Tool Search: Course Information
The Course Information and Course Section tools contain fields specific to the state of Oregon. These fields can be used for district-tracking purposes or may directly affect state reporting. The information below further defines these state-specific fields to provide guidance in entering data.
The same fields display on the Course Master editor and Course editor.
Course Fields
The Course editor contains information about courses attached to this calendar or school.

Exclude from State Reporting
When marked, Indicates the course (and course master) is excluded from all state reports that collect course information.
CTE Course
Indicates the course is a Career/Technical Education Course.
Alternative Ed
Indicates the class is taught in an alternative education setting.
Class Type
Defines special class types used in state reports.
On the Class Roster file, courses with a Class Type of the following are not included:
- PKC: Pre-Kindergarten Course
- CCC: Community College Course
- COLL: College Course
- UNIV: University Course
Special Ed
Indicates the section is taught in a special education setting where the instruction is specifically designed to the unique needs of students with disabilities.
Course Section Fields
The Section editor lists all sections for the selected course and basic identifying information about that section - the assigned primary teacher, where the section meets, in what term and for what period, and how many students are in each section.
Scheduling staff, principals, counselors, etc. can use the tools available in this view to manage course section information - entering grades, creating rosters, recording attendance, etc.

Instructional Unit ID
Unique identifier of the course section. This value is assigned by the Oregon Department of Education when the IUID Collection is submitted. This value is reported in the Staff Assignment and Class Roster collections, allowing for consistency between collections/state reports.
Alternative Ed (Override)
Indicates the class is taught in an alternative education setting. When the Alternative Ed field on the Course Information editor is populated, a value does not need to be selected on the Section editor. When the Course field is not populated, but a particular section of that course is for alternative education, this field should be set to Yes.
Special Ed (Override)
Indicates the section is taught in a special education setting where the instruction is specifically designed to the unique needs of students with disabilities. When the Special Ed field on the Course Information editor is populated, a value does not need to be selected on the Section editor. When the Course field is not populated, but a particular section of that course is for special education, this field should be set to Yes.
Multiple Teacher
A coded value representing the Multiple Teacher Code. A Multiple Teacher Instruction Strategy is a category describing the strategy used when there is more than one Teacher teaching a Class.
Section Staff History Fields
Staff History tracks the history of teachers for a particular course section and lists active primary teachers, teachers, and section staff in addition to former primary teachers, teachers, and section staff. All other fields in the Staff History tab do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields may be necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Staff History article.

Certification Level
Indicates the staff person has emergency or provisional credentials to lead the classroom. These values report in the following fields on the Staff Assignment Report:
- Emergency/Provisional Determination Flag
- Out of Field Determination Flag
- Preliminary Determination Flag
Defines the type of position the staff member holds in a specific class/section.
A teacher must have a Role assigned on the Section Staff History editor that is NOT NSR or blank.