using the Course Assessments tool.

Grading of the test is completed by the teacher using the Standardized Test tool in Instruction. The score can be viewed on the Student Assessment screen.


Saved assessments can be copied and modified. Select a saved assessment on the Assessment Center homepage to navigate to the Test Detail screen to make a copy.

Image highlighting the copy button on the Test Detail screen of the Assessment Center.Copy

OneRoster Integration

The OneRoster API allows third-party systems (such as an LMS) to retrieve data from Campus, if the system has been given the correct credentials. The data that can be gathered through this API includes assessment, roster and section data, as well as assignments, grades, and scores, if enabled. This API allows districts to integrate their third-party program more simply with Campus.

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Campus does not own the OneRoster specifications. The OneRoster API was created based on those specifications to allow third-party systems to communicate with Campus. Fields in Campus are mapped to fields in OneRoster.

The OneRoster API allows third-party systems to request information from Campus and send it back. Campus does not make requests; it only receives them. There is no interface in Campus through which users interact with OneRoster. The external system is responsible for making all requests for data, either to receive section data or to send posted grade information. If the OneRoster API were a telephone, Campus would only be able to receive calls, not make them.

In order for the third-party system to make these requests, they must be given credentials to Campus through the Learning Interoperability tool. After these credentials are created, the district is responsible for communicating important fields with the third-party system. 

Assessments imported through OneRoster populate fields in Infinite Campus. Score Field selections that have been imported are greyed out and cannot be edited.

OneRoster Assessment imported into the Assessment Center