Batch Queue

Tool Search: Batch Queue

The Batch Queue tool allows districts/states to generate large, system-intense reports. It helps prevent report time-out errors and/or system performance issues. General system usage can continue while complex reports are generated within the Batch Queue.

Users with the appropriate tool rights may also wish to refer to the Admin Queue for the system administrator version of this tool.

screenshot of the Batch Queue toolBatch Queue Detail Editor

See the Tool Rights section below for detailed information on how tool rights impact Batch Queue functionality.

See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.

Add Reports to Batch Queue

Each report allowed to generate within the Batch Queue contains the addition of the Submit to Batch button, available during report setup.

The Batch Queue and Admin Queue tools do not allow users to select a report to generate. Specific reports are generated within the Batch Queue and have been specifically configured for this option. End users cannot designate which reports contain the option to be submitted to the Batch Queue.

After entering the desired and/or required fields on the report that is going to be generated using Batch Queue, choosing the Submit to Batch button instead of the Generate Report button and selecting the Batch Queue Report Option displays the report in the Batch Queue view.

screenshot of users clicking the Submit to Batch button on a report and an options screen appearing where they can submit a report to the batch queueSubmitting a Report to Batch Queue

Batch Queue Reporting Options

The Batch Queue Reporting Options dialog box will appear and contain the following report configuration options:

Field / Option


High Priority

Mark this checkbox if running this report is considered a high priority. Reports designated as "high priority" by this checkbox will take precedence over other reports in the Batch Queue that are not designated as such.

This checkbox can only be marked if a user has the proper tool right access (i.e., at least Read rights to the Set Task Priority sub-right located in the Tool Rights index under Ad hoc Reporting > Batch Queue).

Keep Until I Delete

Mark this checkbox if the completed report results should continue to appear on the Batch Queue and Admin Queue tools until manually deleted by a user. If this checkbox is not marked, the completed report will be cleared from the Batch Queue and Admin Queue tools based on the frequency for the Batch Queue Maintenance task set within the Task Scheduler.

This checkbox can only be marked if a user has the proper tool right access (i.e., at least Read rights to the Set Task Expiration sub-right located in the Tool Rights index under Ad hoc Reporting > Batch Queue).

Start Date/Time

Indicate the date and time at which the Batch Queue should begin generating the report. These fields auto-populate with the current date and time. Click in either field to enter a new date. A calendar displays when choosing a new date. Time must be entered in HHMM format, either standard time format (e.g., 2:15 pm) or military time (e.g., 14:15).

Selecting the OK button on the Batch Queue Reporting Options dialog box opens the Success dialog box. Click OK to submit this report to the Batch Queue.

The report will then await the date and time scheduled for generation and will be listed on the Batch Queue and Admin Queue tools. When the report is generated, the load balancer distributes the report load across available application servers to preserve system performance.

Filter Reports in the Batch Queue List

Reports handled by the Batch Queue and displayed in the Batch Queue List editor can be filtered and sorted, as necessary. To filter results displayed in the editor, specify the number of tasks to be displayed and a date range. Results can be sorted using the column headers of the Batch Queue List editor. Click on a column header (i.e., Queued Time, Report Title, Username, Status, Start Time, End Time) to sort by it.

Completed reports will be cleared from the Batch Queue after reaching the maximum number of days allowed to remain there, per the Batch Queue Expiration Days setting of the System Preferences.

View Queued Report Requests

Users may view the details of reports being generated using Batch Queue, including completed reports, future scheduled reports, and those currently being generated.

screenshot of selecting a report in the batch queue and viewing details about the report processing or completed

The fields of the Batch Queue Detail editor are defined as follows:



Report Title

Name of the report assigned to the Batch Queue.

Queued Time

Date and time the report was assigned to the Batch Queue.

Scheduled Time


Date and time the report is/was scheduled to begin generation. This field can be modified as necessary.

Expires After

Last date on which the report is guaranteed to display in the Batch Queue. After this date, the report will be deleted the next time the Batch Queue Maintenance task of the Task Scheduler runs. When a report is deleted from the Batch Queue / Admin Queue, its details will be preserved on the History tab for tracking purposes.

File Name

Name of the file associated with the report.


Stage of report completion:

  • Queued
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Canceled

Start Time / End Time

When the Status field value is either "Completed" or "Canceled," the time the report began (Start Time) and ended (End Time).

