Core SIF - Assessment

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

An assessment measures a student's progress and learning on specific academic standards.

SIF_Events are NOT reported for this object.

Batch SIF_Condition elements:

  1. @RefId

Object Triggering

SIF Events are NOT reported for this object.

Object Population and Business Rules

The SIF Agent and Zone must have access rights assigned to Assessment.
Reports 1 object per parent assessment (does not have a parent test) when:
  • The assessment Year (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Year) is either:
    1. Matching the SIF Zone Year selected
    2. Is Null
  • When the assessment has a parent (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Parent Test), this assessment (subtest) must NOT report.
  • When the assessment has a Year NOT = Null AND NOT matching the SIF Zone Year selected, this assessment must NOT report.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RulesData Source GUI PathDatabase FieldM, C or O
@RefIdThe GUID that uniquely identifies this object.

NameName of the test.Report the Name of the Assessment.Assessment > Test Setup >Tests > Test Detail > NameTest.nameM
AssessmentIdThe state, local or publisher unique Id for the assessment.Look at parent assessment only:
  1. When Code field (Assessment>Test Setup>Tests>Test Detail>Code) = NOT Null, report the value entered in the field.
    1. When Code field = Null, AND State Test = Checked, report the code selected in the State Code dropList when State Code = NOT Null.
    2. When Code field = Null, AND National Test = Checked, report the code selected in the National Code dropList when National Code = NOT Null.
  2. When none of the above criteria apply, report a null value in this element.

Assessment > Test Setup> Tests > Test Detail > Code




The authentication information for one system.Optional. Does Not Report.

Describes what type of assessment this represents.
Optional. Does Not Report.