Referring Provider

Classic View: System Administration > Health > Referring Provider

Search Terms: Referring Provider Setup

Health Referring Providers are those individuals who provide medical services for the student. This tool is used to track and collect data for medical referring providers and those providers setup using this tool are used to populate provider information on a student's Health Conditions tool.

Screenshot of the referring provider setup tool.Referring Provider Setup

Referring Provider Fields

Link to Person
This dropdown is used to connect the manually entered person to a Census record. The Name field auto-populates with the person's name after selection in this dropdown.
The first and last name of the person. Names can be manually entered and/or modified after auto-population.
The agency of the person.
The street and number of the person's address.
The city portion of the person's address.
The state portion of the person's address.
ZipThe zip code portion of the person's address.
The phone number for the person.
Indicates the person is an active service provider.
NPI Number
The person's National Provider ID. This is a unique 10-digit number for every medical provider across the nation.
NPI Enum Date
The date the NPI was assigned.
Credential Suffix
An abbreviated name of the provider's health credential.
Primary Taxonomy
The code that identifies the provider's specialty.

Add New Referring Provider

  1. Select the New button from the Referring Provider tool. A Provider Detail screen displays to the right of the Providers List.
  2. When the person is currently a district employee and has the Health checkbox marked on the District Assignment tool, select the person's name from the Link to Person dropdown list. The information associated with that person auto-populates.
  3. When the person is not currently a district employee, enter the Name of the provider.
  4. Enter the Agency Name of this provider.
  5. Enter the Address, City, State, Zip code and Phone number of the person.
  6. Mark the Active checkbox. This selection indicates the provider is currently active and can be selected as a Medicaid provider.
  7. Enter the NPI Number.
  8. Enter the NPI Enum Date in mmddyy format, or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  9. Enter the Credential Suffix
  10. Enter the Primary Taxonomy.
  11. Click the Save button when finished. The service providers displays in the Provider list.

Tool Rights

See the Health Tool Rights article for additional information.