Resource Preferences (Wisconsin v3.X)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi Configuration

Resource Preferences determine which information is sent to Ed-Fi. These options apply to all schools within the district. If the state did not request a resource, it does not appear in this list, meaning different options may be available for different states. Some mapping screens may be 'read only' if specific business rules are required by your state.

Screenshot of Wisconsin Ed-Fi Configuration.Ed-Fi Configuration


Setting Resource Preferences

Resource Preferences determine which information is sent to Ed-Fi.

Resource Preferences can be imported or set manually. The information below details how to manually set the Resource Preferences for Wisconsin. For information on importing mappings, please see the Import Mappings section of the Core Ed-Fi Resource Preferences article.

For each resource, choose Edit or Configure to map items like Scores or Grade Levels to an Ed-Fi Code. These items are called Descriptors.

  • Configure displays when preferences have not previously been saved. 
  • Edit displays when preferences have already been set and saved. 

Resources can be expanded by clicking the plus sign or collapsed by clicking the minus sign.

Screenshot of Resource Preferences Expand and Collapse Options.
Resource Preferences Expand and Collapse Options

When the Configure or Edit button does not display, the resource does not need to be mapped and the toggle button can be used to turn the resource on or off. Select a link below to view how to set the Resource Preferences.

 Resources should be toggled off until all data setup is complete and the district is ready to send data to Ed-Fi.
  1. Select the Resource Preferences button for the current school year. This name may vary depending on the Connection Name that was entered when adding the Connection.
  2. The list of available resources displays.
  3. Click the Edit or Configure button to modify the resource preferences.
  4. Click Save when finished mapping the Descriptors.
  5. Turn the resource preference to ON.
  6. Close the Resource Preferences when finished.

Any item not mapped DOES NOT REPORT to Ed-Fi.

Wisconsin Ed-Fi Resource Preferences

The following provides details on each Resource and the desired preference for proper reporting with the state of Wisconsin. 

Note: There are three different profiles available for Wisconsin districts. The resources available are different for each profile. 


The Grade Levels Resource cannot be toggled on or off because multiple resources use to determine grade level information. 

Each Grade Level Name available in the district needs to be mapped to a corresponding Ed-Fi Code.

Screenshot of Grade Levels Resource Preferences.

See the Grade Levels article for more information.
Attendance Information
Student School Attendance Events
Map the Attendance Event Category Descriptors to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of the Attendance Event Category Descriptor mappings.
Discipline Information
Discipline ActionsBehavior Resolution Types are mapped to a State Resolution Code on the Resolution Type tool, then to an Ed-Fi Code.
Use the Filter options in the Discipline Descriptors section to find the Behavior Resolution Type and then Fill that item with the desired Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of WI Behavior Resolution Types.
Map the Behavior Resolution Modification Term and Reason to the Ed-Fi Code. Screenshot of Behavior Resolution Modification Term and Reason.See the Behavior article for more information.
Discipline IncidentsAnswer the question at the top of the page on whether to report details on the Incident populating in the Behavior Detailed Description.
Screenshot of Discipline Incident Resource Preferences.
Student Discipline Incident Behavior AssociationsMap the Behavior Resolution Removal Reason and Discipline Incident Participation Code Descriptors to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Student Discipline Incident Behavior Resource Preferences.See the Behavior article for more information.
Grade Information
Course TranscriptsMap the Credit Earned/Attempted to the Ed-Fi Code. 
Screenshot of Course Transcripts Resource Preferences.See the Student Transcripts article for more information.
GradesMap the Grading Tasks, Standards, and Score List Item State Scores to the corresponding Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Grades Resource Preferences.
Grading Periods

Complete the Grading Task/Standard, Grading Period Descriptor, Sequence, Start Date, and End Date field for each school. The filter option at the top of the section can be used to filter by school and/or grade level. The various filter fields determine which information displays. The Fill options can be used to fill the Grading Task, Grading Period Descriptor, Sequence, Start Date, and/or End Date fields.

Screenshot of Grading Periods Resource Preferences.

Click here to expand...

Grading Period Scenarios

Create a Grading Period record for each Grading Task that you want to send a grade to in Ed-Fi.

The Grading Period reports in the Sessions resource where the end date of the Grading Period overlaps that terms start and end dates.

Sessions Resource:

Screenshot of Grading Period overlaps that terms start and end dates.Example of Grading Period overlaps that terms start and end dates.

School reports a Quarter Grade at the end of each term:

Create four Grading Periods

Grading Task

Grading Period Descriptor

Start Date

End Date


Sessions Reference


First Nine Weeks




First Quarter


Second Nine Weeks




Second Quarter


Third Nine Weeks




Third Quarter


Fourth Nine Weeks




Fourth Quarter

School reports a Semester Grade at the end of the Second and Fourth Quarters:

Grading Task

Grading Period Descriptor

Start Date

End Date


Sessions Reference


First Semester




Second Quarter


Second Semester




Fourth Quarter

Student Academic RecordsMap the Diploma Type and Acheivement Category Descriptors to the corresponding Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Student Academic Records Resource Preferences.
Screenshot of Student Academic Records Resource Preferences.
Click here to expand...

