Student Records Transfer

Tool Search: Student Records Transfer

Records Transfer functionality varies from state to state. See your state Localization page for specific information.

The Student Records Transfer tool allows districts to transfer integral student data electronically to other districts using the same regional or State Edition of Campus. The state or regional edition acts as the intermediary that facilitates the exchange process between districts.

To view details of student records transfer activity, select each student within the Transfers window.

screenshot of the student records transfer tool

Image 1: Student Records Transfer

Main Technical Components

The terms in this section outline the primary components of the student records transfer process.

  • Agent- Transferring records within a Campus State Edition occurs through Campus agent-to-agent communication. There are three agents involved in a records transfer:

    • State-level agent - (The agent existing in the state-level installation of Campus.)
      The state-level agent is the main facilitator of all agent communication and makes requesting and transferring records possible.

    • New district agent - (The agent in the new district to which the student has transferred.)
      The new district may enroll the new student and then request his/her records from the former district by creating a records transfer request. The new district’s agent will send the request message to the state-level agent. The state-level agent will then route the request message to the agent in the student’s former district.

    • Former district agent - (The agent in the previous district that the student no longer attends.)
      The agent in the student’s former district will receive the records request message from the state-level agent on behalf of the new district. The designated records transfer user in the former district will approve the release of the student’s records. The agent in the former district will send the records in a message to the state-level agent. The state-level agent will then route the records to the new district.

  • State zone - The designated area in which the district agents communicate through the state-level agent. The state zone is accessible by each district and at the state.

DIS Agents and Zones

Tool Search: Zone Setup, Agents

Completing a student records transfer between two districts uses DIS messaging and involves built-in Campus agents installed by Campus hosting staff during the district/state’s initial configuration.

To allow an intrastate records transfer, Campus hosting sets up DIS communication between district and state agents.

Districts do NOT communicate directly with each other. All messaging and data movement between districts flows through the state-level agent.

screenshot of viewing the state zone

Image 2: District-Level View of the State Zone

In each district, a state zone exists to facilitate communication with the state-level agent. This zone is where messages related to student data, including records transfer within the state, are exchanged.

screenshot of viewing a district zone at the state level

Image 3: State-Level View of Each District Zone

At the state level, a zone exists for each district within the state to facilitate communication and exchange messages related to student data, including records transfer within the state.

User Group Tool Rights

Tool rights must be assigned to the individual(s) who will be releasing and requesting records transfers.

Tool rights should always be set up through user groups. Modifying individual tool rights is NOT recommended, even if the user group only consists of one person.

Rights to work with student records transfers should be limited.

General Records Transfer Users

Location: User Management > User Account > Individual Tool Rights

The system administrator and his/her backup should already have rights to All Tools and All Calendars.

The following rights should be assigned to records transfer users to allow basic functionality. Only R Rights are necessary to access PDFs in each records transfer, except as indicated:

Student Information Rights

  • Student Information > General > Records Transfer 
    This tool allows the user access to records requests stored on the student's Records Transfer tab.
  • Additional Access Rights > General > Allow Unfiltered Search 
    This tool right allows unlimited searching of students.
  • Student Information > General > Student Locator Wizard
    This tool allows the user to create new student and enrollment records. A student must be enrolled before a user can request a records transfer. RWA tool rights are necessary for full access to this tool.

    The user may need additional R rights to Census > People > Demographics, Student Information > General > Enrollments, and Student Information > General > Summary to fully enroll a student.

System Administration Rights

The following rights should be assigned to records transfer users to allow basic functionality.

  • System Settings > Data Interchange Administration > Student Records Transfer 
    This tool allows the user to view all historical records transfer requests sent and received by the district. This tool may be helpful for historical records (after Process Inbox messages have been deleted).
  • System Settings > Data Interchange Administration > Student Records Transfer > Notify Process Inbox 
    This tool allows the user access to the main page for monitoring the status of all records transfer requests. This includes request messages entering and exiting the district.
  •  System Settings > Data Interchange Administration > Student Records Transfer > Available sub-rights 
    The sub-rights in the records transfer area specify a user’s ability to access specific types of data/import wizards when made available through a released records transfer.