High Priority

If marked, this checkbox indicates that this report's completion will take priority over other reports scheduled for or occurring simultaneously. This checkbox may be flagged directly on this editor, or it may have been previously flagged on the Batch Queue Options dialog box when the user assigned the report to the Batch Queue.

Never Expires

If marked, this checkbox indicates that the report will not be automatically deleted from the Batch Queue List editor when it reaches the (crossed-out) date in the Expires After field. This checkbox may be flagged directly on this editor, or it may have been previously flagged on the Batch Queue Options dialog box when a user assigned the report to the Batch Queue.

If this checkbox is not marked, the Batch Queue Maintenance task will delete the report from the Batch Queue List editor after the date listed in the Expires After field.

Content Type

This field indicates the format of the report:

  • Application/PDF - Indicates the report is generated in PDF format.
  • Data - Indicates the report is generated in fixed-width format.
  • Text/XML - Indicates the report is generated in XML or text file format.

This field may not appear for all reports.

User Name

Name of the user who assigned the report to the Batch Queue.

Download Completed Queued Reports

To retrieve a completed report from the Batch Queue, click the Get the Report link in the Batch Queue List editor or the Batch Queue Detail editor.

screenshot of the Get the Report hyperlink which allows people to select and download the completed reportThe report will be named and formatted as indicated in the File Name field of the Batch Queue Detail editor.

screenshot of a completed reportSample Batch Queue Reports

Delete Reports

The Admin Queue allows a system administrator to delete reports.

  1. Select the report to be deleted from the Batch Queue List editor.
  2. Click the Delete or Delete All button from the action bar.
  3. Click OK.

The report will be removed from the Batch Queue and Admin Queue tools but will remain with a " Deleted " status in the History tool.

Tool Rights

Throughout Campus, Batch Queue functionality queues and schedules reports and printing jobs that may need a longer generation time (Report Cards, Transcripts, state reports, etc.). Users need tool rights to just the reports, and not to Batch Queue Admin or Batch Queue, as follows:

Reports with batch queue optionRead

Users can generate the report and submit it to the batch.

The job is listed in the Batch Queue Options window. Upon completion, the report can be opened, and the user receives a message indicating that the report is complete in Process Alerts.

Batch QueueRead

Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report for that user.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - Refresh and Cancel buttons are available for selection. Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.
  • Completed Reports—The Refresh button is the only one available for selection. The Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.
Read and Write

Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report for that user.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - Refresh, Save and Cancel buttons are available for selection. The Delete button cannot be selected. Users can modify the Scheduled Date and Time.
  • Completed Reports - Refresh is the only button available for selection. Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.

When the user selects a queued report and cancels it, the Batch Queue List window refreshes.

Only the Refresh and Restart buttons are available when the user selects a canceled report; the Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.

Read, Write, Delete

Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report for that user.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - Refresh, Save, Delete and Cancel buttons are available for selection. Users can modify the Scheduled Date and Time.
  • Completed Reports - Refresh and Delete are the only buttons available for selection. Save cannot be selected.

The Batch Queue List window refreshes when the user selects a queued report and cancels it.

When the user selects a report that has been canceled, the Refresh, Restart and Delete buttons are available. Save cannot be selected.

The user can delete any report that is completed, queued, processing, or canceled.

Batch Queue Admin


Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - Refresh and Cancel buttons are available for selection. Save, Cancel All, Delete, Delete All and Restart All buttons cannot be selected.
  • Completed Reports - Refresh is the only button available for selection. Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.
Read and Write

Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - Refresh, Save and Cancel buttons are available for selection. Save, Cancel All, Delete, Delete All and Restart All buttons cannot be selected. Users can modify the Scheduled Date and Time.
  • Completed Reports - Refresh is the only button available for selection. Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.

When the user selects a queued report and cancels it, the Batch Queue List window refreshes.

Only the Refresh and Restart buttons are available when the user selects a canceled report; the Save and Delete buttons cannot be selected.

Read, Write, Delete

Users can see the job created in the Batch Queue Options window, all reports submitted, and open any report.

The refresh button is available for selection.

When the user selects the report:

  • Queued Reports - All buttons are available. Users can modify the Scheduled Date and Time.
  • Completed Reports - Refresh, Delete and Delete All are available for selection. Save cannot be selected.

When the user selects a queued report and cancels it, the Batch Queue List window refreshes.

When the user selects a report that has been canceled, the Refresh, Restart and Delete buttons are available. Save cannot be selected.

The user can delete any report that is completed, queued, processing, or canceled.