Application Manager

Tool Search: Application Manager

The Application Manager lists the sites of food service (schools) and the types of service (food options/menus) available at that location. New schools must build a list of applications.  

Food Service administrators can create new applications and services at any time. For a detailed setup of the Application Manager, refer to the Contactless Food Service Best Practices article.

The application (the name of the school) for the POS service must be created before the Services (POS menu layouts) can be created.

Using the Applications and Service Tree

The Applications and Services tree provides an organized view of how different Applications, Services, and schools are nested within the Application Manager. To expand the details of a particular Application, click on the triangle next to its name. Similarly, expanding a Service will reveal the list of schools that the Service is available for. 

To edit any information related to an Application or Service, click on the name of the Application or Service. This will open up the Application or Service Detail side panel, depending on which you clicked on.

Create a New Application

Screenshot of showing the enhanced layout checkbox

  1. From the Application Manager, click the New Application button. The Application Detail section appears to the right of the Application Tree.
  2. Enter a Name for the application.
  3. New Applications will be Active by default. Uncheck the Active checkbox to inactivate it. (Optional)
  4. Select the Reminder Enabled checkbox to display system warnings on the point of sale. (Optional)

    This checkbox turns on the reminder levels for all students in the school if the reminder checkbox and reminder levels are set for the students on the student's accounts. Cashiers must click a pop-up message on the POS screen when this option is selected.

  5. Click the Save icon when finished. The new application is listed in the Application Tree in alphabetical order and services can be attached to it. Inactive applications are sorted to the bottom and hidden upon page load.

Filter Descriptions

Filter Description
Filter by Applications Limits the Applications and Services tree to only show the Applications that have been selected.
Show Inactive Applications When turned ON, Applications with an unchecked Active checkbox in their Application Detail panel will display within the Applications and Service tree.
Expand All ApplicationsExpands all of the applications that are available within the Application Manager.
Filter by Services Limits the Applications and Services tree to only show Applications that include the Services that have been selected.
Filter by Schools Limits the Applications and Services tree to only show Applications assigned to the selected schools.

Create Services

After creating the application and all desired services, the Service Layout can be viewed and adjusted as necessary.

Important Information about Services

  • The menu is not based on rotating menus. This is the menu for ALL items that will be served.
  • Only Serving Periods marked Active within the Attribute Dictionary are allowed to be assigned to services. If you inactivate a Serving Period, you must complete the following tasks:
    • Reselect an active Serving Period for all Services assigned to the inactive Serving Period.
    • On the POS Terminal, reload POS data and restart the POS Terminal application to remove the Serving Period from appearing on the POS for use by a cashier during login.
    • Do NOT inactivate a Serving Period during school hours when meals are being served or during the school year.

Screenshot of service layout and service detail

  1. Select the Application to which you want to assign services. 
  2. Click the Add Service button. The Service Detail side panel displays.
  3. Enter the Name of the service.
  4. Select the Serving Period.
  5. Enter a Description of the service. (Optional)
  6. Select the appropriate schools using this service from the list of schools.
  7. Click the Save button when finished. The new service is listed under the Application to which it is assigned in the Application Tree. Repeat this process for as many services or menus as needed for the application.

Create Service Layouts

The Service Layout provides a way to customize what the POS terminal screen will look like as the students go through the lunch line. You can increase and decrease the size of the item button, add button color, change the font size, and arrange buttons in a layout.

Access the Service Layout

Screenshot of the service layout button

  1. Select an Application.
  2. Click View from Available Services.
  3. Click Service Layout.

Assign Buttons

The Assign Buttons screen is where you create the buttons for menu items. Use the field descriptions in the table following this image to complete this screen.

Screenshot of the terminal layout

Field Description
1 Available Items

The category buttons can be used to filter only items in the selected category

2 Button Size

Available space for buttons is 32.

  • Small = 1 space
  • Medium = 2 spaces
  • Large = 4 spaces

Campus will not let you select a button size if it exceeds the available space.

3 Button Font Select from small, medium, and large options.
  • The Preview section displays how the text appears on the selected button size.
  • The item name wraps to multiple lines if needed.
  • If the text on the button is too large for the selected size, the text will get cut off.
  • If the text doesn’t fit on the button you can change the button size, text size, or edit purchasable item name (in the Purchasable Items tool in Campus).
4 Button Color
  • The Preview section updates to reflect the selected color.
  • The font color is either black or white and is automatically assigned based on selected button color.
  • Once a button is added to the Completed Menu Items, it can be edited by clicking on the edit icon for that item Repeat these steps until all items are entered
5 Preview This section displays a preview of the button you created. Click the Update Menu Item when you are done creating the button. Campus adds the button to the Completed Menu Items.

You can update completed menu items by clicking the edit button. After you make changes, click the Update Menu Item button in the Preview section. If you change your mind, click the Cancel button. You can also click Remove to delete the button.
Screenshot of the update menu item, cancel, and remove buttons


6 Available Space

The available space for buttons is 32. Campus keeps tracks of available space as you add buttons. If the available space is negative, you must remove some buttons from the completed menu.

7 Completed Menu Items Once a button is added is displays in the Completed Menu Items. You can edit (update) completed menu items by clicking the edit button.

Arrange Buttons

Buttons set up on the Assign Button page appear in the Available Items section of the Arrange Button page. Buttons can be placed by using the Fill button, manually adding buttons one at a time, or a combination of both methods.


  • Before you click and place the item, hover your cursor on the grid. Campus highlights the squares that the button will occupy.
  • To remove a single button, select the button in the Placed Items section then click the Remove button. Campus moves the button back to the Available Items section.
  • Select the Clear button to remove all of the buttons from the Placed Items section.
Method Description
Fill When you click the Fill button, Campus automatically places the buttons exactly as they appear in the Available Items.
Screenshot of the fill button
Manually Add Click on the button in the Available Items section then click where you want the button placed in the Placed Items section.Screenshot of the available items and placed items sections.Screenshot of a placed item
Combination of Manually 
Add and Fill
Place some of the buttons as you want to see them on the layout then click Fill. Campus adds the remaining buttons in the open squares.