NC Graduation Data Verification

Tool Search: NC Graduation Data Verification

The Graduate Data Verification Collection contains demographic information, graduation information, and post-graduate intentions of high school graduates, providing the school districts with an authoritative list of their graduates. This data is used for the annual North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile and the State Archives.

Screenshot of the NC Graduation Data Verification Extract, located at Reporting, NC State Reporting. NC Graduation Data Verification Extract

Read - Access and generate the NC Graduation Data Verification Extract
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

Report Logic

For all report types:

  • Students must be enrolled in a Grade Level that is mapped to a State Grade Level of 10, 11, 12, or 13.
  • The student's Diploma Date must fall between the dates of 08/07/XX, where XX is the beginning year of the reporting enrollment, and 08/06/XX, where XX is the end year of the reporting enrollment. For example, a 23-24 enrollment uses the dates 08/07/23 and 08/06/24. 
  • The student's most recent Primary Enrollment that has a Start Date that is before or equal to the Diploma Date reports.
    • When a student is a summer graduate (has a summer enrollment and a graduation Diploma Date during the summer period) AND has an enrollment in the next where No Show is marked, the student's record from their summer graduation continues to report, so long as the summer calendar is selected on the extract editor. 

Students do not report when:

  • The Enrollment is marked as No Show or State Exclude. 
  • The Calendar of Enrollment is marked as State Exclude. 

Each report type included specific logic to generate, as noted in the Report Layouts section. 

Graduate Classifications

There are three classifications of graduates: 

Classification Requirements
Summer School Graduates These students must meet the following requirements:
  • Have a Diploma Date BETWEEN July 1 and the DAY BEFORE the first instructional day of the school year (based on the school calendar).
  •  Be enrolled in a Grade Level greater than and/or equal to 12 or Grade = GR (99 in PS) a
  • Have taken a summer school course entered in PowerSchool historical grades with school name of LOCS. 

These students display as 20xx Summer School Graduates (e.g., 2012 Summer School Graduate). 

Mid-Year/Early Graduates These students must have a Diploma Date beginning on the first instructional day of school and the DAY BEFORE the last instructional day of school (based on the school calendar).

These students display as XX Grade Mid-Year Graduations (e.g., 12th grade Mid-Year Graduation).
Regular Program Graduations These students must have a Diploma Date ON or AFTER the last instructional day of school (according to the school calendar) and ON or BEFORE June 30, xxxx.

These students display as XX Grade Regular Program Graduate, where XX represents their grade level. 
Other Possible Graduation Classifications
  • 11th Grade Homeroom/Other Grade (for 10th or 11th grade students who have enough credits to graduate)
  • 12th Grade Extended Day
  • 13th Grade Mid-Year 
  • 13th Grade Regular Program

Report Editor

Data Element Description
Search Calendars Use the search field to narrow the list of calendars to select. Use the Expand All/Collapse All option. Place a checkbox next to the desired school and calendars.

As noted, all calendars are automatically selected because this is a school-wide report. 
Show Active Year  Only

Only those calendars for the school year are available for selection when set to ON.

When set to OFF, all calendars from all school years are available for selection based on the user's tool rights. 

Report Options
Report Type
Determines which Graduation Data Verification report generates. Options:
  • Student Detail
  • Certificates by Course of Study
  • Diplomas by Course of Study
  • Certificates by Post Graduation Intention
  • Diplomas by Post Graduation Intention
Ad hoc Filter Allows selection of a filter that was previously created. Only students included on the selected filter return on the report.

This option is available with the Extract Types of PMR Detail, Students Not Included in PMR Summary, and GRS Detail. 
Output Options
Report Processing This is a complex report and requires several minutes to create the data snapshot. Because of this, it always needs to be generated using the Submit to Batch option.

The Batch Queue processing can be used for both the report generation and the report review, allowing results to be reviewed at a later time.

The Snapshot being compared is taken at the same time as the PMR summary and only students who report on the PMR summary are used in the counts. Submitting to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for more significant amounts of reported data. See the Batch Queue article for more information.
Format Type Determines in which format the report generates - CSV or HTML.

Generate the Report

  1. Search for and select the desired Calendars.
  2. Select the desired Report Type from the dropdown list. Only one can be selected. 
  3. Select an Ad hoc Filter to only report data for students included in the filter. 
  4. Select the desired Report Processing option of Generate Now or Submit to Batch Queue
  5. Select the desired Format Type
  6. Click Generate. The report displays in the selected format.

See the Report Layout section for report examples for each Report Type. 

