Student School Association (Missouri v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new enrollment is saved for a student. A record reports for each distinct enrollment in a School and Enrollment Start Date.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar and Schedule Structure with the same start date, reports from the enrollment service type in the following order:
    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When a student has two Primary enrollments in the same school with the same start date, posts the record with the highest enrollment ID.
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority posts a new record.
  • Does not send records when the Calendar Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Does not send records when the School Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Does not send a record when the No Show check box is checked.
  • When the start date for an enrollment is changed.
  • When an enrollment with a lower priority is changed, data does not send.
  • When an enrollment is updated for a student.
  • When a student's start status is changed.
  • When a student's end status is changed.
  • When a student's grade level is changed.
  • When a student's School Choice checkbox is checked or unchecked.

  • When a student's Resident District or Service District fields are changed.
  • When an enrollment is deleted.
  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, records with lower priority does not trigger a delete.
  • When the start date of an enrollment is changed.
  • When the No Show check box is checked.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneWhen a resource is toggled to off after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data sends.
PutWhen the natural key of the Calendar Reference is changed, a put is done to update the Calendar Reference even if the Student School Association resource is turned off.
ResyncWhen a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncWhen a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
ResyncWhen a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule


Natural Key changes:  

  • When the School Number/Ed-Fi School Number changes, a delete/post occurs with the cascading deletes from the School ID Change triggers. 
  • When an Ed-Fi ID changes, this happens with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
  • When the enrollment start date changes, all dependent resources are deleted and reposted. When a dependent resource is turned off, all dependent resources are deleted and not reposted.

Cascading Deletes: When the Student School Association is deleted, all dependent resources are deleted.

  • Student Parent Associations, Student Education Organization Associations, Student Section Associations, Graduation Plans, Student Program Associations, Student CTE Program Associations, Student Special Education Program Associations, Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations, Student Academic Records, Course Transcripts, Grades, Student Discipline Incident Associations, Discipline Actions, Student Cohort Associations, Student School Attendance Events, Student Section Attendance Events

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record sends to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Entry Type DescriptorsEnrollment Start Status
Exit Withdraw Type DescriptorsEnrollment End Status
Residency Status DescriptorsEnrollment State Aid

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action




The primary table used for sending data for this resource.

personPost/DeleteStudent ID in Student Reference
graduationPutClass of School Year Type Reference
programsPutGraduation Plan Reference
programparticipationPutGraduation Plan Reference

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The unique identifier of the resource. M
entryDate  The month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a campus.

Reports the Enrollment Start Date.
MEnrollments > Start Date

calendarReferenceA reference related to the Calendar resource.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Calendar resource. The schoolID is the Reporting School.

Calendar is currently not sending at this time.
schooReference  A reference to the related School resource. 

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource. The schoolID is the Reporting School.

MDistrict ID + SchoolID
schoolYearTypeReference  The school year in which the student is being reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School Year. The schoolYear is the end year of the calendar.

studentReference A reference to the related Student resource. 

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource. The schoolID is the Student State ID.
entryGradeLevelDescriptor The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade Level mapping for the grade selected on the student's Enrollment.

When a mapping is not available, the record errors.

MEnrollments > Grade

entryTypeDescriptor  A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value mapped to the Start Status selected.

When blank, does not report.

OEnrollments > Start Status

exitWithdrawDate The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a campus (when known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. NEDM: Exit/Withdraw Date.

Reports the Enrollment End Date.
OEnrollments > End Date

exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value from the End Status selected.

When blank, does not report.

OEnrollments > End Status

residencyStatusDescriptor An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.

Reports the State Code from State Aid. When blank, reports as R1.
OEnrollments > State Aid


schoolChoiceDescriptorDoes not report.

ExtendedSchoolHoursDoes not report.

FollowUpZipDoes not report.

HoursInSessionDoes not report.

hsCareerEdDescriptorDoes not report.

InBuildingLessThanYearIndicatorIndicates whether any student who was not enrolled in the building the last Wednesday in September OR was not enrolled in the building during the MAP administration OR was not enrolled in the building at least half of the eligible days between the last Wednesday in September and the MAP administration.

Considers all enrollments for the school year at same school as well as dual-enrolled students UNLESS:
  1. Grade Level flagged as Exclude from state reporting (Calendars > Grade Levels).
  2. Calendar flagged as Exclude (Calendar > Calendars).
  3. Student flagged as State Exclude (Enrollments > State Reporting Fields).
  4. Student flagged as No Show (Enrollments > General Enrollment Information).

When the student is not enrolled on the MAP administration date set by the user in the Ed-Fi Configuration tool and/or not enrolled at least half of the eligible days between the last Wednesday in September and the MAP administration date set by the user in the Ed-Fi Configuration tool and/or no enrolled on the last Wednesday in September, Y reports.

