BEDS Reporting (New York)

Tool Search: BEDS Reporting

The Basic Education Data System (BEDS) is the system for collecting district/school student enrollment and staff counts. The NY BEDS State Report tool produces a report that you can use to fill out some of the BEDS State report. For more information about BEDS reporting, see the website.

Screenshot of the BEDS Reporting extract editor.BEDS Reporting Extract Editor

Report Logic

  • Information returned in the report is limited to the selected Effective Date. The default date is the current date.
  • If your districts uses Campus Human Resources as add-on functionality, staff members must have an active District Employment record as of the Effective Date.
  • The following areas report from the  Previous Calendar selected on the extract editor. 

Extract Layout

School Identification

This area displays the School Name and BEDS Code.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
School Name

The school name selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters

School Information > Name

The BEDS Code for the school selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

School Information > BEDS Code


School Type

This area displays the School Type.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
School Type

The type of school selected on the extract editor.
Options include the following:

  • Regular School
  • Special Education School
  • Vocational Education School
  • Alternative Education School
  • Reportable Program
  • Public School

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

School Information > School Type


Students Suspended

This area displays the number of students suspended as well as a count of the race and gender of these students.

A student must be marked with an Attendance code that begins with OSS (Out of School Suspension) for every period taking attendance in order to be counted.

As a best practice, assign the status of Absent to the OSS and SUS Attendance Excuse Codes.

You can review a student's race ethnicity via the Person Information section of the Demographics tool.

This area reports from the Previous Calendar selected on the extract editor.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
Indian MaleThe total number of suspended male students assigned the Indian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Indian FemaleThe total number of suspended female students assigned to the Indian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Indian Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the Indian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Black MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned the Black racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Black FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned the Black racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Black Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the Black racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Asian MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned the Asian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Asian FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned the Asian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Asian Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the Asian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Hispanic MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned the Hispanic racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Hispanic FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned the Hispanic racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Hispanic Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the Hispanic racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
White MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned the White racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
White FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned the White racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
White Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the White racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Pacific Islander MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned the Pacific Islander racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Pacific Islander FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned the Pacific Islander racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Pacific Islander Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to the Pacific Islander racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Multiracial MaleThe total number of suspended, male students assigned to multiple racial statuses.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Multiracial FemaleThe total number of suspended, female students assigned to multiple racial statuses.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Multiracial Non-Binary
The total number of suspended non-binary students assigned to multiple racial statuses.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored
Total Students SuspendedThe total number of suspended students.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored

Professional Staff Assigned to this School

This area displays the number of staff for each role as well as a count of the race and gender of these employees.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
FTE Percent

The full-time employment percentage, in whole numbers, of the staff members.

Logic used to define the full-time employment percentage.

Campus SIS
  • 100 FTE = 100 and NULL on FTE of Assignment - Teacher is counted as Full-Time
  • 0 FTE = 99 and below - Teacher is counted as Part-Time

Campus HR/Payroll

Reports FTE from the Wage Detail Record. Otherwise, reports FTE from Payroll Information.

  • 1.00 FTE or NULL FTE - Teacher is counted as Full-Time
  • FTE < 1.00 - Teacher is counted as Part-Time
Numeric, 3 digits

District Employment


Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Wage Detail Records > FTE


Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Payroll Information > FTE




TitleDescription of the staff person's role in an assignment.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information > Title


Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Work Assignment Details > BEDS Code




IndianThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the Indian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


BlackThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the Black racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


AsianThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the Asian racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


HispanicThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the Hispanic racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


WhiteThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the White racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


Pacific Islander
The total number of employees with this title that are also assigned the Pacific Islander racial status.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


MultiracialThe total number of employees with this title that are also assigned to multiple racial statuses.

Numeric, 4 digits

Identities > Race/Ethnicity


Personnel Master > HR General Information – Current Record


TotalThe total number of employees assigned to the title in that row.