Report Layouts

Student Detail

This report lists students who are Summer Graduates, Early/Mid-Year Graduates, and Regular Program Graduates. It includes student demographic data, course of study, and what the student plans to do post-graduation (college, work, etc.). 

Screenshot of the Student Detail Report Type in HTML Format. Student Detail Report - HTML Format

Click here to expand...

Data Element Description Location
School Number Reports the School Number assigned to the student's School of Enrollment.

Numeric, 6 digits
School Information > State School Number


School Name Reports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
School Information > School Detail > School Name
Student ID Reports the student's State ID.

Numeric, 9 digits
Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Last Name Reports the student's Last Name.

The Legal Last Name value reports when populated in the Protected  Identity Information.

Alphanumeric,  30 characters
Identities > Identity Information > Last Name

Identities > Person Information > Protects Identity Information > Legal Last Name

First Name Reports the student's First Name.

The Legal First Name value reports when populated in the Protected  Identity Information.

Alphanumeric,  30 characters
Identities > Identity Information > First Name

Identities > Person Information > Protects Identity Information > Legal First Name

Sex Reports the student's designated sex.

The Birth Sex value reports when populated in the Protected  Identity Information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)
Identities > Identity Information >  Sex

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Birth Sex


Ethnicity Reports the student's Race/Ethnicity.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity

Course of Study Reports the student's Graduation Plan from the Diploma Type field assigned on the student's Graduation record.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Graduation > Diploma Type

Graduation Program Reports whether the student graduates with a Certificate or a Diploma based on the value assigned in the Diploma Type field.
  • When Diploma Type has a value of GWC: Graduated with Certificate, reports as 'Certificate'. 
  • When Diploma Type has any other value assigned, reports as 'Diploma'.

Alphanumeric, 12 characters

Graduation > Diploma Type

Diploma Issue Date
Reports the date the student's diploma was issued.
Graduation > Diploma Date

Classification Indicates whether the student is a Summer, Mid-Year, or Regular Program graduate.

Summer School Graduates report as 'XXth Grade Summer', where XX is the grade level - 13, 12, 11, or 10.

  • The Diploma Date is between 08/07/XX and 08/06/XX of the reporting year.
  • The Diploma Period is set to S: Summer.

Mid-Year/Early Graduates report as 'XXth Grade Mid-Year', where XX is the grade level - 13, 12, 11, or 10.

  • The Diploma Date is between 08/07/XX and 08/06/XX of the reporting year.
  • The Diploma Period is set to M: Mid-Year.

Regular Program Graduates report as 'XXth Grade Regular,' where XX is the grade level - 13, 12, 11, or 10.

  • The Diploma Date is between 08/07/XX and 08/06/XX of the reporting year.
  • The Diploma Period is set to R: Regular.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Graduation > Diploma Period

Graduation > Diploma Date

Bound For Indicates what the student is doing after high school graduation - school, employment, military, etc.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters
Graduation > Post Grad Plans


Certificates by Course of Study

This report provides a count of students who graduated with a Certificate by sex (male, female) and Race/Ethnicity. 

The Diploma Type on the student's Graduation record must be set to GWC: Graduation with Certificate

Screenshot of the Certificates by Course of Student Report Type in HTML Format.Certificates by Course of Study - HTML Format

Click here to expand...

Data Element Description Location
School Number Reports the School Number assigned to the student's School of Enrollment.

Numeric, 6 digits
School Information > State School Number

School Name Reports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
School Information > School Detail > School Name
Sex Lists separate rows for Female and Male, followed by a row for Total Females and Total Males. Each row is totaled at the end of the report in the TOTAL column, as well as in the row for School Totals and LEA Total.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information >Legal Sex


Identities > Identity Information > Sex


Course of Study Reports the student's Graduation Plan from the Diploma Type field assigned on the student's Graduation record when the value is set to GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Graduation > Diploma Type

American Indian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of I: American Indian or Alaska Native and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > I: American Indian or Alaska Native

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Asian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of A: Asian and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > A: Asian

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Black Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of B: Black or African American and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > B: Black or African American

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

White Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of W: White and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > W: White

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Hispanic Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Two or More Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of M: Two or More Races and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > M: Two or More Races

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

TOTAL Reports separate counts for the following:
  • Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of all ethnicity records for all schools
Numeric, 4 digits
Calculation, data not stored
Total Females Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. Calculation, data not stored
Total Males Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored
LEA Total Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored

Diplomas by Course of Study

This report provides a count of students who graduated with a Diploma by sex (male, female), ethnicity, and Course of Study. 

The Diploma Type on the student's Graduation record must be set to FRC: Future Ready Core.

Screenshot of the Diplomas by Course of Student Report Type in CSV format. Diplomas by Course of Study - CSV Format

Click here to expand...