Tool Rights Need for Using Import Wizards

In order to import transferred data, you must have tool rights to each of the necessary data import wizards. 

screenshot of the import wizard tool rights

Enroll Students with the Student Locator

Tool Search: Student Locator

Districts are required to use the Student Locator tool to add and enroll new students, preventing duplicate entries and records from being created for the same person.

When the student is enrolled and located by the Student Locator, it means he/she is transferring from another district within the same state/region and already has a record in the state database. This indicates that his/her records can be requested from the former district once the student is enrolled.

screenshot of the student locator editor

Image 6: Locating a Transfer Student for Enrollment in a New District

Student Records Transfer

The following sections detail the necessary steps for completing a student records transfer:

For a student records transfer to be possible, the state database must have a record of the student's former enrollment and the student's stateID number.

When the Student Records Transfer is requested or released, the messages and data are funneled through the state to the new district via the state agent.

Image 7: Sample Transfer of Student Records

I. New District Requests a Student Records Transfer

Tool Search: Records Transfer

A records transfer may be requested at any time after the transfer student has been enrolled in the new district. The records transfer page will display immediately after the student’s new enrollment is saved.

The transfer can be performed at the time of enrollment or at a later date. To request a transfer, navigate to the Records Transfer tool, select the New State Transfer Request icon (if applicable), and select the Submit Request button.

screenshot of the new state transfer request and submit request buttons hightlighted

Image 8: Records Transfer Tool

Process Inbox Status - Waiting

The new district’s Process Inbox and the student’s Records Transfer tab will both display a Waiting status until the former district responds. 

Only users who have Notify Process Inbox tool rights and calendar rights (or All Calendars rights) to the school where the student is currently enrolled in will receive this message.

Image 9: New District's Process Inbox - Waiting Status

During this time, the new district will not know what district the student previously attended.

Image 10: Records Transfer Tab - Waiting

If the student’s former district cannot be located because the state does not have a matching record for the student, a transfer error will appear to let the user know the request was unsuccessful. Clicking the link will display the reason for the error.

Image 11: Records Transfer Tab - Error

II. Former District Responds to a Student Records Transfer Request

When a student records transfer is requested, the former district will receive a notification in his/her Process Inbox. 

Image 12: Former District's Process Inbox - Request to Release Records

When the link is selected, the request displays the following screen with information on the student and new district:

Image 13: Former District - Incoming Records Request

The former district is expected to respond to the request in one of three ways:

  • Release Records - Student records and the previous district's contact information is sent to the new district. A notice appears in the new district's Process Inbox stating "Transfer Released."
  • Reject - No student records are sent to the new district. A notice appears in the new district's Process Inbox stating "Transfer Rejected." The previous district's contact information is visible.
  • Ignore- No student records or former district information is sent. A notice appears in the new district's Process Inbox stating "Transfer Rejected." This is an anonymous rejection with no indication of the former district.

    The Ignore feature should only be used in the event that a former district has a valid, legal reason to withhold student information from the new district (e.g., court order, witness protection program agreement).

Enrollment Overlap Indicator

In case the former district has not ended the student’s enrollment in its district at the time it receives the Student Records Transfer request, an enrollment Overlap indicator will appear with the student’s current and active enrollment displayed.

Image 14: Enrollment Overlap Indicator

Selecting the Edit link will redirect the user to the student's Enrollments tab where his/her enrollment may immediately be ended.

The Overlap indicator only appears if a student's enrollment in his/her former district has not been ended. This message may be the first notification to the former district that a student has transferred and is enrolling into a new district.

Mismatched Data

To prevent mistaken transfers of student data, Campus only allows a district to release student records if an exact match is found between districts.

Therefore, if the new district enters the student’s information incorrectly (e.g., spells the name wrong or enters the wrong birthday), the former district will not be able to release the records for the student. When the new district user clicks on the records release link, an error will display.

Image 15: Data Integrity Error

Records Transfer Objects

See the Record Transfer Objects section for more information about which objects are transferred during the student records transfer.

