Core SIF - StudentScoreSet

Tool Search: Ed-Fi Configuration 

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

Student Score Set: The scored results from an assessment.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

Event TypeRequirements

The student is assigned an assessment (Student Info>General>Assessments) that has the Year matching the SIF Zone Year and calendar, or has a null Year
AND A child assessment is associated with the parent.


A zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with a year of 13-14. If the user changes the test year to 14-15, an add event is triggered for our zone.


A change is made to the student's parent OR the associated child assessment, and saved.


All valid parent or child assessments are removed from the student.


A zone is set to the year 14-15. There is a test with either no year or a year of 14-15. If the user changes the test year to a non-null year other than 14-15, a delete event is triggered for our zone.

When a student's enrollment is changed to No Show.

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to StudentScoreSet.
The district must belong to the same calendar and year assigned to the SIF Zone in order to populate.
1 object must report when a parent assessment exists WITH a child/subtest associated with it, AND
(Student Info>General>Assessment>Test Scores>Test Score Detail>Date) of the parent = Null or falls within an enrollment Start and End Date range that is within the SIF Zone Year and calendar selected. The student must have an enrollment in the SIF Zone Year and calendar selected.

The parent assessment Year (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year) is either:

  1. Matching the SIF Zone Year and calendar selected OR Is Null.
Do Not Report when.
The student referenced has 'No Show' = Checked in their latest enrollment in the SIF Zone Year and calendar, AND (System Admin>Data Interchange>Zones>Zone List>Data Filtering Options>Exclude No Show Enrollments) = Checked for the applicable Zone.

Follow SIF Zone Options Rules for Zones:

Do not report when the Calendar > 'Exclude from SIF Exchange' is selected.
Do Not Report if the assessment does NOT have at least 1 score in a non-parent assessment OR if none of score fields are checked.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O

The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object.

Report the unique GUID for this StudentScoreSet object.


The metric or scale used to report the score.

  1. If (System Administration > Assessment > Tests > Tests > Test Detail > ACT) = Checked, report "0494" (ACT score).
  2. Else:
    1. If Scale Score = Checked, report "3479" (Scale score).
    2. If Raw Score = Checked, report "3478" (Raw score).
    3. If Percentile = Checked, report "3476"(Percentile).
    4. If Normal Curve Equivalent = Checked, report "0497" (Normal curve equivalent).
    5. If Result = Checked, report "0512".
    6. Else, if either more than 1 of the 4 values above = Checked, report "9999" (Other).
(System Admin > Assessment > Tests > Tests > Test Detail > ACT) 








The administration associated with this score set.

Report the AssessmentAdministration RefId associated with this StudentScoreSet object.


The student associated with this score set.

Report the StudentPersonal RefId associated with this StudentScoreSet object.


The registration associated with this score set.

Report the AssessmentRegistrationRefId associated with this StudentScoreSet object.


Container for score elements.


The score with other information related to the score.


References the AssessmentSubTest that defines the score.

Report the AssessmentSubTest RefId associated with this StudentScoreSet object.


The value of the score.

  1. Report the score value for the assessment Subtest
  2. If @ScoreMetric = 0494 for the selected subtest, report numeric value in (Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Result).
    • If Result = Blank, do not report the Scores/Score element, Scores/Score/@AssessmentSubTestRefId attribute, nor this Scores/Score/ScoreValue element.
  3. If @ScoreMetric NOT = 0494, report value in the Score text field (Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Percent/Scale Score...). The name varies based on Score method selected in (System Administration > Assessment > Tests > Tests > Test Detail).
  4. If @ ScoreMetric = 9999, reports only 1 value in this order: 
    1. scale score
    2. result
    3. raw score
    4. percentile
    5. normal curve equivalent 
  1. (Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Result)
  2. (Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Percent/Scale Score...).




Comment created by any logical analysis of this score.

Optional. Does not Report.


This is further qualification of a Student Score.

Optional. Does not Report.


This is the number of responses that are included with the StudentScoreSet.

Optional. Does not Report.