Fees Wizard

Tool Search: Fee Wizard

The Fees Wizard may be used to create, void, exempt, remove an exemption from a fee, adjust fee assignments, or mark fee assignments as uncollectible. The Fees Wizard only assigns fees to students (defined as people records in Census who have an Enrollment record).

The Fees Wizard can be used at the School level or District level.

When used at the...Then you MUST select...
School levelthe school in the Campus toolbar. Only the selected school's calendars are available for selection.
District levelAll Schools in the Campus toolbar. All calendars within the district are available for selection by school year, active year, or school name.

Screenshot of the fees wizard

Fees Wizard Logs

The Fees Wizard Logs display the parameters selected each time the Fee Wizard was used through to completion (if a user did not click the Finish or Run buttons for any mode, the log is not kept). Logs are listed in chronological order with the Fees Mode that was performed. Selecting a log displays the parameters.

 To view the Fee Wizard Logs, a calendar must be selected in the Campus toolbar.

Screenshot of the fees wizard log

Fees Wizard Modes

Different options are also available for each wizard mode. The following articles provide information on running the Fees Wizard in different modes. 

Within each mode, users can return to the previous page by selecting the Back button on the Wizard interface (not the browser back button). This will return the user to the immediately previous page.