III. New District Receives Released Records from Former District

When the former district selects the Release Records option, records are sent to the new district. The new district will receive a message link in its Process Inbox containing the student’s records and the former district’s contact information.

Records transfers can be accessed in three areas of Campus, when the appropriate user rights have been assigned:

  •  Process Alerts (formerly Process Inbox) (until deleted)
  •  Student Information > General > Student Records Transfer (permanent record)
  •  System Settings > Data Interchange > Student Records Transfer (permanent record)

A released records transfer message will contain two methods of receiving the transferred student records. It is the responsibility of the new district to complete the records transfer by importing and/or entering the relevant data.

  • Transferred Documents – PDFs available for download, saving and/or printing.
  • Data Import Wizards – Method of directly writing the former district data to the new district database.

Image 16: Released Records Message

Crossed-out items may appear on the release page of both the new and former district. When an item in the Transfer Documents or Data Imports section is crossed out, it indicates that the student did not have any relevant records for that transfer type.

What is Transferred During a Student Records Transfer

Student information transferred from one district to another can be generated as PDFs and/or imported into the receiving district via import wizards. The table below describes what information is transferred and how the information is made available to the receiving district (PDF and/or Import Wizard).

Record TypeDescription and LogicPDF is SentData Import Wizard

All District, State and National tests are transferred. This includes test dates and scores.

At this time, Assessment records are not included as part of a National Records Exchange request. NRE users will only receive an assessment summary for the student.



See the Assessment Import Wizard  section for more information.


Current year attendance records are transferred, including:

  • Dates
  • Codes
  • Descriptions/comments
  • Term summaries
  • Course summaries

Attendance from previous years is not transferred



All behavior records are transferred including:

  • Incidents
  • Events
  • Responses
  • Comments
  • Details
  • Resolutions
  • Roles
  • Locations
  • Classifications (Drugs, Harassment, Weapons)


Census Contact Summary

Current demographic information about the student and his/her contacts is transferred including:

  • Demographics Information
  • Contact Info
  • Mailing Addresses
  • Primary Household Data (with relationships)
  • Non-Household Relationships


Counseling DocumentsCounseling related documents entered on the Counseling Documents tool.YesYes
Enrollment HistoryAll current and historical enrollment records are transferred. Future enrollment records are not sent.



See the Enrollment History Import Wizard section for more information.

Extended Census

Additional demographics data is transferred including:

  • Birth Country
  • Date Entered US
  • Date Entered US School
  • Home Primary Language
  • Native American Language
  • Birth Verification
  • Nickname

Only information from the student's most recent identity record is transferred.



See the Extended Census Import Wizard   section for more information.

English Learners
EL program data is transferred.



See the EL Import Wizard section for more information.

EL ServicesAll existing EL Services data is transferred via PDF.


EL AccommodationsAll existing EL Accommodations data is transferred via PDF.


Foster CareAll foster care records are transferred. A PDF is sent containing the student's Foster Care information.


Health Condition

All health records are transferred. A PDF is sent containing conditions and treatments. The import wizard transfers health alert information and flagged medical programs.


Conditions and treatments are transferred via PDF, including:

  • Conditions
  • Treatments
  • Contact


The Health Alerts Import Wizard transfers the following information:

  • Programs
  • Start/End Dates
  • User Warnings
  • Descriptions
  • Flagged Medical Programs

See the Health Condition Import Wizard section for more information.

Health DocumentsHealth related documents entered on the Health Documents tool.YesYes
Health Screening

All student health screenings and details are transferred, including:

  • Screening Type
  • Date
  • Comments



See the Health Screening Import Wizard   section for more information.

Homeless Summary

A PDF of the student's homeless records is transferred.


This is only available in states where Program Participation > Homeless is enabled.


All vaccine data is transferred, including:

  • Vaccines
  • Shot Dates
  • Current compliance status as determined by the former district
  • Exemptions/waivers
  • Immunization certifications (applicable to KY, KS and CA).



See the Immunization Import Wizard   section for more information.

Military ConnectionsA student's Military Connections records (for student and guardian).YesNo
PLPA student's most recent, locked PLP for the current school year is transferred.



