Tool Search: Special Ed Documents
The Campus Default Evaluation (ESR) is available for users to document special ed information. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines.
See the State Special Ed Documents area for information on state specific evaluation information.
Campus Default ESR Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Evaluation, a description of what the editor is used for, and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.
Editors | Description | Validation |
Evaluation Header | The Evaluation Header editor lists general information about the Evaluation. | This editor must be saved before continuing to other parts of the evaluation. |
Background Information | The Background Information editor allows space for explaining the reasons the student was recommended for evaluation, including feedback from parents and school personnel. | Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon. |
Intellectual Information | The Intellectual Information editor is used to document the student's current level of intellectual development. | N/A |
Academic Information | The Academic Information editor is used to document the student's current level of academic achievement in the classroom. | N/A |
Communication Information | The Communication Information editor is used to document the student's current level of communication skills. | N/A |
Motor Information | The Motor Information editor is used to document the student's current level of movement and motor ability. | N/A |
Functional Information | The Functional Information editor records the student's basic life skills. | N/A |
Health Information | The Health Information editor records information about the evaluation of the student's health, including medical diagnosis and screenings. | N/A |
Social Information | The Social Information editor records information about the evaluation of the student's social and emotional health. | N/A |
Transition Information | The Transitional Information editor records information about the evaluation of the student's abilities regarding the transition to post-secondary life, including the language the evaluation was conducted in and any transition data. | N/A |
Classroom Observation | The Classroom Observations editor is used to describe the student's performance in the classroom. | N/A |
Interpretation of Results | The Interpretation of the Results editor is used to document the team's decision regarding the action needed for the student based on all the data collected in the previous editors. | N/A |