Physical Fitness Test (California)

Tool Search: Physical Fitness Test

The Physical Fitness Test Extract is used to generate the PFT data stored in the Teacher Scored Assessment for Grades 5, 7, and 9 concerning the physical fitness test results of students. This report is for districts who do NOT use the Fitnessgram.

Screenshot of the Physical Fitness Test editor, located at Reporting, CA State Reporting. Physical Fitness Test Editor

Report Logic

Only assessments in 5th, 7th, and 9th grade report. Only available data from students' assessments report.

In order to report, students must be scored in Campus Instruction, Teacher Scored Assessments. If students are not scored in Campus Instruction and their scores are manually entered in the Assessment tab of the student(s), a date on the parent test must be set.

Students do not report when:

  • Their enrollment record is marked as State Exclude. 
  • They are enrolled in a Grade Level marked as State Exclude.
  • They are enrolled in a calendar marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

Effective DateReports assessments that are scored from the student assessment tab on or before this date.
Date RangeReports assessments that are scored from the student assessment tab within this date range.
File Format

Selection determines whether the extract generates in the following file formats contained in the drop list:

  • Tab Delimited (State Format)
  • Comma Seperated (CSV)
  • HTML

Ad Hoc FilterAllows a pre-existing ad hoc filter to be chosen to further narrow the results of the students included in the report.

Grade Selector

Allows selection of one or more of the following grades:

  • 5th grade
  • 7th grade
  • 9th grade

Legal NameWhen check box is marked, report pulls Legal First Name, Legal Last Name, Legal Middle Name, Legal Gender.

When check is unmarked, the report pulls First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, and Gender. 

Select CalendarsAt least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school name, or by year.
Report GenerationThe report can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. When there is a larger amount of data chosen (several calendars, large date range, etc.), use the Submit to Batch button, which allows the user to choose when the report is generated. 

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date and/or Date Range for the report.
  2. Select the desired File Format.
  3. Select the Ad Hoc Filter, if desired. 
  4. Select the desired Grade
  5. Mark the Legal Name check box, if desired.
  6. Select the Calendar(s) to include in the report.
  7. Click the Generate Report  or Submit to Batch button. The extract displays in the selected format. 

Screenshot of an example of the Physical Fitness Test report in State format.Physical Fitness Test, State Format (Tab Delimited)

Screenshot of an example of the Physical Fitness Test report in CSV format.Physical Fitness Test, Comma Separated (CSV Format)

Screenshot of an example of the Physical Fitness Test report in HTML format. Physical Fitness Test, HTML Format

Physical Fitness Test Extract Layout

County CodeA coded value that represents the County the School District Resides in.

Numeric, 2 digits
District Information > State District Number

School District CodeA unique identifier for the educational service institution responsible for obtaining and maintaining a student's Statewide Student Identifier by way of an enrollment record in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).

Numeric, 5 digits
District Information > State District Number

School CodeA unique identifier for the school in which the student is enrolled.

Numeric, 7 digits
School Information > State School Number

Charter NumberA unique identifier for the Charter School in which the student is enrolled.

Numeric, 4 digits
School > State School Number

GradeThe Grade Level the student is in.

Numeric, 2 digits
Enrollment > Grade

Student Last Name

The Legal Last Name of the student.

Reports the Legal Last Name if the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is checked.

If not checked this value reports from the last name field.

Alphanumeric, 11 characters

Identities > Last Name, Legal Last Name



Student First Name

The Legal first name of the student.

Reports the Legal First Name if the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is marked.

If not marked this value reports from the first name field.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Identities > First Name, Legal First Name



Student Middle Initial

The Legal middle initial of the student.

Reports the Legal First Name if the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is marked.

If not marked this value reports from the middle name field.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Identities > Middle Name, Legal Middle Name



Date of Birth MonthThe month in which a person was born based on the Gregorian Calendar.

Numeric, 2 digits
Demographics > Birth Date


Date of Birth DayThe day in which a person was born based on the Gregorian Calendar.

Numeric, 2 digits
Demographics > Birth Date

Date of Birth YearThe year in which a person was born based on the Gregorian Calendar.

Numeric, 4 digits
Demographics > Birth Date


A student’s designated gender.

Reports the Legal Gender if the Legal Name and Gender checkbox is marked.

If not marked this value reports from the Gender field.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Identities > Gender, Legal Gender



Statewide Student Identifier

The Students State Student ID (SSID).