See the PLP Import Wizard section for more information.

PLP DocumentsAll PLP documents entered on the PLP Documents tool.Yes


See the PLP Documents Import Wizard  section for more information.

Report Cards

Report cards are only included in the transfer when the student has grading records in the active year. 

  • Sends the first 4 report cards in the reports list, alphabetically

The student's current year schedule is transferred if the student has an active enrollment in the currently active school year.

Schedules from previous years/enrollments are not transferred.

Special Ed DocumentsAll Special Ed documents are transferred.Yes


See the Special Education Document Import Wizard  section for more information.

Special Ed EvaluationsAll current, locked Special Ed evaluations for the current school year are transferred.Yes


See the Special Education Evaluation Import Wizard  section for more information.

Special Ed IEPsAll current, locked Special Ed IEPs for the current school year are transferred.Yes


See the IEP Import Wizard section for more information.


The latest transcript record in the sending district's database is transferred.


If the Default for Transfer preference is set on a transcript, this transcript is the default transcript sent when performing a records transfer via the National Records Exchange or Student Records Transfer. Only one transcript report per school can be marked as Default for Transfer.


The print format must be defined. If more than one transcript exists for the calendar, the latest one (in database order) will be sent.


See the Transcript Import Wizard section for more information.

State-specific Transferred Information
KY State Reporting

Current year Kentucky-specific data is transferred, which includes the following:

  • State reporting enrollment elements.
  • Special ed enrollment elements.
  • Attendance summary counts.
  • Gifted and Talented records.
MT Supplemental DocumentsMontana-specific Special Ed data is transferred.NoYes
MT State ReportingMontana-specific enrollment data is transferred.

Data Import Wizards

Within the body of a released records transfer, users will have the option to directly import student records.

Using a Data Import Wizard may require the new district to adapt and map codes/values used by the former district to fit those of the new district. Users should be aware that running an Import Wizard more than once for the same student may produce duplicate records.

School/district's cannot access and import data via a Records Transfer request after 4 years have passed since the initial transfer request date. After four years, schools that would like to access and import an expired records transfer request will need to request a new records transfer.

The following Import Wizards are available in a release records transfer (as long as the student has records related to that type of Import Wizard):

The following tables are general representations of the fields available for import. Transfer results will vary, depending on the student's actual data. Users should expect to map elements that differ between districts.

Transcript Import Wizard

The following fields from the student's Transcript tab will transfer from the former district to the requesting district: 

Montana Only: Transcript Session Type, Session Number, and Secondary Credit information is also transferred and saved upon import of transcript data via the Transcript Import Wizard.

Kentucky Only: Difficulty Level data is transferred and saved upon import of transcript data via the Transcript Import Wizard.

If the Default for Transfer preference is set on a transcript, this transcript is the default transcript sent when performing a records transfer via the National Records Exchange or Student Records Transfer. Only one transcript report per school can be marked as Default for Transfer.

Transcript History

Actual Term

End Term




Standard Name

Bonus Points

GPA Value

Standard Number


GPA Weight

Start Term

Course Name


State Code

Course Number


Terms Long


School Import

Transcript Credit

District Number

School Name

Unweighted GPA Value


School Number

SCED Subject Area

This field is only available for states using SCED course codes.

SCED Course Identifier

This field is only available for states using SCED course codes.

Transcript data may be mapped and imported into the new district. Records may be saved as the names and numbers defined by the former district or as local names and numbers defined by the new district.

If a student has left and then returned to the same district, you should mark the  Don't Import  checkbox for each transcript correlating to enrollment records already existing within your system.

The print format must be defined. If more than one transcript exists for the calendar, the latest one (in database order) will be sent.

Image 17: Transcript Import Wizard

Fields in red are required for the transcript entry to be properly saved to the student's record.

When transferring transcript records, the Earned and Attempted fields will be populated with data as entered on the Transcript tab. 

If flagged, the Don't Import checkbox indicates that the selected transcript entry will not be imported as part of the student's transcript history.