Otherwise, reports as N.

MEnrollments > Start Date

instructionMethodDescriptorDoes not report.

RegularHourrsAttendedNumber of full-time and part-time hours the student spent in attendance at the attending district.

Override: When there is already a value in the RegHrsAttended Field on Enrollments, that value report.

When the value is calculated:

  1. Instructional Minutes sum minus absent minutes within school year start and end dates.
    1. Looks at student's entire schedule and sum each scheduled day's instructional minutes within school year start and end dates. Minus out absent minutes. Converts to hours for reporting.
      • Period must be instructional.
      • Course must be checked for Attendance.
      • Period Absent and Excuse = Excused, Unknown or Unexcused.
    2. Compares the roster date to the term date. Looks for the maximum start date between the term and the roster start date whichever is the latest. For example, term date starts 9/1/08 and roster date starts 10/15/08 THEN start date should be 10/15/08 OR term date is 11/01/08 but roster start date is 8/15/08 THEN start date should be 11/01/08. Look for the minimum End Date of the Term Date and the Roster Date whichever comes first.
    3. Aggregates all the minutes attended for each term. Subtract absent minutes from sum of instructional minutes.
    4. Converts the minutes to hours and report.
  • Must return 0 when the End Date and Start Date of the enrollment are both on the first day of the school year.
  • Otherwise, must returns a value greater than 0 when the Grade Level is not PK.

Virtual Course logic:

  • Course or Section > Online Course is Yes.
  • When multiple online courses are skinnied with other online courses, sums all minutes for online courses in the skinnied period (regular courses that are skinnied, only one courses is calculated). When online and regular courses are skinnied, all online course minutes/hours are calculated and one of the regular courses is summed.

First, uses the current attendance calculation but excludes all course and sections marked Online as Yes, from the calculation.

94% Calculation: Once initial calculation is complete, looks for Transcript entries during that year marked Online is Yes. When a Transcript entry exists, looks for that course/section that the student was enrolled, calculate all hours of the course and add 94% of those hours to the first attendance calculation for Regular Hours Attended.

47% calculation: Now, looks for courses marked Online is Yes, when no transcript detail exists for the course, calculates all hours of the course/section and add 47% of those hours to the first attendance calculation for Regular Hours Attended.

When student roster start date and end date are the same, (=) do NOT calculate hours.

95% Calculation: When Online Course > Program is 50: Missouri Virtual Instructional Program or 52: MOCAP, find students where State Reporting Fields > A+ Student = Y: Yes. Once initial calculation is complete, looks for Transcript entries during that year marked Online is Yes. When a Transcript entry exists, look for that course/section that the student was enrolled, calculates all hours of the course and add 95% of those hours to the first attendance calculation for Regular Hours Attended.

47% calculation: Now, looks for courses marked Online as Yes, when no transcript detail exists for the course, calculates all hours of the course/section and add 47% of those hours to the first attendance calculation for Regular Hours Attended.

When student roster start date and end date are the same, (=) does NOT calculate hours.

Regular hours attended cannot exceed Calendar Instructional minutes. Must report regular hours attended = calendar minutes when they exceed calendar instructional minutes, for the entire calculation. Hours are removed from the virtual records to cap at calendar instructional minutes as of current date.

When multiple online courses are skinnied into a period, counts the full period for each course. Ex: 2 online courses skinnied into a period with 60 minutes, each course calculates the 60 minutes.

Absent calculation is not done for online courses. Even if there is an absence for the period do not calculate minutes out. Just calculate all the hours and add to regular hours attended, either 94% of hours or 47% of hours depending on transcript detail entry. The regular hours absent field needs to change to not calculate absences in courses/sections marked Online.

Competency Based Attendance Logic: Sums minutes of Course/Section checked Competency Based within school year dates. Multiplies by Prior year ADA% on District History (Sys Admin > Resources > District Info) record closest to current date but not greater than school year end date. Add sum to calculations above.

Partial Week calc: our calculation uses sql datediff for weeks. This means that in this case, the week will be counted in term 3, but not in term 4. Datediff essentially count week transitions (think crossovers from saturday to sunday). A term with the dates:

'01/07/2022', and '03/09/2022' counts weeks like this: SELECT CONVERT(DEC(7,1),DATEDIFF(WEEK, '01/07/2022', '03/09/2022')) = 9.

A term with dates like this: 

'03/10/2022', and '05/25/2022' is like so: SELECT CONVERT(DEC(7,1),DATEDIFF(WEEK, '03/10/2022', '05/25/2022')) = 11.0


Enrollments > Regular Hours Attended

Virtual Course Logic:

Course or Section > Online Learning (Section acts as an override of Course, if they differ)

RegularHoursAbsentNumber of hours the student was absent at the attending district.

