Tool Search: MT Extracts
The Fall Enrollment Count Extract contains data about fall attendance counts. This extract matches the Fall Enrollment Count Upload import file.
The extract can be generated in the following formats:
- State Format (TSV)
Use the State Format when all data has been reviewed for accuracy and information is ready to be uploaded. Use one of the other formats for data review and testing.

Generate the Fall Enrollment Count
- Select Fall Enrollment Count from the Extract Type dropdown list.
- Select the desired Format.
- Choose the desired calendars from the Calendar list.
- Click the Generate Report button. The extract will display in a new window in the selected format.
Header Layout
Data Element |
Description |
Record Type |
The abbreviation for the type of file extract generated. This always reports as HD.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters |
Date |
The most recent date the file was generated.
Date field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY |
Time |
The most recent time the file was generated.
Time field, 8 characters, HH:MM:SS |
Version |
The most current version of the file interface specification and references to the application system. This field will always report as MT9.1.
Alphanumeric, 5 characters |
Extract Layout
Data Element Label | Description | Location |
Record Type |
Always reports a value of "AF" which stands for Attendance Fall Count.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters AF |
N/A |
District Number | Unique identifier assigned to the district by the OPI.
String, 4 digits *Number is zero-padded when necessary. |
District Information > State District Number
District.number |
School Number | This is a unique number assigned by the Office of Public Instruction that identifies the school into which the students are enrolled.
Numeric, 4 digits |
School > School Number
School.number |
Calendar Number | This is a unique system number that identifies the calendar(s) chosen on the extract editor.
Numeric, 1-3 digits |
Calendar > Calendar Info
Calendar.number |
State ID | The reporting student's unique 9-digit statewide student ID number.
String, 9 characters *Number is zero-padded when necessary. |
Demographics > Student State ID
Person.stateID |
Local ID | Unique student ID number assigned by the school of enrollment.
Numeric, 15 digits |
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student ID
Person.studentNumber |
Last Name | The reporting student's legal last name.
Alphanumeric, 40 characters |
Demographics > Last Name
Person.lastName |
First Name | The reporting student's legal first name.
Alphanumeric, 35 characters |
Demographics > First Name
Person.firstName |
Fall Count Absent | The portion of Count Date absent (in decimal form). When a student is present all day, this field reports 0. When the student is absent all day, this field reports 1.0.
Numeric, 5 digits, 0.000 |
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Fall Absent
Enrollment.attendanceFallSnapshot |
Exclude Fall ANB | Indicates the student will not be included in ANB calculations according to policy for one of the following reasons:
When ‘Exclude Fall ANB’ checkbox is checked, report Y. Otherwise, this reports as N.
Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Exclude Fall ANB
Enrollment.truantSem1 |
Aggregate Hours of Instruction | The hours of pupil instruction for which a school course or program is offered or for which a pupil is enrolled. The Fall Aggregate Hours of Inst field must equal F, T, H, Q, N or null. String, 1 character |
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Fall Aggregate Hours of Inst. Enrollment.membershipFallSnapshot |
Job Corps | Indicates if the student is enrolled in Job Corps during the Fall Enrollment Count. Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Enrollment > Job Corps Enrollment.jobCorpsFall |
MT Youth ChalleNGe | Indicates the student is enrolled in the MT Youth ChalleNGe during the Fall Enrollment Count. Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Enrollment > MT Youth ChalleNGe Enrollment.mtYouthChallengeFall |
Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB |
Reports as Y when Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB during the Fall Attendance Count is checked. Date, MM/DD/YYYY |
Enrollment > Age 19 or 20 Eligible for ANB Enrollment.ageEligibleFall |
Indian Lang. Immersion Prg | Indicates the student participated in an Indian Language Immersion Program during the Fall Attendance Count. Alphanumeric, 1 character |
Enrollment > Indian Lang. Immersion Prg. Enrollment.indianLangPrgFall |
Early Literacy |
Indicates the student participated in an early literacy program during the fall.
Alphanumeric, 1 character, Y or N |
Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Fall Early Literacy
EnrollmentMT.earlyLiteracyFall |
Year | The end year of the reporting school year (i.e., 2013 is reported for the 2012-2013 school year. String, 4 characters |
School Years > End Year Calendar.endYear |