When importing transcript information, districts will want to consider adjusting credit types, which may differ substantially between the exchanging districts. The Credit Multiplication Factor field and Adjust All Credits button can be used to mass-adjust credit amounts. Individual entries may also be adjusted.

Extended Census Import Wizard

The following fields from the student's Demographics tab will transfer.

Extended Census

Birth Country

Date Entered US

Date Entered US School

Home Primary Language

Birth Verification

Nick Name

Alternate Language

Image 18: Extended Census Import Wizard

Enrollment History Import Wizard

The following fields from the student's Enrollments tab transfer when not null in the former district:

Enrollment History

Calendar Name

State End Status

Start Date

District Name


State Start Status

End Comments

Service Type

End Date

Start Comments

For Enrollment Statuses, the Local Start Status and Local End Status do not transfer; however, data in those fields are populated based on the receiving district's list of start and end statuses.

All historical enrollments recorded by the former district can be mapped and imported to the new district. This includes any out-of-district enrollments that were recorded in the former district.

Image 19: Enrollment History Import Wizard

When importing enrollment history information, users may need to enter Local Start and Local End Status codes. No graduation, state-reporting, special education or custom elements are included.

Fields in red are required for the record to properly save.

For Same State Transfers

Local Start StatusLocal End Status

Local Start Status is not a required field when data is transferred, but it is required on the student's enrollment record.

Local Start Status populates based on the State Start Status transferred from the prior district.

If the receiving district has defined a Local Start Status in the Enrollment Status Mapping tool that meets the following requirements, the Local Start Status is populated with that value:

  • Is an exact match of the sending district's State Start Status on description.
  • Has the same State Start Status mapped.
  • The end year is either null (blank) or after the end year of the enrollment.

If there is no local code that meets the above requirements, the Local Start Status field displays blank. If the user saves the local enrollment Start Status with a blank value, the existing State Start Status must save to the database and displays on the student's enrollment record.

The Local Start Status on the enrollment history import remains available for selection to allow for a district override. If the district overrides the value, the State Start Status tied to the Local Start Status is saved.

The Local End Status populates based on the State Status transferred from the prior district. If the receiving district has defined a Local End Status in the Enrollment Status Mapping tool that meets the following requirements, the Local End Status populates with that value:

  • Is an exact match of the sending district's State End Status on description.
  • Has the same State End Status mapped.
  • The end year is either null (blank) or after the end year of the enrollment.

If no local code meets the above requirements, the Local End Status field displays blank. If the user saves the local enrollment End Status with a blank value, the existing State End Status saves to the database and displays on the student's enrollment history record.

The Local End Status on the enrollment history import remains available for selection to allow for a district override. If the district overrides the value, the State End Status tied to the Local End Status is saved.

For National Records Exchange - State A to State B

There are no data transfers in the Enrollment History Import Wizard. The existing state and local enrollment statuses are transferred via the PDF Enrollment History document.

For National Records Exchange and State Records Transfers

Local Start Status is not a required entry on the Import Wizard. However, it is still required on the student's Enrollment record. If a Local Start Status has not been provided, data imports with a blank Local Start Status and must be entered when any modification is made to the Enrollment record.

Assessment Import Wizard

At this time, Assessment records are not included as part of a National Records Exchange request. NRE users will only receive an assessment summary for the student.

The following fields from the student's Assessments tab will transfer when not null in the former district:







Scale Score


Question Count


Normal Curve

Raw Score

Assessment information, including test scores, can be mapped and imported to the new district as long as the new district has already established the proper test structure.

The test structure MUST exist before the import can occur. It must be formatted in a manner appropriate to receiving the assessment information.

Image 20: Assessment Import Wizard

The new district may not wish to import all tests results. Any time a test score should not be imported, the user can set the Test field value to Not Imported and the results will be excluded from the import.

Image 21: Excluding a Test from Import

Immunization Import Wizard

The following fields from the student's Immunization tab will transfer when not null in the former district:

Immunization Certificate

Certificate Date

Expiration Date



Dose Date(Shot Date)

Waiver Date

Vaccine Name

Waiver (Exemption)

Image 22: Immunization Import Wizard

Immunization certificates, vaccine names, shot dates and exemptions can be imported to the new district. In the Vaccine Name fields, the import wizard will display the vaccine it presumes to be the correct match.