Additional Information for Student Academic Records

Course Transcript records in Ed-Fi have a required reference to the Student Academic Record resource which requires a Term Descriptor in order to send to the ODS. When Transcript records are manually added to a student’s Transcript tab, there is not a calculated way to determine in which term the student completed the course in order to align it to the proper Student Academic Record. There are two ways in which a Term Descriptor can be assigned to a manually added transcript record:

  1.    Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field on the Transcript Course Editor:

    Screenshot of Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field.
    Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field

    This field should be used when multiple records for the same course are posted to the student’s transcript in the same school year. If all students have only one transcript record per course in a school year, this field does not need to be populated and the Term Descriptor set for the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override in the Student Academic Record Resource Preferences is used to report.

    Example: Student receives a Fall Semester and Spring Semester grade in the same school year for the same course.

  2. Set the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field on the Student Academic Records Resource Preferences:
    Screenshot of Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field on the Student Academic Records Resource Preferences.
    Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override on the Student Academic Records Resource Preferences

The Term Descriptor selected in the Ed-Fi Code field reports for all manually added transcript records where the Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field is blank on the transcript record. This override is also used in all previous years transcript records where a valid term descriptor cannot be determined.

Parent Information
ParentsFor 2023-24 Configurations or later: If desired, select the 'Does your LEA want to 'opt-in' to send records for both Parents and Student Parent Association Resources for all students? If not checked, records will still send for Free/Reduced students.'

If the checkbox is marked, then Parents records for all students will report based on existing reporting/trigger logic.

If the checkbox is not marked, then Parents records for students with an active FRAM Eligibility record with Type = Meal or SES for the current/reporting school year and eligibility is = Free or Reduced will report.

  1. A record is considered active when the FRAM end date is greater than or equal to the last instructional date on the calendar
  2. Follow all other reporting logic.
Map the Parent Languages Override values for Native Language to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code. The code from the Language List Attribute Dictionary will report if it matches an Ed-Fi Code. Only add a record in this section if a Language List does not have a matching Ed-Fi Code and needs to be mapped to a non-matching Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Parent Resource Preferences.
Student Parent AssociationsMap the Relationship Types to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshotof Student Parent Associations Resource Preferences.See the Relationship article for more information.
Schedule Information

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Calendar Types.

Screenshot of the Calendar Type Descriptors.
Calendar Dates

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Calendar Event Descriptors.

Course OfferingsMap the Program Clusters to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Course Offerings Resource Preferences.
SectionsMap the Educational Environment Descriptors, Instructional Languages Override to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Note: The code from the Language List Attribute Dictionary reports if it matches an Ed-Fi Code. Only add a record in this section if a Language List does not have a matching Ed-Fi Code and needs to be mapped to a non-matching Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Sections Resource Preferences.Map the Medium Of Instruction Descriptors to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Sections Resource Preferences.
SessionsMap the Term for each calendar.
Select the Ed-Fi Term Type that matches the majority of the sections within the school.
  • Example: If quarters are set on the Calendar and the sections are scheduled for 4 quarters, then the Ed-Fi Term Type for all 4 quarters should be set to Full School Year. 
  • Example: If quarters are set on the Calendar and the sections are scheduled for 2 quarters, then the Ed-Fi Term Type should be set to Fall Semester for Q1 and Q2, and Spring Semester set for Q3 and Q4.

The same Ed-Fi Term Type can be selected for multiple terms if they should be grouped together to make one term. The earliest Start Date and latest End Date will be used in reporting the Sessions resource.

When Term Descriptors are changed, a resync on Sessions for the impacted school(s) must be completed. If any dependent data of Sessions has been sent for the prior term, the dependent data will be deleted and inserted with the new Term Descriptor. Dependent resources include Courses, Course Offerings, Sections, Student Section Associations, Staff Section Associations, Grades, and Student Section Attendance Events and can potentially cause a large amount of data in the Event Queue to be processed.

Term Descriptor Overrides should only be set on a course or section if it does not use the same term that is set on the Term Schedule in Step #1.  A new Sessions resource will be created using the Section Placements to determine the Start and End Dates.

When Term Descriptor Overrides are changed, a resync on Sessions for the impacted school(s) must be completed. If any dependent data of Sessions has been sent for the prior term, the dependent data will be deleted and inserted with the new Term Descriptor Override. Dependent resources include Courses, Course Offerings, Sections, Student Section Associations, Staff Section Associations, Grades, and Student Section Attendance Events and can potentially cause a large amount of data in the Event Queue to be processed.

Additional Sessions Information

Click here to expand...

Multiple Term Schedules

Using multiple Term Schedules with Ed-Fi is not supported due to the natural key conflicts with the Ed-Fi framework.   If you have courses or sections that align to a different Term Schedule than what is set for Term Descriptors on the Primary Term Schedule, you must use the Ed-Fi Term Override fields on the Course or Section in order to report the proper Term Descriptors to Ed-Fi.   All other data that reports to Ed-Fi with a Sessions reference will report from the Primary Term schedule only.