The unique identifier for the student assigned to or by the first California district in which the student is enrolled in accordance with CDE established standards. This number follows the student from school to school throughout his/her K-12 career.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


Hispanic or Latino

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as having a Hispanic ethnicity.

This will report Y/N based on the answer to the Hispanic/Latino question, or blank if there is no answer selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?


Race Black or African American

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. 

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American


Race American Indian or Alaska Native

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native


Race Chinese

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Chinese


Race Japanese

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. 

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Japanese


Race Korean

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Korean


Race Vietnamese

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Vietnamese


Race Asian Indian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian Indian


Race Loatian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Laotian


Race Cambodian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Cambodian


Race Hmong

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hmong


Race Other Asian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Other Asian


Race Filipino

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Filipino


Race Native Hawaiian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. 

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hawaiian


Race Guamanian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. 

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Guamanian


Race Samoan

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Samoan


Race Tahitian

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Tahitian


Race Other Pacific Islander

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Other Pacific Islander


Race White

An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity.

This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there is no answer.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White


Parent/Guardian highest Education Level

Coded value representing the highest educational level of the parent/guardian.

Reports Parent Ed Level code if the field is populated on the student's Demographic tab.

If the field is not populated on the Student Demographic tab, looks at all guardians flagged for the student and reports the highest level code.

If no guardians are flagged for the student, reports a blank value.

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Parent Highest Edu-Mark on Student

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Reports that a student has a FREE or REDUCED lunch record within the selected time frame.

Reports a blank value if there is no record FREE or REDUCED lunch record within the selected time frame.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

FRAM > Eligibility

PFT Start Date MonthThe month that the student took the test.

Numeric, 2 digits
Assessments > California PFT > Date

PFT Start Date DayThe day that the student took the test.

Numeric, 2 digits
Assessments > California PFT > Date


PFT Start Date YearThe year that the student took the test.

Numeric, 4 digits
Assessments > California PFT > Date


Filler (1)N/AN/A
Filler (2)N/AN/A

Height Feet

Reports the student's height (feet portion of full measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT Height Feet test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Height


Height Inches

Reports the student's height (inches portion of full measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT Height Inches test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Height


Weight Pounds

Reports the student's weight in pounds from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 3 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Weight


One Mile Run Minutes

Reports the mile run (minutes portion of the measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT One Mile Run Time Minutes test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > One Mile Run Time

One Mile Run Seconds

Reports the mile run (seconds portion of measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT One Mile Run Time Seconds test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > One Mile Run Time


20M Pacer Laps

Reports the number of laps completed from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 3 digits

Assessments > California PFT > 20M Pacer Laps


Walk Test Minutes

Reports the walk test (minutes portion of measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT Walk Test Time Minutes test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Walk Test Time

Walk Test Seconds

Reports the walk test (seconds portion of measurement) from the raw score recorded in the CA PFT Walk Test Time Seconds test.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Walk Test Time


Heart Rate Beats Per Minute

Reports the hear rate in Beats Per Minute (BPM) from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 3 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Heart Rate Beats Per Minute

Skinfolds Triceps Millimeters

Reports the Skinfolds Triceps, in millimeters (mm), measurement from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Skinfolds Triceps

Skinfolds Calf Millimeters

Reports the Skinfolds Calf, in millimeters (mm), measurement from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Skinfolds Calf Millimeters


Bioelectric Impedance Percent Body Fat

Reports the Bioelectric Impedance Percent Body Fat from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 3 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Bioelectric Impedance Percent Body Fat

Curl Up

Reports the number of Curl Ups from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Curl Up

Trunk Lift Inches

Reports the number of Trunk Lifts, in inches, from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Trunk Lift

Push Up

Reports the number of non-modified Push Ups performed from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Push Up

Modified Push Up

Reports the number of Modified Push Ups performed from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Modified Push Up

Flexed Arm Hang

Reports the Flexed Arm Hang result from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Flexed Arm Hang

Sit and Reach Left

Reports the Sit and Reach result (on the left side), in inches, from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Sit and Reach Left

Sit and Reach Right

Reports the Sit and Reach result (on the right side) , in inches, from the raw score recorded.

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessments > California PFT > Sit and Reach Right

Shoulder Stretch Left

Reports the Shoulder Stretch (Left) result in yes/no form from raw score recorded.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Assessments > California PFT > Shoulder Stretch Left

Shoulder Stretch Right

Reports the Shoulder Stretch (Right) result in yes/no form from raw score recorded.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Assessments > California PFT > Shoulder Stretch Right