Vaccine names are core fields in Campus and should not vary between districts; however, if necessary, the Vaccine Name field allows the user to specify the vaccine to which the record should be mapped.

When importing immunization data to a student that already has an existing Immunization Certificate record, the existing record is deleted and the new Immunization Certification is imported.

Health Condition Import Wizard

The following fields from the student's health Conditions tab will transfer when not null in the former district:

Health Conditions


Doctor Name



Doctor Phone

Start Date


End Date


Additional State-Specific fields such
as Auto Accident Related, Auto Accident State, etc.

Image 23: Health Conditions Import Wizard - Health Condition

For existing flagged Programs with a Program Type = Medical, the receiving district is allowed to import these records via the Health Alerts import section.

For programs that should not be imported, select the Program and mark the Don't Import checkbox.

The following Medical Programs values will be imported per selected program:

Health Alerts
ProgramStart DateEnd Date
User WarningDescription

Image 24: Health Conditions Import Wizard - Health Alerts

Fields in red are required for the record to properly save.

The health conditions and treatment records can be mapped and imported into the new district as desired.

Health Screening Import Wizard

The following data from the student's health Screenings tab will transfer when not null in the former district:

Health Screenings

All data entered for a student in the health Screenings tab can be imported to the new district. Each screening type and associated field data will transfer.

Image 25: Health Screening Import Wizard

Fields in red are required for the record to properly save.

The text below the Comments field contains the screening information that will be imported to the student's Screening tab. If flagged, the Don't Import checkbox indicates that the selected screening entry will not be imported.

Image 26: Health Screening Import Wizard - Don't Import Option

IEP Import Wizard

IEP data is pulled from the Plan folder of the Special Education Documents tab in the former district.

IEP Import

The former district sends a student's most recent, active and locked IEP plan for importing in the new district database. All services related to the plan are included.
When not null, these items are sent to the new district: Plan Type name, Start Date/End Date of plan, names of all Service(s) provided by plan, name of the Service Provider and Service Position title.


Bolded text indicates values sent from the former district. These values are NOT imported into the new district.

If the plan should be imported as a PDF to the Forms section of the Documents tab, flag the Import as PDF only checkbox. When this box is flagged, the IEP will NOT be imported to the Plan area of the Documents tab and will NOT be editable.

Image 27: IEP Plan Import - Import as PDF Only

When importing the plan, the new district is required to map the Plan Type to a similar item within the district. The closest match is auto-selected upon import.

Image 28: IEP Plan Import

The Start Date/End Date(s) are transferred from the former district and may be modified, as necessary.

The Locked checkbox should be flagged if the new district wants to import the plan in locked format so only an administrator with the proper tool rights can modify it.

Each Service associated with the plan will be included in the import. If the service should be imported, it must be mapped to a similar item within the district. If a service should not be imported, the Do Not Import the following service checkbox should be flagged.

Image 29: IEP Services Import

The Service Provider and Service Position fields may be mapped, as desired. The Display on Print checkbox should be flagged if the Service Position field should display when the plan is printed in lieu of the Service Provider’s name.

After importing, the transferred IEP will appear in the Plans section of the current school year on the student's Documents tab.

screenshot of locked SPED plan

Image 30: Plans Section of the Documents tab

If a document that has the same name as a document already in the system is imported, the Student Records Transfer compares the last modified date on the form. Several import options are available:


Image 31: Import Comparison Options

Special Education Evaluation Import Wizard

Evaluation data is pulled from the Evaluations folder of the Special Education Documents tool in the former district.

Kentucky Only: The KY Consent to Evaluation and KY Referral documents do NOT transfer using this import tool; instead, they are imported through the Special Ed Documents as read-only PDF documents.

Evaluation Import

The former district sends the student's most current special education evaluation.
When not null, all existing editor data for the evaluation is transferred (e.g., all field data from the evaluation header, information editors, results).

