Tool Search: Vaccines
Health vaccines and their associated compliance listings are based on state guidelines. While Infinite Campus maintains standard guidelines for all states, districts have the ability to enter additional compliances. The following information describes vaccine compliance rules as defined by the Tennessee State Department of Health.
For more information on the creation, modification or deletion of vaccine compliances, see the Vaccines page.
These compliance rules are meant to explain how compliance is indicated in Campus. These rules should not be used as guidelines for immunization dosage or timelines. Contact your school's nurse or visit the Tennessee Department of Health's website for more information.
Rule | Requirements |
Age 0-1 Month No Requirement | Students 1 month old and younger are not required to receive any doses of the DT, DTaP/DTP, TD, or Tdap vaccine. |
1 dose Age 2-3 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Age 4-5 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses Age 6-14 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
4 doses under 4 Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
4 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
5 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
6 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the student receives 6 dose of the DT, DTaP/DTP, TD, or Tdap vaccine. |
3 doses over 7 Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
4 doses over 7 Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
Default No requirement | N/A |
Rule | Additional Information |
Over 18 years No Requirement | Students 18 years old and older are not required to receive any doses of the Polio vaccine. |
Age 0-1 months No Requirement | Students 1 month old and younger are not required to receive any doses of the Polio vaccine. |
1 dose Age 2-3 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Age 4-5 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses under 4 years Compliant | The student is considered compliant when:
4 doses before 08/07/2010 Compliant | The student is considered compliant when:
4 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses over 4 years In Progress | Students are considered in progress when:
1 or 2 dose In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
Default No requirement | N/A |
Rule | Requirements |
Age 0-11 months No Requirement | Students 11 months old and younger are not required to receive any doses of the MMR vaccine. |
1 dose 12-59 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose 12-59 months M, M, R Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses M, M, R Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose M,M, R In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
Default No requirement | N/A |
Hep B
Rule | Requirements |
1 dose 0-1 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses 2-3 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Hep B-2 Over 11 yrs Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose Hep B-2 Over 11 yrs In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
Default No requirement | N/A |
Rule | Requirements |
Age 0-1 months No Requirement | Students 1 month old and younger are not required to receive any doses of the Hib vaccine. |
1 dose Age 2-3 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met
2 doses Age 4-11 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met
2 doses 12-59 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met
3 doses 12-59 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met
4 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met
1 dose 4-11 months In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
Default No requirement | N/A |
All doses have 4 day tolerance unless otherwise noted.
Rule | Requirements |
Ages 5 and older No Requirement | Students age 5 years (60 months) old and older are not required to receive any doses of the Pneumococcal PCV or PPV vaccine. |
Age 0-1 months No Requirement | Students 1 month old and younger are not required to receive any doses of the Pneumococcal PCV or PPV vaccine. |
1 dose, Age 2-3 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses, Age 4-5 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses, 6-11 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses, 6-11 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
4 doses, 1 year and older Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
3 doses, 1 year and older Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses, 1 year and older Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose under 24 months In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose over 24 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | Students are considered in progress when the following conditions have been met:
Default Non-compliant | N/A |
Rule | Requirements |
Age 0-11 months No requirement | The student is not required to receive any Varicella doses if they are 11 months old or less. |
1 dose 12-59 months Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | The students is considered in progress who have received 1 dose of the MMRV or Varicalla vaccine within the last 28 days. |
Default Non-compliant | The students is considered non-compliant if they have not received any doses of the MMRV or Varicella vaccine. |
Rule | Requirements |
1 dose Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
No doses Non-Compliant | The student is considered non-compliant if the student is in state grade 07 and has not received any doses of the DTap/DTP, TD, or Tdap vaccine. |
Default No Requirement | N/A |
Hepatitis A
Rule | Requirements |
1 dose Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
2 doses Kindergarten Compliant | The student is considered compliant if the following conditions have been met:
1 dose In Progress | The student is considered in progress if the following conditions have been met:
No Doses PK or K Non Compliant | The student is considered non-compliant if the following conditions have been met: