Student Discipline (GD) (Ohio Extracts)

Tool Search: OH Extracts

The Student Discipline (GD) extract reports all incidents in which a student receives a discipline action (i.e., expulsion, suspension, etc).

Screenshot of the Student discipline (GD) extract editor.
 Image 1: Ohio Student Discipline (GD) Extract Editor 

Reporting Population and Business Rules

Report a record for each individual incident for a student where the State Resolution Code is = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 7.
Do NOT report a record if DisciplineReason1 = '**' (Event code not tied to a State Code)

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Student Discipline (GD) Extract Type.
  2. Select the proper Reporting Period.
  3. Enter the Date Range in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. These fields will auto-populate with the recommended date range based on the Reporting Period selected.
  4. Select the Format. For submission to the state, select the State Format (Fixed width). To review data prior to state submission, select any of the other available formats.
  5. Select which calendar(s) to include within the extract.
  6. Select an Ad hoc Filter to only report students included in the filter.
  7. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate. If generating multiple extracts at a time (after Campus.1921), requests can only be submitted to the Batch Queue.

Users have the option of submitting an Ohio Student Discipline report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Extract Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


7 characters


1 character

Sort Type

Identifies the Sort Type. This field will always report a value of GD for the Student Discipline (GD).



1 character

Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year will be the end of the school year. The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.

Report end year of reporting school year. Example, if reporting 25-26, report 2026

System Administration > Calendar > School Years > End Year

Not Dynamically Stored

Reporting Period

The reporting period in which data is being pulled from.

OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Reporting Period

Building IRN

The state assinged six-digit information retrieval number of the building.

Report Building IRN Override, if null report State School Number

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Building IRN Override OR System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number

Enrollment.buildingIRNOverride; enrollmentOH.smtIRNoverride

EMIS Student ID Number

The locally determined EMIS student ID.

Report Student Number. If null, zero fill.

Census > People > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Date of Discipline

The date on which the student began the discipline.

Report Resolution Date in CCYYMMDD format from most severe resolution.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Details > Resolution Start Date


Type of Discipline

The type of discipline administered to the student.

Report most severe Behavior Resolution.

NOTE: The tied State Resolution Code is reported from system administration > behavior > resolution types > State Resolution Code.

Valid Options:

1: Expulsion
2: Out-of-School Suspension
3: In-School Suspension
4: In-School Alternate Discipline Class/Prog/Building
6: Emergency Removal by District Personnel
7: Removal by a Hearing Officer

Severity Order Of Resolutions:
1: Emergency Removal by District Personnel
2: Expulsion
3: Removal by a Hearing Officer
4: Out-of-school Suspension
5: In-school Alternate Discipline Class/Program/Building
6: In-school Suspension

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Details > Resolution Type; BehaviorResType.category
( DaysDuration)

Discipline Reason (First Reason)

The first reason for which a student was disciplined.

Report the first found Event with a tied State Event Code.

Discipline reason ** is NOT a valid first discipline reason.

Valid Options:
**: Not Applicable
01: Truancy
03: Fighting/Violence
04: Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property)
05: Theft (Stealing Personal or School Property)
06: Firearm
07: Weapon other than Firearm, Explos, Incend or Pois
08: Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas
09: Tobacco Products
10: Intoxicating Alcoholic Beverages
11: Drugs Other Than Tobacco or Alcohol
14: False Alarms/Bomb Threat
18: Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior
19: Harassment/Intimidation
20: Firearm Look-a-Likes
21: Unwelcome Sexual Conduct
22: Serious bodily Injury

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Type

Discipline Reason (Second Reason)

The second reason for which a student was disciplined.

Report the second found Event with a tied State Event Code.

If NULL, report **.

Valid Options:
**: Not Applicable
01: Truancy
03: Fighting/Violence
04: Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property)
05: Theft (Stealing Personal or School Property)
06: Firearm
07: Weapon other than Firearm, Explos, Incend or Pois
08: Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas
09: Tobacco Products
10: Intoxicating Alcoholic Beverages
11: Drugs Other Than Tobacco or Alcohol
14: False Alarms/Bomb Threat
18: Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior
19: Harassment/Intimidation
20: Firearm Look-a-Likes
21: Unwelcome Sexual Conduct
22: Serious bodily Injury

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Type (2nd)


Discipline Reason (Third Reason)

The third reason for which a student was disciplined.

Report the third found Event with a tied State Event Code (sys admin > behavior > event types > State Event Code).

If NULL, report **.