Bolded text indicates values sent from the former district. These values are NOT imported into the new district.

If the plan should be imported as a PDF to the Forms section of the Documents tool, flag the Import as PDF only checkbox. When this box is flagged, the IEP will be NOT be imported to the Plan area of the Documents tab and will NOT be editable.

Image 32: Special Ed Evaluation Import

When importing, the new district is required to map the evaluation to a similar item within the district. When an evaluation is mapped, all data will transfer, provided the proper editors are enabled for that evaluation in the new district (System Administration > Special Education > Eval Types).

The evaluation Date is transferred from the former district and may be modified, as necessary.

The Locked checkbox should be flagged if the new district would like the import the evaluation in locked format so only an administrator with the proper tool rights can modify it.

After importing, the transferred evaluation will appear in the Evaluations section of the current school year on the student's Documents tab.

screenshot of the transferred evaluation

Image 33: Locked Evaluation on the Documents Tab

If a document that has the same name as a document already in the system is imported, the Student Records Transfer compares the last modified date on the form. Several import options are available:


Image 34: Import Comparison Options

Special Education Documents Import Wizard

All existing materials are transferred from the Special Education Documents tab in the old district.

SPED Documents Import

The former district sends ALL existing special education documents related to the student, including any documents stored in the Plans, Evaluations, Forms, Uploaded Forms, Progress Reports and historical folders.
These documents are imported as PDFs directly to the appropriate folder of the Special Education Documents tab of the student. 

The most recent, locked IEP plan and evaluation are transferred in separate import wizards and not through this import.

Users have the option to exclude documents from the import process by flagging the Do not import the following document checkbox, as necessary.

The Name must be designated for all import documents. The original name will display as transferred from the former district.

Image 35: Special Ed Documents Import

After importing, transferred documents will be uploaded to the appropriate folder on the student's Documents tool within the current school year.

screenshot of transferred documents within the documents tool

Image 36: Other Documents on the Documents tab

If a document that has the same name as a document already in the system is imported, the Student Records Transfer compares the last modified date on the form. Several import options are available:


Image 37: Import Comparison Options

PLP Plan Import Wizard

PLP data is pulled from the Plan folder of the PLP Documents tab in the old district.

PLP Plan Import

The former district sends a student’s most recent, active, and locked PLP plan for import into the new district database. The plan includes all related services.
When not null, these items are sent to the new district: Plan Type name, Start Date/End Date of plan, names of all Service(s) provided by plan, name of the Service Provider and Service Position title.


Bold text indicates values sent from the former district. These values are NOT imported into the new district.

If the plan should be imported as a PDF to the Forms section of the Documents tab, flag the Import as PDF only checkbox. When this box is flagged, the PLP will be NOT be imported to the Plan area of the Documents tab and will NOT be editable.

Image 38: PLP Plan Import Wizard

When importing the plan, the new district is required to map the Plan Type to a similar item within the district. The closest match is auto-selected upon import.

Image 39: PLP Plan Import

The Start Date/End Date(s) are transferred from the former district and may be modified, as necessary.

The Locked checkbox should be flagged if the new district would like the import the plan in locked format so only an administrator with the proper tool rights can modify it.

Each Service associated with the plan will be included in the import. If the service should be imported, it must be mapped to a similar item within the district. If a service should not be imported, the Do Not Import the following service checkbox should be flagged.

Image 40: PLP Services Import

The Service Provider and Service Position fields may be mapped, as desired. The Display on Print checkbox should be flagged if the Service Position field should display when the plan is printed in lieu of the Service Provider’s name.

After importing, the transferred PLP will appear in the Plans section of the current school year on the student's Documents tab.

Image 41: Locked Plans on the PLP Documents Tab

If a document is imported that has the same name as a document already in the system, the Student Records Transfer compares the last modified date on the form. Several import options are available:


Image 42: Import Comparison Options

PLP Documents Import Wizard

All existing materials are transferred from the PLP Documents tab in the former district.

PLP Documents Import

The former district sends ALL existing PLP documents related to the student, including any documents stored in the Plans, Forms, Uploaded Forms and historical folders.