Numeric, 4 digits
Calculated, not dynamically stored

Prekindergarten Teachers Records

This area reports a count of all Prekindergarten teachers with a Prekindergarten Employment Assignment. This area also displays how many prekindergarten teachers are considered full or part-time.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
Full Time/
Part Time

The total Full Time or Part Time teachers. The following describes the logic used to define full and part-time teachers.

Campus SISTo calculate correctly, the Title must begin with prek.
  • FTE = 75% and above or NULL - Teacher is counted as Full-Time
  • FTE = 74% and below - Teacher is counted as Part-Time
Campus HR/Payroll

Reports FTE from the Wage Detail Record. Otherwise, reports FTE from Payroll Information.

To calculate correctly, the BEDS Code must begin with prek.

  • FTE >=0.75 - Teacher is counted as Full-Time
  • FTE < 0.75 - Teacher is counted as Part-Time
Numeric, 10 digits

Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Work Assignment Details > BEDS Code

Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Wage Detail Records > FTE

Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Payroll Information > FTE

District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information:

  • Title
  • FTE of Assignment

Attribute: Administration.BEDSCode




Alternative Education Programs Records

This area reports whether the school offers students Alternative Education Programs.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
Are Alternative Education Programs offered to students enrolled in this school?

If the School Type is Alternative Education School, then this field reports Yes. Otherwise, No will report.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored

Grades Offered Records

This area reports all of the grades offered at the school. An X indicates the grade is available.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location






This area reports all grades offered as determined by the State Grade Level Field. Grade Levels marked as Exclude will not report.

The PK column is marked when Grade Levels are marked with State Grade Level codes PKH or PKF.

The K column is marked when Grade Levels are marked with State Grade Level codes KH or KF.

Alphanumeric, 2 character

Grade Level Definitions

Percentage of Attendance Records

This area reports the percent of attendance for the school. This area reports from the Previous Calendar selected on the extract editor. Only whole day absences are calculated.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
Percent Attendance

The attendance percent for the school is calculated by dividing the school attendance by the possible attendance.

Numeric, 6 digits

Calculated, Not Dynamically Stored

Lunch, Breakfast and Milk Programs Records

This area reports whether any students in this school are approved for free and reduced-price lunches.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
Do students in this school qualify for the federal free and/or reduced priced lunch program?

This value is determined by the following logic:

  • Yes reports if a student has a Program = 5817 and the Program End Date is null.
  • Yes reports if a student has a Program = 5806 and the Program End Date is null.
  • Yes reports if a student has an active FRAM Eligibility record where the Eligibility is Free. The FRAM Eligibility Start Date must be <= Extract Editor Effective Date. The FRAM Eligibility End Date must be >= Extract Editor Effective Date
  • Yes reports if a student has an active FRAM Eligibility record where the Eligibility is Reduced. The FRAM Eligibility Start Date must be <= Extract Editor Effective Date. The FRAM Eligibility End Date must be >= Extract Editor Effective Date
  • Otherwise, No reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Flags > Student Flag Detail > Flags

Programs > Programs > Program Participation Detail > Program

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Detail > Eligibility


Unexcused Absences Records

This area reports students who had an unexcused absence in every hour of their schedule (only whole day absences are calculated). The unexcused absence is reported from when the Attendance Code is Absent and where the Excuse is Unexcused.

This area reports from the Previous Calendar selected on the extract editor. Attendance Present Minutes are ignored.

Element NameDescriptionCampus Location
One to Four Unexcused Absences

The total of students who have 1-4 unexcused absences.

Numeric, 10 digits

Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Status; Excuse


Five to Nine Unexcused AbsencesThe total of students who have 5-9 unexcused absences.

Numeric, 10 digits
Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Status; Excuse


Ten or More Unexcused AbsencesThe total of students who have 10+ unexcused absences.

Numeric, 10 digits
Student Information > General > Attendance > Attendance Information > Status; Excuse

