Graduation (Illinois)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:07 am CDT
Tool Search: Graduation
Fields in the Graduation tool that are specific to the state of Illinois are described below. For information on all other fields, please see the Graduation article.
General Graduation Information Editor
Diploma Type
The Diploma Type drop-list allows users to select the type of plan under which the student graduated. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.
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Code |
Description |
A |
Certificate of Performance |
B |
Both College Prep & Vocational |
C |
College Prep |
S |
Special Ed |
V |
Vocational (Tech/Career) |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Queries:
Student > Learner > Graduation elements > diplomaType
State Seal Information
State Seal
Illinois established the Seal of Biliteracy to recognize public high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages besides English. Follow local practices when entering information in the State Seal Information section.
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Code |
Description |
S |
Seal |
E |
Endorsement |
State Seal
Code |
Description |
01 |
Seal of Biliteracy |
02 |
Commendation towards Biliteracy |
99 |
(Note: The Language drop-list is unavailable when selecting this option.) |
Non-English Method
Code |
Description |
Definition |
01 |
Composite score Intermediate High/above |
Student obtains a composite score equivalent to Intermediate High or above (ACTFL proficiency guidelines) on an assessment of reading, writing, listening and speaking in the target language that is accepted by ISBE. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
02 |
Score equal to ACTFL Intermediate High |
Student obtains a score equivalent to ACTFL Intermediate High level meeting progress indicators for 12th grade set forth in the Standards for Learning American Sign Language (2014) or above on an assessment of American Sign Language. Assessment must be designed according to research-based national or international standards for educational testing. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
03 |
Proficient equal to ACTFL Intermediate High |
Student demonstrates proficiency equivalent to ACTFL Intermediate High level or above in reading, writing, listening and speaking or in ASL meeting progress indicators for 12th grade set forth in the Standards for Learning American Sign Language (2014) or in reading Latin through the alternative evidence method. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
04 |
Composite score Intermediate Low/above |
Student obtains a composite score equivalent to Intermediate Low or above (ACTFL proficiency guidelines) on an assessment of reading, writing, listening and speaking in the target language that is accepted by ISBE (or in an assessment of reading in Latin that is accepted by ISBE). ONLY used for Commendation. |
05 |
Score equal to ACTFL Intermediate Low |
Student obtains a score equivalent to ACTFL Intermediate Low or above on an assessment of American Sign Language. The assessment must be designed according to research-based national or international standards for educational testing. ONLY used for Commendation. |
06 |
Proficient equal to Intermediate Low |
Student demonstrates proficiency equivalent to Intermediate Low or above (ACTFL proficiency guidelines) through the alternative evidence method. ONLY used for Commendation. |
English Method
Code |
Description |
Definition |
01 |
Proficient on ACCESS 9-12 |
English learner student meets state proficient level on ACCESS for ELs administered in any of grades 9-12. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
02 |
Meets/Exceeds level in ELA |
Student achieves a meets or exceeds level in ELA on the state academic assessment administered at the secondary level. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
03 |
Composite score Intermediate High/above |
Student obtains a composite score equivalent to intermediate High or above (ACTFL proficiency levels) on the TOEFL, TOEIC or AAPPL or another standardized assessment meeting requirements as applicable. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
04 |
Meets level part-time TBE Access 9-12 |
English learner meets the state level for part-time TBE placement on the ACCESS for ELLs administered in any of grades 9-12. ONLY used for Commendation. |
05 |
Composite score Intermediate Low/above |
Student obtains a composite score equivalent to Intermediate Low or above (ACTFL proficiency levels) on the TOEFL, TOEIC or AAPPL or another standardized assessment meeting requirements as applicable. ONLY used for Commendation. |
06 |
Meets the ACT College ready Benchmark |
Student meets the ACT college ready benchmark for the English subject area test or achieves a composite score of at least 21 on the ACT. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
07 |
Final GPA of 3.0 in Transitional Coursework |
ESSA College and Career Indicator: Student has a final GPA of 3.0 in transitional coursework in ELA articulated in partnership with a community college. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
08 |
Final GPA of 2.5 in Transitional Coursework |
ESSA College and Career Indicator: Student has a final GPA of 2.5 in transitional coursework in ELA articulated in partnership with a community college. ONLY used for Commendation. |
09 |
Score of 5 on AP English Language & Composition Exam |
Score of 5 on the AP English Language and Composition Exam. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
10 |
Score of 4 on AP English Language & Composition Exam |
Score of 4 on the AP English Language and Composition Exam. Can be used for Seal or Commendation. |
11 |
Score of 3 on AP English Language & Composition Exam |
Score of 3 on the AP English Language and Composition Exam. ONLY used for Commendation. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Queries:
Student > Learner > Graduation elements > Graduation Seal > type
State Seals On Transcript Reports
When State Seal is selected as a report option for Transcript templates created with the Report Setup tool or when running a Transcript Batch Report using Display Options, the following language will appear on transcripts for students with State Seal data on their Graduation record.
State Seal of Biliteracy |
State Commendation Toward Biliteracy |
Attained the State Seal of Biliteracy by demonstrating high proficiency in English and [insert name of world language]. |
Attained the State Commendation Toward Biliteracy by demonstrating progress towards high proficiency in English and [insert name of world language]. |