These documents are imported as PDFs directly to the appropriate folder of the PLP Documents tab of the student.


The most recent, locked PLP plan in transferred in a separate import wizard and not through this import.

Users have the option to exclude documents from the import process by flagging the Do not import the following document checkbox, as necessary.

A Name must be designated for all import documents. The original name will display as transferred from the former district.

Image 43: PLP Documents Import

After importing, transferred documents will upload to the appropriate folder within the current school year on the student's Documents tab.

Image 44: Other Documents on the PLP Documents Tab

EL Import Wizard

Available on a state-by-state basis

The following fields from the student's  EL tab  will transfer from the former district to the requesting district: 

EL Import

Program Status

Identified Date

Expected Exit Date

Program Exit Date

Parent Notified

Parent Declined

The EL Import wizard is a read-only editor displaying the student's current EL record information. Review the data and select the Save button to save the EL record to the database. The district who released the record is displayed in the Comments field.

Image 45: EL Import

If the imported EL record is still active, it will remain active within the district that imported it.

Records Transfer Objects

The following table provides information on the recordsTransfer table.

The former district cannot preview or control which records are sent in the transfer. In addition, after a record is requested or released, it cannot be canceled.


Transfer Objects

Information about the specific transfer request

  • transferID
  • transferGUID
  • state
  • status

Information about the district and user requesting the records

  • requestDistrictID
  • requestStateLinked
  • requestDate
  • requestDistrictNumber
  • requestDistrictName
  • requestName
  • requestUserID
  • requestUserName
  • requestUserPhone
  • requestUserEmail
  • requestCertInfo
  • requestStateDistrictID
  • requestComments

Comparison of the student's state ID and person IDs at all levels (both districts and state)

  • stateID
  • requestPersonID
  • statePersonID
  • releasePersonID

Basic student information

  • studentLastName
  • studentFirstName
  • studentMiddleName
  • studentGender
  • studentBirthdate
  • studentSSN
  • studentGrade
  • studentStartDate
  • studentServiceType

Information about the district and user releasing the records

  • releaseStateLinked
  • releaseDate
  • releaseDistrictNumber
  • releaseDistrictName
  • releaseName
  • releaseUserID
  • releaseUserName
  • releaseUserPhone
  • releaseUserEmail
  • releaseStateDistrictID
  • releaseComments

The student records transferred when released

See the What is Transferred During a Student Records Transfer? section for details.

  • xmlStudentRecord
  • errorMessage
  • otherID
  • transcriptXML
  • transcriptFOP
  • censusXML
  • censusFOP
  • enrollmentXML
  • enrollmentFOP
  • scheduleXML
  • scheduleFOP
  • attendanceXML
  • attendanceFOP
  • assessmentXML
  • assessmentFOP
  • behaviorXML
  • behaviorFOP
  • healthConditionXML
  • healthConditionFOP
  • healthScreeningXML
  • healthScreeningFOP
  • healthImmunizationXML
  • healthImmunizationFOP
  • iepXML
  • iepDataXML
  • iepDocumentXML
  • iepMTXML
  • iepFOP
  • iepMTFOP
  • plpXML
  • plpDataXML
  • plpDocumentXML
  • plpFOP
  • plpEvaluationXML*
  • plpEvaluationDataXML*
  • plpEvaluationFOP
  • literacyDataXML
  • literacyDocumentXML
  • literacyXML
  • literacyFOP
  • evaluationXML
  • evaluationDataXML
  • evaluationFOP
  • reportCard1XML
  • reportCard1FOP
  • reportCard1Name
  • reportCard2XML
  • reportCard1FOP
  • reportCard2Name
  • reportCard3XML
  • reportCard3FOP
  • reportCard3Name
  • reportCard4XML
  • reportCard4FOP
  • reportCard4Name
  • stateReportingXML
  • lepXML
  • lepFOP
  • lepServiceXML
  • lepServiceFOP
  • lepAccommodationXML
  • lepAccommodationFOP

Exchange information

  • requestDistrictGUID
  • releaseDistrictGUID

All items are not applicable to all states.