There is an Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override checkbox on the Course Editor and Course Section Editor if the Calendar Term selection needs to be different for certain courses or certain course sections.  Once the Ed-Fi Term Descriptor Override checkbox is checked, alternate Terms can be set in the Sessions Resource Preferences.

Staff Section AssociationMap the Teacher Role to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Student Section AssociationMap the Attempt Status Descriptors to the appropriate Ed-Fi Code.
Screenshot of Student Section Association Resource Preferences.
Student Information
StudentsThe checkbox at the top of the page allows users the option to report Legal Identities in the Students and Student Education Organization Associations resources.
Screenshot of Students Resource Preferences.Map the Birth Country,Birth State, and Visa Types to the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes.
Screenshot of Students Resource Preferencs.
Graduation PlansFor Department of Corrections Only: Graduation Plans need to be sent both at the district-level and school-level for Wisconsin Department of Corrections only starting with 2021-22 school year. A checkbox at the top of the Graduation Plans resource preferences allows the DoC to report Graduation Plans data by school. Users will need to mark the checkbox, click Save, and then navigate back to the Graduation Plans resource preferences in order to see the updated mappings once the checkbox has been marked.
Screenshot of Graduation PLans Resource Preferences Question.Map the Graduation Plans and Academic Subjects to the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes
Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Graduation Plan Type Descriptors. Screenshot of the Academic Subjects.
Student CTE Program AssociationsMap the Program Area Participation and Program Clusters to the appropriate Ed-Fi CodesScreenshot of Parogram Area Participation Descriptors.Screenshot of Program Clusters.
Student Education Organization AssociationsAnswer the following question at the top of the page. "Does your LEA want to 'opt in' to send student addresses for DHS/DPI student matching for the 'immunization Registry' project?'

Map the following:

Click here to expand...

Student Characteristic Descriptors - Economic Disadvantaged: An indication of inadequate financial condition of an individual's family. Select the Eligibility Type, Eligibility, and Source options that will be included in the mapping.

Student Characteristic Descriptors - Immigrant: Indicates the student has been identified as Immigrant.   

Student Characteristic Descriptors - Migrant: Indicates the student has been identified as Migrant.   

Student Characteristic Descriptors - Military Status: Reports the student's relationship with a Guardian that has an active Military Connections record.  Only add an Ed-Fi Code to the Impact Aid Employment Statuses that indicate the student should report as Parent in Military.

Student Characteristic Descriptors - SATA: Identification of whether or not a student is expected to take the general or alternate assessment.

Student Characteristic Descriptors - Single Parent: Indicates the student has been identified as a Teen Single Parent.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Disability Descriptors. Note: This mapping is not used for Public Profiles.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Race DescriptorsThe general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Student Language OverrideThe language the individual uses to communicate.

The Student Language Override mapping only needs to be populated if the code does not match a code that is in the Ed-Fi Code list.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Tribal Affiliation Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Ancestry Ethnic Origin Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Primary Learning Device Access Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Primary Learning Device Provider Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Primary Learning Device Away From School Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Internet Access in Residence Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Internet Access Type in Residence Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Barrier to Internet Access in Residence Descriptors.

Select the appropriate Ed-Fi Code for the Internet Performance Descriptors.

Student Education Organization Responsibility AssociationsNo additional configuration is needed.
Student Homeless Program Associations
Map Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence and Homeless Unaccompanied Youth.
Screenshot of Student Homeless Program Asssoications Resource Preferences.
Student Language Instruction Program AssociationsMap the EL Service Type Codes. The filter option at the top of the section can be used to filter by Behavior Resolution Type, State Code, and/or Owner. The various filter fields determine which information displays. The Fill options can be used to fill the Ed-Fi Code fields.
Screenshot of WI EL Service Types.Screenshot of EL Service Type Resource Preferences.
Map the EL Program Status to the appropriate Ed-Fi Codes.
Screenshot of EL PRogram Status Descriptors.
Student Program AssociationsNo additional configuration is needed.
Student School AssociationsMap the State Enrollment Types and Enrollment State End Statuses.

Screenshot of Student School Associations Resource Preferences.Map the Count Date Receiving Service Descriptors.

Screenshot of Count Date Receiving Services Descriptors.Map the Residency Status Descriptors.(For 2023-24 Configurations or later only)

Screenshot of Residency Status Descriptors.

Student School Food Service Program AssociationsMap the POS Eligibility Codes.
Screenshot fo POS Eligibility Codes.
Student Special Education Program AssociationsMap the Enrollment Special Ed Environmental Settings, Enrollment Special Exit Reason, and Disability Descriptors.
Screenshot of Enrollment Special Ed Environmental Settings.Screenshot of Enrollment Special Ed Exit Reasons.Screeenshot of Disability Descriptors.
Student Special Education Program Eligibility AssociationsNo additional configuration is needed.