Valid Options:
**: Not Applicable
01: Truancy
03: Fighting/Violence
04: Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property)
05: Theft (Stealing Personal or School Property)
06: Firearm
07: Weapon other than Firearm, Explos, Incend or Pois
08: Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas
09: Tobacco Products
10: Intoxicating Alcoholic Beverages
11: Drugs Other Than Tobacco or Alcohol
14: False Alarms/Bomb Threat
18: Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior
19: Harassment/Intimidation
20: Firearm Look-a-Likes
21: Unwelcome Sexual Conduct
22: Serious bodily Injury

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Type (3rd)


Discipline Reason (Fourth Reason)

The fourth reason for which a student was disciplined.

Report the fourth found Event with a tied State Event Code (sys admin > behavior > event types > State Event Code).

If NULL, report **.

Valid Options:
**: Not Applicable
01: Truancy
03: Fighting/Violence
04: Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property)
05: Theft (Stealing Personal or School Property)
06: Firearm
07: Weapon other than Firearm, Explos, Incend or Pois
08: Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas
09: Tobacco Products
10: Intoxicating Alcoholic Beverages
11: Drugs Other Than Tobacco or Alcohol
14: False Alarms/Bomb Threat
18: Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior
19: Harassment/Intimidation
20: Firearm Look-a-Likes
21: Unwelcome Sexual Conduct
22: Serious bodily Injury

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Type (4th)


Discipline Reason (Fifth Reason)

The fifth reason for which a student was disciplined.

Report the fifth found Event with a tied State Event Code (sys admin > behavior > event types > State Event Code).

If NULL, report **.

Valid Options:
**: Not Applicable
01: Truancy
03: Fighting/Violence
04: Vandalism (Damage to School or Personal Property)
05: Theft (Stealing Personal or School Property)
06: Firearm
07: Weapon other than Firearm, Explos, Incend or Pois
08: Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas
09: Tobacco Products
10: Intoxicating Alcoholic Beverages
11: Drugs Other Than Tobacco or Alcohol
14: False Alarms/Bomb Threat
18: Disobedient/Disruptive Behavior
19: Harassment/Intimidation
20: Firearm Look-a-Likes
21: Unwelcome Sexual Conduct
22: Serious bodily Injury

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Type (5th)


Discipline Sequence Number

The order in which the discipline incident occurred, if the incidents occurred on the same day and the same Type of Discipline was administered for both

This is a calculation that sequences resolutions occurring on the same day.

n = current seq #. (n is a logical value, not a reported value)

Report the first event with n = 1

If another resolution occurrs on the same resolution Start Date and the Event Time is greater than the first event's Event Time, report n+1 accorrdingly with a maximum number events = to 9.

NOTE: Behavior resolutions must be the same. Behavior events should be treated individually based on the building assigned to the event.

NOTE: If resolutions have the same date and time, the sequence should be based on the incident ID.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Event Details


Total Discipline Days

Refers to the length of discipline, in Full Time Equivalency (FTE), for each discipline occurrence

Report the Total Discipline Days of ALL resolutions tied to the incident.

The resolution MUST have a State Resolution Code = NOT NULL.

Valid Range:

00000 - 99999

NOTE: There is an assumed decimal in this value allowing hundreths to be represented.


45.12 as 04512

45.1 as 04510

45 as 04500

450 as 45000

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Details > Duration in School Days


Discipline Modified

Indicates if the Chief Administrating Officer modified, on a case-by-case basis, the one-year expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm within a school.

Report Discipline Modified code. If null, report *.

Valid Options:

*: Not applicable
N: No
Y: Yes

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Details > Discipline Modified


Referred for Alternate Educational Services

Indicates if a student serving a one-year expulsion for possession of a firearm within a school has a recommendation to receive alternate educational services.

Report Referred for Alternative Education code. If null, report *.

Valid Options:

*: Not applicable
N: No
Y: Yes

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution Details > Referred for Alternate Education


Building IRN where Discipline Incident Took Place

The state assigned six-digit information retrieval number (IRN) of the building.

Report the Location (Building IRN). If null, report State School Number.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Building IRN


Victim of Student ViolenceIndicates the classification of the person or persons at whom a student’s violent behavior was directed.

See the Victim of Student Violence table below to determine the grouping code.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Violence Directed At > Students, Teachers, Non-Teaching Staff, Other Persons

Additional PS-3 Discipline Reason DetailIndicates, for students from preschool to grade 3, additional details on why a Type of Discipline of Expulsion or Out-of-school Suspension was assigned for a discipline incident.

If Additional PS-3 Discipline Reason Detail = NOT NULL, report code. Else report *.
  1. Reports from the most severe resolution if more than one is found.

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Resolution > PS-3 Discipline Reason Detail



Victim of Student Violence

Non-Teaching Staff
Other Person