Homeless (Kentucky)

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless

Search Term: Homeless

The Homeless program allows schools to create and manage student homeless records. 

Screenshot of a homeless record. 

Image 1: Homeless Program

Tool Rights

PATH: System Administration > User Security > Users > Tool Rights

Users must have at least R(ead) rights in order to view Homeless records and at least A(dd) rights in order to create and modify them. 

Screenshot of the Tool Rights tool, highlighting the Homeless rights.

Image 2: Homeless Tool Rights

Add a Homeless Record

Homeless records can be added for all students within a school. 

A warning message will appear for Homeless records created outside of the school year selected in the Campus toolbar.

Screenshot highlighting the new button and showing a new record. 

Image 3: Adding a New Homeless Record

To Add a Homeless Record

  1. Click the New icon. The Homeless Detail editor will appear (Image 3).
  2. Enter the student's Primary Nighttime Residence.
  3. Select whether or not the student is an Unaccompanied Youth.
  4. Enter the Start Date of the record.
  5. Enter the End Date of the record.
  6. Add additional data to the remaining fields (as appropriate). See the Understanding Homeless Fields section below for details about each field.
  7. Click the Save icon. The record will appear in the Homeless Editor window.  

Understanding Homeless Fields

Use the table below for more information about each Homeless editor field.

FieldDescriptionDatabase Field
Primary Nighttime Residence student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and includes:homeless.
Unaccompanied Youthindicates a youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.homeless.unaccompaniedYouth
Start DateThe first day the student was considered to be homeless.homeless.startDate
End DateThe last day the student was considered to be homeless.homeless.endDate
Missing document assistanceIndicates the student was given assistance in acquiring and completing needed documentation.homeless.
McKinney-Vento ConsultIndicates the student was consulted about being served by a McKinney-Vento program.homeless.
Academic Referrals and ConsultationIndicates the student's consultation or academic referral. homeless.academicReferrals
Academic and Enrichment SupportIndicates any academic or enrichment support being offered to the student. homeless.academicEnrichment
After School Programs/TutoringThe name of the student's after school program(s) and/or tutoring.homeless.
Before School Program/TutoringThe name of the student's before school program(s) and/or tutoring.homeless.
Summer School Program/TutoringThe name of the student's summer school program(s) and/or tutoring.homeless.
TransportationIndicates the student's main form of transportation.homeless.transportation
Cross District Transport DistrictIf the student is transported from one district to another, this indicates the district transporting the student.homeless.
WelfareIndicates any financial or service assistance currently being provided to the student.homeless.welfare
Community Agency ReferralIndicates a community agency the student was referred to.homeless.

Print the Homeless Summary Report

Click the Print Summary Report button to generate a PDF of a student's homeless records. 

Screenshot highlighting the Print Summary Report button and showing an example of the report.

Image 4: Printing a Student's Homeless Records

Homeless Services Forms

PATH: Student Information > General > Forms

Search Term: Forms

The Homeless Services module allows Kentucky districts to store and organize Homeless Services forms including a state-flagged interactive PDF form called ‘Homeless Youth and Children Addendum to Services’. Districts can add their own forms to this module and any future state Homeless Services documents will be added by Infinite Campus.

A DIS object will sync state-flagged Homeless Services forms from districts to the Kentucky State Edition and state-flagged Homeless Services forms are included in intrastate Student Records Transfers.

Screenshot highlighting Homeless Services in the Forms tool.