Data Element Description Location
School Number Reports the School Number assigned to the student's School of Enrollment.

Numeric, 6 digits
School Information > State School Number


School Name Reports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
School Information > School Detail > School Name
Sex Lists separate rows for Female and Male, followed by a row for Total Females and Total Males.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information >Legal Sex


Identities > Identity Information > Sex


Course of Study Reports the student's Graduation Plan from the Diploma Type field assigned on the student's Graduation record when the value is set to FRC: Future Ready Core.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

American Indian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of I: American Indian or Alaska Native and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > I: American Indian or Alaska Native

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Asian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of A: Asian and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > A: Asian

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Black Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of B: Black or African American and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > B: Black or African American

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

White Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of W: White and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > W: White

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Hispanic Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Two or More Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of M: Two or More Races and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.  

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > M: Two or More Races

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

TOTAL Reports separate counts for the following:
  • Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of all ethnicity records for all schools
Numeric, 4 digits
Calculation, data not stored
Total Females Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. Calculation, data not stored
Total Males Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored
LEA Total Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored

Certificates by Post Graduate Intention

This report provides a list of students who graduated with a Certificate. It includes student demographic data, course of study, and what the student is planning to do post-graduation (college, work, etc.). 

The following fields on the student's Graduation record are required:

  • Post Grad Plans MUST be populated with any of the available options. 
  • Diploma Type must be set to GWC: Graduation with Certificate
Screenshot of the Certificates by Post Graduate Location, in CSV Format.Certificates by Post Graduate Location - CSV Format

Click here to expand...

Data Element Description Location
School Number Reports the School Number assigned to the student's School of Enrollment.

Numeric, 6 digits
School Information > State School Number
School Name Reports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
School Information > School Detail > School Name

Sex Lists separate rows for Female and Male, followed by a row for Total Females and Total Males.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information >Legal Sex


Identities > Identity Information > Sex


Bound For
Reports the student's Graduation Plan from the Diploma Type field assigned on the student's Graduation record when the value is set to GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Graduation > Post Grad Plans

American Indian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of I: American Indian or Alaska Native and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > I: American Indian or Alaska Native

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Asian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of A: Asian and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > A: Asian

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Black Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of B: Black or African American and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.
Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > B: Black or African American

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

White Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of W: White and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > W: White

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Hispanic Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

Two or More Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of M: Two or More Races and who graduated with a Diploma Type of GWC: Graduated with Certificate.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > M: Two or More Races

Graduation > Diploma Type > GWC: Graduated with Certificate

TOTAL Reports separate counts for the following:
  • Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of all ethnicity records for all schools
Numeric, 4 digits
Calculation, data not stored
Total Females Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. Calculation, data not stored
Total Males Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored
LEA Total Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored

Diplomas by Post Graduate Intention

This report provides a list of students who graduated with a Diploma. It includes student demographic data, course of study, and what the student is planning to do post-graduation (college, work, etc.). 

The following fields on the student's Graduation record are required:

  • Post Grad Plans MUST be populated with any of the available options. 
  • Diploma Type must be set to FRC: Future Ready Core

Click here to expand...

Data Element Description Location
School Number Reports the School Number assigned to the student's School of Enrollment.

Numeric, 6 digits
School Information > State School Number

School Name Reports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
School Information > School Detail > School Name
Sex Lists separate rows for Female and Male, followed by a row for Total Females and Total Males.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters
Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information >Legal Sex


Identities > Identity Information > Sex


Bound For
Reports the student's Graduation Plan from the Diploma Type field assigned on the student's Graduation record when the value is set to FRC: Future Ready Core.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters
Graduation > Post Grad Plans

American Indian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of I: American Indian or Alaska Native and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.
Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > I: American Indian or Alaska Native

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core.

Asian Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of A: Asian and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > A: Asian

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Black Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of B: Black or African American and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.
Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > B: Black or African American

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

White Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of W: White and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > W: White

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Hispanic Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > H: Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

Two or More Reports a count of students who have a Race/Ethnicity of M: Two or More Races and who graduated with a Diploma Type of FRC: Future Ready Core.

Numeric, 3 digits
Identities > Identity Information > Race/Ethnicity > Race Ethnicity > M: Two or More Races

Graduation > Diploma Type > FRC: Future Ready Core

TOTAL Reports separate counts for the following:
  • Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. 
  • Count of all ethnicity records for all schools
Numeric, 4 digits
Calculation, data not stored
Total Females Count of female students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate. Calculation, data not stored
Total Males Count of male students across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored
LEA Total Count of both male and female students per school across all race/ethnicities who graduated with a certificate.  Calculation, data not stored