Override: when there is already a value in the RegHrsAbsent Field on Enrollments, reports that value DOES NOT calculate.

Status = Absent and Excuse = Excused, Unknown or Unexcused.

Reports 0 when the End Date and Start Date of the enrollment are both on the first day of the school year.

Reports as a whole number, but calculated in minutes and then converted to hours and rounded to the full hour. 

MEnrollments > Regular Hours Absent
RemedialHoursAttendedDoes not report.

ReportCommentDoes not report.

SummerAttendanceHoursDoes not report.

SummerMembershipDoes not report.


Reports Precode Teacher from the school year.

When Precode Teacher is blank, then reports Homeroom Teacher from Course > Section > Teacher with Homeroom checkbox marked. The course must be:
  • In the current school year.
  • The most recently rostered section for which there is a Precode Teacher (Section Editor).
  • When none of the above, then reports the school name.

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Precode Teacher

Course > Section > Teacher

School > School Detail > Name


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Grade Level Descriptors

Ed-Fi CodeEd-Fi Short DescriptionNamespaceEd-Fi Description
PKAPre-Kindergarten AMuri:// AM
PKPPre-Kindergarten PMuri:// PM
KAKindergarten AMuri:// AM
KPKindergarten PMuri:// PM
1First Gradeuri:// Grade
2Second Gradeuri:// Grade
3Third Gradeuri:// Grade
4Fourth Gradeuri:// Grade
5Fifth Gradeuri:// Grade
6Sixth Gradeuri:// Grade
7Seventh Gradeuri:// Grade
8Eighth Gradeuri:// Grade
9Ninth Gradeuri:// Grade
10Tenth Gradeuri:// Grade
11Eleventh Gradeuri:// Grade
12Twelfth Gradeuri:// Grade

Entry Type Descriptors

Ed-Fi CodeEd-Fi Short DescriptionNamespaceEd-Fi Description
E100Initial Entryuri:// Entry
R101Remained: Advanceduri:// Advanced
R102Remained: Retaineduri:// Retained
R103Remained: Otheruri:// Other
R104Remained: Changed Gradeuri:// Changed Grade
S100StopOut: Entryuri:// Entry
S101StopOut Suspension: Entryuri:// Suspension: Entry
T100Tfer In from Unknownuri:// In from Unknown
T101Tfer from pub schl outside district in stateuri:// from pub schl outside district in state
T102Tfer from pub schl within districturi:// from pub schl within district
T103Tfer from home schl in stateuri:// from home schl in state
T104Tfer from private schl in stateuri:// from private schl in state
T105Tfer from pub schl out of stateuri:// from pub schl out of state
T106Tfer from private schl out of stateuri:// from private schl out of state
T107Tfer from home schl out of stateuri:// from home schl out of state
T108Tfer from drop-outuri:// from drop-out
T109Tfer from another countryuri:// from another country

Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors

Ed-Fi CodeEd-Fi Short DescriptionNamespaceEd-Fi Description
D01Dropped Out: Otheruri:// Out: Other
D02Dropped Out: Expulsionuri:// Out: Expulsion
D03Dropped Out: Received Certuri:// Out: Received Cert
D04Dropped Out: Reached Max Ageuri:// Out: Reached Max Age
D05Dropped Out: GED Programuri:// Out: GED Program
D06Dropped Out: Moved not known continuinguri:// Out: Moved not known continuing
G03Graduated - Alternate Standardsuri:// - Alternate Standards
R001Remained: Advanceduri:// Advanced
R002Remained: Retaineduri:// Retained
R003Remained: Otheruri:// Other
R004Remained: Changed Gradeuri:// Changed Grade
S001StopOut Suspension: Exituri:// Suspension: Exit
T001Tfer to pub schl outside district in stateuri:// to pub schl outside district in state
T002Tfer to pub schl within districturi:// to pub schl within district
T003Tfer to home Schl in stateuri:// to home Schl in state
T004Tfer to private Schl in stateuri:// to private Schl in state
T005Tfer to pub schl out of stateuri:// to pub schl out of state
T006Tfer to private schl out of stateuri:// to private schl out of state
T007Tfer to home schl out of stateuri:// to home schl out of state
T008Tfer to another countryuri:// to another country

Residency Status Descriptors

ICEd-Fi Code Ed-Fi Short DescriptionNamespaceEd-Fi Description
PTParent TuitionParent Tuitionuri:// Tuition
R1Resident IResident Iuri:// I
R2Resident IIResident IIuri:// II